homoclinic connections
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Ahmed Ezzat Matouk

Abstract The nonlinear dynamics of a discretized form of quasi-periodic plasma perturbations model (Q-PPP) with nonlocal fractional differential operator possessing singular kernel are investigated. For example, the conditions for the stability and occurrence of Neimark–Sacker (NS) and flip bifurcations in the proposed discretized equations are provided. Moreover, analysis of nonlinearities such as the existence of chaos in this map is proved numerically via bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents and analytically via Marotto’s Theorem. Also, some simulation results are utilized to confirm the theoretical results and to show that the obtained map exhibits double routes to chaos: one is via flip bifurcation and the other is via NS bifurcation. Furthermore, more complex dynamical phenomena such as existence of closed invariant curves, homoclinic orbits, homoclinic connections, period 3 and period 4 attractors are shown. This kind of research is useful for physicists who work with tokamak models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (03) ◽  
pp. 2030006 ◽  
David J. W. Simpson

For piecewise-linear maps, the phenomenon that a branch of a one-dimensional unstable manifold of a periodic solution is completely contained in its stable manifold is codimension-two. Unlike codimension-one homoclinic corners, such “subsumed” homoclinic connections can be associated with stable periodic solutions. The purpose of this paper is to determine the dynamics near a generic subsumed homoclinic connection in two dimensions. Assuming the eigenvalues associated with the periodic solution satisfy [Formula: see text], in a two-parameter unfolding there exists an infinite sequence of roughly triangular regions within which the map has a stable single-round periodic solution. The result applies to both discontinuous and continuous maps, although these cases admit different characterizations for the border-collision bifurcations that correspond to boundaries of the regions. The result is illustrated with a discontinuous map of Mira and the two-dimensional border-collision normal form.

2019 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
Balachandra Suri ◽  
Ravi Kumar Pallantla ◽  
Michael F. Schatz ◽  
Roman O. Grigoriev

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (07) ◽  
pp. 1950088
Yan Yan ◽  
Wen-Quan Wang ◽  
G. R. Liu

Based on the Euler beam theory and a Galerkin formulation using natural modes, the nonlinear vibration behavior and stability of electrostatic driving fluid-conveying micro (straight or curved) beams are studied in the paper. The focus of this study is on the critical coupling of fluidic, mechanical and electrostatic effects in the nonlinear system. Under these effects, micro devices may exhibit (dynamic) snap-through or/and pull-in instabilities. Our study reveals, for the first time, the effects of the velocity of the inner fluid on the bifurcation diagrams for complex nonlinear systems. It is also found that fluid can be utilized to efficiently tune the frequency of straight beams over a wide range. For curved beams, the tuning can be achieved easily by adjusting the voltage. These findings are beneficial in many applications of the electrostatic microelectronic mechanical systems (MEMS). In addition, phase plane analyses are performed in this study, and more complicated phase portraits for different initial conditions are obtained as well. It is found that the homoclinic connections on the phase plane are directly related to the dynamic snap-through or dynamic pull-in instabilities; and the periodic orbits are directly related to the periodic motions of micro beams. These findings can provide reasonable explanations for the experimentally-observed phenomena for micro sensors, and are beneficial to the optimization design of MEMS.

2017 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 381-401 ◽  
C. Rousseau

AbstractIn this paper we give the bifurcation diagram of the family of cubic vector fields z=, depending on the values of . The bifurcation diagram is in ℝ 4, but its conic structure allows describing it for parameter values in . There are two open simply connected regions of structurally stable vector fields separated by surfaces corresponding to bifurcations of homoclinic connections between two separatrices of the pole at infinity. These branch from the codimension 2 curve of double singular points. We also explain the bifurcation of homoclinic connection in terms of the description of Douady and Sentenac of polynomial vector fields.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (02) ◽  
pp. 1730010 ◽  
David J. W. Simpson ◽  
Christopher P. Tuffley

We establish an equivalence between infinitely many asymptotically stable periodic solutions and subsumed homoclinic connections for [Formula: see text]-dimensional piecewise-linear continuous maps. These features arise as a codimension-three phenomenon. The periodic solutions are single-round: they each involve one excursion away from a central saddle-type periodic solution. The homoclinic connection is subsumed in the sense that one branch of the unstable manifold of the saddle solution is contained entirely within its stable manifold. The results are proved by using exact expressions for the periodic solutions and components of the stable and unstable manifolds which are available because the maps are piecewise-linear. We also describe a practical approach for finding this phenomenon in the parameter space of a map and illustrate the results with the three-dimensional border-collision normal form.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (08) ◽  
pp. 1650143 ◽  
B. W. Qin ◽  
K. W. Chung ◽  
A. Fahsi ◽  
M. Belhaq

Analytical predictions of the triangle and clover heteroclinic bifurcations in the problem of self-oscillations stability loss near 1:3 resonance are provided using the method of nonlinear time transformation. The analysis was carried out considering the slow flow of a self-excited nonlinear Mathieu oscillator corresponding to the normal form near this 1:3 strong resonance. Using the Hamiltonian system of the corresponding slow flow near this resonance, the unperturbed zero-order approximation of the heteroclinic connections is established. Conditions of persistence of homoclinic connections in the perturbed first-order approximation of the heteroclinic connections provide close analytical approximations of the triangle and clover heteroclinic bifurcation curves, simultaneously. The analytical predictions are compared to the results obtained by numerical simulations for validation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 137 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Karami ◽  
Ebrahim Shirani ◽  
Mojtaba Jarrahi ◽  
Hassan Peerhossaini

The simultaneous effects of flow pulsation and geometrical perturbation on laminar mixing in curved ducts have been numerically studied by three different metrics: analysis of the secondary flow patterns, Lyapunov exponents and vorticity vector analysis. The mixer that creates the flow pulsation and geometrical perturbations in these simulations is a twisted duct consisting of three bends; the angle between the curvature planes of successive bends is 90 deg. Both steady and pulsating flows are considered. In the steady case, analysis of secondary flow patterns showed that homoclinic connections appear and become prominent at large Reynolds numbers. In the pulsatile flow, homoclinic and heteroclinic connections appear by increasing β, the ratio of the peak oscillatory velocity component of the mean flow velocity. Moreover, sharp variations in the secondary flow structure are observed over an oscillation cycle for high values of β. These variations are reduced and the homoclinic connections disappear at high Womersley numbers. We show that small and moderate values of the Womersley number (6 ≤ α ≤ 10) and high values of velocity amplitude ratio (β ≥ 2) provide a better mixing than that in the steady flow. These results correlate closely with those obtained using two other metrics, analysis of the Lyapunov exponents and vorticity vector. It is shown that the increase in the Lyapunov exponents, and thus mixing enhancement, is due to the formation of homoclinic and heteroclinic connections.

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