observed damage
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2021 ◽  
pp. 42-68
Elena P. Shnayder ◽  

In September 2021, 126 km of 6-10 kV power lines were surveyed in Altai Kray, Russia. The survey encompassed different types of habitat from pine forests to the foothills of Altai mountains. Out of 126 km, 27.94 km of power lines were equipped with bird-protection devices to prevent bird death from electrocution. We uncovered 515 cases of bird death on unsafe lines. Raptors make 21% and endangered species – 1.94%. The density of dead birds was equal to 5.6 ind./km of non-safe power lines, and of raptors – 1.18 ind./km. The observed damage to the ecosystem was estimated as 6.1 million of Rub (equal to $83 350 or € 73 600), and the damage calculated per one electric pole was 3 925 Rub. The estimation of the death rate of birds on the observed length of power lines through the whole migration and breeding seasons makes 8.63 ind./km. Approximation to the presumptive total length of bird unsafe power lines in the Altai Kray makes 50 700 birds possibly die every year in the region from April till October. The highest level of bird mortality was observed on power lines stretching through open undisturbed habitats (i.e. steppe biotope). We also noted 2.9 times higher mortality on push brace poles compared with intermediate ones for all species, and 4.9 times higher for raptors only.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 508
Mija Milić ◽  
Mislav Stepinac ◽  
Luka Lulić ◽  
Nataša Ivanišević ◽  
Ivan Matorić ◽  

Recently, Zagreb was struck by a strong earthquake. Damage throughout the city was tremendous due to numerous aged and vulnerable masonry buildings. Many damaged buildings are under a certain level of cultural heritage protection. Hence, reliable assessment and effective rehabilitation are important to preserve cultural significance and mitigate risk for human life. With that in mind, the procedure of a detailed condition assessment of the building under heritage protection is presented. A detailed historical background of the case study building is shown, and observed damage and conducted in situ tests are discussed. The nonlinear static seismic analysis performed in the 3Muri software is extensively elaborated. Four different levels of reconstruction according to new Croatian law are briefly presented. Additionally, several strengthening scenarios are proposed with various strengthening techniques.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204141962110420
Brian Terranova ◽  
Len Schwer ◽  
Andrew Whittaker

Data from the Tsubota et al. (1993) experiments provided the basis for a numerical study that investigated the impact response of steel-plate lined, reinforced concrete panels using the SPH formulation in LS-DYNA. The simulated tests involved 50 mm (1.97 in), 70 mm (2.76 in), and 90 mm (3.54 in) thick reinforced concrete (RC) panels with steel liners and one 50-mm thick benchmark RC panel. Three of the five panels had a steel liner attached to the back face and one had a steel liner on both faces. The panels were normally impacted by a 39.6 mm (1.56 in) diameter projectile at a velocity of 170 m/s (6693 in/s). Reasonable predictions of observed damage, including perforation, liner fracture or bulging, and concrete scabbing were achieved using the MAT072R3 concrete material model. The effectiveness of adding steel liners to a concrete panel to prevent perforation and scabbing resulting from projectile impact was investigated using the numerical model and MAT072R3. Installing a steel liner on the back face of a panel, with a reinforcement ratio equal to that of the internal reinforcement, is an effective method to mitigate scabbing but has little effect on perforation resistance.

S. Wang

Abstract. Wood as a common construction material in historical buildings, material characteristics and environmental condition is always the main causes to degradation. Dong minority Drum Tower is one of the essential parts of Chinese wooden structural heritage. However, Drum Towers are, at present, in a poor state of conservation, especially suffering from fire risks, biological attacks, mechanical failures and bad interventions.This paper aims to record the observed damage through a classification approach that poses negative impact on the aesthetics and stability of Drum Towers. Firstly, based on the definition and term in relevant standards, a clear and structured damage classification on historical wooden structures is concluded according to the different hazard grades and causes, which are alteration, defect, deterioration and mechanical failure. Secondly, the characteristics of each damage in Drum Towers are revealed through the field survey and classification. At last, the actual condition is presented through a case study of Zengying Drum Tower. Subsequently, a multi-risks prevention in the Drum Tower is discussed, recommendations are proposed with the purpose of controlling the most fatal risks, ranging from insects and fungi risks with operable acceptance by local people and authorities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 2345-2354
Francisco J. Chávez-García ◽  
Hugo Monsalve-Jaramillo ◽  
Joaquín Vila-Ortega

Abstract. Damage in Armenia, Colombia, for the 25 January 1999 (Mw=6.2, peak ground acceleration (PGA) 580 Gal) event was disproportionate. We analyze the damage report as a function of number of stories and construction age of buildings. We recovered two vulnerability evaluations made in Armenia in 1993 and in 2004. We compare the results of the 1993 evaluation with damage observed in 1999 and show that the vulnerability evaluation made in 1993 could have predicted the relative frequency of damage observed in 1999. Our results show that vulnerability of the building stock was the major factor behind damage observed in 1999. Moreover, it showed no significant reduction between 1999 and 2004.

Iunio Iervolino ◽  
Pasquale Cito ◽  
Chiara Felicetta ◽  
Giovanni Lanzano ◽  
Antonio Vitale

AbstractShakeMap is the tool to evaluate the ground motion effect of earthquakes in vast areas. It is useful to delimit the zones where the shaking is expected to have been most significant, for civil defense rapid response. From the earthquake engineering point of view, it can be used to infer the seismic actions on the built environment to calibrate vulnerability models or to define the reconstruction policies based on observed damage vs shaking. In the case of long-lasting seismic sequences, it can be useful to develop ShakeMap envelopes, that is, maps of the largest ground intensity among those from the ShakeMap of (selected) events of a seismic sequence, to delimit areas where the effects of the whole sequence have been of structural engineering relevance. This study introduces ShakeMap envelopes and discusses them for the central Italy 2016–2017 seismic sequence. The specific goals of the study are: (i) to compare the envelopes and the ShakeMap of the main events of the sequence to make the case for sequence-based maps; (ii) to quantify the exceedance of design seismic actions based on the envelopes; (iii) to make envelopes available for further studies and the reconstruction planning; (iv) to gather insights on the (repeated) exceedance of design seismic actions at some sites. Results, which include considerations of uncertainty in ShakeMap, show that the sequence caused exceedance of design hazard in thousands of square kilometers. The most relevant effects of the sequence are, as expected, due to the mainshock, yet seismic actions larger than those enforced by the code for structural design are found also around the epicenters of the smaller magnitude events. At some locations, the succession of ground-shaking that has excited structures, provides insights on structural damage accumulation that has likely taken place; something that is not accounted for explicitly in modern seismic design. The envelopes developed are available as supplemental material.

Дмитрий Валериевич Судаков ◽  
Олег Валериевич Судаков ◽  
Артём Николаевич Шевцов ◽  
Евгений Владимирович Белов ◽  
Данаил Красимирович Назлиев

В статье проводится анализ сроков возникновения различного рода осложнений ряда систем органов у больных, перенесших Covid-19. Представленная тематика является крайне актуальной в виду продолжающейся пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции. Интерес обусловлен еще и необходимостью адекватной и своевременной реабилитации больных лиц трудоспособного возраста. Стоит понимать, что, несмотря на то, что почти все силы многих ученых-исследователей и врачей во всем мире брошено на определение различных аспектов новой коронавирусной инфекции, включая этиологию, патогенез, изучение симптоматики и вариантов лечения - пока еще мало внимания уделяется вопросам возникновения постковидных осложнений и их лечению. Объектами исследования послужило 300 пациентов, обоего пола, трудоспособного возраста, перенесших Covid-19 и обращающихся в приемное отделение БУЗ ВО ВОКБ№1 с впервые возникшими жалобами различного характера. Все пациенты были разделены на 3 группы по 100 человек. 1 группу составили пациенты, которым был поставлен диагноз ассоциированной Covid-19 пневмонии 1 степени поражения (по КТ) и которым была не показана госпитализация. 2 группу составили больные, которым был поставлен диагноз ассоциированной Covid-19 пневмонии 2 степени (по КТ). 3 группу составили пациенты, которым был поставлен диагноз ассоциированной Covid-19 пневмонии 3 степени. Пациенты 2 и 3 групп были госпитализированы и проходили лечение в БУЗ ВО ВОКБ №1 (корпус №2). В работе были установлены некоторые аспекты течения новой коронавирусной инфекции, такие как общая длительность заболевания, особенности температурной реакции организма пациентов и динамика их «общей слабости»; подробно изучен эпидемиологический анамнез, с обозначением возможным путей заражения и определения «эпидемиологической» грамотности и гражданской сознательности пациентов. Далее в работе были определены органы и системы органов подверженные развитию разнообразных осложнений. Наиболее часто наблюдалось поражение дыхательной, сердечно-сосудистой и пищеварительной систем органов. Подробно изучался тип возникшего патологического процесса, а также сроки его развития. Полученные данные представляют определенный интерес, как для врачей занимающихся лечением новой коронавирусной инфекции, так и для тех, кто занят последующей реабилитацией пациентов The article analyzes the timing of the occurrence of various complications of a number of organ systems in patients who have undergone Covid-19. The presented topic is extremely relevant in view of the ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection. Interest is also due to the need for adequate and timely rehabilitation of sick people of working age. It should be understood that despite the fact that almost all the efforts of many research scientists and doctors around the world are thrown into the definition of various aspects of the new coronavirus infection, including etiology, pathogenesis, the study of symptoms and treatment options, so far little attention has been paid to the emergence of postcoid complications and their treatment. The objects of the study were 300 patients, of both sexes, of working age, who had undergone Covid-19 and applied to the admission department of BUZ VO VOKB No. 1 with new complaints of a different nature. All patients were divided into 3 groups of 100 people. Group 1 consisted of patients who were diagnosed with Covid-19 associated pneumonia and grade 1 lesions (by CT) and who were not shown hospitalization. Group 2 consisted of patients who were diagnosed with Covid-19 associated pneumonia and grade 2 (by CT). Group 3 consisted of patients who were diagnosed with Covid-19 associated pneumonia and grade 3. Patients of groups 2 and 3 were hospitalized and underwent treatment at BUZ VOKB No. 1 (building No. 2). The work identified some aspects of the course of the new coronavirus infection, such as the total duration of the disease, the features of the temperature response of the patient's body and the dynamics of their "general weakness"; the epidemiological history was studied in detail, with the designation of possible ways of infection and the definition of "epidemiological" literacy and civic consciousness of patients. Further, the work identified organs and organ systems susceptible to the development of various complications. The most frequently observed damage to the respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive systems of organs. The type of the pathological process that has arisen, as well as the timing of its development, were studied in detail. The data obtained are of certain interest, both for doctors involved in the treatment of a new coronavirus infection, and for those who are engaged in the subsequent rehabilitation of patients

2021 ◽  
Martin Göber ◽  
Henning Rust ◽  
Thomas Kox ◽  
Bianca Wentzel ◽  
Christopher Böttcher ◽  

<p>Voluntary weather measurements have a long tradition and the opportunities have recently expanded with that the advent of the Internet of Things. Atmospheric measurements are prototypical examples for the maker community and popular means to strengthen interest in STEM subjects. In two projects in Germany  (in Brandenburg, within the FESSTVaL (Field Experiment on submesoscale spatio-temporal variability in Lindenberg) measurement campaign initiated by the Hans-Ertel-Center for Weather Research, and in Bavaria, in the KARE-Citizen Science  project), we use a weather station to be assembled by pupils as a participatory vehicle to increase interest in and understanding of weather and climate, as well as of weather forecasting, and to generate high resolution data for research.</p><p>The devices measure e.g. temperature, humidity, radiation, pressure and precipitation in the students' immediate environment. They can be placed in almost any location, since they operate independent of W-LAN and external power supply. The data is visualized directly via a web app. Students report weather impacts, such as observed damage or their own exposure to weather. Due to the pandemic, only a few dozens pupils were able to participate and building their devices had to be done with digital guidance and video support. Further online materials on understanding weather forecasting and its uncertainty were provided.</p><p>Understanding of weather risks was surveyed before and after participation to detect any changes. Students were asked questions about thunderstorm, rain and heat events and climatic changes since 1880. The results show a good understanding of weather risks compared to a population of all ages representative study. In online workshops pupils together with the scientists scetched and discussed the influence of the placement of their stations on their measurements. Interesting meteorological phenomena were discovered in the dataset, e.g. a cold pool that can form during a thunderstorm and trigger new ones. Thus, our network of higher spatial and temporal resolution data collected by the pupils has the potential to study these small-scale phenomena in more detail than with professional networks of about 25 km spacing.</p>

2021 ◽  
Fernando López Hidalgo ◽  
Manuel Navarro ◽  
Sergio Molina

Abstract The main purpose of SISMOTOOL suite is Planning and Management of Seismic Emergencies face to a future earthquake. This tool is written in ARCGIS software executing a fast and efficient determination of the estimated damage scenarios (pre-process) and a correlation with the observed damage results (post-process). First of all, the tool allows to select the earthquake source parameters through a defined database; moreover, several attenuation laws can be chosen and they can be combined according to the study area features. In addition, the local site effects are characterized from Vs30 values, which have been achieved by: i) topographic slope as a proxy obtained from Digital Elevation Model; ii) considering Vs30 values acquired from active and/or passive empirical methods; iii) a combination of both procedures through empirical local correlation laws. In the second place, the elements exposed to risk are incorporated by an automatic extraction from the cadastral database after inputs has been refined. Thirdly, vulnerability and estimated losses can be determined either empirically (EMS98 scale and Vulnerability Index, Iv) or analytically (Capacity spectrum). Additionally, a vulnerability modifier is implemented to account soil-structure resonance. Finally, SISMOTOOL quantifies the epistemic uncertainties in the input parameters using a logic tree. Last, but not least, SISMOTOOL results have been validated through a representative seismic scenario: the 1910 Adra earthquake (southern Spain) with moment magnitude (Mw) 6.3 and macroseismic intensity VIII (EMS98 scale) proves the reliability of SISMOTOOL program.

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