partial communication
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Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8274
Mirko Ginocchi ◽  
Ferdinanda Ponci ◽  
Antonello Monti

Power systems are increasingly affected by various sources of uncertainty at all levels. The investigation of their effects thus becomes a critical challenge for their design and operation. Sensitivity Analysis (SA) can be instrumental for understanding the origins of system uncertainty, hence allowing for a robust and informed decision-making process under uncertainty. The SA value as a support tool for model-based inference is acknowledged; however, its potential is not fully realized yet within the power system community. This is due to an improper use of long-established SA practices, which sometimes prevent an in-depth model sensitivity investigation, as well as to partial communication between the SA community and the final users, ultimately hindering non-specialists’ awareness of the existence of effective strategies to tackle their own research questions. This paper aims at bridging the gap between SA and power systems via a threefold contribution: (i) a bibliometric study of the state-of-the-art SA to identify common practices in the power system modeling community; (ii) a getting started overview of the most widespread SA methods to support the SA user in the selection of the fittest SA method for a given power system application; (iii) a user-oriented general workflow to illustrate the implementation of SA best practices via a simple technical example.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Lia Suprihartini ◽  
Dayu Fatira ◽  
Dodi Dermawan

This study entitled "The Effect of Communication, Compensation, and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT. Karwikarya Graha Tanjungpinang Wisman. This study uses a quantitative method with data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires, library data, and references to previous journals. The sample in this study were employees in the production section of PT. Karwikarya Wisman Graha Tanjungpinang totaling 115 employees with sampling techniques from a population of 162 employees using the Slovin formula. While the data analysis uses Multiple Linear Regression analysis using SPSS 22. From the results of the Multiple Linear Regression test it can be seen that the Adjusted R Square value is 0.940 or 94.0%. So that it can be explained that 94.0% of Communication, Compensation and Work Discipline Variables affect employee performance. while the rest (100% -94.0% = 6%) is influenced by other variables not discussed in this study. The results of this study conclude that: (1) Partial communication does not have a positive effect on employee performance, (2) Partial Compensation has a positive effect on employee performance, (3) Work Discipline Partially has a positive effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, based on the results of the simultaneous test found that communication, compensation, and work discipline together on the performance of employees at PT. Karwikarya Wisman Graha Tanjungpinang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Nofria Dewita

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of work discipline and communication on the performance of employees of PT Yeakin Plastic Industry in Batam City. The population of PT Yeakin Plastic Industry amounted to 230, and sample 146. The research method used was associative causal. The research method uses a quantitative approach. The results of the study say valid and reliable, normal and there is no multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. Partially, work discipline variables are stated to have a positive and significant influence on employee performance of 6,450 and partial communication variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at 6,036. Simultaneously, work and communication disciplines have a significant positive effect on employee performance at 154,882 and a significance level of 0,000. The conclusion of this study is that there are positive and significant influences on each independent variable on the dependent variables both partially and simultaneously. Keywords : Work Discipline, Communication, Performance

2020 ◽  
Shuaimei Xu ◽  
Junfeng Dao ◽  
Zhongjun Liu ◽  
Zhiyong Zhang ◽  
Yu Lu ◽  

Abstract Background : While there is ample research into the anatomy of mandibular molars, little is known regarding isthmuses and middle mesial (MM) canals in Chinese populations. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of MM canals and isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular first molars using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. Methods : Cone-beam Computed Tomography images of 357 mature mandibular first molars were retrospectively analyzed. Presence of isthmuses and MM canals , and the length of isthmuses in the mesial root were recorded. Meanwhile, we also recorded possible correlated factors such as demographics, side of mandible, presence of separated distal-lingual roots. `` Results : Of these 357 teeth, 209 showed evidence of either complete or partial communication in the mesial root. Of these, 11(3.1%) exhibited true MM canals while 198(55.5%) exhibited isthmuses. Sex or side of mandible was not correlated with the prevalence of isthmuses ( P > 0.05) . However, there was a significant association between the presence of a distal-lingual root and the prevalence of such communication ( P < 0.001). The average length of isthmuses was 4.3 ± 3.1mm. Conclusions : We detected high rate of isthmuses and low rate of MM canals in mesial roots of mandibular first molars, which is important as such areas should be identified and cleaned during root canal treatment.

2020 ◽  
Shuaimei Xu ◽  
Junfeng Dao ◽  
Zhongjun Liu ◽  
Zhiyong Zhang ◽  
Yu Lu ◽  

Abstract Background: While there is ample research into the anatomy of mandibular molars, little is known regarding isthmuses and middle mesial (MM) canals in Chinese populations. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of MM canals and isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular first molars using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. Methods: Cone-beam Computed Tomography images of 357 mature mandibular first molars were retrospectively analyzed. Presence of isthmuses and MM canals, and the length of isthmuses in the mesial root were recorded. Meanwhile, we also recorded possible correlated factors such as demographics, side of mandible, presence of separated distal-lingual roots. Results: Of these 357 teeth, 209 showed evidence of either complete or partial communication in the mesial root. Of these, 11(3.1%) exhibited true MM canals while 198(55.5%) exhibited isthmuses. Sex or side of mandible was not correlated with the prevalence of isthmuses (P> 0.05). However, there was a significant association between the presence of a distal-lingual root and the prevalence of such communication (P< 0.001). The average length of isthmuses was 4.3 ± 3.1mm. Conclusions: We detected high rate of isthmuses and low rate of MM canals in mesial roots of mandibular first molars, which is important as such areas should be identified and cleaned during root canal treatment.

Econometrica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 88 (6) ◽  
pp. 2697-2737
Jerome Detemple ◽  
Marcel Rindisbacher ◽  
Scott Robertson

We study equilibria in multi‐asset and multi‐agent continuous‐time economies with asymmetric information and bounded rational noise traders. We establish the existence of two equilibria. First, a full communication equilibrium where the informed agents' signal is disclosed to the market and static policies are optimal. Second, a partial communication equilibrium where the signal disclosed is affine in the informed and noise traders' signals, and dynamic policies are optimal. Here, information asymmetry creates demand for two public funds, as well as a dark pool where private information trades can be implemented. Markets are endogenously complete and equilibrium returns have a three factor structure with stochastic factors and loadings. Results are valid for constant absolute risk averse investors, general vector diffusions for fundamentals, nonlinear terminal payoffs, and non‐Gaussian noise trading. Asset price dynamics and public information flows are endogenous, and rational expectations equilibria are special cases of the general results.

2019 ◽  
Shuaimei Xu ◽  
Junfeng Dao ◽  
Zhongjun Liu ◽  
Zhiyong Zhang ◽  
Yu Lu ◽  

Abstract Background: While there is ample research into the anatomy of mandibular molars, little is known regarding isthmuses and middle mesial (MM) canals in Chinese populations. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of MM canals and isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular first molars using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. Methods: Cone-beam Computed Tomography images of 357 mature mandibular first molars were retrospectively analyzed. Presence of isthmuses and MM canals, and the length of isthmuses in the mesial root were recorded. Meanwhile, we also recorded possible correlated factors such as demographics, side of mandible, presence of separated distal-lingual roots. Results: Of these 357 teeth, 209 showed evidence of either complete or partial communication in the mesial root. Of these, 11(3.08%) exhibited true MM canals while 198(55.46%) exhibited isthmuses. Sex or side of mandible was not correlated with the prevalence of communication (isthmuses or MM canals) (P> 0.05). However, there was a significant association between the presence of a distal-lingual root and the prevalence of such communication (P< 0.05). The average length of isthmuses was 4.3 ± 3.1mm. Conclusions: We detected high rate of isthmuses and low rate of MM canals in mesial roots of mandibular first molars, which is important as such areas should be identified and cleaned during root canal treatment.

2019 ◽  
Shuaimei Xu ◽  
Junfeng Dao ◽  
Zhongjun Liu ◽  
Zhiyong Zhang ◽  
Yu Lu ◽  

Abstract Background While there is ample research into the anatomy of mandibular molars, little is known regarding isthmuses and middle mesial (MM) canals in Chinese populations. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of MM canals and isthmuses in the mesial root of mandibular first molars using Cone-beam Computed Tomography. Methods Cone-beam Computed Tomography images of 357 mature mandibular first molars were retrospectively analyzed. Data regarding demographics, side of mandible, presence of separated distal-lingual roots, presence of isthmuses and MM canals, and the length of isthmuses in the mesial root were recorded. Results Of these 357 teeth, 209 showed evidence of either complete or partial communication in the mesial root. Of these, 11(3.08%) exhibited true MM canals while 198(55.46%) exhibited isthmuses. Sex or side of mandible was not correlated with the incidence of communication (isthmuses or MM canals) (P> 0.05). However, there was a significant association between the presence of a distal-lingual root and the incidence of such communication (P< 0.05). The average length of isthmuses was 4.26 ± 3.14mm. Conclusions We detected high rates of mandibular molars with isthmuses, which is important as such areas should be identified and cleaned during root canal treatment.

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