grothendieck groups
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Raziyeh Diyanatnezhad ◽  
Alireza Nasr-Isfahani

Johanne Haugland

AbstractWe prove that if the Auslander–Reiten triangles generate the relations for the Grothendieck group of a Hom-finite Krull–Schmidt triangulated category with a (co)generator, then the category has only finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects up to translation. This gives a triangulated converse to a theorem of Butler and Auslander–Reiten on the relations for Grothendieck groups. Our approach has applications in the context of Frobenius categories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 574 ◽  
pp. 206-232
Bin Zhu ◽  
Xiao Zhuang

Joseph Reid

AbstractLet $$\mathscr {C}$$ C be a 2-Calabi–Yau triangulated category with two cluster tilting subcategories $$\mathscr {T}$$ T and $$\mathscr {U}$$ U . A result from Jørgensen and Yakimov (Sel Math (NS) 26:71–90, 2020) and Demonet et al. (Int Math Res Not 2019:852–892, 2017) known as tropical duality says that the index with respect to $$\mathscr {T}$$ T provides an isomorphism between the split Grothendieck groups of $$\mathscr {U}$$ U and $$\mathscr {T}$$ T . We also have the notion of c-vectors, which using tropical duality have been proven to have sign coherence, and to be recoverable as dimension vectors of modules in a module category. The notion of triangulated categories extends to the notion of $$(d+2)$$ ( d + 2 ) -angulated categories. Using a higher analogue of cluster tilting objects, this paper generalises tropical duality to higher dimensions. This implies that these basic cluster tilting objects have the same number of indecomposable summands. It also proves that under conditions of mutability, c-vectors in the $$(d+2)$$ ( d + 2 ) -angulated case have sign coherence, and shows formulae for their computation. Finally, it proves that under the condition of mutability, the c-vectors are recoverable as dimension vectors of modules in a module category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 568 ◽  
pp. 512-528
Panyue Zhou

Alexander Bertoloni Meli

Abstract We study the l-adic cohomology of unramified Rapoport–Zink spaces of EL-type. These spaces were used in Harris and Taylor's proof of the local Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm {GL_n}$ and to show local–global compatibilities of the Langlands correspondence. In this paper we consider certain morphisms $\mathrm {Mant}_{b, \mu }$ of Grothendieck groups of representations constructed from the cohomology of these spaces, as studied by Harris and Taylor, Mantovan, Fargues, Shin and others. Due to earlier work of Fargues and Shin we have a description of $\mathrm {Mant}_{b, \mu }(\rho )$ for $\rho $ a supercuspidal representation. In this paper, we give a conjectural formula for $\mathrm {Mant}_{b, \mu }(\rho )$ for $\rho $ an admissible representation and prove it when $\rho $ is essentially square-integrable. Our proof works for general $\rho $ conditionally on a conjecture appearing in Shin's work. We show that our description agrees with a conjecture of Harris in the case of parabolic inductions of supercuspidal representations of a Levi subgroup.

Ayako Itaba ◽  
Kenta Ueyama

Let [Formula: see text] be a graded down-up algebra with [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], and let [Formula: see text] be the Beilinson algebra of [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text], then a description of the Hochschild cohomology group of [Formula: see text] is known. In this paper, we calculate the Hochschild cohomology group of [Formula: see text] for the case [Formula: see text]. As an application, we see that the structure of the bounded derived category of the noncommutative projective scheme of [Formula: see text] is different depending on whether (10) [Formula: see text] [Formula: see text] is zero or not. Moreover, it turns out that there is a difference between the cases [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] in the context of Grothendieck groups.

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