antioxidant protection system
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2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 382-391
V. G. Marmysh ◽  

Objective. To review and analyze literature data as well as evaluate the role of the glutathione antioxidant system in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the organ of vision. Material and Methods. Multiple sources of foreign and domestic literature concerning the problem of oxidative stress, antioxidant protection system, glutathione and their role in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the organ of vision were analyzed using main scientific and medical databases. More than 120 sources in the medical literature over the past 15 years were evaluated, 50 of them have been selected for final summary. Results. It was found that oxidative stress, based on free radical oxidation reactions, including LPO processes, plays a leading role in the development of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the organ of vision. The key link in the eye’s antioxidant protection system is the glutathione system, which includes glutathione itself (GSH) and glutathionedependent enzymes: glutathione peroxidase (GPO), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione-S-transferase (GST). Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the eye are accompanied by reduction of the intracellular glutathione pool and imbalance between its reduced and oxidized forms (GSH / GSSG). Conclusions. Oxidative stress has a high correlation with inflammation and is the most important pathogenetic mechanism in inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the eye. The key role in antioxidant protection and maintenance of redox homeostasis of eye tissues belongs to the glutathione system, which includes GSH itself and glutathione-dependent enzymes (GPO, GR, GST). Inflammatory and degenerative processes in the eye are accompanied by decrease of the intracellular glutathione pool (GSH) and imbalance between its reduced and oxidized forms (GSH / GSSG). A shift in this balance significantly affects normal cell functioning, up to its apoptosis, and triggers multiple pathological conditions within the body, including diseases of the organ of vision.

Urology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
O.D. Melenevsky ◽  
O.M. Chaika ◽  
O.V. Tretyakova

The article presents the study results of marker indicators of pro- and antioxidant spermoplasm systems among men of reproductive age with various types of infertility. It is shown that patients who were diagnosed with “secretory male infertility”, had the level of MDA content that was exceeding control indicators in 1.2 times (aЈ0,05) with simultaneous activation of SOD (in 132.2%, aЈ0,05) against the background of slight CAT activity decreasing. The SOD/CAT ratio increased in 1.44 times compared to the control, and the activity of GAOS enzymes was not significantly different from the control group. The condition of  pro- and antioxidant protection system can be classified as “activated” due to “SOD + CAT” link with imbalance in the system, which can lead to progression of cytotoxic effects. The patients’ segmentation who were diagnosed with “excretory-toxic male infertility” into three subgroups by MDA content in spermoplasm made it possible to establish that the first subgroup was characterized by “compensatory activation” mainly of GAOS against the background of decreasing MDA content, in the second subgroup - indicators of the pro- and anti-radical protection system did not have reliable differences comparing with control results. The third subgroup showed increase of MDA content (66.1%, aЈ0,01) and activity decrease of all anti-radical protection systems. The state of pro- and antioxidant protection system in this subgroup can be classified as “oxidative stress.” The indicators study of pro-antioxidant systems in spermoplasm among patients with various types of male infertility will allow to carry out pathogenetically justified prevention and correction of conditions, which are accompanied by development of oxidative stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (344) ◽  
pp. 64-73
B. Kerimzhanova ◽  
A. Jumagaziyeva ◽  
N. Аkhatullina ◽  
Zh. Iskakbayeva ◽  
E. Sakhipov

Dinara Yu. Gerbekova

The purpose of the research is scientifically substantiate the use of drinking mineral waters (MW) of Teberdinskiy deposit in sanatorium and spa treatment of patients suffering from focal pulmonary tuberculosis (FPT). Material and methods. The study included 80 patients with FPT in the resorption and carnification phase. By random sampling, we formed 2 groups: the control group (CG; 40 people) that received inhalations with 1% dioxidin solution and a standard drug anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy; the patients of the group of comparison (GC; 40 people) additionally received drinking MW "Teberda." Results. The analysis of clinical symptom dynamics did not show any significant differences between the groups: by the end of sanatorium-and-spa treatment the leveling of clinical symptoms in the MG was with 98.3% of the cases, in the CG with 88.8%. The patients of the MG had a normalization of related T-lymphocyte subpopulations, immunoregulatory index decreased by 39.2% (p 0.01), there was a drop in intensity of free radical oxidation by 30.2% (p 0.01), an increase in activity of antioxidant protection system by 17.2% (p 0.05). The CG had only a tendency to improvement of laboratory indicators. Conclusion. In order to achieve a higher therapeutic effect having FPT in the resorption and carnification phase, it is advisable to include drinking MW in the treatment program, which expands and complements the possibilities of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance to the given group of patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 285 ◽  
pp. 05014
Nikita Petrov ◽  
Nadezhda Biryulina ◽  
Yuliia Sidorova ◽  
Vladimir Mazo

An effective technological approach to produce adaptogenic microingredients is to concentrate plant biologically active substances via sorption on various matrices. The aim was to develop and evaluate in vivo the phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids concentrate extracted from quinoa grain and sorbed on the coagulated chicken egg protein. The consecutive extraction of phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids was conducted followed by sorption on the protein. The in vivo experiment was performed during 37 days using Wistar male rats. The developed concentrate was added into the diet of experimental animals in the dose 0.59±0.02 g/100 g of diet. As a stress model we used daily 40-min immobilization and exhaustive 3-hour immobilization at the end of the experiment. Urinary catecholamines content was determined, blood corticosterone, malon dialdehyde, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase content was determined. Phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids were concentrated 20 and 80 times respectively compared to the initial raw materials. The concentrate consumption neutralized negative effect of immobilization stress on anxiety level of Wistar rats. The significant decrease in urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline shows the pronounced adaptogenic effect of the concentrate, whereas phytoecdysteroids and flavonoids act as prostressors activating body antioxidant protection system, what is substantiated by significantly increased blood superoxide dismutase level of experimental animals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Konstantin Andreevich Popov ◽  
Ilia Mikhaylovich Bykov ◽  
Igor Yuryevich Tsymbalyuk ◽  
Yana Evgenievna Denisova ◽  
Anzhela Nikolaevna Stolyarova ◽  

Purpose: determination of the state of the antioxidant protection system of the cytosolic fraction and suspension of rat liver mitochondria after experimental ischemia and reperfusion. Materials and methods: the study was conducted using white mature rats, divided into 3 groups: the control group (n = 15); The 2nd group of animals (n = 15), from which the liver was taken after 15 minutes of liver ischemia; the 3rd group of rats (n = 15), from which the liver was taken after a 15-minute reperfusion period, followed by a 15-minute ischemic period. Mitochondrial suspension and cytosolic fraction were isolated from liver tissue. Results: the obtained research results showed the presence of certain pathobiochemical changes in the suspension of mitochondria and the cytosolic fraction after ischemia or reperfusion. In the mitochondrial suspension during the reperfusion period it was found an adaptive increase in the activity of glutathione peroxidase by 39% and glutathione reductase by 61%. In the cytosolic fraction, it was the most remarkable increase of the total antioxidant capacity by 38% already during ischemia and a progressive decrease in the level of reduced glutathione form by 26% in ischemic and 55% in reperfusion period. The change in the state of the antioxidant system occurred against the background of an increase in the number of products of oxidative modifications of biomolecules by 40% during ischemia and 2.2 times after reperfusion. Conclusion: The results indicate the need to develop not only a mitochondria-oriented correction of oxidative disorders, but also active support for the components of the cytosol, which provide the main accumulation of free radical damage products and their subsequent removal from the cell, which is essential for survival.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-37
L. S. Babinets ◽  
I. M. Halabitska

Introduction. The main pharmacological effects of NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory, the onset and conduction of a pain signal, the aggregation of blood elements, neoangiogenesis, cell apoptosis, etc. — make them indispensable in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints and spine, in particular osteoarthritis. NSAIDs account for 25% of all medical complications, including bleeding rates (25–40%), which is a serious medical and important socio-economic problem. The risk of developing NSAIDs-gastropathy is determined both by severity of COX-2 inhibitory effect and non-prostaglandin systemic and local effects. Use of proton pump inhibitors, histamine blockers (mainly children and adolescents), and synthetic analogues of prostaglandins, as well as drugs of cytoprotective action, is pathogenetically justified in the treatment of NSAIDs-gastropathy. One of the newest and most economically available, most metabolically high-technological is the vitamin drug Doctovit. Aim: to study the effectiveness of Doctovit in the complex therapy of patients with NSAIDs-gastropathy on the background of chronic pancreatitis by analyzing the morphological parameters, indices of antioxidant protection system and endotoxicosis system. Materials and methods. 42 patients with NSAID-gastropathy on the background of chronic pancreatitis were examined. Patients, comparable by clinical, gender criteria, severity of NSAID-gastropathy and treatment received — were divided into two groups: I control group (20 patients), 10-day treatment regimen: PPI pantoprazole (Controlok, Nolpase, Pantasan, etc.) 40 mg×2; cancellation of NSAIDs; II main group (22 patients), 10-day treatment regimen: PPI pantoprazole (Controlok, Nolpase, Pantasan, etc.) 40 mg×2; cancellation of NSAIDs; Doctovit 2 tablets per day after meals for 2 months. Compulsory components of medical complexes were outpatient regimen and normotrophic nutrition. All patients with NSAID-gastropathy underwent standardized clinical laboratory examination. At the beginning of the study and two months after the start of treatment EGDS + biopsy from 5 places with histological examination was performed. The level of endotoxicosis was defined by the level of sorption capacity of erythrocytes, which was determined according to A. A. Togaibayev technique. The state of lipid peroxidation was evaluated by the level of malonic aldehyde, the state of antioxidant protection system — by the levels of superoxide dismutase, catalase, SH-groups. Results and discussion. Morphological examination of gastric EGD biopsy specimens before and after treatment in the comparison groups showed statistically significant efficacy of the proposed treatment complex with the inclusion of Doctovit in influencing the established pathological features of NSAID-gastropathy. There was a statistically significant improvement in endotoxicosis in both study groups after treatment, but in the II group the positive effect was statistically more significant. The proposed correction programs had a positive effect on the lipid peroxidation, but the correction program used in II group had a statistically significantly better effect. Conclusion. In the complex treatment of NSAID-gastropathy on the background of chronic pancreatitis, it is advisable to use the vitamin complex Doctovit 2 tablets per day after meals for 2 months, which has a positive effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, indices of lipid peroxidation and endotoxicosis.  

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