kuban river
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S.М. Slepchenko ◽  
N.I. Sudarev ◽  
I.V. Tsokur ◽  
A.N. Abramova

The paper presents the results of an archaeoparasitological analysis of the soil samples from a number of the burials dated to the end of the 4th — first half of the 3rd c. B.C. of the ancient burial ground of Volna 1 situated in the territory of the “Asiatic part” of the Bosporan Kingdom (present-day Temryuk District, Krasnodar Krai). As the result of the investigation, the parasitogenic spectrum of the studied population group has been determined. The eggs of three types of helminths were found. The presence of the eggs of human whipworm (Trichuris trichi-ura) in the soil samples from the burials suggest relatively poor sanitary and hygienic condition of the population and undeveloped hygienic habits of the studied population group. Analysis of the archaeoparasitological data in the historical context and utilization of the archaeopathological material from the archaeological sites of the chronologically close period from the territory of Europe and Asia Minor permitted identification of the range of possible causes of such a situation. The undeveloped hygienic habits are also manifested by finding of of lancet fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) eggs in the soil samples. Besides, the presence in the soil samples of the eggs of this parasite is indicative, from the point of view of archaeoparasitology, of the type of the economy, its methods and, partly, of the dietary specifics. Interesting is the fact of finding of the broad tapeworm (Diphyllobothrium latum) eggs in one of the samples. Given the life cycle of the broad tapeworm and mode of infestation, it is possible to determine unambiguously that the tapeworm infestation might have happened during the consumption of raw underboiled/underroast or dried fish from the freshwater lakes and rivers from the territory of the south of Russia (River Kuban, River Don etc.). Having considered the obtained data in the historical-archaeological con-text, it is possible to hypothesize on the directions of travels of the infested individual. Characteristics of the archaeoparasitological spectrum indicate possible use of anthelminthic agents, or consumption of food with vermicidal effect with respect to the round worms. An important result of the study is demonstration of capabilities of the archaeoparasitology as a source of bioarchaeological information on the population of Northern Black Sea coast.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Oleg Artaev ◽  
Andrey Pashkov ◽  
Dmitriy Vekhov ◽  
Maksim Saprykin ◽  
Maksim Shapovalov ◽  

This publication describes a dataset containing information on 1328 occurrences of fishes in the Kuban River Basin, the longest river of Northern Caucasus and representing its own freshwater ecoregion (428 Kuban Ecoregion). All observations have precise geo-referencing with the names of water bodies (rivers, lakes etc.). The dataset is based on both literature data (509 occurrences) and our own sampling (814 occurrences). Observations were carried out between 1889 and 2020. The majority (> 61%) of occurrences in the presented data are published for the first time. This extended dataset contributes significantly to fish fauna survey in the Kuban River ecoregion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (12) ◽  
pp. 1895-1904
Anatoly Pogorelov ◽  
Andrey Laguta ◽  
Evgeny Kiselev ◽  
Dmitry Lipilin

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
M A Bandurin ◽  
I F Yurchenko ◽  
I P Bandurina ◽  
A P Bandurin

Abstract The construction of the Krasnodar reservoir has significantly increased the volume of replenished reserves of pressure underground water, which contributes to improving the efficiency of the use of water resources in the Kuban River basin. Relevance in improving the efficiency of water resources in the basin of the river Kuban to develop new solutions to the agricultural production of rice ensures the quality of products and crop stability. The problem of water quality is very acute. In the Kuban River basin, the annual runoff is subject to vertical zoning, and there is a regular decrease in the annual runoff modulus with a decrease in the average height of the catchment area and along the length of the watercourse. The most effective control is the construction of treatment facilities and the biological method of control in areas of reservoirs with low water exchange. Phosphates are pollutants of artificial origin. The content of phosphates in the reservoir on average exceeds the MPC 1.5-2.0 times. The analysis of available data on bacteriological and parasitological studies gives an idea of the current state of water resources. The results of laboratory tests showed that no parasitological contamination of the water was detected. Bacteriological contamination is present in all parts of the reservoir. The main type of contamination is the excess content of coliform bacteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
O. S. Reshetnyak ◽  
R. S. Komarov ◽  

Introduction. The paper explores the long-term spatial and temporal variability of the chemical composition and water quality in the Kuban River. Methods. To study the variability of the chemical composition of river water, we analyzed data from systematic observations over the concentrations of major ions, biogenic and organic substances, petroleum products and heavy metals from 2010 to 2017. To describe the variability of water quality, we used such indicators as water quality class, water pollution level, and characteristic pollutants. Results. It is shown that the spatial change in the chemical composition is uneven — a number of components in the water have low concentrations in the upper reaches, increasing in the lower part of the river. Others are characterized by high concentrations in the middle reaches, followed by a decrease towards the mouth. Over time, the change in the concentrations of chlorides, sulfates, organic substances and petroleum products increases. As for the content of nitrates, a slight decrease was detected in its variability. For the remaining chemicals, there were no clear trends. We established that in most cases the water in the Kuban River can be classified as polluted and very polluted (water quality class 3). We also found that the nature of river water pollution regarding a number of components is stable. Conclusion. In modern conditions of sharp climate changes and anthropogenic impact, the identified features of the chemical composition and trends in water quality variability of the Kuban River are of great practical importance and can be used in the development of environmentally sound recommendations for improving water quality and the state of water ecosystems in the river basin.

T. S. Ponomarenko ◽  
A. V. Breeva ◽  

Purpose: analysis of quantitative indicators of actual сongestion and ice jams in the Kuban river basin with subsequent intra-basin zoning of the parameters studied. Materials and Methods: data from hydrometeorological observations of ice phenomena were used. The summary calculation of the quantitative indicators of gorges and ice jams along the river Kuban, as well as for each basin of tributaries of the first order was carried out. Results: as a result of the analysis, it was found that the cases of maximum ice jams above the “0” graph in the river Kuban basin were observed more often than the maximum gorge rises. On the river Kuban the number of jams was 90, gorges – 64; in the river Belaya basin number of jamming phenomena was 96, gorges – 9; in the river Laba basin – 43 ice jams and 18 gorges; on the river Pshish the number of jams – 31, gorges – 6; in the river basin Urup the number of jams is 10, and the number of gorges is 20; the river Bolshoi Zelenchuk basin has 25 jams, and 5 gorges. The maximum rise in the water level during jams was 248 cm on the river Pshish at the Bzhedukhovskaya gauging station. The highest water level during gorge events was also recorded on the river Pshish in the aul Teuchezhkhabl and amounted to 386 cm. Most of the recorded cases of water level rise in the presence of gorge phenomena occur at the end of December and the second decade of February. There are no observational series of gorge events at most gauging stations, but, according to available data, most gorge events occur at the end of January and the second decade of February. Conclusions: gorges and ice jams are very dangerous natural phenomena and therefore require promptness and accuracy of forecasting. The solution of such problems is impossible without a network of hydrological posts and observation points, which is currently underdeveloped. Therefore, thickening and improving the existing observational network is one of the main solutions to this issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 187-193
Vl. Goroncharovskiy ◽  

This paper is concerned with analysis of the ethnopolitical situation on the Taman Peninsula and on the Lower Kuban River at the early stage of the occupation of the territory of the Asiatic Bosporos by the Greeks. In the author’s version, the ethnonim ‘Sinds’ is related with one of the groups among the nomads of the Samara-Ural region which about in 530 BC, under the pressure of a new nomadic wave from the east (“Royal Scythians”) moved in the western direction and occupied the free area in the region of the Cimmerian Bosporos. By the beginning of the 5th century BC, the Sinds evidently attained a dominating position among the barbarian tribes on the Lower Kuban River and entered into a military-political alliance with neighbouring Bosporan cities directed against the Scythian expansion. Analysis of burial traditions allows us to associate with the Sinds not only the famous Semibratniye barrows but also a series of adobe tombs with burials of mounted warriors of the 5th century BC.

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