dot density
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2022 ◽  
Andreas Bueckle ◽  
Kristen M. Browne ◽  
Bruce W Herr ◽  
Katy Börner

The CCF Organ VR Gallery lets the user explore 21 human organs, journeying from the Whole Body, to the Organ, to the Cell stage and back, presented in real-world size and 3D. The user discovers hidden regions by exploding and collapsing organs into their individual anatomical structures. We show cell type populations for a kidney using a data-driven dot density visualization. The organ models were developed to map trillions of cells for the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP).

2021 ◽  
Steve Haroz

"Evaluation of Sampling Methods for Scatterplots" claims that people perform dot-density comparisons best when using random sampling rather than other sampling approaches. This claim and other core conclusions of the article are not supported by the article’s empirical evidence. The article’s reported results and figures do not meet its own stated threshold of statistical significance, and the analyses are ill-suited for the research questions. Some of these issues are present in the article and could have been spotted by reviewers, whereas other issues were only noticeable because I requested the code and data after publication (which a reviewer would have been prohibited from demanding during the IEEE TVCG review process). A reanalysis calls into question whether any generalizable claims can be made from these results.

A. L. F. Yute ◽  
E. J. G. Merin ◽  
C. J. S. Sarmiento ◽  
E. E. Elazagui

Abstract. Social sensing and satellite imagery are named as the top emerging data sources for disaster management. There is a wealth of data, both in quantity and quality that can be extracted from social media platforms such as Twitter, given that the content published by users is generally in real-time and includes a geotag or toponym. To reduce costs, risks, and time, performing reconnaissance using remote sources of information is highly suggested. This study explores how social media data can be used to supplement satellite imagery in post-disaster remote reconnaissance using the January 2020 Taal Volcano Eruption in the Philippines. Tweets about the volcanic eruption were scraped, and ashfall-affected locations mentioned in tweet content were extracted using Named Entity Recognition (NER). To visualize the progression of the tweeted locations, dot density maps and hotspot maps were generated. Additionally, a potential ashfall extent map was generated from processed DIWATA-2 satellite imagery using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification. An intersection of both dot density map and ashfall extent map was performed for comparative analysis of both data. Validation was carried out by matching the ashfall-affected locations with ground reports from local government offices and news reports. The use of social media data complements satellite image classification in the detection of disaster damage for a quick and cost-efficient remote reconnaissance. This information can be utilized by rescue teams for faster emergency response and relief operations during and after a disaster.

2021 ◽  
Gugulethu Eve Khumalo ◽  
S Ntuli ◽  
E Lutge ◽  
T P Mashamba-Thompson

Abstract Background: The Ward Based Primary Health Care Outreach Team (WBPHCOT) policy framework states that community health workers (CHW)s should be distributed mainly according to poverty lines for each catchment population. We aimed to describe the spatial distribution of CHWs in relation to the HIV prevalence which has been associated with poverty in previous studies.Methods: We utilized geographic information system (GIS) method to visualize the distribution of CHWs in relation to HIV prevalence in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) districts. Dot density mapping, was used to visualize the random distribution of CHWs in relation to HIV prevalence in the districts. The districts’ HIV prevalence, number of PLWH, CHW: PLWH ratio and poverty scores were mapped using choropleth mapping. MapInfo 17, a GIS software was used to map geospatial presentation of the data.Results: Ten out of 11 KZN districts had more than a required CHW:PLWH ratio of 1:160-267, which indicates a significant shortage of CHWs regardless of the HIV prevalence or poverty scores. Furthermore, our findings showed extensive geospatial heterogeneity with no clear pattern in the distribution CHWs in relation to the HIV prevalence and poverty scores in the districts Conclusion: This finding represents inequalities in the provision of HIV services by the CHWs. It is critical to strengthen response to the HIV epidemic through the well informed and justified distribution of CHWs especially to the poor districts.

Blood ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 136 (Supplement 1) ◽  
pp. 12-12
Heidi M Schmidt ◽  
Scott Hahn ◽  
Gowtham K Annarapu ◽  
Mara Carreño ◽  
Francisco Schopfer ◽  

Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a key enzyme in the purine degradation pathway, catalyzing the catabolism of hypoxanthine to xanthine and xanthine to uric acid. A byproduct of these reactions is the generation of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), hydrogen peroxide and superoxide. XO is produced primarily in the liver; however, following hepatic stressors such as inflammation, hypoxia, or ischemia, XO is released from the liver and enters the circulation. XO can then bind distal endothelium via electrostatic interactions with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Current dogma believes that XO plays a harmful role in pathologies due to the increase in ROS production that can alter signaling pathways and damage endothelial cells. XO activity has been shown to be elevated in a number of hemolytic conditions including, sickle cell disease, malaria, and sepsis; however, the involvement of XO in these pathological conditions has not been fully elucidated. These conditions result in increased hemolysis, releasing free heme and hemoglobin into the circulation, inducing an inflammatory response, and damaging endothelial cells. Identifying the involvement of XO during heme crisis could improve our understanding of the pathologies associated with hemolytic conditions and lead to the identification or development of more effective treatment options. We hypothesized that XO has damaging properties under basal conditions; however, the presence of XO is crucial and protective during heme crisis by serving as a secondary mechanism of heme degradation when canonical heme degradation pathways are saturated. In order to explore the role of XO in heme crisis, we developed a novel heme crisis model in which we pre-treated mice with the clinically relevant dose of 10 mg/kg/day febuxostat, an FDA approved XO inhibitor, for five days in drinking water. Following inhibition of XO, the mice were challenged with two identical doses of hemin one hour apart and monitored for 24 hours. We observed a 20-fold increase in XO activity in the mice treated with 50 μmol/kg hemin. This increase was completely inhibited in the mice treated with febuxostat. Surprisingly, the febuxostat treated mice had worsened survival compared to the untreated mice. This suggests a protective role for XO during heme crisis. We hypothesized that XO has a protective role by preventing platelet activation and degrading excess free heme. To investigate this hypothesis, we used flow cytometry to quantify heme-induced platelet activation. Healthy human platelets were isolated and treated with 2.5 μM hemin, 10 mU/mL XO, 200 μM hypoxanthine, and 20 μM febuxostat. We observed 72% activation with heme alone, while incubation with XO and hypoxanthine resulted in almost complete prevention of platelet activation (16%). We were also able to partially restore platelet activation (45%) when febuxostat was added. Based on these results, we hypothesize that XO binds GAGs on the platelet surface and degrades heme in order to protect platelets from heme-induced activation. To assess the ability of XO to degrade heme, we tested whether XO binds heme. We performed computational modeling in which we identified a potential heme binding site in the FAD domain of XO with a kd = 128 nM. We confirmed heme-XO binding by performing a heme binding assay. We incubated heme (25 μM) alone, heme + XO (50 μM), and heme + XO + hypoxanthine (100 μM) for 20 minutes. Heme binding was assessed by dot blotting in nitrocellulose followed by chemiluminescent detection and dot density quantification. We observed a 2-fold increase in dot density when heme and XO were incubated and a 4-fold increase with heme, XO, and hypoxanthine. These results support a potential heme-XO interaction that is amplified when the enzyme is active. Lastly, we measured XO's ability to degrade heme using UV visible spectrophotometry. We incubated hemin, XO, and hypoxanthine together and measured the absorbance over 20 minutes. We observed a decrease in absorbance at 618 nm, indicative of heme degradation. In conclusion, contrary to the current dogma, we have identified a potential protective role for XO during hemolytic crisis. We found that febuxostat treatment worsened survival in heme challenged mice, XO prevented heme-induced platelet activation, identified a potential heme-XO binding site, and observed XO-induced heme degradation. XO may have a protective role in hemolytic conditions by serving as a secondary mechanism of heme degradation. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1828
Yung-Yu Lai ◽  
Yen-Wei Yeh ◽  
An-Jye Tzou ◽  
Yi-Yuan Chen ◽  
YewChung Sermon Wu ◽  

Non-radiative energy transfer (NRET) from quantum dots (QDs) to monolayer MoS2 has been shown to greatly enhance the photoresponsivity of the MoS2 photodetector, lifting the limitations imposed by monolayer absorption thickness. Studies were often performed on a photodetector with a channel length of only a few μm and an active area of a few μm2. Here, we demonstrate a QD sensitized monolayer MoS2 photodetector with a large channel length of 40 μm and an active area of 0.13 mm2. The QD sensitizing coating greatly enhances photoresponsivity by 14-fold at 1.3 μW illumination power, as compared with a plain monolayer MoS2 photodetector without QD coating. The photoresponsivity enhancement increases as QD coating density increases. However, QD coating also causes dark current to increase due to charge doping from QD on MoS2. At low QD density, the increase of photocurrent is much larger than the increase of dark current, resulting in a significant enhancement of the signal on/off ratio. As QD density increases, the increase of photocurrent becomes slower than the increase of dark current. As a result, photoresponsivity increases, but the on/off ratio decreases. This inverse dependence on QD density is an important factor to consider in the QD sensitized photodetector design.

Rahmi Susanti ◽  
Riza Hayati Ifroh ◽  
Ika Wulansari

Siswa sekolah dasar mengalami intimidasi baik secara fisik maupun mental sebanyak 80%. Terdapat 457 kasus pelecehan seksual dan kekerasan pada anak yang terjadi di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, diantaranya terdapat kasus bullying sepanjang tahun 2015 lalu. Siswa usia remaja di Kota Samarinda sebanyak 23% memiliki tingkat bullying yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan mapping school bullying di sekolah dasar negeri Kota Samarinda tahun 2016. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif untuk melihat pola sebaran school bullying di Kota Samarinda. Lokasi penelitian ini di Kota Samarinda, dimana responden berasal dari 30 sekolah dasar negeri di 10 kecamatan. Penentuan sekolah dasar yang menjadi lokasi penyebaran angket ditentukan oleh UPTD setempat. Data diolah menggunakan bantuan Epi Info pada menu Epi Map. Besar sampel yang digunakan sebagai responden berjumlah 1.491 yang terdiri dari siswa laki laki dan perempuan. Sebaran angka school bullying dimuat kedalam peta Samarinda yang terbagi menjadi 10 kecamatan. Peta menggambarkan angka berdasarkan chloropeth dan dot density per wilayah. Pelaku school bullying mencapai 544 anak dan korban school bullying 769. kecamatan dengan pelaku tertinggi adalah Samarinda kota yakni 43.50% dan kecamatan dengan korban tertinggi adalah Sambutan yakni 57,50%. Berdasarkan hal ini maka perlu pembentukan tim satuan anti penindasan di sekolah dapat dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah agar menjadi wadah pengawasan terhadap kejadian school bullying.

В.Я. Алешкин ◽  
Н.В. Байдусь ◽  
А.А. Дубинов ◽  
К.Е. Кудрявцев ◽  
С.М. Некоркин ◽  

AbstractThe mode of the growth of InGaAs quantum dots by MOS-hydride epitaxy on GaAs substrates without a deviation and with a deviation of 2° is selected for laser structures emitting at wavelengths above 1.2 μm at room temperature. As a result, a quantum-dot density of 4 × 10^10 cm^–2 is achieved. Stimulated emission is observed in laser structures with seven layers of quantum dots at a wavelength of 1.06 μm at liquid-nitrogen temperature. The threshold power density of optical pumping is about 5 kW/cm^2.

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