mortality disparities
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AIDS ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
Sheena M. Knights ◽  
Susana M. Lazarte ◽  
Radhika Kainthla ◽  
Elizabeth Y. Chiao ◽  
Ank E. Nijhawan

Hyunjung Lee ◽  
Gopal K. Singh

Background: Previous research has shown a significant association between psychological distress (PD) and cause-specific mortality, but contributions of sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics to mortality differences by PD are not fully explored. Methods: The Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition analysis was used to quantify the contributions of individual sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics to the observed cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and unintentional-injury mortality disparities between United States (US) adults with no PD and those with serious psychological distress (SPD), using the pooled 1997-2014 data from the National Health Interview Survey prospectively linked to the National Death Index (N=263,825). Results: Lower levels of education and household income, and higher proportions of current smokers, former drinkers, non-married adults, US-born, and renters contributed to higher mortality for adults with SPD. The relative percentage of mortality explained by sociodemographic and behavioral factors was highest for cancer mortality (71.25%) and lowest for unintentional-injury mortality (20.19%). Enhancing education level among adults with SPD would decrease approximately 30% of cancer or CVD mortality disparity, and around 10% of COPD and unintentional-injury mortality disparities. Half of the cancer mortality disparity (47.4%) could be attributed to a single factor, smoking. Increasing income level will decrease 7 to 13% of the disparity in cause-specific mortality. Higher proportions of renters explained higher CVD and COPD mortality among adults with SPD by 7% and 3%, respectively. Higher proportions of former drinkers explained higher CVD, cancer, and COPD mortality among adults with SPD by 6%, 7%, and 3%, respectively. Younger age, higher proportion of females, and higher BMI among adults with SPD mitigated the mortality disparities. Conclusions and Implications for Translational Research: Improved education and income levels, and reduced smoking among US adults with SPD would eliminate around 90% of the cancer mortality disparity by SPD, and half of the CVD mortality disparity.   Copyright © 2021 Lee and Singh. Published by Global Health and Education Projects, Inc. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0.

Leslie A. Musshafen ◽  
Richard L. Summers ◽  
Seth T. Lirette ◽  
Caroline Compretta ◽  
Thomas E. Dobbs

Yan Lu ◽  
Aaron W. Gehr ◽  
Kalyani Narra ◽  
Anuradha Lingam ◽  
Bassam Ghabach ◽  

The Lancet ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 398 (10303) ◽  
pp. 821-822
Cheryl A Moyer ◽  
Peter Waiswa

2021 ◽  
pp. jech-2021-216798
Freya Tyrer ◽  
Richard Morriss ◽  
Reza Kiani ◽  
Satheesh K Gangadharan ◽  
Mark J Rutherford

BackgroundThe effect of policy initiatives and deprivation on mortality disparities in people with intellectual disabilities is not clear.MethodsAn electronic health record observational study of linked primary care data in England from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink and the Office for National Statistics deaths data from 2000 to 2019 was undertaken. All-cause and cause-specific mortality for people with intellectual disabilities were calculated by gender and deprivation status (index of multiple deprivation quintile) using direct age-standardised mortality rates (all years) and ratios (SMR; 2000–2009 vs 2010–2019).ResultsAmong 1.0 million patients (n=33 844 with intellectual disability; n=980 586 general population without intellectual disability), differential mortality was consistently higher in people with intellectual disabilities and there was no evidence of attenuation over time. There was a dose–response relationship between all-cause mortality and lower deprivation quintile in the general population which was not observed in people with intellectual disabilities. Cause-specific SMR were consistent in both the 2000–2009 and 2010–2019 calendar periods, with a threefold increased risk of death in both males and females with intellectual disabilities (SMR ranges: 2.91–3.51). Mortality was highest from epilepsy (SMR ranges: 22.90–52.74) and aspiration pneumonia (SMR ranges: 19.31–35.44). SMRs were disproportionately high for people with intellectual disabilities living in the least deprived areas.ConclusionsPeople with intellectual disabilities in England continue to experience significant mortality disparities and there is no evidence that the situation is improving. Deprivation indicators may not be effective for targeting vulnerable individuals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002214652110186
Pamela Herd ◽  
Melinda C. Mills ◽  
Jennifer Beam Dowd

We detail the implications of sociogenomics for social determinants research. We focus on education and race because of how early twentieth-century scientific eugenic thinking facilitated a range of racist and eugenic policies, most of which helped justify and pattern racial and educational morbidity and mortality disparities that remain today, and are central to sociological research. Consequently, we detail the implications of sociogenomics research by unpacking key controversies and opportunities in sociogenomics as they pertain to the understanding of racial and educational inequalities. We clarify why race is not a valid biological or genetic construct, the ways that environments powerfully shape genetic influence, and risks linked to this field of research. We argue that sociologists can usefully engage in genetics research, a domain dominated by psychologists and behaviorists who, given their focus on individuals, have mostly not examined the role of history and social structure in shaping genetic influence.

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