toxic gases
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Wilhen Huaman Hinostroza ◽  
Brian Meneses Claudio ◽  
Alexi Delgado

One of the big problems in the city of Cerro de Pasco is the air pollution caused by the mining activity that occurs in this area, this activity generates a total of 3737 metric tons per year of particulate matter, which are thrown into the environment in an alarming way, thus reaching that this particulate matter can lodge inside the organism of the inhabitants permanently, causing in them diseases in the respiratory system, thus affecting the most vulnerable population, producing in them infections in the respiratory tract that can even carry those to death. Nowadays the teams that carry out the monitoring of air quality are restricted only to the academic and governmental sphere, so much so that the population does not know the degree of air pollution. For this reason, it is proposed to carry out a system to measure the level of air pollution taking as main data, the measurement of particulate matter and the emission of carbon monoxide, the data that can be recovered from these measurements to be able to compare them with the parameters dictated by the Ministry of the Environment. As a result, an autonomous system was obtained, with which the level of particulate matter, possible toxic gases, and the measurement of the level of carbon monoxide can be measured, all these pollutants that could be in the environment, all these measurements are constant, thus leading the population to become aware of the level of quality of the environment where they live. Keywords- Environmental pollution, articulated matter, carbon monoxide, toxic gases, mining activity, air quality

Jeffry Ricaldi Cerdan ◽  
Brian Meneses Claudio ◽  
Alexi Delgado

In recent years, the contamination of toxic gases in society is a very controversial problem because of the various consequences and effects they generate on health. There are several studies which highlight that the main polluting gases to the environment such as carbon monoxide, lead, cadmium, among others are the main causes of the increase in various acute diseases, such as pneumonia, or chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases or lung cancer. That is why, faced with this problem, this research work proposes a monitoring system that determines the concentration of toxic gases, in such a way that it can contribute as an informative medium which can be implemented in various focused points where high rates of pollution are concentrated. The system has a very efficient MQ 135 gas sensor which includes a reading of 5 to 600 ppm (parts per million) at 3m with a temperature of 25ºC. It should be noted that it is important to keep the sensor on 24 hours beforehand to obtain a correct reading. Thus, concluding that this system of toxic gases can be easily applied to society because it is economical and because it has a free software which will be responsible for informing through a web server the level of ppm that you want to analyze at a certain point. Keywords- Toxic Gases, Pollution, Gas Sensor, Environment, Air Quality

Agriculture ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Yung-Chuan Chen ◽  
Li-Wen Chen ◽  
Ming-Yen Chang

The tractor is a vehicle often used in agriculture. It is mainly used to tow other unpowered agricultural machinery for farming, harvesting, and seeding. They consume a lot of fuel with emissions that often contain a large amount of toxic gases, which seriously jeopardize human health and the ecological environment. Therefore, the electrical tractor is bound to become a future trend. The objective of this study is to design and implement a lightweight, energy-saving, and less polluting electric tractor, which meets the requirements of existing smallholder farmers, equipped with unmanned technology and multi-functions to assist labor and to provide the potential for unmanned operation. We reduced the weight of the tractor body structure to 101 kg, and the bending rigidity and torsional rigidity reached 11,579 N/mm and 4923 Nm/deg, respectively. Two 7.5 kW induction motors driven by lithium batteries were applied, which allows at least 3.5 h of working time.

2022 ◽  
Vol 131 (2) ◽  
pp. 025108
Jijun Ding ◽  
Yanxin Jin ◽  
Haixia Chen ◽  
Haiwei Fu ◽  
Chao Xu ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 106235
K.R. Sinju ◽  
B. Bhangare ◽  
A. Pathak ◽  
S.J. Patil ◽  
N.S. Ramgir ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-336
Anes Desduana Selasakmida ◽  
Tarno Tarno ◽  
Triastuti Wuryandari

Palladium is one of the precious metal commodities with the best performance since 3 years ago. Palladium has many benefits, including being used in the electronics, medical, jewelry and chemical industries. The benefits of palladium in the chemical field are that it can help speed up chemical reactions, filter out toxic gases in exhaust gases, and convert the gas into safer substances, so palladium is usually used as a catalyst for cars. Forecasting is a process of processing past data and projected for future interest using several mathematical models. The model used in this study is the Double Exponential Smoothing Holt and Fuzzy Time Series Chen methods. The process of forecasting palladium prices using monthly data from January 2011 to December 2020 with the Double Exponential Smoothing Holt method and the Fuzzy Time Series Chen method will be carried out in this study to describe the performance of the two methods. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the Double Exponential Smoothing Holt and Fuzzy Time Series Chen methods have equally good performance with sMAPE values of 6.21% for Double Exponential Smoothing Holt and 9.554% for Fuzzy Time Series Chen. Forecasting for the next 3 periods using these two methods generally produces forecasting values that are close to the actual data. 

Muhammad Faris M.Nor ◽  
Mohd Fahrul Hassan ◽  

A drone is a fast-growing technology that has been used in many applications in the world. The drone also is a new solution for the transportation process in the agricultural sector. The primary purpose of this project is to explore the potential of drone or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to reduce the dependence on fossil-fueled vehicles to transport the crops within the farm and from the farm to the seller. The use of drones will create lower emission of carbon dioxide and toxic gases that are usually generated by fossil-fueled vehicles. Besides, this research is also essential to reduce the health issues that currently appear from agriculture activities. The objective of this project is to determine the parameters to design a suitable drone for transportation in the agricultural sector. In addition, the design of the drone must be able to carry a maximum of 10 kg of payload, which can be analyzed by simulation and analysis. The simulation and analysis are performed by SolidWorks software. The conceptual design of the drone is proposed by following the George E. Dieter model of the design process. In addition, a simulation on the strength of the drone components and analysis on the thrust of the motor have been conducted to verify the proposed drone design concept based on the determined parameters. The cost estimation of the drone is about RM17683.65 and the overall weight is 26.823 kg. In conclusion, the drone design concept for transportation in the agricultural sector is proposed as a preliminary study for future works.

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