livestock development
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Nikson Tameno ◽  
Aldarine Molidya ◽  
Decembry C. Nope

This study aims to answer the main problem regarding income and optimization of cattle husbandry development in supporting livestock development programs in Kupang Regency. The research method used is social qualitative research method with FGD pattern to obtain primary and secondary data. This research took place in Kupang Regency as an area that has potential for cattle which is always in demand by other regions such as DKI Jakarta and so on. If viewed from the prospect of Beef Cattle Development in Kupang district, then look for markets for livestock and livestock products both from NTT and within NTT itself continue to increase in line with economic growth and population growth. There is still a lot of land that is available and possible for the development of livestock business which has not been utilized. The government's policy of encouraging state-owned enterprises to mediate funds to assist small businesses and at low interest rates has been implemented. This policy provides opportunities for business development and new investment in the livestock industry in NTT Province. Various patterns/schemes of soft credit and simple procedures and directly to livestock farmer groups such as Strengthening Group Business Capital (PMUK) or Community Direct Loan Assistance (BPLM) or Social Assistance Patterns are actually very good opportunities to overcome the problem of capital difficulties for farmers. Through through and intensification with the support of technology with prospects to increase productivity as well. The role of the sub-sector in the future in Kupang Regency is still large as a provider of food from livestock as a source of income and as a job opening.

T. A. Velesyk ◽  
N. P. Boltyk ◽  
R. M. Sachuk ◽  
Ya. S. Stravsky ◽  
O. A. Katsaraba ◽  

Under the current conditions of livestock development, the main task of farms is the systematic bacteriological control of milk and the development of comprehensive programs for the control and prevention of mastitis in cows. These measures will make it possible to establish control over this pathology, reduce veterinary treatment costs, improve milk quality, increase average hopes for lactation, increase the productive use of cows, and more. It was found that among the forms of clinical mastitis in the farm registered catarrhal and purulent-catarrhal (65.0 %), serous (12.0 %), and less often – fibrinous (11.5 %), hemorrhagic (11.0 %), and abscess udder (0.5 %). Bacteriological studies of milk taken from cows proved the presence of Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, β-hemolytic Streptococcus spp. Microbiological studies showed that the isolated cultures of microorganisms were sensitive to tetracycline, neomycin, and cloxacycline; conditionally sensitive to streptomycin, doxycillin; no sensitivity to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, norfloxacin and gatifloxacin. A treatment scheme was proposed for patients with purulent-catarrhal mastitis of cows, included intra-tank injections of the drug “Mastidev-Linko,” intramuscular injections of the drug “Tseftiodev 5%” and external application of the ointment “Dibutaliastin.” As a result of studies on the therapeutic efficiency of the proposed veterinary drugs when used in cows of Holstein-Friesian and black-spotted breed, patients with purulent-catarrhal mastitis, 91.6 % therapeutic efficiency of drugs was established. It is recommended that animals infected with infectious agents should be milked last and milking machines thoroughly disinfected; apply the pre- and post-milking treatment of udder teats with disinfectants (dips); periodically check in the laboratory the disinfecting ability of drugs for udder treatment and disinfection of accessories; use only proven tools; control the correct preparation of solutions and treatment of the udder with disinfectants (dips); to reject animals that do not respond to treatment (chronically ill).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 246-264
Gaber Ahmed Bassyouni Shehata ◽  
Abd El-Kareem E. Abd El-Kawy ◽  
Hanan A. Zahran ◽  
Ehab M. Kamal

This study aimed to study the effect of changes of broiler prices on the profitability of broiler logistics under Egyptian conditions. This study was undertaken during the period 2016 – 2020 on random cycles of both broiler and layer farms in three different provinces which were Menofia, Kaliobia and Giza. The data were collected from a cross-sectional survey on the broiler and during the data collection the researcher was contact with the poultry holders and managers. The data were collected from the accurate records which available in the poultry farms of the study areas and from the structured questionnaires methods which established by the researcher and admitted to the farmers during the time of interview, also, the data collected from the Agricultural Directorates of governorates,  Livestock development sector and Economic Affairs Sector. The data includes data about logistics costs, returns and net prpfits of broiler production, the data were analyized statistically and economically. The price of  broilers considered as the main variable affecting the profitability of broiler production farms.  The price of poultry affected by the costs of production costs that includes variable and fixed costs The results, concluded that, the higher prices of  broiler prices observed during the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 than that of years 2016 and 2017 and in winter seasons than the summer seasons. The increasing of  broiler prices causes increasing returns level for broiler sales, the summer seasons achieved a higher net profit than the winter seasons due to increasing the level of production costs in winter seasons than the summer seasons.

G. Sudharani ◽  
K. C. Veeranna ◽  
G. T. Gopala ◽  
C. B. Madhavaprasad ◽  
V. Nagabhushana ◽  

Livestock sector plays a crucial role in socio-economic development of farmers in rural areas, which in turn improves the national economy.  For better productivity the rural farmers need different types of information and knowledge related to different scientific managemental practices and different interventions for different problems. In this regard, the study was undertaken to assess the constraints in adoption of livestock development interventions among livestock farmers in Davanagere district. An ex-post facto research design was employed for the study. The study was conducted in ten villages of two taluks of Davanagere district and total of 100 beneficiaries were randomly selected which included 36 beneficiaries in establishment of fodder nursery, 30 beneficiaries in establishment of rural hatchery unit. Whereas, all the 100 respondents were involved in prevention and control of Sub clinical mastitis (SCM). The data was collected from the respondents through interview schedule. The collected data was coded, tabulated and analysed using suitable statistical tools. The study revealed that, majority of beneficiaries reported increased annual income and employment generation. Non-availability of fertilizers, non-availability of improved desi chicks at nearest place and high cost of veterinary medicine were the major constraints in establishment of fodder nursery, establishment of rural hatchery unit and prevention and control of SCM respectively. Thus, Sujala III project had a great scope for improving productivity; profitability and facilitated an accelerated and sustainable transformation of animal husbandry activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 892 (1) ◽  
pp. 012040
A Amam ◽  
M W Jadmiko ◽  
P A Harsita ◽  
D B Zahrosa ◽  
S Supardi

Abstract Sustainable livestock development is still a national strategic issue in Indonesia. The research objective was to examine the inhibiting factors for sustainable livestock development, especially for dairy cows. The research was carried out at the Tirtasari Kresna Gemilang, Joint Business Group (KUB) animal husbandry institution, Malang District, East Java Province. Research variables include inhibiting factors (X), ecological dimensions (Y1), economical dimensions (Y2), social and cultural dimensions (Y3), institutional dimensions (Y4), and technological dimensions (Y5). Respondents of the study were 196 dairy cattle farmers who were members of KUB Tirtasari Kresna Gemilang. The data were obtained using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method and survey with a likert scale. Data were analyzed partially using simple linear regression. The results showed that the inhibiting factors had a negative and significant effect on sustainable livestock development, especially in the economical dimensions, the social and cultural dimensions, the institutional dimension, and the technological dimension. shows that the inhibiting factors for sustainable livestock development should be the concern of all stakeholders in the national dairy industry.

Paramveer Singh Sangha ◽  
Ajeet Kumar ◽  
Mrigank Honparkhe ◽  
Jasbir Singh Bedi ◽  
Ashwani Kumar ◽  

Background: Pesticides act as endocrine disruptors and cause enormous disturbances in steroidogenesis, spermatogenesis and sexual behavioural display. These toxicants modulate and/or disrupt the reproductive and hormonal environment by acting on hypothalamus, pituitary and reproductive organs. Few studies have been carried out to assess the levels of pesticides in dairy cattle / buffaloes. The information on pesticide residues in body fluids especially blood and semen in breeding bulls is lacking. Method: In the light of above background nineteen fresh semen ejaculates were collected from Milkfed, Khanna and PLDB (Punjab Livestock Development Board), Nabha, Punjab and stored at -80◦C. Immediately after collection, the semen was centrifuged at 4500 × g for 20 min at 4◦C. The supernatant (seminal plasma) was stored at -20◦C until processing for the assessment of pesticide residues using gas chromatography (GC). In the present study on crossbred breeding bulls, the semen samples were analyzed for organochlorines, organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroid pesticide residues. Seven OCP were screened namely Heptachlor epoxide, Chlordane, Fipronil, Lindane, Methoxychlor, op-DDT, Endrin. Eleven OPP were screened namely Chorpyrifos, Dichlorovos, Ethion, Monocrotophos, Malathion, Parathion-methyl, Profenphos, Phorate, Triazophos, Quinalphos and Phosalone and four SP’s namely Cypermethrin, Permethrin, Deltamethrin, Cyalothrin were screened in the semen samples. Semen samples were also assessed for viability, HOST (%) and abnormality (%) for both fresh as well as post thaw samples. Result: None of the semen samples were found positive for any of the above pesticide residues. This may be attributed to the feeding of fodder cultivated at the stations without using any pesticides, hence no pesticide residue found in the semen samples of the crossbred breeding bulls of these semen stations In present study, viability (%) of sperms were found to be significantly higher (p less than 0.05) in fresh (75.57 ± 5.31) as compared to post thaw (70.17 ± 4.64) semen of bulls. The abnormality (%) of sperms was found to be significantly lower (p less than 0.05) in fresh (13.61 ± 3.71) than post thaw (18.22 ± 3.59) semen bulls. Also in present study the host (%) was found 67.23±4.76 in fresh semen which decreased to 46.82±3.55 in post thaw semen.

M.K. Singh ◽  
Ravindra Kumar ◽  
Ravi Ranjan ◽  
Arvind Kumar ◽  
Akhilesh Kumar ◽  

Background: Large variation for body size and weight exist among indigenous goat breeds. Many livestock development agencies recommending crossbreeding of large size goats with small and medium sizes to increase the body size, growth rate, dressing weight and dressing percentage of progeny without being systemic data and combining ability among breeds used. In view of above crossbreeding experiment was conducted by crossing Jamunapari male with Barbari female. Methods: Ten Barbari females were crossed with medium size two Jamunapari male. The crossbred males (07) were kept under stall feeding on high input diet along with Barbari and Jamunapari pure-bred males at weaning. The growth (body weight and average daily weight gains) were studied up to 9 months of age. The animals were slaughtered at 9 months and carcass traits (dressing weight and percentage) were studied. Result: Pre-weaning growth (0-3m) was statistically similar (P greater than 0.05) in all the group of goats. However different trend was obtained in post weaning growth stage, ADG being significantly (P less than 0.05) more in Jamunapari breed (94.10g) as compared to Barbari (73.43g) and crossbred goats (74.24g). The dressing (%) was significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in Jamunapari goats (47.28) as compared to Barbari (40.47) and crossbred (40.44). The carcass results revealed that growth and carcass performance was highest in Jamunapari kids and significantly different from pure bred Barbari and crossbred kids. However, Carcass traits (Carcass weight and Dressing percent) performances were not significantly different in between Barbari and Jamunapari x Barbari crossbred kids. Thus, crossing of Jamunapari with Barbari breed is not being suggested to increase body weight and carcass attributes of crossbreed progeny.

2021 ◽  
Laode Muh. Munadi

The population of Indonesia in 2021 is about 273 million people. The increasing population is followed by an increase in food needs, including animal food. The area of land as a base of food production does not increase, even tends to decrease due to conversion, abrasion, and submerged seawater as a result of global warming and climate change, as well as the declining quality of natural resources. Animal protein consumption in Indonesia is very low and is expected to increase sharply as the income of the population continues to increase. Anticipating this, it is necessary to prepare a medium- and long-term farm development strategy in a sustainable manner by utilizing the availability of local resources. Exploring the genetic resources of livestock that are efficient in the use of feed, should also be able to utilize feed materials in the form of crop byproducts and agricultural industries. This policy should be supported by technological innovation and sustainable productivity and livestock production. Can save natural resources while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in order to realize the concept of green economy.

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