The amount and area of the leaves should be at an optimum level in order to maintain the product quality and not to adversely affect the vine growth. Because carbohydrates, which are essential for omca and are mostly stored in fruit and wood, are formed by leaves after photosynthesis. Leaf area can be used in many areas. Among these, photosynthesis capacity and plant growth rate may. Various tools and methods (planimetry, leaf area meter, width-product, weight-area calculation, image processing programs, etc.) are used in determining leaf area. In this study, 3 American grape rootstocks (5BB, 110 R, 1103 P) and 5 grapes (Alphonse Lavallée, Italıa, Mıchele Palierı and Narince, Yalova İncisi) were used as material. 20 shoots with 15-25 nodules were taken from the rootstocks and varieties of the omca and the leaves were photocopied according to the order of the node. The actual field values of the leaves were measured with a planimeter. Leaf stem and leaf width and length of the leaves were also measured. Regression analysis was performed between leaf stem, leaf blade width and length, leaf blade × length values and real area. The maximum leaf area on one shoot was 5 BB (2484 cm2) from rootstocks and Narince (2126 cm2) from varieties. All three rootstocks gave the average value of the leaf found in 9th node. In terms of node number, which gives an average value according to the varieties, Alphonse Lavallée, Mıchele Palierı and Yalova İncisi varieties came to the forefront in 11th node. The 13th in Narince cultivar and the 12th in Italia cultivar gave the closest value to the average.