normative integration
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10(6)) ◽  
pp. 1896-1915
Mahmoud Ramadan Al-Azab ◽  
Alyaa Darwish ◽  
Islam Elbayoumi Salem ◽  
Ahmed Mohamed Elbaz

The paper investigated the impact of the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourists' social exclusion in terms of material deprivation, social rights, social participation, and cultural/normative integration, through the mediating role of bullying, in the early days of COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on social exclusion theory, we adopted a quantitative approach and an integrative model to collect data from 473 tourists through a web-based survey from 5th March to 17th June 2020. The results demonstrated that the fear of COVID-19 has a significant influence on tourists’ social exclusion, and in turn, has led to bullying. Besides, bullying has a significant influence on material deprivation, social rights, social participation, and cultural/normative integration of social participation. In addition, this study determined that the effect of the fear of COVID-19 on tourists' social exclusion is partially mediated by bullying. This study also draws attention to the importance of upholding the values of humanity and positive human transactions in times of crisis and pandemics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 167-170
J. Ehrlich ◽  
A. L. Garcia-Basteiro ◽  
A. Brands ◽  
S. Verkuijl ◽  
A. Ndongosieme ◽  

Integration of paediatric TB care into decentralised child health services has the potential to reduce the large proportion of childhood TB that remains undiagnosed. We performed a review of national guidelines and policies for TB and child health to evaluate the normative integration of paediatric TB into existing child health programmes in 15 high TB burden countries in Africa. While integration is addressed in 80% of the national strategic plans for TB, the child health strategies insufficiently address TB in their plans to reduce child mortality. Emphasis needs to be put on multi-sectoral collaboration among national health programmes.

Laws ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 84
Alejandro Fuentes ◽  
Marina Vannelli

The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACrtHR) has developed in recent years an innovative jurisprudence that has integrated the entity and extension of States’ obligations regarding children’s rights—as established in Article 19 ACHR—through the evolutive, dynamic, and effective interpretation of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). In fact, by acknowledging the existence of an international corpus juris for the protection of children’s rights, the Court has examined this provision in the light of instruments enshrined within the corpus juris, such as the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. This process of normative integration was not only limited to the application of international instruments adopted outside of the Inter-American system, but also includes internal references to interconnected rights recognised within the American Convention. Consequently, by analysing the scope of Article 19 ACHR in the light of Article 4 ACHR (right to life) and the corpus juris for the protection of children, the Inter-American Court has further expanded the protection of children’s rights towards the protection of the right to a dignified life. While focusing on the landmark jurisprudence developed by IACrtHR, this paper seeks to unveil the hermeneutical paths undertaken by the regional tribunal in connection with the systemic integration of Article 19 ACHR. In particular, it focuses on the emerging jurisprudential development of positive obligations upon States Members regarding the effective protection of children’s right to a dignified existence.

2021 ◽  
Dieter Birnbacher ◽  
Klaus Goergen ◽  
Markus Tiedemann

2021 ◽  
pp. 107755872110247
Michaela Kerrissey ◽  
Maike Tietschert ◽  
Zhanna Novikov ◽  
Hassina Bahadurzada ◽  
Anna D. Sinaiko ◽  

More is known about the structural features of health system integration than the social features—elements of normative integration (alignment of norms) and interpersonal integration (collaboration among professionals and with patients). We surveyed practice managers and 1,360 staff and physicians at 59 practice sites within 17 health systems (828 responses; 61%). Building on prior theory, we developed and established the psychometric properties of survey measures describing normative and interpersonal integration. Normative and interpersonal integration were both consistently related to better provider experience, perceived care quality, and clinical integration (e.g., a 1-point increase in a practice’s normative integration was associated with 0.53-point higher job satisfaction and 0.77-point higher perceived care quality in the practice, measured on 1 to 5 scales, p < .01). Variation in social features of integration may help explain why some health systems better integrate care, pointing to normative and interpersonal integration as potential resources for improvement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Jannike Dyb Oksavik ◽  
Turid Aarseth ◽  
Marit Solbjør ◽  
Ralf Kirchhoff

Abstract Background Interventions in which individual older patients with multi-morbidity participate in formulating goals for their own care are being implemented in several countries. Successful service delivery requires normative integration by which values and goals for the intervention are shared between actors at macro-, meso- and micro-levels of health services. However, health services are influenced by multiple and different institutional logics, which are belief systems guiding actors’ cognitions and practices. This paper examines how distinct institutional logics materialize in justifications for patient participation within an intervention for patients with multi-morbidity, focusing on how variations in the institutional logics that prevail at different levels of health services affect vertical normative integration. Methods This qualitative case study of normative integration spans three levels of Norwegian health services. The macro-level includes a white paper and a guideline which initiated the intervention. The meso-level includes strategy plans and intervention tools developed locally in four municipalities. Finally, the micro-level includes four focus group discussions among 24 health professionals and direct observations of ten care-planning meetings between health professionals and patients. The content analysis draws on seven institutional logics: professional, market, family, community, religious, state and corporate. Results The particular institutional logics that justified patient participation varied between healthcare levels. Within the macro-level documents, seven logics justified patients’ freedom of choice and individualization of service delivery. At meso-level, the operationalization of the intervention into tools for clinical practice was dominated by a state logic valuing equal services for all patients and a medical professional logic in which patient participation meant deciding how to maintain patients’ physical abilities. At micro-level, these two logics were mixed with a corporate logic prioritizing cost-efficient service delivery. Conclusion Normative integration is challenging to achieve. The number of institutional logics in play was reduced downwards through the three levels, and the goals behind the intervention shifted from individualization to standardization. The study broadens our understanding of the dynamic between institutional logics and of how multiple sets of norms co-exist and guide action. Knowledge of mechanisms by which normative justifications are put into practice is important to achieve normative integration of patient participation interventions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nur Arfiyah Febriani ◽  
Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo ◽  
Badru Tamam

Modern society tends to be techno-centric. Technology removes geographical distance and other physical restrictions in communication. Therefore, this matter must be responded by the preachers to reach the "e-society" mad'u with the world without limits. This has become a challenge as well as an opportunity for the da'is, and now they must be ICT literate. Ironically, the phenomenon of freedom of expression leads to acts of radicalism both in cyberspace and the real world that threaten the social integration of the world community. Here is the importance, how can techno-da'is influence e-society so that in theirexpression theystill uphold Islamic values that prioritize security, peace, safety, happiness and harmony among humans as described in the Qur’an. The strategies of "Normative Integration" revealed from the Quran consist of several phases, namely: accommodation, cooperation, coordination, assimilation, progressiveness and submissive-repentance.[Masyarakat modern cenderung teknosentris. Teknologi menghapus jarak geografis dan keterbatasan fisik manusia lainnya dalam berkomunikasi. Hal ini harus direspon oleh para da'i untuk menjangkau mad'u “e-society” dengan dunia tanpa batasnya. Hal ini menjadi tantangan sekaligus peluang bari para da’i, da’i kini harus melek ICT. Ironisnya, fenomena kebebasan berekspresi berujung kepada tindakan radikalisme baik di dunia maya dan dunia nyata yang mengancam integrasi sosial masyarakat dunia. Di sinilah pentingnya, bagaimana seorang tekno-da’i mampu mempengaruhi e-society agar dalam berekspresi tetap menjunjung nilai-nilai Islami yang sangat mendahulukan keamanan, kedamaian, keselamatan, kebahagiaan dan keharmonisan antar umat manusia sebagaimana deskripsi di dalam al-Quran. Strategi “Integrasi Normatif” yang dapat diungkap dari al-Quran terdiri dari beberapa fase, yaitu: akomodasi, kerjasama, koordinasi, asimilasi, progresif dan submisif-repentansi.]

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