community recommendations
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 842-856
Charles Alfred Cruz ◽  
Francis Balahadia ◽  

Purpose–Thispaperaimed to develop a system that applies VADER Sentiment Analysis to tweets collected using adevelopedtwitter scraper toolto identify the insights of public responsesbased on their tweetson certain government servicesrendered to them thus providing legislators of the province of Laguna an additional tool in writing future legislations.Method–This study may serve as an additional tool tothe Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Laguna in identifying sentiments of the public in terms of government services that are rendered and lack thereof based on the collected tweets written in Tagalog, English or Taglish(Tagalog and English).Data collected through the Twitter scraper tool are preprocessed taking into consideration the special characters that also have impact on scoring sentiments, emojis,and emoticons. The compound score is computed by normalizing the sum of the polarityscores foreach tweet.Results–Aside from a tabular visualization of VADER’s results, the system also provides graphical representation of the evaluation result with the percentage of positive neutral and negative tweets. Based on the result of the testing and evaluation, the VADER model is 80.71% accurate and had an F-score of 84.33%.Conclusion–The reports generated from the system be utilized to serve as potentially additional basis for legislators of the province of Laguna in writing legislations such as resolutions and ordinances based on the sentiment or voice of the community. Recommendations–It is recommended to collaborate with linguists to develop a native language of VADER’s lexicon to improve the accuracy of the sentiment scores.

С.П. Кузин

Спутниковые миссии наряду с наземными геодезическими сетями различных космических технологий являются второй важной составляющей российского сегмента системы контроля геодезических параметров Земли (ГПЗ). Спутники имеют неоспоримое преимущество в том, что они непрерывно собирают однородные данные над большими частями земной поверхности. Они позволяют сбор данных, которые не могут быть зарегистрированы на поверхности Земли. Такие спутники в наше время оборудованы множеством датчиков, контролирующих поверхности суши, океана и льда, а также гравитационное поле Земли и его временные изменения. Потенциал и влияние спутниковых миссий для наблюдений Земли значительно возрастут в связи с тем, что: (1) будут запускаться все больше и больше спутниковых созвездий, вместо отдельных спутников, увеличивая тем самым временное и пространственное разрешение получаемых данных; (2) спутники будут летать в «формированиях», образуя большие наблюдательные приборы, состоящие из датчиков, расположенных на нескольких спутниках. В работе автор, с учетом рекомендаций международного геодезического сообщества, предлагает набор низкоорбитальных спутниковых миссий различных направлений, необходимых для полноценного функционирования системы контроля ГПЗ, и рассматривает направления развития данных миссий. Satellite missions, along with ground-based geodesic networks of various space technologies, will be the second important component of the Russian segment of the system for monitoring geodesic parameters of the Earth (GPE). Satellites have the undeniable advantage of continuously collecting uniform data over large parts of the Earth’s surface. They allow the collection of data that cannot be registered on the Earth’s surface. Such satellites are now equipped with a variety of sensors that monitor the surface of land, ocean and ice, as well as the Earth’s gravitational field and its temporal changes. The potential and impact of satellite missions for Earth observations will increase significantly as: (1) more and more satellite constellations will be launched, instead of individual satellites, thereby increasing the temporal and spatial resolution of the data received; (2) satellites will fly in “formations”, forming large observation instruments consisting of sensors located on several satellites. In this article the author taking into account the international geodetic community recommendations proposes a set of low-orbit satellite missions to various areas, necessary for proper operation of the system for monitoring GPE, and the directions of development of these missions are considered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 174462952110300
Jonathan Ee ◽  
Biza Stenfert Kroese ◽  
Jan Mei Lim ◽  
John Rose

Background: This research aimed to investigate the views and experiences of specialist mental health professionals working with adults with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems in Singapore in order to gain insight into the functioning of the local specialist intellectual disability mental health service and how it may be improved. Methods: Eight staff members from specialist service were interviewed. The transcriptions of the interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Analysis revealed four themes (1) Identifying their roles; (2) Ensuring continuity of care; (3) Disempowerment of service users and (4) Improving clinical practice. Conclusions: Participants identified the challenges they faced working with this population. They highlighted the importance of building therapeutic relationships during the treatment process and discussed the stigma that people with intellectual disabilities face in the community. Recommendations and implications are discussed in relation to service provision, improving staff knowledge and recruiting more staff to work in this field.

2021 ◽  
R. Brooks Hanson ◽  
Julie Vano ◽  
Gordon Grant ◽  
Raj Pandya ◽  
Mark Shimamoto ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. e000433
Karin Tse ◽  
Sanjyot Sangodkar ◽  
Lauren Bloch ◽  
Kathleen Arntsen ◽  
Sang-Cheol Bae ◽  

The Addressing Lupus Pillars for Health Advancement (ALPHA) Project is a global consensus effort to identify, prioritise and address top barriers in lupus impacting diagnosis, care, treatment and research. To conduct this process, the ALPHA Project convened a multistakeholder Global Advisory Committee (GAC) of lupus experts and collected input from global audiences, including patients. In phase I, the ALPHA Project used expert interviews and a global survey of lupus experts to identify and categorise barriers into three overarching pillars: drug development, clinical care and access to care. In phase II, reported here, the GAC developed recommended actionable solutions to address these previously identified barriers through an in-person stakeholder meeting, followed by a two-round scoring process. Recommendations were assessed for feasibility, impact and timeline for implementation (FIT), where potential FIT component values were between 1 and 3 and total scores were between 3 and 9. Higher scores represented higher achievability based on the composite of the three criteria. Simplifying and standardising outcomes measures, including steroid sparing as an outcome (drug development) and defining the lupus spectrum (clinical care) ranked as the highest two priority solutions during the GAC meeting and received high FIT scores (7.67 and 7.44, respectively). Leveraging social media (access to care) received the highest FIT score across all pillars (7.86). Cross-cutting themes of many solutions include leveraging digital technology and applying specific considerations for special populations, including paediatrics. Implementing the recommendations to address key barriers to drug development, clinical care and access to care is essential to improving the quality of life of adults and children with lupus. Multistakeholder collaboration and guidance across existing efforts globally is warranted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Cyril R. Pernet ◽  
Ramon Martinez-Cancino ◽  
Dung Truong ◽  
Scott Makeig ◽  
Arnaud Delorme

Reproducibility is a cornerstone of scientific communication without which one cannot build upon each other’s work. Because modern human brain imaging relies on many integrated steps with a variety of possible algorithms, it has, however, become impossible to report every detail of a data processing workflow. In response to this analytical complexity, community recommendations are to share data analysis pipelines (scripts that implement workflows). Here we show that this can easily be done using EEGLAB and tools built around it. BIDS tools allow importing all the necessary information and create a study from electroencephalography (EEG)-Brain Imaging Data Structure compliant data. From there preprocessing can be carried out in only a few steps using EEGLAB and statistical analyses performed using the LIMO EEG plug-in. Using Wakeman and Henson (2015) face dataset, we illustrate how to prepare data and build different statistical models, a standard factorial design (faces ∗ repetition), and a more modern trial-based regression approach for the stimulus repetition effect, all in a few reproducible command lines.

The Advisor ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
Tyler J. Lockman

Abstract: LGBTQ students face unique challenges and questions on their paths to careers in the health professions, including the potential for discrimination. Based on available data, this particular population of students is becoming increasingly visible in graduate health professions education and during the application process. Accordingly, health professions advisors must be prepared to meet the needs of these students and do more to make up for existing gaps in resources and information, positioning themselves as strong allies to a historically marginalized community. Recommendations and resources are offered, including guidance on establishing trust and credibility with LGBTQ advisees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Ted Habermann

Metadata 2020: a cross-community collaboration that advocates richer, connected, reusable, and open metadata for all research outputs to advance scholarly pursuits for the benefit of society. A group of volunteers working together trying to encourage and facilitate progress towards this challenging goal. Management guru Peter Druker famously said “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”. With that in mind, several Metadata 2020 projects examined approaches to metadata evaluation and connections between evaluation and guidance. Accomplishing this progress across the broad expanse of the Metadata 2020 landscape requires connecting metadata dialects and community recommendations and analysis of multiple metadata corpora. This paper describes one framework for approaching that task and some potential examples.

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