eigenvalue equation
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Dong-Won Jung ◽  
Wooyong Han ◽  
U-Rae Kim ◽  
Jungil Lee ◽  
Chaehyun Yu ◽  

AbstractWe consider the normal mode problem of a vibrating string loaded with n identical beads of equal spacing, which involves an eigenvalue problem. Unlike the conventional approach to solving this problem by considering the difference equation for the components of the eigenvector, we modify the eigenvalue equation by introducing matrix-valued Lagrange undetermined multipliers, which regularize the secular equation and make the eigenvalue equation non-singular. Then, the eigenvector can be obtained from the regularized eigenvalue equation by multiplying the indeterminate eigenvalue equation by the inverse matrix. We find that the inverse matrix is nothing but the adjugate matrix of the original matrix in the secular determinant up to the determinant of the regularized matrix in the limit that the constraint equation vanishes. The components of the adjugate matrix can be represented in simple factorized forms. Finally, one can directly read off the eigenvector from the adjugate matrix. We expect this new method to be applicable to other eigenvalue problems involving more general forms of the tridiagonal matrices that appear in classical mechanics or quantum physics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 978-986
Man Zhang ◽  
Ji-Xian Dong

Transverse vibration of axially moving trapezoidal plates is investigated. The differential equation of transverse vibration for a axially moving trapezoidal plate is established by D'Alembert principle. The original trapezoid region can be replaced by regular square region by the medium parameter method for the convenience of calculation. A generalized complex eigenvalue equation is derived by a discrete method (the differential quadrature method). The complex frequency curve of trapezoidal plate is obtained by calculating the eigenvalue equation. The change of the complex frequencies of the axially moving trapezoidal plates with the dimensionless axially moving speed is analyzed. The effects of the aspect ratio and the trapezoidal angle on instability type of the trapezoidal plate are discussed under different boundary conditions. The results of numerical analysis show that there are two main instability types of axially moving trapezoidal plate: divergence and flutter. The modal orders of the two types of instability are also different, which is related to the trapezoidal angle, aspect ratio and boundary condition of the trapezoidal plate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (31) ◽  
pp. 2050200
Paolo Amore ◽  
Francisco M. Fernández

We solve an eigenvalue equation that appears in several papers about a wide range of physical problems. The Frobenius method leads to a three-term recurrence relation for the coefficients of the power series that, under suitable truncation, yields exact analytical eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for particular values of a model parameter. From these solutions some researchers have derived a variety of predictions like allowed angular frequencies, allowed field intensities and the like. We also solve the eigenvalue equation numerically by means of the variational Ritz method and compare the resulting eigenvalues with those provided by the truncation condition. In this way we prove that those physical predictions are merely artifacts of the truncation condition.

Symmetry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 1702 ◽  
Vladimir N. Chernega ◽  
Margarita A. Man’ko ◽  
Vladimir I. Man’ko

PT-symmetric qubit-system states are considered in the probability representation of quantum mechanics. The new energy eigenvalue equation for probability distributions identified with qubit and qutrit states is presented in an explicit form. A possibility to test PT-symmetry and its violation by measuring the probabilities of spin projections for qubits in three perpendicular directions is discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 389
G. J. Papadopoulos ◽  
C. G. Koutroulos ◽  
M. E. Grypeos

The binding energy B_Λ of a Λ-particle in hypernuclei is studied by means of the Dirac equation containing attractive and repulsive potentials of orthogonal shapes. The energy eigenvalue equation in this case is obtained analytically for every bound state. An attempt is also made to investigate the possibility of deriving in particular cases approximate ana­lytic expressions for B_Λ.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 340-351
Zsuzsanna É. Mihálka ◽  
Ádám Margócsy ◽  
Ágnes Szabados ◽  
Péter R. Surján

AbstractWhile variation of the energy functional yields the Schrödinger equation in the usual, linear case, no such statement can be formulated in the general nonlinear situation when the Hamiltonian depends on its eigenvector. In this latter case, as we illustrate by sample numerical calculations, the points of the energy expectation value hypersurface where the eigenvalue equation is satisfied separate from those where the energy is stationary. We show that the variation of the energy at the eigensolution is determined by a generalized Hellmann–Feynman theorem. Functionals, other than the energy, can, however be constructed, that result the nonlinear Schrödinger equation upon setting their variation zero. The second centralized moment of the Hamiltonian is one example.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (7) ◽  
Anirban Basu

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10 ◽  
Redi Kristian Pingak ◽  
Rosara Kolmate ◽  
Bernandus Bernandus

Calculation of He atomic energy levels using the first order perturbation theory taught in the Basic Quantum Mechanics course has led to relatively large errors. To improve its accuracy, several methods have been developed but most of them are too complicated to be understood by undergraduate students. The purposes of this study are to apply a simple matrix method in calculating some of the lowest energy levels of He atom (1s2, triplet 1s2s, and singlet 1s2s states) and to reduce errors obtained from calculations using the standard perturbation theory. The convergence of solutions as a function of the number of bases is also examined. The calculation is done analytically for 3 bases and computationally with the number of bases using MATHEMATICA. First, the 2-electron wave function of the Helium atom is written as the multiplication of two He+ ion wave functions, which are then expanded into finite dimension bases. These bases are used to calculate the elements of the Hamiltonian matrix, which are then substituted back to the energy eigenvalue equation to determine the energy values of the system. Based on the calculation results, the error obtained for the He ground state energy using 3 bases is 2.51 %, smaller than the errors of the standard perturbation theory (5.28 %). Despite the fact that the error is still relatively large from the analytical calculations for singlet-triplet 1s2s energy splitting of He atom, this error is successfully reduced significantly as more bases were used in the numerical calculations. In particular, for n = 25, the current calculation error for all states is much smaller than the errors obtained from calculations using standard perturbation theory. In conclusion, the analytical calculations for the energy eigenvalue equation for the 3 lowest states of the Helium atom using 3 bases have been carried out. It was also found in this study that increasing the number of bases in our numerical calculations has significantly reduced the errors obtained from the analytical calculations.

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