data grouping
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Siti Sendari ◽  
Agung Bella Putra Utama ◽  
Nastiti Susetyo Fanany Putri ◽  
Prasetya Widiharso ◽  
Rizki Jumadil Putra

The grouping of data can be used in the development strategy of an educational game application. The process of grouping data that initially behaved differently into several groups that now behaved more uniformly. As well as grouping the data on the difficulty level of the questions on the educational game question board. This grouping of questions is needed to get the dominant values ​​that will be the characteristics of each group of questions that exist. The clustering method is quite widely used to overcome problems related to data grouping. This clustering is a method of grouping based on the size of the proximity, the more accurate the cluster formed, the clearer the similarity of the difficulty level of the questions. Thus, educational game developers can determine the strategy for placing the existing questions more precisely. Many clustering methods can be used to group the data on this question, including K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) which are then optimized using the Algorithm Genetics. From the results of the research conducted, optimization gives better results for clustering questions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
NFN Miswarti ◽  
Irma Calista ◽  
Wawan Eka Putra ◽  
Dedi Sugandi ◽  
Taupik Rahman ◽  

<p>Mangosteen is a genetic resource scattered and cultivated by farmers in Bengkulu Province. The study aimed at determining the morphological variability of mangosteen. The study was conducted from March to October 2015 in Bengkulu province using on-site supervision and observation methods. The number of plants observed was 34 genotypes and qualitatively and quantitatively characterized based on the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agriculture Licensing (CPVPAL) guide. The data of morphology were analyzed by comparing the average value, variance, and standard deviation. Relationship or data grouping phenotypic characters appearance were identified using NTSYS software version 2.1. The results show wide variability in the density of leaf, flower size, and fruit weight, while narrow variability is occurred in plant height and the thickness of the rind. Data analysis of mangosteen genotypes generated similarity coefficients range from 0.71 to 0.91 (71-91%). Genotype 24 and 27 have the closest relationship, with the similarity coefficient of 91%.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Mangosteen; Morphology; Variability; Character; Phenotypic</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Manggis merupakan sumber daya genetik yang tersebar dan dibudidayakan oleh petani di Provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas fenotipik buah manggis. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret sampai Oktober 2015 di Provinsi Bengkulu dengan menggunakan metode observasi langsung morfologi tanaman manggis yang telah berbuah. Jumlah tanaman yang diamati sebanyak 34 genotipe dan masing-masing genotipe diamati karakterisasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif berdasarkan panduan Pusat Perlindungan Varietas Tanaman dan Perizinan Pertanian (PPVTPP). Analisis data melalui perbandingan varian fenotipik dengan standar deviasi varian fenotipe diukur dengan nilai rata-rata, varians, dan standar deviasi. Kekerabatan atau pengelompokan data penampilan karakter fenotipik dilakukan dengan menggunakan software NTSys versi 2.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabilitas luas terdapat pada kerapatan daun, ukuran bunga, dan bobot buah, sedangkan variabilitas sempit pada karakter tinggi tanaman dan  ketebalan kulit buah. Analisis genotipe manggis menghasilkan koefisien kemiripan sebesar 0,71-0,91 (71-91%). Dari dendogram diperoleh genotipe yang memiliki tingkat kekerabatan yang tinggi terdapat pada genotipe 24 dan 27 dengan nilai kemiripan sebesar 91%.<strong></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 136
Aski Widdatul Fuadah ◽  
Fajrin Nurman Arifin ◽  
Oktalia Juwita

Clustering is a process of grouping data based on similarities or similarities with other members in a group. Food security is the condition of a country to provide food for individuals, which does not conflict with beliefs, religion and culture and leads a healthy, active and productive life. Food instability and food insecurity can be caused by many factors, one of which is natural disasters. In 2020, Jember Regency experienced 121 natural disasters. Determination of the optimal K value is done to get the right number of group divisions from the clustering process, in this case using the elbow method. The data used in the clustering process are sub-districts in Jember Regency using transient attributes or natural disaster events. Based on the results of sub-district data grouping from the number of clusters k=1 to k=10, the optimal k value was found at the value of k = 4 with the SSE (Sum of Square Error) value = 24,809.

2021 ◽  
Vol 935 (1) ◽  
pp. 012025
N L Ignatieva ◽  
I V Voronova ◽  
E Yu Nemtseva ◽  
G M Toboev

Abstract Sires play an important role in improvement of productive qualities of bred livestock. Most researchers and breeders estimate their impact to be at least 90%. In order to evaluate the results of using different Holstein breeding bulls, we compared the productivity of their offspring with the average values for all bulls. The following methods of variation statistics were used: observation, data grouping, and correlation analysis. It was found that the best are the descendants of the bull Estuary 2186 of the Montwick Chieftain line. Besides, Liman 2186 bull’s daughters excelled in high milk fat content - 4.46%. Daughters of Punch 2748 bull of Pabst Governor line were the best in protein content of milk (3.27%). Daughters of Liman 2186 bull had the highest fat and protein yield during 305 days of lactation. It was established that the direction and value of correlation between the main features of milk yield of cows of different lineages have a rather high degree of variation. Presence of positive genetic correlation between milk yield and protein content in milk in some lines of animals enables breeding cows by two traits simultaneously (milk yield and protein content in milk).

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-127
Sekar Ari Utari ◽  
Ardhya Nareswari

Title: Diversity Identification of Infrastructure Provision in Peri-Urban Housing Sleman Regency   The procurement of housing infrastructure has been regulated through SNI 03-1733-2004. However, in the field, developers have their own considerations and creativity in providing them. The diversity of provision raises the problem of equal public access to infrastructure. This study aims to identify the diversity of housing infrastructure provision in Sleman Regency. The research used deductive-qualitative method. The analysis was carried out through the stages of data grouping, housing type analysis, analysis of infrastructure availability and comparative analysis. The results showed different provision between small-scale and medium-scale housing. Basic infrastructure is the top priority and security infrastructure is the second priority. Variations are found in amenities and health facilities and the least provided are religious and educational facilities.

Zhu Dongjie ◽  
Du Haiwen ◽  
Sun Yundong ◽  
Tian Zhaoshuo ◽  
Cao Ning

I. K. Petrukhina ◽  
R. I. Yagudina ◽  
N. V. Veyner ◽  
T. K. Ryazanova ◽  
E. P. Gladunova ◽  

Objective: to analyse of medicines prescriptions for federal beneficiaries with circulatory system diseases and to identify the main trends in the implementation of the federal program for the provision of necessary medicines in the Samara Region in 2014–2017.Material and methods. The authors reviewed the nomenclature of medicines used to treat circulatory system diseases (CSDs) and distributed to the population of the Samara Region as part of the federal program for the provision of necessary medicines for the period from 2014 to 2017. The methods of comparative, retrospective, logical, graphical and content analysis, the method of data grouping according to Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification and methods of descriptive statistics were used.Results. In 2014–2017 the share of financial costs for the purchase of medicines in the total budget of the federal program for the provision of necessary medicines in the Samara Region did not exceed 6%. Still, in physical terms (in terms of the number of packages) the share of medicines of this pharmacotherapeutic group in the federal program for the provision of necessary medicines averaged about 25%. Nomenclature of medicines of the analyzed group prescribed to federal beneficiaries in 2014–2017 ranged from 90 to 107 nomenclature items. The number of international nonproprietary names (INN) decreased from 51 in 2014 to 36 in 2017. During the period under review, there was a decrease in the acquisition cost of medicines for the treatment of circulatory system diseases and the weighted average cost of one package (by 63% and 53%, respectively).Conclusion. Perindopril-containing medicines occupied the maximum consumption volumes in monetary terms. There was a decrease in the average cost of one package in 2017, which may be associated with the replacement of original medicines with generics and a concomitant reduction in the number of INN within the subgroup.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 336-369
Yuriy Netrebin ◽  
Vadim Medvedev

Introduction. The purpose of the study is to analyse the level of Russia's science and technology system and to determine the country's placein the international rankings by comparing the performance metrics achieved so far with the showings of the world's leading S&T powers, followed by the appropriate managerial decision-making in the areas requiring the government's immediate attention. Methods. The research tools employed are statistical data grouping, comparative analysis and the formal logical methods. Results and Discussion. Since 2014, various factors (namely foreign policy and economic factors, geopolitical situation, oil market volatility and instability of the national currency) have acted as catalysts of crisis in the national economy, leading to a decline in Russia's international rankings. Following a degree of adaptation to the external changes and a partial economic recovery by 2018-2020, Russia's position has levelled off, but the pre-crisis levels have yet to be achieved. The results of the survey show an overall positive dynamic, with the most significant progress observable in the rankings that characterise competitiveness of the national economy. Conclusion. The findings of the study have practical relevance and can be used to adjust the national policy on scientific and technological development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 986-1000
Viktor G. GET’MAN ◽  
Vladislav S. KARTASHOV

Subject. This article analyzes the various types of value used in IFRS to assess assets and liabilities. Objectives. The article aims to conduct a comparative analysis of the types of value used in IFRS when assessing assets and liabilities, and identify the features of the use of fair value as a type of value, considering the use of certain levels of fair value and restrictions on their use. Methods. For the study, we used the systems analysis, comparative study method, information structuring, data grouping, deduction, and other methods of scientific research. Results. The article summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of each of the valuation methods described in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting – IFRS. It systematizes the standards that use certain types of value, and analyzes the features of the use of fair value. The article also identifies factors that affect the ability to measure a higher level of fair value. Conclusions. Fair value is one of the most used valuation methods in international accounting practices. However, the use of fair value in estimating the value of reporting items is limited due to the complexity and high cost of its qualitative valuation. This makes companies use alternative valuation methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Ahmad Agung Zefi Syahputra ◽  
Annisa Dwi Atika ◽  
Muhammad Adam Aslamsyah ◽  
Meida Cahyo Untoro ◽  
Winda Yulita

The use of smartphones in the industrial era 4.0 had become more frequent and widespread in various circles of Indonesian society. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic that had not end yet also made high school and college students obliged to carry out online learning. This research aimed to cluster the price from smartphones using the specifications of the smartphone. K-Means Clustering was used as a method in this research. This algorithm was a data mining algorithm with unsupervised learning as data grouping and could group the price of a smartphone into several clusters based on the similarity of the characteristics by one data with other data, which is memory_size and best_price. The results of this research indicated that the right clustering of smartphone prices was within 3 different clusters, which was cluster 0 has centroid of Rp2.000.000,00, cluster 1 has centroid of Rp18.000.000,00, and cluster 2 has centroid of Rp9.000.000,00. The results of the evaluation used a confusion matrix, summary of prediction result, indicated that the clustering process had 100% of accuracy that could be seen on the table which showed the results of clustering. The conclusion from this research was that K-Means Clustering could form clusters in determining the price of a smartphone in relation to the specifications used as the attribute determining the price cluster for a smartphone.

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