final evaluation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Charles M. Medert ◽  
Catherine Q. Sun ◽  
Elizabeth Vanner ◽  
Richard K. Parrish ◽  
Sarah R. Wellik

Abstract Background The authors sought to evaluate visual outcomes in patients with varying etiologies of neovascular glaucoma (NVG), who were treated with glaucoma drainage devices (GDD). Methods This was a retrospective case series of patients at a large academic teaching institution who had surgical intervention for neovascular glaucoma between September 2011 and May 2019. Eyes were included if there was documented neovascularization of the iris/angle with an intraocular pressure (IOP) > 21 mmHg at presentation. Eyes must also have been treated with surgical intervention that included a GDD. Primary outcome measure was visual acuity at the 1-year post-operative visit. Secondary outcome measure was qualified success after surgery defined by: pressure criteria (5 mmHg < IOP ≤ 21 mmHg), no re-operation for elevated IOP, and no loss of LP vision. Results One hundred twenty eyes met inclusion criteria. 61.7% had an etiology of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR), 23.3% had retinal vein occlusions (RVO), and the remaining 15.0% suffered from other etiologies. Of patients treated with GDD, eyes with PDR had better vision compared to eyes with RVO at final evaluation (p = 0.041). There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.027) in the mean number of glaucoma medications with Ahmed eyes (n = 70) requiring 1.9 medications and Baerveldt eyes (n = 46) requiring 1.3 medications at final evaluation. Conclusions In our study, many patients with NVG achieved meaningful vision, as defined by World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, and IOP control after GDD. Outcomes differed between patients with PDR and RVO in favor of the PDR group. Different GDD devices had similar performance profiles for VA and IOP outcomes. Direct prospective comparison of Baerveldt, Ahmed, and cyclophotocoagulation represents the next phase of discovery.

2021 ◽  
pp. 125-129
Dominik Balg

2021 ◽  
Tiago M. Oliveira ◽  
José L. R. Sarmento ◽  
Luiz A. S. Figueiredo Filho ◽  
Romuere R. V. Silva

Brazil is one of the main countries operating in the agribusiness sector. Sheep and goat farming is one of the segments of Brazilian agribusiness. The evaluation of each carcass of goats and sheep is carried out by a specialist who evaluates them based on visual aspects, being susceptible to errors in the final evaluation. In this context, the purpose of this work is to use Convolutional Neural Networks to segment the Longissimus dorsi muscle area in ultrasonographic images of small ruminants. Our experiments showed that the PSPNet CNN architecture achieved the results with an Intersect over Union (IoU) rate of 0.89. It was possible to obtain a precise segmentation of the images, which will allow the producer to correctly diagnose the measurements of the animals with greater practicality and saving time.

2021 ◽  
pp. 145
Mubarak Akbar ◽  
Efi Rokhana ◽  
Diah Arie

Rabbits are easily animal bred in Indonesia. The potential for meat production and reproduction very good. Rabbits can give birth 6-8 times a year with a gestation period of approximately 30 days. Each time giving birth can produced until 8 kit. However, this potential is constrained by the high mortality rate and the decline in the quality of adult rabbit production. Most of the deaths occurred when the rabbit was still young and had not yet been weaned, some occurred when the rabbit was an adult. Sometimes the mated mother also does not give birth, after checking it turns out that the mate was unsuccessful or failed to conceive. The cause of this problem is the low knowledge of breeders about rabbit diseases and the success of pregnancy after mating. The solution that can be given is to provide counseling about the characteristics of sick rabbits, the symptoms experienced and their handling. Farmers are taught how to hold and inject sick rabbits. The second solution is to provide training on how to mate rabbits until they are successful and detect pregnancy rabbits after 12-14 days of mating. So breeders do not need to wait 30 days for re-breeding. The method used is counseling, pretest and post test, mentoring and training for group members and final evaluation. The results of this activity indicate an increase in the knowledge and ability of farmers in the Sumber Rejeki group in Kediri City regarding disease handling and detection of pregnant rabbits.Kelinci merupakan hewan ternak yang mudah dikembangbiakkan di Indonesia.  Potensi produksi daging dan reproduksi anak yang dihasilkan sangat baik. Kelinci mampu melahirkan sebanyak 6 – 8 kali dalam setahun dengan lama kebuntingan kurang lebih 30 hari. Setiap kali melahirkan jumlah anak yang dihasilkan bisa mencapai 8 ekor per induk.  Namun potensi ini terkendala dengan banyaknya angka kematian dan penurunan kualitas produksi kelinci dewasa. Kematian banyak terjadi ketika kelinci masih kecil dan belum lepas sapih sebagian terjadi ketika kelinci sudah dewasa. Kadang induk yang sudah dikawinkan juga tidak kunjung melahirkan, setelah dicek ternyata perkawinan tidak berhasil atau gagal bunting. Penyebab masalah ini  adalah rendahnya pengetahuan peternak terhadap penyakit kelinci dan keberhasilan bunting pasca dikawinkan. Solusi yang dapat diberikan adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai ciri ciri ternak sakit, gejala yang dialami dan penangannnya. Peternak diajari cara memegang dan menyuntik kelinci yang sakit. Solusi kedua adalah dengan memberikan  pelatihan mengenai cara mengawinkan kelinci sampai berhasil dan mendeteksi kebuntingan kelinci setelah 12 – 14 hari dikawinkan. Sehingga peternak tidak perlu menunggu 30 hari lamanya untuk dikawinkan ulang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan, adanya pre test dan post test, pendampingan dan pelatihan pada anggota kelompok dan evaluasi akhir. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan peternak di kelompok ternak Sumber Rejeki Kota Kediri terkait penanganan penyakit dan deteksi kelinci bunting. Kegiatan ini penting untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan peternak kelinci dikemudian hari.

Christopher Wing ◽  
Nicolas H. Hart ◽  
Fadi Ma’ayah ◽  
Kazunori Nosaka

AbstractDuring Australian football (AF) matches, players are subjected to high running loads, which are intermittent in nature. There is a growing body of research that highlights factors which can both positively and negatively affect this match running performance (e.g., the total distance travelled by a player during match-play). In order to appropriately evaluate these factors, a thorough search of MEDLINE, SportDiscus and Web of Science databases was performed, with a total of 17 manuscripts included within the final evaluation. The main findings from this review highlighted that match running performance is increased amongst those playing in midfield and half back/forward positions, in players with lower playing experience, as well as in matches against higher quality opponents, and in losing quarters. Additionally, a well-design interchange-rotation strategy may be able to positively affect match running performance. A decrease in match running performance was evident amongst more experienced players, during periods of acute fatigue (e.g., following periods of high intensity activity), during matches played in higher temperatures and matches with an increased number of stoppages. However, no effect of ground hardness or size, as well as responses to self-reported wellness questionnaires was found. Other factors such as finals series matches, pre-season training load and elements related to the schedule have been shown to have substantial conflicting results within the literature, increasing the difficulty in making generalisable conclusions to their effect on match running performance. Developing a thorough understanding of these factors which affect match running performance can aid practitioners and coaches to gain a greater understanding of a player’s performance as well as inform the development of strategies for its improvement.

Slovo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Lujza Vallo

The following paper reviews Central European memorial volumes created within the borders of modern day Hungary from the 1960s onwards. Using six sporadically chosen primary sources as the subjects of analysis, the argument of this piece will centre around finding out whether memorial volumes or in Yiddish yizker-bikher are reliable testimonial documents based on their historical veracity. The paper argues that the historicity of Eastern European memorial books can range from personal tales of community living, to more accurate historical monographs, aiming to fill out gaps in trans-generational remembrance. The analysis is then divided into four chapters each introducing a relevant perspective when evaluating yizker-bikher: Firstly, it will examine the six memorial books as linguistic sources by showcasing their characteristic narrative techniques. Secondly, the paper will contrast the historical contents covered in the texts with the findings of modern Hungarian Holocaust research. Thirdly, previous academic perspectives categorising yizker-volumes are introduced, leading the paper to a brief conclusion. A final evaluation is conducted to highlight the examined volumes as the sources of microhistory that carry anthropological research potential rather than the ability to provide overarching solutions to the gaps in archival Holocaust history.

R. S. Brito ◽  
M. C. Almeida ◽  
A. Ribeiro

Abstract Recently, water utilities have been making considerable investments in sewers' monitoring; however, in most cases, assuring data reliability is yet a challenge. Often, hydraulic data is collected in sewers overlooking best practice aspects. Assuming confidence on data, while disregarding cautions verifications, might lead to inadequate uses of data. The paper presents a methodology aiming to narrow the gap between science and industry, regarding monitoring programs in urban drainage. A procedure to enhance hydraulic data reliability, in line with ISO/IEC 17025:2017, was developed, applied and validated, enabling a final evaluation on data and site adequacy and an overall identification of improvement opportunities. The availability of a valuable study case comprising 32 flowmeters from Portuguese utilities, in eastern Europe, presented an opportunity to create a story line, test the procedure's coherence, present it to the technical community and evaluate the constraints that utilities, in their everyday working context, face with. The procedure is presented in detail and a collection of examples of its application is shown. In the final evaluation, most monitoring stations alignment with best practice requirements were either high (25%) or acceptable (44%), regarding their overall performance and compliance with both data and site adequacy. For all of them, improvement opportunities were identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1213
Ligia Rusu ◽  
Elvira Paun ◽  
Mihnea Ion Marin ◽  
Jude Hemanth ◽  
Mihai Robert Rusu ◽  

Background: Evaluation of plantar pressure in stroke patients is a parameter that could be used for monitoring and comparing how the timing of starting a rehabilitation program effects patient improvement. Methods: We performed the following clinical and functional evaluations: initial moment (T1), intermediate (T2), and final evaluation at one year (T3). At T1 we studied 100 stroke patients in two groups, A and B (each 50 patients). The first group, A, started rehabilitation in the first three months after having a stroke, and group B started after three months from the time of stroke. Due to the impediments observed during rehabilitation, we made biomechanic evaluation for two lots, I and II (each 25 patients). Assessment of the patient was carried out by clinical (neurologic examination), functional (using the Tinetti Functional Gait Assessment Test for classifying the gait), and biomechanical evaluation (maximal plantar pressure (Pmax), contact area (CA), and pressure distribution (COP)). Results: The Tinetti scale for gait had the following scores: for group A, from 1.34 at the initial moment (T1) to 10.64 at final evaluation (T3), and for group B, 3.08 at initial moment (T1) to 9 at final evaluation (T3). Distribution of COP in the left hemiparesis was uneven at T1 but evolved after rehabilitation. The right hemiparesis had uniform COP distribution even at T1, explained by motor dominance on the right side. CA and Pmax for lot I increased more than 100%, meaning that there is a possibility for favorable improvement if the patients start the rehabilitation program in the first three months after stroke. For lot II, increases of the parameters were less than lot I. Discussions: The recovery potential is higher for patients with right hemiparesis. Biomechanic evaluation showed diversity regarding compensatory mechanisms for the paretic and nonparetic lower limb. Conclusions: CA and Pmax are relevant assessments for evaluating the effects on timing of starting a rehabilitation program after a stroke.

2021 ◽  
Xiaoqing Zhang ◽  
Yang Zhou ◽  
Hong Zeng ◽  
Min Li ◽  
Jun Wang ◽  

Abstract BackgroundWith the gruadual liberation of fertility policy and the increased number of pregnant women at high-risk in China, a large number of obstetric anesthesiologists (OA) with competency were urgently demanded. In order to establish a replicable and standardized training system for OA specialists, Peking University Health Science Center, one of the first ratified specialists training centers in China, initiated this explorative project. As this is a continuous improving process, the final evaluation index has not been formulated. MethodA working group was set up to devise survey instrument and the initial index draft. We initiated a nation-wide questionnaire pooling opinions of 40 experts from Youth committee of China Anesthesiology Association to construct the evaluation index based on modified Delphi method to reach a consensus. Experts’ demographic information, enthusiasm, authority, and agreement consensus were surgeyed. The final evaluation index would be constructed based on experts’ opinion.ResultsData were collected and analyzed for stability of the experts’ enthusiasm (97.5% and 87.2%, respectively), authority (0.91 ± 0.07 and 0.90 ± 0.13 for the respective two rounds), and agreement consensus (16.7% and 1.3% respectively; Kendall coefficient were 0.26 p = 0.415 and 0.147 p = 0.000, respectively). After two rounds of the survey, the evaluation standard was achieved with 2 items deleted, 5 items added, and 11 major revisions according to experts’ opinion. Revisions mainly focused on clinical practical ability (72%) and the research ability (28%).ConclusionThe final evaluation index was constructed consisting 3 categories (practice ability, non-technical skills, and teaching and research capabilities) with 5 primary and 14 secondary evaluation standards which further divided into 51 items. We hope it could be widely adopted as a standardized evaluation reference for obstetric anesthesiologists training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 650
Eka Kartikawati ◽  
Mayarni Mayarni

ABSTRAKUpaya pemerintah dengan memberikan vaksinasi kepada warga masyarakat sebagai bentuk pencegahan covid-19 masih dirasa pro dan kontra oleh masyarakat, menurut survei masih banyak warga yang masih takut tentang keampuhan serta kefektifan dari vaksinasi tersebut. Faktor lainnya juga karena terdapat pemberitaan yang tidak sesuai yang banyak beredar sehingga masyarakat masih belum banyak yang mengetahui lebih jelas mengenai vaksinasi tersebut. Untuk meluruskan hal tersebut maka perlu adanya edukasi mengenai pentingnya vaksinasi covid-19.Hal ini bertujuan agar khususnya warga aisyiah ranting kukusan memperoleh informasi yang sesuai serta tidak ada lagi ketakutan mengenai pemberian vaksin. Selain itu dilakukan juga pelatihan pembuatan disinfektan kepada ibu-ibu warga aisyiah kukusan depok sebagai upaya pencegahan covid-19. Beberapa langkah yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu 1) sosialisasi langsung mitra aisyiah ranting kukusan depok 2) pemberian edukasi mengenai vaksinasi covid-19 3) pelatihan pembuatan disinfektan 4) penyemprotan lingkungan lembaga 5) evaluasi akhir kegiatan. Hasil kegiatan ini bahwa mitra dapat memahami dengan jelas yakni mengenai vaksinasi, cara kerja vaksinasi, kriteria yang boleh dan tidak boleh di vaksinasi, reaksi vaksinasi terhadap tubuh dan herd immunity serta pembuatan disinfektan. Kata kunci: edukasi; vaksinasi; covid-19; disinfektan ABSTRACTThe government's efforts by giving vaccinations to citizens as a form of prevention of COVID-19 are still considered pros and cons by the community, according to the survey, there are still many residents who are still afraid about the efficacy and effectiveness of the vaccination. Another factor is because there is a lot of inappropriate news circulating so that many people still don't know more clearly about the vaccination. To straighten this out, it is necessary to provide education about the importance of covid-19 vaccination. This is intended so that especially the residents of the Steamed Branch Aisyiah get the appropriate information and there is no more fear about giving vaccines. In addition, training on the manufacture of disinfectants was also carried out for the women of Aisyiah Kusan Depok residents in an effort to prevent COVID-19. Several steps were taken in this service activity, namely 1) direct socialization of aisyiah partners of the Depok Steam Branch 2) providing education regarding the covid-19 vaccination 3) training on making disinfectants 4) spraying the environment of the institution 5) final evaluation of the activity. The result of this activity is that partners can understand clearly about vaccination, how vaccination works, criteria that may and may not be vaccinated, reactions to vaccination against the body and herd immunity and the manufacture of disinfectants. Keywords: education; vaccination; covid-19; disinfectant.

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