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Javier Mateos-Pérez ◽  
Rebeca Sirera-Blanco

This article analyzes all fiction series and miniseries produced and broadcasted in Spain on linear and digital television channels as well as video-on-demand platforms in the period 2000–2020. The aim is to collect, quantify, classify, and characterize Spanish-produced television series. A methodology with a mixed, quantitative–qualitative design is proposed to quantify, classify, and categorize the 545 identified fictional works. The resulting database includes fields for the year of first broadcast, format, genre, platform, channel, number of episodes and seasons, duration, and rating. This taxonomy is the first to present a complete characterization of all fictional series produced and broadcasted in Spain during the digital era. Based on the results, three periods can be distinguished: the development of the series, the economic crisis of 2008, and the arrival of video-on-demand platforms in Spain. It is concluded that comedies have been overwhelmed by other major genres, such as dramas or police series. Television series are adapting to the new society that consumes them, portraying its social debates, fears, and aspirations through new themes while also reducing their length, mixing some genres with others, and with an increasing presence and prominence of female characters to the detriment of men. Resumen Se recopilan, cuantifican, clasifican y caracterizan las 545 series y miniseries de ficción de producción española, emitidas por los canales de televisión lineal, digital y las plataformas de vídeo bajo demanda, en el período 2000-2020. Se propone una metodología con un diseño mixto: cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se ha creado una base de datos que incluye los campos: año de estreno, formato, género, plataforma, canal, número de episodios y temporadas, duración y valoración. De esta manera se propone, por vez primera, una taxonomía que considera la caracterización completa del total de las ficciones seriadas españolas emitidas en España durante la era digital. Los resultados distinguen tres periodos por: el desarrollo de la ficción televisiva, la crisis económica de 2008, y la llegada de las plataformas de vídeo bajo demanda al país. Se concluye que las comedias han sido desbordadas por otros géneros mayoritarios, como los dramáticos o los policiales. La ficción de televisión se adapta a la nueva sociedad que las consume, retratando a través de temáticas novedosas sus debates sociales, sus miedos y sus aspiraciones. Se ha reducido su duración, mezclando unos géneros con otros y concediendo cada vez más presencia y protagonismo a personajes de mujeres en detrimento de los hombres.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Zahid Iqbal ◽  
Fei Ji ◽  
Yun Liu

This paper proposes a novel precoding-aided and efficient data transmission scheme called virtual spatial channel number and index modulation (VS-CNIM), which conveys extra data by changing both the number and index of active virtual parallel channels of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, obtained through the singular value decomposition (SVD) in each time slot. Unlike the conventional virtual spatial modulation (VSM), where extra data bits are transmitted only using index of active virtual parallel channels, the VS-CNIM scheme, depending on incoming information bits, transmits extra bits utilizing both the number and indices of active parallel channels along the bits carried by M -ary constellation symbols. Therefore, VS-CNIM provides significantly superior spectral efficiency (SE) compared to VSM. Considering the influence of imperfect channel estimation, a closed-form upper bound is derived on average bit error probability (ABEP). The asymptotic performance is also analyzed, which gives the coding gain and diversity order and describes error floor under the consideration of perfect and imperfect channel estimation, respectively. Monte Carlo simulations exhibit that the VS-CNIM scheme achieves considerably better error performance and high SE than precoding-aided SM (PSM) and VSM schemes.

Ejay Nsugbe ◽  
Ibrahim Sanusi ◽  
Olusayo Obajemu ◽  
Oluwarotimi Williams Samuel ◽  
Mojisola Grace Asogbon ◽  

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 3872
Guangtai Lei ◽  
Shenyilang Zhang ◽  
Yinfeng Fang ◽  
Yuxi Wang ◽  
Xuguang Zhang

Force myography (FMG) is a method that uses pressure sensors to measure muscle contraction indirectly. Compared with the conventional approach utilizing myoelectric signals in hand gesture recognition, it is a valuable substitute. To achieve the aim of gesture recognition at minimum cost, it is necessary to study the minimum sampling frequency and the minimal number of channels. For purpose of investigating the effect of sampling frequency and the number of channels on the accuracy of gesture recognition, a hardware system that has 16 channels has been designed for capturing forearm FMG signals with a maximum sampling frequency of 1 kHz. Using this acquisition equipment, a force myography database containing 10 subjects’ data has been created. In this paper, gesture accuracies under different sampling frequencies and channel’s number are obtained. Under 1 kHz sampling rate and 16 channels, four of five tested classifiers reach an accuracy up to about 99%. Other experimental results indicate that: (1) the sampling frequency of the FMG signal can be as low as 5 Hz for the recognition of static movements; (2) the reduction of channel number has a large impact on the accuracy, and the suggested channel number for gesture recognition is eight; and (3) the distribution of the sensors on the forearm would affect the recognition accuracy, and it is possible to improve the accuracy via optimizing the sensor position.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1833
Zhengjia Xu ◽  
Ivan Petrunin ◽  
Teng Li ◽  
Antonios Tsourdos

To enable an efficient dynamic power and channel allocation (DPCA) for users in the downlink multi-channel non-orthogonal multiple access (MC-NOMA) systems, this paper regards the optimization as the combinatorial problem, and proposes three heuristic solutions, i.e., stochastic algorithm, two-stage greedy randomized adaptive search (GRASP), and two-stage stochastic sample greedy (SSD). Additionally, multiple complicated constraints are taken into consideration according to practical scenarios, for instance, the capacity for per sub-channel, power budget for per sub-channel, power budget for users, minimum data rate, and the priority control during the allocation. The effectiveness of the algorithms is compared by demonstration, and the algorithm performance is compared by simulations. Stochastic solution is useful for the overwhelmed sub-channel resources, i.e., spectrum dense environment with less data rate requirement. With small sub-channel number, i.e., spectrum scarce environment, both GRASP and SSD outperform the stochastic algorithm in terms of bigger data rate (achieve more than six times higher data rate) while having a shorter running time. SSD shows benefits with more channels compared with GRASP due to the low computational complexity (saves 66% running time compared with GRASP while maintaining similar data rate outcomes). With a small sub-channel number, GRASP shows a better performance in terms of the average data rate, variance, and time consumption than SSG.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (12) ◽  
pp. 2858-2862 ◽  
Wan-Li Zhan ◽  
Jin-Xu Xu ◽  
Xiao-Lan Zhao ◽  
Bin-Jie Hu ◽  
Xiu Yin Zhang

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 723-730
Yogi Irmas Pratama ◽  
Maulita Prygel Nursiana

ABSTRAK Air limpasan (runoff) pada area pertambangan terbuka umumnya memiliki tingkat kekeruhan yang tinggi dan/atau bersifat asam, sehingga memerlukan pengolahan sebelum memasuki badan air penerima. Pengolahan aktif merupakan metode yang efektif untuk diterapkan, dimana terdapat tahapan pengadukan cepat yang bertujuan salah satunya untuk pencampuran bahan kimia. Studi pustaka ini bertujuan melihat potensi pengaplikasian pengadukan hidrolis menggunakan baffled channel untuk meningkatkan efektivitas. Konfigurasi kolam harus terdiri dari dua bagian atau lebih agar proses dapat berjalan, kolam atenuasi di bagian hulu dan kolam hilir yang dapat berbentuk kolam labirin, meandering. Baffled channel dapat diposisikan pada saluran keluaran (outlet) dari kolam atenuasi. Sebuah pengadukan cepat akan berhasil ketika terpenuhinya gradien kecepatan pengadukan (G) dan waktu detensi (td) yang dipersyaratkan. Parameter yang dapat direkayasa untuk mencapai persyaratan tersebut adalah jumlah sekat (n) yang terdapat di sepanjang saluran. Kalkulasi jumlah sekat yang dibutuhkan harus dapat memenuhi parameter pengadukan pada setiap rentang debit minimum dan maksimum. Tercapainya kriteria pengadukan akan meningkatkan efektivitas tahapan pengolahan selanjutnya. Kata kunci : Pengadukan, baffled channel  ABSTRACT Runoff in open pit areas commonly contain high levels of turbidity and/or low level of pH, its requiring processing before entering the environment. Active processing is an effective method to be applied, where there is rapid mixing stage aim to blend chemical substances. The purpose of this literature study is to see potential of applications the hydraulic mixing using baffled channel to increase effectiveness. The configuration of the pond must be consist of two or more compartments in order to the process run well, attenuation pond at the upstream and at downstream pond that can be labyrinth pond or meandering. The baffled channel can be positioned at outlet channel from the attenuation pond. A rapid mix will successful when required gradient of velocity (G) and the detention time (dt) are reached. The parameter can be engineered to meet these requirements are the amount of baffled along the channel. Number of partition needed should be able to meet the wedge parameters at minimum and maximum discharge range. Attaining criteria will increase the effectiveness of the next processing stage. Keywords: mixing, baffled channel

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