prickly pear
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2022 ◽  
Vol 199 ◽  
pp. 104703
Soufiane Lahbouki ◽  
Raja Ben-Laouane ◽  
Mohamed Anli ◽  
Abderrahim Boutasknit ◽  
Youssef Ait-Rahou ◽  

Fibers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Saadia Lahreche ◽  
Imane Moulefera ◽  
Abdelkader El El Kebir ◽  
Lilia Sabantina ◽  
M’hamed Kaid ◽  

The present work was aimed to evaluate the adsorption properties of activated carbons based on prickly pear seeds (PPS) and conductive polymer matrix based on polyaniline (PANI) for the removal of anionic Congo red (CR) dye from aqueous solutions. The adsorbent was prepared by polymerization of aniline in the presence of activated PPS by phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide. The samples were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) methods. The adsorption kinetics were studied using UV-visible (UV/Vis) spectroscopy. The characterization data suggest that the adsorption of the Congo red dye is enhanced because PANI chain molecules, which are especially accountable for removal through π—π interaction and H-bonding with the CR, are adsorbed/tethered onto the acid-activated PPS (PPSH), and thus surmount the mass transfer limitation by being best exposed to the CR-adsorbed molecule. The adsorption kinetics follows the pseudo-second order process. The correlation coefficients (R2) for Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin showed that the adsorption values obey Freundlich and Tempkin isotherm models. Moreover, the isotherm was most accurately described by the Freundlich model, and the maximum removal percentage was calculated to be 91.14% under optimized conditions of pH 6.6, 1 g/L of adsorbent dosage, and an initial CR dye concentration of 20 mg·L−1. Importantly, the hybrid adsorbent exhibited the highest adsorption capacity (80.15%) after five cycles of the adsorption–desorption process. Thermodynamic parameters, such as entropy changes, enthalpy changes and Gibbs free energy, were also evaluated. These results indicated that the PANI matrix can generally be better utilized for the removal of Congo red dye when appropriately dispersed on the surface of suitable support materials. These results provide a new direction to promote the separable adsorbents with increasing performance for adsorption of dye impurities from wastewater.

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Washington Benevenuto de Lima ◽  
Jucilene Silva Araújo ◽  
Lúcia Helena Garófalo Chaves ◽  
Múcio Freire Vieira ◽  

Knowing the tolerance of plants grown in the Brazilian semi-arid region to salt stress is of paramount importance for the sustainability of regional agriculture. This study was developed to examine the growth and yield of prickly pear cactus ‘Orelha de Elefante Mexicana’ (Opuntia stricta Haw) irrigated with increasing water salinity levels (0.75, 3.0, 5.25 and 7.50 dS m-1 to 25 ºC) and grown on soils representative of the Brazilian semi-arid region (chromic Luvisol, Solonetz and Fluvisol). Total fresh weight decreased linearly, with a 21.42% reduction when we compare the average fresh weight per plant in the lowest and highest saline level treatments. The chromic Luvisol and Solonetz soils showed the best fresh weight and dry matter yields under the present experimental conditions.

Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Ambrogina Albergamo ◽  
Angela Giorgia Potortí ◽  
Giuseppa Di Bella ◽  
Nawres Ben Amor ◽  
Giovanna Lo Vecchio ◽  

Various dried (by-)products from the Tunisian O. ficus-indica were elucidated for their proximate composition, fatty acid (FA) composition, inorganic elements, sugars, and polyphenols. Nopal and prickly pear peel and seeds were abundant in fiber (respectively, 28.39, 12.54, and 16.28%). Seeds had also high protein (17.34%) and may be source of an edible oil, due to lipids (9.65%) poor in saturated FAs (14.12%) and rich in linoleic acid (61.11%). Nopal and peel showed the highest levels of Mg (493.57 and 345.19 mg/100 g), K (6949.57 and 1820.83 mg/100 g), Mn (59.73 and 46.86 mg/Kg) and Fe (23.15 and 15.23 mg/Kg), while the fruit pulp predominantly constituted of sugars, glucose and arabinose being predominant (42.57 and 13.56 g/100 g). Total polyphenols widely varied among the Opuntia products (108.36–4785.36 mg GAE/100 g), being mainly represented by hydroxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic acids, and flavonoids as well. In particular, peel may be revalorized for these valuable bioactives, including 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (484.95 mg/100 g), cinnamic acid (318.95 mg/100 g), rutin (818.94 mg/100 g), quercetin (605.28 mg/100 g), and several isorhamnetin and kaempferol glycosides. Overall, the Tunisian prickly pear cactus could encourage a sustainable production, an effective waste management, and may provide several benefits for human health, in accordance with the model of the Mediterranean diet.

P.R. Davara ◽  
A.K. Varshney ◽  
V.P. Sangani ◽  
P.P. Vora

Background: Prickly pear juices are considered as valuable ingredient for sports and energy drinks due to its higher amino acids contents, minerals and attractive red color. Hence, prickly pear fruit has received renewed interest for the production of juice. Up to date, relatively little work has been reported regarding the manufacturing of prickly pear products. Enzyme has proved to be the key element for producing clear and stable fruit juice. The present study aimed to optimize the processing parameters for enzymatic clarification of prickly pear juice. The results of this investigation are expected to provide the suitable process technology for the production of prickly pear juice with better retention of betalain content and color value. Methods: Prickly pear pulp was treated with pectinase enzyme at different concentrations (0.01-0.09%), incubation temperatures (40-60°C) and incubation time (60-180 min). The effect of enzymatic treatments on clarity, color index, betalain content and ascorbic acid content of juice were studied through response surface methodology by employing second order central composite rotatable design. Result: Response surface analysis determined the optimum condition for clarifying prickly pear juice as 0.036% enzyme concentration, 46°C incubation temperature and 112 min incubation time. At this condition, it was predicted to produce the prickly pear juice with clarity of 48.59% T, color index of 0.603 abs, betalain content of 542.93 mg/L of juice and ascorbic acid content of 9.35 mg/100 g with the desirability of 0.780.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
Cinthia Carolinne de Souza Ferreira ◽  
Cristiane Domingos da Paz ◽  
Joselita Cardoso de Souza ◽  
Ana Rosa Peixoto ◽  
Lucas Silva Rios ◽  

ABSTRACT: In micropropagation, potassium nitrate (KNO3), an ACS reagent grade chemical, used in the preparation of growing mediums is expensive and its procurement depends on bureaucratic procedures, as it is controlled by the Brazilian Army. This research to assessed the effect of replacing the ACS KNO3 for a commercially available fertilizer (KNO3- based) on the micropropagation of the prickly pear cactus (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw. cv. Elephant Ear. Treatments used six different fertilizer concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 g L-1) and a control consisting of 1.9 g L-1 KNO3, as shown in the MS salts. The survival, size and number of sprouts and the value of fresh biomass were evaluated. After seedling acclimation, we assessed the survival, number of sprouts, length, and number of roots, racket formation, average fresh biomass mass, macronutrient absorption and morphological changes of the seedlings. Explants inoculated with fertilizers at concentrations of 0.0; 2.0 and 2.5 g L-¹ did not grow. The response of explants at concentrations of 0.5 and 1.5 g L-1 of the fertilizer were the same as those developed in a KNO3 medium, and at a concentration of 1.0 g L-1, in all variables, the means were higher than those of the control medium. Therefore, it showed the feasibility of using fertilizers in the in vitro cultivation of the prickly pear cactus, which may remove bureaucratic barriers and reduce product costs by 99.12%.

Julián Andrés Gómez-Salazar ◽  
Jennifer Patlán-González ◽  
María Elena Sosa-Morales ◽  
Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez ◽  
Eduardo Sánchez-Ramírez ◽  

Rebiha Bellache ◽  
Dalila Hammiche ◽  
Azzedine Bettache ◽  
Amar Boukerrou

2021 ◽  
Federico Félix Hahn Schlam

Mexico is the main exporter of mango fruits and prickly pears, so new postharvest techniques to increase shelf life are studied. Thermal treatments on both fruits can affect their cuticle so it was reviewed. When mango latex remains within the fruits, it avoids sap burn and decreases anthracnose and stem end rot infestation, so two systems were developed to minimize latex de-sapping. A gripper cuts stems 0.5 cm long and cauterizes them with a hot knife implement. A heating gun applied paraffin wax to mangoes without the stem end and protected them better against anthracnose lesions. Physicochemical analysis of several mango varieties was carried out after harvesting, at market place and after pedicel cutting and cauterizing. Keitt mangoes showed the lower quantity of total soluble solids (TSSs) and total acidity (TA). When the pedicel was cauterized, TSS dropped. Two grippers were developed to cryo-cauterize prickly pears as this system is more energy-efficient than hot cauterization. A six-finger gripper moved over a pneumatic actuator toward a dry ice chamber to optimize pear cryo-cauterization. Gripper’s strong grasping damaged the fruits due to excessive compression. TSS and TA of cryo-cauterized fruit remained constant during the three months of fruit storage.

Plant Disease ◽  
2021 ◽  
Dirk Janssen ◽  
Carmen García ◽  
Leticia Ruiz

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is a high-value fruit crop, introduced about a decade ago in the mainland of Spain. In 2021, chlorotic spots were observed on young cladodes in a commercial dragon fruit orchard in the province of Seville (southern Spain). Sap extracts from 4 symptomatic cladodes were used to mechanically inoculate indicator plants: no symptoms were produced in Datura stramonium plants, but Chenopodium amaranticolor reacted with chlorotic local lesions and prickly pear plants (Opuntia ficus-indica) showed irregular yellow ringspot symptoms on young cladodes at 30 days post inoculation. Total RNA was extracted from all 4 symptomatic cladodes as previously described (Pallas et al. 1987). Reverse transcription (RT)-PCR, which was carried out with M-MLV-RT and Go Taq Pol (Promega Biotech Ibérica, SL, Madrid, Spain) and tobamovirus primers (Dovas et al. 2004), failed to produce any amplicons. Electrophoretic analysis of dsRNA, extracted from symptomatic cladodes, yielded a banding pattern similar to the one reported for potexviruses (Valverde et al. 1986). Primers specific for Cactus virus X (Kim et al., 2016) failed to produce amplicons, whereas potexvirus group primers (Potex F5/Potex R2) (van der Vlugt and Berendsen 2002), amplified an expected 584-bp amplicon from RNA extracts of all 4 field-collected samples. The RT-PCR products from the four samples were Sanger-sequenced. All showed identical sequence results (GenBank Accession MZ614940) with a predicted amino acid identity of 99% with the corresponding RNA-dependent RNA polymerase amino acid sequence of Schlumbergera virus X (SchVX) (GenBank Accession No. ACD99908). SchVX-specific primers (431s, 5‘-TTTGAGGAGTTCGTCAGCAAGA-3‘ and 431As, 5‘-TCAAGAGCCCATTGAGAGAGTG-3‘) that were designed based on the new sequence, amplified the expected amplicon of around 430 nucleotides from the total RNA extracts of the four samples. The amplicons were Sanger-sequenced and the expected nucleotide sequence was obtained. This pair of primers were used in RT-PCR tests on subsequent surveys in 2 commercial dragon fruit greenhouses from the province of Seville, and in 1 experimental greenhouse in the province of Almeria. All samples from 25 symptomatic plants of H. undatus, H. hybridum, H. costaricensis, and H. purpusii in Seville and from 1 symptomatic H. undatus plant from Almeria tested positive for SchVX, while 15 asymptomatic plants tested negative. The results obtained in this investigation support that SchVX is present in the cladodes of dragon fruit plants expressing the symptoms. SchVX has been reported previously from H. undatus from Brasil (Duarte et al. 2008) and from prickly pear in Mexico (De La Torre-Almaráz et al. 2016), and to our knowledge, this is the first report of the virus in Spain. These findings suggest that SchVX has been introduced in dragon fruit farms from Spain and propagation of this emerging crop through planting of cuttings should include testing for this virus in order to prevent further spread.

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