indirect fluorescence antibody
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 310
Ísis Assis Braga ◽  
Isis Indaiara Gonçalves Granjeiro Taques ◽  
Estefânia Crivelatti Grontoski ◽  
Ingrid Savino de Oliveira Dias ◽  
Nathalia Assis Pereira ◽  

Cats naturally exposed to Ehrlichia canis have been described in different regions of the world, but little is known about the genotypes associated with infection in these animals. To detect E. canis-specific antibodies and investigate the E. canis TRP genotypes in cats, serum samples from 76 domestic cats reactive to crude E. canis antigens by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) were analyzed by ELISA, using E. canis-specific peptides (i.e., TRP19 and TRP36 /BR/US/CR). Of these, 25 (32.9%) cats reacted to at least one TRP peptide, confirming their specific exposure to E. canis. Eighteen (23.7%) cats reacted to TRP19, 15 (19.8%) to BRTRP36, and 11 (14.5%) to USTRP36, but none of them reacted to CRTRP36. Eight (10.5%) cats reacted to TRP19 but not to any TRP36 genotype, demonstrating the possible existence of a new E. canis genotype infecting felines. Nevertheless, this study provides the first report of anti-E. canis-specific antibodies in domestic cats.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-73
M. M. Shader ◽  
A. Y. Akoob

This study included two stages, the first one was as epidemiological study of malaria in the local chickens of variuos areas in Salahuddin province the infection rate was 3.16 % out of 433 samples taken. There was different blood stages of the parasite which are represented by trophzoites, schizonts and to less extent gametocytes. The second stage was the experimental study,which showed the ability of induction of infection (subinoculation technique). Prepatent period was represented by the presence of trophozoites m schizonts and gametocytes. The most important clinical signs was partial paralysis , dullness and emaciation. The pathological changes showed congestion and enlargement of liver and spleen. congestion of brain with absence of exo-erythrocytic mild lymphocytosis in the infected group. it was concluded the ability of diagnosis of avian malaria using human malaria antigen by the indirect fluorescence antibody technique.

2021 ◽  
Larissa Nascimento Sousa ◽  
Samira Pereira Batista ◽  
Samara Santos Silva ◽  
Rômulo Fylipe Silva ◽  
Wlysse Ferreira Sarmento ◽  

Abstract This study aimed to describe the transmission of T. gondii in naturally infected goats in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, through evaluating the serological status of these animals from one to 12 months of age. Seven goat farms were selected. During the first visit, an epidemiological questionnaire was applied. Blood samples were collected from pregnant goats and from their female offspring every month, to monitor them for anti-T. gondii antibodies, using the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Out of 66 pregnant goats evaluated, 47% (31/66) (95% CI: 34.6% − 59.7%) were positive and out of 93 female offspring, 61.3% (57/93) (95% CI: 52.4% − 69.2%) were positive, in at least one month during the evaluation period. Among the positive female offspring, 43.3% (27/57) (95% CI: 39.7% − 56.9%) presented environmental infection and 56.7% (30/57) (95% CI: 43.4% − 66.3 %) probably had only colostral antibodies or vertical transmission. It was observed that 92,6% (25/27) from environmental infections occurred until reproductive age (six months) (p < 0.0001). It was also noted that there is a correlation between the titration of mothers and offspring, until four months of age (p < 0.0001). Large fluctuations in the presence of antibodies were observed among the animals over the months monitored. It can be concluded that the prevalence of anti-T. gondii antibodies within the herds was greater than what has been expressed in specific prevalence studies and that most sheep become infected up to the six months of life in the studied area.

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1516
Susan M. Moore

The case fatality rate of rabies, nearly 100%, is one of the most unique characteristic of this ancient virus infection. The crucial role rabies virus neutralizing antibody plays in protection is both well established and explanation of why rabies serology is important. Various laboratory methods can and have been used but serum neutralization methods have long been the gold standard due to the ability to measure function (neutralization), however these methods can be difficult to perform for several reasons. Assays such as enzyme linked absorbance assays (ELISA), indirect fluorescence antibody (IFA) and more recently lateral flow methods are in use. Interpretation of results can be problematic, not only between methods but also due to modifications of the same method that can lead to misinterpretations. A common assumption in review of laboratory test results is that different methods for the same component produce comparable results under all conditions or circumstances. Assumptions and misinterpretations provide the potential for detrimental decisions, ranging from regulatory to clinically related, and most importantly what ‘level’ is protective. Review of the common challenges in performance and interpretation of rabies serology and specific examples illuminate critical issues to consider when reviewing and applying results of rabies serological testing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Tawin Inpankaew ◽  
Panpicha Sattasathuchana ◽  
Chanya Kengradomkij ◽  
Naris Thengchaisri

Abstract Background Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common parasitic zoonoses worldwide. Cats become infected after ingesting infected tissue cysts. The objective of the present study was to compare the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in pet cats and semi-domesticated cats in the Bangkok metropolitan region. A survey of Toxoplasma infection was conducted in 260 cats (median age [range]: 3 years [10 months–10 years]; 155 females and 105 males) by collecting blood samples from 130 client-owned pet cats and 130 semi-domesticated cats within and around Bangkok during 2016–2017 using indirect fluorescence antibody tests. An IgG antibody to Toxoplasma antigen ratio of ≥1:100 was considered positive for Toxoplasma infection. Results The overall prevalence of T. gondii in cats was 6.5% (17/260). The prevalence of T. gondii in semi-domesticated cats and pet cats was 11.5 and 1.5%, respectively. Semi-domesticated cats aged 1–5 years (14.9%) had a higher prevalence of infection than domesticated cats (1.3%, p = 0.002) of the same age. The odds (95% confidence interval [CI]) of having T. gondii infection in semi-domesticated cats were 8.34 (1.86–76.29, p = 0.0017) times higher than in pet cats. Interestingly, there was an association between T. gondii infection according to city ​region (p = 0.002). The odds (95% CI) of having T. gondii infection in cats living in the inner city were 4.96 (1.03–47.16, p = 0.023) times higher than cats living in the suburb and the vicinity. Conclusions The present study identified a higher prevalence of Toxoplasma infection in semi-domesticated cats compared with pet cats. The semi-domesticated cats could serve as a zoonotic reservoir. Public health regulations should be implemented to prevent toxoplasmosis spread.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 2069-2076
V.G. Gaia ◽  
G.F. Grillo ◽  
M.R.B. Mello ◽  
H.B. Palhano ◽  
A.F. Silva

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of anti-Neospora caninum antibodies in Girolando cows, in order to evaluate the association between seropositivity and reproductive disorders. Blood samples were collected from 40 dairy cows in their reproductive phase from the cranial superficial epigastric vein. The blood samples were tested using the Indirect Fluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT) to detect anti-N.caninum antibodies. The serological results were used to verify whether there was any association with the manifestation of reproductive disorders based on data from the records of reproductive history from 2017 to 2018 as well as the clinical observations of the herd throughout this study. The Fisher exact test was used to verify the existence of an association between the serology and reproductive disorders, adopting a 95% confidence level. The serological results showed a 27.5% seroprevalence in the herd for N. caninum, however, after statistical analysis, no association between seropositivity and reproductive disorders was found in the evaluated herd. Although the studied population is infected with Neospora caninum, we can infer that anti-Neospora caninum antibodies present in Girolando dairy cows at the UFRRJ Dairy Cattle Facility are not associated with the occurrence of reproductive disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 145
Georgios Dougas ◽  
Maria Mavrouli ◽  
Athanassios Tsakris ◽  
Charalambos Billinis ◽  
Joseph Papaparaskevas

Rickettsia typhi and Bartonella henselae are the causative agents of murine typhus and cat-scratch disease, respectively. A small-scale survey (N = 202) was conducted in the Attica region, Greece, for determining the prevalence rates of IgG antibodies against B. henselae and R. typhi by indirect fluorescence antibody test. IgG against B. henselae and R. typhi were present in 17.8% (36/202) and 4.5% (9/202) of the participants, respectively; co-occurring IgG against both B. henselae and R. typhi were detected in 3.5% (7/202), whereas only anti-B. henselae IgG in 14.3% (29/202), and only anti-R. typhi IgG in 1.0% (2/202). Titres 1/64, 1/128, 1/256, and 1/512, of anti-B. henselae IgG were identified in 6.4%, 4.5%, 4.5%, and 2.4%, whereas titres 1/40 and 1/80 of anti-R. typhi IgG were detected in 4.0%, and 0.5%, respectively. A positive association of anti-B. henselae IgG prevalence with a coastal area featuring a major seaport (p = 0.009) and with younger age (p = 0.046) was identified. The findings of this survey raise concern for exposure of the population of Attica to B. henselae and R. typhi, which should be considered in the differential diagnosis when compatible symptoms are present. Our results also suggest that seaports may represent high-risk areas for exposure to Bartonella spp.

Naser NAZARI ◽  
Saeedeh SHOJAEE ◽  
Mahboobeh SALIMI ◽  
Mehdi MOHEBALI ◽  

Background: Our knowledge of the epidemiology of rodents’ parasitic agents in Iran is scarce, although some of these pathogens play an important role in human and veterinary medicine, such as Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum. The purpose of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in rodents of northwestern Iran between Mar and Dec 2015. Methods: Overall, 157 serum samples from rodents (101 Meriones persicus, 41 Mus musculus, and 15 Cricetulus migratorius) were assayed by the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) for antibodies to T. gondii and N. caninum Results: We found a prevalence of 20.38% (32/157) for N. caninum, 35% (55/157) for T. gondii. Co-presence of antibodies to N. caninum and T. gondii was found in 10 (6.36%) rodents. A significant association was found between the rodents species and seropositivity to N. caninum (P<0.05) but there was no association with rodents species for T. gondii. The overall prevalence of the aforementioned parasites was higher in male versus female rodents. Conclusion: The high seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis and neosporosis in rodents in the study area has implications for translocation of these infections across wider geographical regions since these rodents are mostly preyed on by cats or dogs; hence, which can transfer the parasite to other hosts.

Daniella Ferreira Cordeiro Gomes ◽  
Felipe da Silva Krawczak ◽  
Cairo Henrique Sousa de Oliveira ◽  
Álvaro Ferreira Júnior ◽  
Éverton Kort Kamp Fernandes ◽  

Abstract Toxoplasma gondii is an apicomplexan protozoan that is frequently found in both humans and animals worldwide. The aim of this review was to list important aspects of Toxoplasma gondii infection in cattle in Brazil. The frequency of occurrence of T. gondii antibodies in Brazilian cattle ranges from 1 to 89.1%, depending on the region evaluated, based on data from 1978 to 2018. However, some characteristics of T. gondii infection in cattle remain uncertain, such as the role of meat intake in transmitting the parasite to humans. Most information regarding T. gondii infection among Brazilian cattle is limited to evaluations of the frequency of occurrence of antibodies. About 70% of the diagnoses of infection in these ruminants in Brazil are made via the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). Nevertheless, little is known about the population structure of this protozoan in cattle. It is necessary to expand the studies on toxoplasmosis in cattle, in order to better understand T. gondii infection in these animals and its implications for Brazilian public health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Githa Nurma Aziz ◽  
Suwarno Suwarno ◽  
Ratih Novita Praja ◽  
Jola Rahmahani ◽  
Prima Ayu Wibawati ◽  

Virus Infectious Bronchitis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh genus Gammacoronavirus,  subfamili  Coronavirinae,  famili  Coronavirinae  tidak  bersegmen,  sense positif dengan genom SS-RNA. Terdapat lebih dari 30 macam serotip virus infectious bronchitis yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan virus infectious bronchitis isolat lokal (PTS-III) dan Massachusetts yang di inokulasikan pada cairan allantois TAB. Identifikasi dilakukan berdasarkan waktu inkubasi virus IB yakni dengan waktu 0 jam, 6 jam, 12 jam, 24 jam, 48 jam, 72 jam, 96 jam dan 120 jam dan kemudian di panen. Isolasi virus IB dilakukan secara in ovo pada telur ayam berembrio (TAB) umur 9 hingga 11 hari. Menggunakan ulangan 3 butir TAB pada setiap waktu inkubasi dengan total TAB berjumlah 50 butir. Inokulum disuntikkan ke dalam cairan allantois dengan spuit 1 ml secara tegak lurus dengan kantung hawa. Metode pemeriksaan yang digunakan menggunakan Indirect FAT dan mikroskop fluorescence dengan melihat adanya perpenderan cahaya neon atau fluoresensi. Hasil data yang digunakan secara kualitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dengan hasil berupa positif dan negatif. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hasil negatif pada TAB yang di inkubasi hingga jam ke-0 dan jam ke-6. Hasil positif ditunjukkan pada TAB yang di inkubasi pada jam ke-12, 24, 48, 72, 96 dan 120.

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