enterprise size
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C. Lagabrielle ◽  
G. Encrenaz ◽  
G. Debruyne ◽  
N. Rascle

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. s041-s053
Darya Trachova ◽  
Svitlana Diachek ◽  
Nataliia Vyhovska ◽  
Olha Havryliuk ◽  
Нalyna Chaban ◽  

The articles object is a process of accounting and information support for the formation of depreciation policy. The purpose of this article is to develop a conceptual framework for a common accounting and information space of depreciation policy. First, the authors consider the benefits of total digitalization of the organization and methodological support of depreciation policy process and make some assumptions related to the concept of enterprise’s economic data protection.  Since the scientific challenge is how to effectively monitor and quickly adjust depreciation policy, the authors have chosen methods to analyze the relations between business, government regulation, and economic data security. In the course of the research, a survey of 376 enterprises of Zaporizhia, Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine was conducted. To identify impact of the enterprise size on the availability of information about individual indicators, they are grouped according to the selected system of taxation (simplified and general). In addition, the survey results and monitoring of the beta version of depreciation policy's information portal were presented. It was also concluded that the accounting indicators can be used to quickly adjust the depreciation policy at the state level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 108-116
Ruzanna Tadevosyan

The paper discusses scientific arguments and counterarguments about companies’ innovative activity, size, and geographic location of the sales market. The study’s foremost purpose is to empirically check if theoretical statements about a company’s size, export, and innovative activity are associated. Therefore, the questions discussed in this paper are a) Does an enterprise-size matter an enterprise innovation activity? b) Is there is a difference in innovation activity by Classification of Economic Activities (NACE groups)? c) Does the geographic location of the sales market matter the company's innovation activity? The research questions are discussed based on Armenian firm-level data. The findings could be applied mainly to the microeconomic environment of Armenia. The study involved R programming language Wilcoxon test, ANOVA, Tukey test, and Chi-square test are applied. The obtained results showed that the enterprise’s size does not matter an enterprise’s innovative activity. Even though larger companies have more resources to innovate, smaller companies are more flexible and agile. Therefore, the enterprise size is not a limiting factor. The results showed that the companies in some fields of the economy are more prone to innovate than others. In Armenia, most innovative enterprises operate in the group M-Professional, scientific and technical activities and the group C-Manufacturing. The research empirically confirms that when considering a company’s innovative activity, the sphere of the economy in which it operates has statistically significant importance in contrast with the company’s size. The findings by the Chi-Square test showed that a significantly higher number of EU exporting companies had made innovations. In contrast, companies selling their products/services in the local market have made significantly fewer innovations than expected if there would be no association between innovations and the geographic location of the sales market. Therefore, the exporting companies are more innovative than those that sell their products in the local market. Besides, the most innovative firms are EU exporting enterprises. In empiric studies, export is used as a proxy of international competitiveness due to its ability to show a country’s capacity in producing and selling in the international market. Therefore, the analysis of Armenian firm-level data showed the association between innovation and international competitiveness.

Accounting ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 179-190
Le Anh Tuan ◽  
Nguyen Thi Huyen Tram

The study has surveyed 285 manufacturing enterprises in central Vietnam as a representative sample, through which the research has analyzed the current status of operation of manufacturing enterprises in Central Vietnam. The research results also pointed out 5 factors: (1) Labor; (2) Enterprise size; (3) Financial management capacity (4) Capital structure and (5) System of policies and legislation in descending order of affecting the performance of enterprises through regression model. Besides, the study has given specific policy suggestions through the current situation and research model to improve business performance for manufacturing enterprises in Central Vietnam in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 ◽  
pp. 09008
Yaroslava Kostiuk ◽  
Eva Kalinová ◽  
Jiří Kučera

Research Background: The paper focuses on the specification of categories of the globalization and internationalization process in terms of origin, development, definition and content. Using European Commission statistics for the period 2013-2017, the EU28 countries are divided into countries that started the EU (Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) and countries that joined the EU before 2000 (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Austria, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain), and other countries of the so-called former Eastern bloc (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland). For such defined EU countries, a different level of involvement in the globalizing common economy of the European Union as well as a different level of involvement in foreign markets, depending on the level of national economies, can be expected. Purpose of the Article: A test set of 338,788 companies from across the EU was used to analyse value added associated with each indicator (value added at factor cost, gross (average) value added per person employed, number of workers, enterprise size classes and selected industries, namely manufacturing, construction, engineering, transportation and logistics). The membership of the countries in the European Monetary Union was also taken into account. Methods: Mathematical and statistical methods of correlation analysis and paired T-test were used for value added analysis. Findings & Value Added: The outputs of the analysis indicated a high level of statistical conclusive evidence in terms of the impact of value added on each enterprise size class across the sectors concerned as well as on the structure of production and the number of active workers.

Arif Semerci ◽  
Ahmet Duran çelik

According to the data of 2018, Çanakkale City was 5th in Turkey’s total canola production with a proportional share of 7.50%. In this study, differences in input usage amounts and input costs were analysed according to the enterprise size. The data of the study were gathered from 83 canola producers who produced canola in 2018 in the Çanakkale Province by the Complete Inventory Method. According to the research results, there was a statistical difference in pesticide cost at a 5% significance level between small- and large-scale enterprises. In terms of input usage per unit area, there was a statistical difference at a 5% significance level in machinery power usage according to the enterprise size. Furthermore, there wasn’t any statistical difference in input usage between enterprise groups which indicates that large scale enterprises aren’t benefiting from the positive aspects of the scale economy. Therefore, agricultural production in general and canola production in particular should be supported with different tools and different methods in the medium and long terms.

Vu Quoc Thong

To identify factors affecting cost management accounting application of manufacturing enterprises is a challenge. By qualitative approach, we propose our research model and five hypothesises. During the implementation, we survey 179 manufacturing enterprises in southern Vietnam. Then, the research model is Cronbach Alpha tested, conducted exploratory factor analysis and run gression analysis to explain our proposed hypothesis. The result indicates there are 26 variables from Vietnamese manufacturing enterprise’s managers view grouped into 5 factors affecting the cost management accounting application. These factors are manager’s cognition, accountant’s professional level, enterprise size, IT application level and decentralized administration. The paper conclusion progressively paves the way for further researches on cost management accounting application.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-169
Albana Berisha Qehaja ◽  
Enver Kutllovci

This paper examines the usage of strategy tools from the strategy-as-practice perspective. In general, there is a lack of empirical evidence regarding the use of strategy tools, particularly in transition economies. The comprehensive and up-to-date research is mainly concerned with the extent of their use and classification. Thus, academics have already highlighted the need to review their role, importance, and use. Accordingly, this research seeks to bridge the current gap between theoretical constructs and empirical proof of the use of strategy tools in enterprises. The study design used for this research is cross-sectional and data were obtained from 314 enterprises in the Republic of Kosova, using standardized survey-based questionnaires. The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which strategy tools are used in Kosovan enterprises. It also aims to distinguish their use according to educational background of managers/owners, enterprise size and across different sectors. The results of this study reveal that Kosovan enterprises have a low usage rate of strategy tools. More precisely, the two most used strategy tools are SWOT analysis and vision and mission statements. This paper provides some important insights into strategy tools usage in the Republic of Kosova, as a transition economy. While it provides a better understanding and awareness of strategy tools usage, there are other possible study areas that could offer significant value in future research.

Organizacija ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-126
Petra Lesnikova ◽  
Jarmila Schmidtova

AbstractBackground and Purpose: The research paper identifies practices and tools to support corporate sustainability concept that can lead to increased business competitiveness in a dynamically developing business world. The purpose of the paper is to provide insight into the practices and tools of corporate sustainability applied by the Slovak industrial enterprises and which barriers do exist. Moreover, the aim is also to identify factors influencing the application of tools such as company ownership, importance of sustainability concept, and company vision.Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to obtain the necessary data an online questionnaire was used. The sample of enterprises was selected on the basis of the enterprise size and the industry focus (n = 336). The following statistical methods were used 1) one-way ANOVA, 2) the Kruskal-Wallis test, and 3) the Wilcoxon rank-sum test.Results: This paper revealed some key insights: 1) foreign-owned enterprises are better at application of sustainability practices and tools, 2) still quite a few enterprises attribute the importance to the concept, 3) the existence of barriers, particularly in the form of a lack of financial resources, 4) one of the key drivers of sustainability is enterprise vision.Conclusion: The paper created and analyzed quite a comprehensive list of practices and tools suitable for enterprises in Slovakia. There was an effort to find out point at the ways how enterprises contribute to sustainable development. It was also found out that they attach importance to vision as a major trigger for the application of the tools.

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