root crops
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2022 ◽  
Vol 98 (6) ◽  
pp. 664-670
N. F. Timchenko ◽  
М. G. Еliseikina ◽  
G. K. Tchernoded ◽  
O. V. Grishchenko ◽  
А. V. Rakov ◽  

Background. A significant role in the ecology of the sapronotic pathogens Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Listeria monocytogenes and in the epidemiology of the infections they cause is played by land plants used for food. These microorganisms are often found on plant substrates, they multiply on various vegetable and root crops. In this regard, it is relevant to study the viability and biological activity of Y. pseudotuberculosis and L. monocytogenes in contact with various land plants, including those that are not eaten, but are used in medicine.Aim. Study of the interaction of sapronotic pathogens Y. pseudotuberculosis and L. monocytogenes with callus cultures of the land plant Lithospermum erythrorhizon Siebold et Zucc.Materials and methods. The studies included strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis 512 serotype 1b, pYV+, 82MD+ and L. monocytogenes NCTC (4b) 10527 from the Collection of Somov Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, and cell culture from the roots of red-root gromwell Lithospermum erythrorhizon line VC-39 (from the Collection of FSC of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity FEB RAS).Before the study, Y. pseudotuberculosis and L . monocytogenes were cultured 18–20 hours on nutrient agar pH 7.1–7.2. A working dilution of microorganisms was prepared (106 micobial cells per 1 ml) and applied at a dose of 100 μl to the surface of plant calli. Material samples were taken in dynamics after 3 and 14 days and prepared for scanning electron microscopy.Results. Y. pseudotuberculosis and L. monocytogenes formed biofilms on the surface of plant cells within 3 days after the start of the experiment. It was noted that Y. pseudotuberculosis destroyed the components of the plant cell membrane.Conclusion. New data obtained during the study expand the understanding of environments and forms of habitation, as well as the potential for pathogenicity of sapronotic pathogens in the environment.

2022 ◽  
pp. 15-20
T. A. Paramonova ◽  
O. L. Komissarova ◽  
N. V. Kuzmenkova ◽  
L. A. Turykin ◽  
O. E. Denisova

On the territory of the Plavsky radioactive hotspot of the Tula region of Russia, formed as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, an assessment of the radiation safety of growing carrots and beets was carried out in 2019. It has been established that at present the content of 137Cs in arable leached chernozems of the surveyed lands is 90–170 kBq/m2 , which is 2.5–4.5 times higher than the permissible level of density of surface radioactive contamination of soils. However, the specific activity of the radionuclide in carrot and beetroot crops does not exceed 5 Bq/kg, which is significantly less than the maximum permissible level of 137Cs accumulation in vegetables (600 Bq/kg for absolutely dry weight). The accumulation coefficients of 137Cs in the total biomass of carrots and beets are 2.0·10−2 and 7.5·10−2, and in eaten root crops – 1.1·10−2 and 2.0·10−2, respectively, which is in good agreement with the IAEA estimate for the intensity of the transition 137Cs in the production of vegetable roots from loamy and clayey soils.

Ya. P. Makukh ◽  
S. O. Remeniuk ◽  
S. V. Moshkivska ◽  
V. M. Riznyk

Purpose. Establish the impact of basic tillage and weed protection measures on soil density in winter wheat and sugar beet crops. Investigate the criteria for the formation of winter wheat and sugar beet productivity depending on weather conditions, measures of basic tillage and protection against weeds. Methods. Field, laboratory. Results. Soil density for the period of winter wheat harvesting for plowing to a depth of 20–22 cm and direct sowing was in the same range at the level of 1.22 and 1.23 g/cm3, which can be explained by the peculiarity of the soil and the root system of the plants themselves. In sugar beet crops, the combination of plowing to a depth of 25–27 cm with subsequent shelfless loosening at 34–36 cm makes it possible to maintain the density of the arable soil at the level of equilibrium for this type of soil. In other treatments, the soil density increases to 1.27 and 1.28 g/cm3, with compaction of the upper 0–10 cm layer of soil to 1.25 g/cm3 for plowing by 30–32 cm and 1.29 g/cm3 – for shelf-free loosening by 34–36 cm, which has a negative impact on the productivity of sugar beets. Conclusions. With the optimal sowing period for the conditions of Kyiv region on September 12–15, the most optimal sowing rate remains 4.5 million units. nas./ha, for increase in density of standing of plants we note lodging of plants and damp years and essential shortage of grain in arid. According to our research, the main tillage for winter wheat plowing by 20–22 cm remains the most rational for obtaining stable yields of winter wheat (yield was 5.03 t/ha). At the same time, good predecessors of peas for grain, rape, buckwheat can be used direct sowing with the introduction of herbicide continuous action Roundup, 48% v.r. 3.0 l/ha. The highest productivity of sugar beets was obtained by using the main tillage plowing by 25–27 cm + shelfless loosening by 34–36 cm yield of root crops at the level of 52.13–51.73 t/ha, sugar content – 14.80–14.83%, sugar harvest – 7.73–7.81 t/ha. On deep medium loam chernozems, this tillage allows to ensure optimal agrophysical indicators of the soil, remove the plow sole, earn crop residues and ensure yields in arid conditions. Application of sugar-free loosening to sugar beets to a depth of 34–36 cm reduces the yield of root crops by 5.32 and 7.20 t/ha compared to plowing to a depth of 30–32 cm, which is associated with an increase in weediness of crops and soil density.

V. I. Ovcharuk ◽  
O. V. Ovcharuk ◽  
N. R. Havryshchuk ◽  
V. S. Kravchenko ◽  
V. V. Yatsenko

The article presents the results of vegetation-field studies (for 2018-2020) to study the effect of trace elements on the yield and quality of greens and root crops of parsley on heavy loamy chernozems on loess-like loams. A soil mixture was poured into the vessel at the rate of 10 kg of heavy loamy chernozem. Microelements were introduced into the soil in an amount: boron – 1.0 mg; zinc – 2.5 mg; copper – 0.5 mg; manganese – 5.0 mg; molybdenum – 1.0 mg; cobalt – 1.0 mg; iodine – 2.0 mg of active ingredient per kilogram of soil. In the prepared soil, 100 parsley seeds were sown in vessels at the beginning of May. Trace elements were aplicated in the form of an aqueous solution of salts 20 days before chemical analyzes. Molybdenum in the form of ammonium molybdenum (0.05 % solution), manganese – in the form of manganese sulfate (0.6 %, solution) and boron – in the form of boric acid (0.15 % solution). The experiments were carried out in triplicate. Collecting greens was carried out when the plants reached a height of 20–25 cm, leaving petioles 2 cm high from the head of the root crop. The results of the research found that microelements: boron, copper, manganese, molybdenum and cobalt on chernozem on average over two years contributed to an increase in seed germination by 1.2–1.3 %, and the introduction of iodine into the soil slightly reduced seed germination. Parsley shoots appeared together, which was also influenced by the water–air properties of the soil. At the same time, the plants were well leafy and had a darker green color of the leaves, increased the productivity of greens and parsley root crops. In the variant where organic fertilizers were applied to the soil under the predecessor, the microelements increased the yield. This is due to the fact that organic fertilizers were introduced under the previous crop, when decomposed in the soil, they provide the plants with microelements. The increased yield of parsley root crops was obtained from the introduction of molybdenum and a double dose of copper. An increased yield of root crops compared to the control (without feeding) was obtained, respectively: cobalt – 151 g, double dose of copper – 135 g, copper – 108 g and zinc – 106 g. Thus, the use of trace elements for parsley in order to obtain high yield and quality marketable products are best used on poor soils of these elements.

I. I. Palamarchuk ◽  

In the results conducted between studies, the studied regulators affect the biometrics and yield of table carrot plants. The greatest influence on the interphase period "root formation - technical maturity" was performed by the regulator Phytocid-r, which helped reduce the growth of the interphase period Shantane KL by 3 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 by 4 days. With the use of the growth regulator Phytocid-r of the vegetation period of the population in the variety Shantane KL – 117 days, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 days, respectively 6 and 7 days shorter with control. The highest weight of root crops during the growing season was observed using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, in the variety Shantane KL the increase relative to control was 15.5 – 23.7 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.5 and 25.5 g. root crops were also characterized by variants using growth regulators Ivin and Emistym C, where the increase relative to the control at the end of the growing season was: in the variety Shantane KL – 4.1-8.3 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 4.9 and 6.0 g respectively. The growing season of table carrots was characterized by slightly higher temperatures and low rainfall, with a long dry period, which negatively affected the formation of roots of table carrots. However, the highest yield was obtained from the option using the growth regulator Phytocid-p, which provided an increase in yield at the level: in the variety Shantane KL – 8.5 t / ha, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 13.3 t / ha. The highest percentage of marketable yield was obtained using the growth regulator Phytocid-p in both varieties and hybrids – 94.8 and 95.2 %, which is more than the control by 11.2 and 11.0 %. The largest mass of root crop was formed by plants using the growth regulator Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 112 g, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 118 g, which is 23.8 and 25.6 g more than the control. The diameter of the root was in the range of 5.8-7.0 cm and varied slightly from the growth regulator. The hybrid Brilliance F1 was characterized by a longer root length. However, taking into account the applied growth regulator, it was found that the highest figure was for the use of Phytocid-r: in the variety Shantane KL – 17.6 cm, in the hybrid Brilliance F1 – 18.3 cm, which is more than the option without treatment 1.2 and 1.0 cm.


Исследовано изменение содержания фенольных соединений при хранении корнеплодов столовой моркови 14 сортов, перерабатываемых на предприятиях Беларуси. Отбор образцов моркови осуществляли из специализированных овощехранилищ 1 раз в месяц в течение 5 мес. Содержание фенольных соединений определяли по методике, адаптированной авторами для матрицы моркови, на основе реакции окисления фенольных соединений реактивом Фолина–Чокальтеу и последующей фотометрией при длине волны 765 нм. Общую сумму фенольных соединений определяли в пересчете на феруловую кислоту. Установлено, что наименьшее количество фенольных соединений содержали свежеубранные корнеплоды моркови (2,10–7,21 мг/100 г в зависимости от сорта). После 5 мес хранения концентрация водорастворимых фенольных соединений в корнеплодах в зависимости от сорта составила 16,07–40,78 мг/100 г, что превысило исходное содержание в 2,9–7,5 раза. Содержание фенольных соединений в корнеплодах моркови повышалось неравномерно в течение хранения. В 6 образцах рост характеризовался линейной зависимостью с коэффициентами корреляции 0,95 Ј R2 Ј 0,99, в 8 – экспоненциальной (0,92 Ј R2 Ј 0,99). Ощутимая горечь во вкусе появилась во всех образцах корнеплодов моркови после 4 мес хранения. В 11 образцах наблюдалась корреляция 0,91 между показателем ощущения горечи и содержанием фенольных соединений. По совокупности оцененных показателей наиболее предпочтительными для переработки на сок прямого отжима являются сорта столовой моркови Витаминная-6, Белградо, Лявониха, Монанта, Нантская 4. The change in the content of phenolic compounds during the storage of table carrot root crops of 14 varieties processed at Belarusian enterprises has been investigated. Carrot samples were taken from specialized vegetable storages once a month for 5 months. The content of phenolic compounds was determined by the method adapted by us for the carrot matrix, based on the oxidation reaction of phenolic compounds with the Folin–Chocalteu reagent and subsequent photometry at a wavelength of 765 nm. The total amount of phenolic compounds is determined in terms of ferulic acid. It was found that freshly harvested carrot roots contained the least amount of phenolic compounds (2,10–7,21 mg/100 g, depending on the variety). After 5 months of storage, the concentration of water-soluble phenolic compounds in root crops, depending on the variety, was 16,07–40,78 mg/100 g, which exceeded the initial content by 2,9–7,5 times. The content of phenolic compounds in carrot roots increased unevenly during storage. In 6 samples, the growth was characterized by a linear dependence with correlation coefficients of 0,95 Ј R2 Ј 0,99, in 8 – exponential (0,92 Ј R2 Ј 0,99). Palpable bitterness in taste appeared in all samples of carrot root crops after 4 months of storage. A correlation of 0,91 between the feeling of bitterness and the content of phenolic compounds was observed in 11 samples. According to the totality of the estimated indicators, the varieties of food carrots Vitaminnaya-6, Belgrado, Lyavonikha, Monanta, Nanta 4 are. most preferred for processing into juice of direct extraction.

K.R. Garafutdinova ◽  
G.F. Rakhmanova ◽  
G.H. Khusainova ◽  
V.V. Sidorov ◽  

The article presents the results of a field experiment on the introduction of zeolites from the Tatarsko-Shatrashansky deposit of the Republic of Tatarstan for sugar beets, the Dubravka variety, on leached chernozem. The studied doses of the agromineral are 10 and 15 t/ha. The results of the study revealed the effectiveness of zeolite when embedded in soil and its effect on the productivity of sugar beet and its biochemical characteristics. An increase in crop yield was established by 1.3-1.5 t/ha. An increase in the content of nitrogen and easily hydrolyzable carbohydrates in root crops is noted - depending on the dose of zeolite, up to 0.19 and 0.7 %, respectively.


Необходимость длительного хранения большого количества сахарной свеклы на сахарных предприятиях приводит к высоким потерям свекломассы и сахара, а также к снижению технологических качеств сырья. Для снижения потерь сырья при хранении широкое распространение получили химические способы защиты, для оценки эффективности которых не выработано единого комплексного критерия. С целью разработки такого критерия исследована эффективность влияния обработки биологически активными препаратами Гембар, Полидез Плюс и КСД-2 на сохранность сахарсодержащего сырья. Для исследований использовали корнеплоды сахарной свеклы, выращенной в Республике Беларусь, хорошего технологического качества, которые обрабатывали одним из препаратов – КСД-2 концентрацией 5%, Гембар и Полидез Плюс концентрацией 0,15% при расходе 2 дм3 рабочего раствора на 1 т свеклы – и закладывали на краткосрочное, среднесрочное или длительное хранение в производственном кагате. Исследования фитопатологических показателей обработанных препаратами образцов корнеплодов и контрольных – необработанных корнеплодов и расчет потери массы и сахарозы после различной продолжительности хранения проводили в течение двух производственных сезонов. Установлено, что обработка позволяет снизить содержание гнилой массы и массу ростков соответственно на 73–100% и 81% при обработке препаратом Гембар, на 40–42% и 54% при обработке Полидезом Плюс, на 87–100% и 90–92% при обработке КСД-2; уменьшить потери массы свеклы и среднесуточные потери сахарозы соответственно на 6–46% и 22,2–53,3% при обработке препаратом Гембар, на 6–77% и 5,6–29,4% при обработке Полидез Плюс, на 19–76% и 33,3–69,2% при обработке КСД-2 в зависимости от продолжительности хранения и производственного сезона. Также установлено, что в контрольном образце содержание сахарозы в зависимости от продолжительности хранения снижалось, % к массе свеклы, на 0,19 при краткосрочном хранении, на 0,48 при среднесрочном и на 0,83 при длительном хранении, но после обработки препаратом КСД-2 образцы корнеплодов потеряли соответственно 0,05; 0,19 и 0,47% сахарозы к массе свеклы, что в 3,8; 2,5 и 1,8 раза меньше по сравнению с контролем. На основе результатов исследований для оценки эффективности влияния применяемого препарата на снижение деградации сахарной свеклы при различной продолжительности хранения (сохранность технологических качеств) предложено использование двух комплексных показателей – индекса технологического качества сахарной свеклы и индекса сохранности сахарной свеклы. По разработанным формулам комплексных показателей рассчитаны индексы сохранности сахарной свеклы для исследованных вариантов хранения. The need for long-term storage of a large amount of sugar beet at sugar enterprises leads to high losses of beet pulp and sugar, as well as to a decrease in the technological qualities of raw materials. To reduce the loss of raw materials during storage, chemical methods of protection have become widespread, for evaluating the effectiveness of which no single complex criterion has been developed. In order to develop such a criterion, the effectiveness of the effect of treatment with biologically active preparations Gembar, Polydez Plus and KSD-2 on the safety of sugar-containing raw materials was studied. For the research, we used sugar beet roots grown in the Republic of Belarus, of good technological quality, which were treated with one of the preparations – KSD-2 with a concentration of 5%, Gembar and Polydez Plus with a concentration of 0,15% at a consumption of 2 dm3of the working solution per 1 ton of beet – and laid for short-term, medium-term or long-term storage in a production cahat. Studies of phytopathological parameters of samples of root crops treated with preparations and control samples of untreated root crops and calculation of weight loss and sucrose after different storage periods were carried out during two production seasons. It was found that the treatment allows to reduce the content of rotten mass and the mass of sprouts respectively by 73–100% and 81% when treated with Gembar, by 40–42% and 54% when treated with Polydez Plus, by 87–100% and 90–92% when treated with KSD-2; to reduce beet mass losses and average daily sucrose losses, respectively, by 6–46% and 22,2–53,3% when treated with Gembar, by 6–77% and 5,6–29,4% when treated with Polydez Plus, by 19–76% and 33,3–69,2% when processing KSD-2 depending on the duration of storage and the production season. It was also found that in the control sample, the sucrose content, depending on the duration of storage, decreased, % by weight of beet: by 0,19 for short-term storage, by 0,48 for medium-term, and by 0,83 for long-term storage, but after treatment with KSD-2 the root crop samples lost 0,05; 0,19 and 0,47% by weight of beet respectively, which is 3,8; 2,5 and 1,8 times less compared to the control. Based on the research results, the use of two complex indicators – the index of technological quality of sugar beet and the index of safety of sugar beet-is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the effect of the drug used on reducing the degradation of sugar beet with different storage periods (preservation of technological qualities). According to the developed formulas of complex indicators, the indices of the safety of sugar beet for the studied storage options are calculated.

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