thermoacoustic oscillations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 933 ◽  
Calum S. Skene ◽  
Kunihiko Taira

Phase-reduction analysis captures the linear phase dynamics with respect to a limit cycle subjected to weak external forcing. We apply this technique to study the phase dynamics of the self-sustained oscillations produced by a Rijke tube undergoing thermoacoustic instability. Through the phase-reduction formulation, we are able to reduce these dynamics to a scalar equation for the phase, which allows us to efficiently determine the synchronisation properties of the system. For the thermoacoustic system, we find the conditions for which $m:n$ frequency locking occurs, which sheds light on the mechanisms behind asynchronous and synchronous quenching. We also reveal the optimal placement of pressure actuators that provide the most efficient route to synchronisation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111686
Xiaoling Chen ◽  
Santosh Hemchandra ◽  
Hosam Fathy ◽  
Jacqueline O’Connor

Anindya Datta ◽  
Saarthak Gupta ◽  
Ianko Chterev ◽  
Isaac Boxx ◽  
Santosh Hemchandra

Abstract We study the impact of H2 enrichment on the unsteady flow dynamics and thermoacoustic instability in PRECCINSTA swirl combustor. The experiments were performed at atmospheric conditions with H2/CH4 fuel mixtures at a global equivalence ratio of 0.65 and a constant thermal power of 20 kW. We analyze data with three fuel compositions: 0%, 20% and 50% H2 in two operating modes, premixed (PM) and technically premixed (TPM). A new multi-resolution modal decomposition method, using a combination of wavelet transforms and proper orthogonal decomposition (WPOD) is performed on time resolved flow velocity and OHPLIF measurements. Thermoacoustic oscillations are observed in the TPM operating mode alone, indicating that the primary heat release driving mechanism is due to fuel-air ratio oscillations. WPOD results for the 0% H2 TPM case reveals intermittent helical PVC oscillations along with axisymmetric hydrodynamic flow oscillations due to the thermoacoustic oscillations. These oscillations cause local flame extinction near the nozzle centrebody resulting in liftoff. A precessing vortex core (PVC) then develops in the flow and enables intermittent flame reattachment. In the 0% H2 premixed case, the flame remains lifted off the centrebody despite the presence of PVC oscillations. H2 enrichment results in the suppression of flame lift-off and the PVC in both operating modes. We show from flow strain rate statistics and extinction strain rate calculations that the increase of the latter with H2 addition, allows the flame to stabilize in the region near the centrebody where the pure CH4 cases show lift off.

Thomas Hofmeister ◽  
Thomas Sattelmayer

Abstract This paper presents numerical investigations of the amplitude-dependent stability behavior of thermoacoustic oscillations at screech level frequencies in a lean-premixed, swirl-stabilized, lab-scale gas turbine combustor. A hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics / Computational AeroAcoustics (CFD / CAA) approach is applied to individually compute thermoacoustic damping and driving rates for various acoustic amplitude levels at the combustors' first transversal (T1) eigenfrequency. Forced CFD simulations with the Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations mimic the real combustor's rotating T1 eigenmode. An increase of the forcing amplitude over time allows observation of the amplitude-dependent flow field and flame evolution. In accordance with measured OH*-chemiluminescence images, a pulsation amplitude-dependent flame contraction is reproduced in the CFD simulations. At several amplitude levels, period-averaged flow fields are then denoted as reference states, which serve as inputs for the CAA part. There, eigenfrequency simulations with linearized flow equations are performed with the Finite Element Method (FEM). The outcomes are damping and driving rates as a response to the amplitude-dependency of the mean flow field. It is found that driving due to flame-acoustics interactions governs a weak amplitude-dependency, which agrees with experimentally based studies at the authors' institute. This disqualifies the perception of heat release saturation as the root-cause for limit-cycle oscillations in this high-frequency thermoacoustic system. Instead, significantly increased dissipation due to the interaction of acoustically induced vorticity perturbations with the mean flow is identified, which may explain the formation of a limit-cycle.

Yuvi Nanda ◽  
Aditya Saurabh ◽  
Lipika Kabiraj ◽  
Rodrigo Villalva Gomez ◽  
Ephraim Gutmark

Yuanhang Zhang ◽  
Chang’An Wang ◽  
Xuan Liu ◽  
Yongbo Du ◽  
Defu Che

2021 ◽  
Anindya Datta ◽  
Saarthak Gupta ◽  
Santosh Hemchandra ◽  
Ianko Chterev ◽  
Isaac Boxx

Abstract We study the impact of H2 enrichment on the unsteady flow dynamics and thermoacoustic instability in the single nozzle PRECCINSTA swirl combustor. We analyze data from two operating modes, premixed (PM) and technically premixed (TPM). The experiments were performed at atmospheric conditions with H2/CH4 fuel mixtures at a global equivalence ratio of 0.65 while maintaining a constant thermal power of 20 kW. We examine the effect of H2 addition on the flow dynamics by analyzing cases with three fuel compositions: 0% H2, 20% H2 and 50% H2 in both operating modes. A new multi resolution modal decomposition method, using a combination of wavelet transforms and proper orthogonal decomposition (WPOD) of the experimental time resolved high speed flow velocity and OH-PLIF measurements is performed. Thermoacoustic oscillations are observed in the TPM operating mode alone. WPOD results for the 0% H2 TPM operating mode case reveals intermittent helical PVC oscillations along with axi-symmetric hydrodynamic flow oscillations due to the thermoacoustic oscillation. These oscillations cause local flame extinction near the nozzle centrebody resulting in liftoff. A precessing vortex core (PVC) oscillation develops in the flow that enables intermittent flame reattachment and results in intermittent thermoacoustic oscillations in this case. In the 0% H2 PM case, the flame remains lifted off of the centrebody despite the presence of PVC oscillations in this case as well. H2 enrichment results in the suppression of flame lift-off and the PVC in both operating modes. We show from flow strain rate statistics and extinction strain rate calculations that the increase of the latter with H2 addition, allows the flame to stabilize in the region near the centrebody where the pure CH4 cases show lift off. The lack of thermoacoustic oscillations in the PM operating mode shows that the primary heat release driving mechanism is due to fuel-air ratio oscillation that the thermoacoustic oscillation generates. The time averaged flow fields and the emergence of the PVC when the flame is lifted off, together suggest that PVC oscillations are caused by the separation between the vortex breakdown bubble and the wake behind the centrebody, as suggested by prior computational studies.

2021 ◽  
Thomas Hofmeister ◽  
Thomas Sattelmayer

Abstract This paper presents the numerical investigations of amplitude-dependent stability behavior of thermoacoustic oscillations at screech level frequencies in a lean-premixed, atmospheric, swirl-stabilized, lab-scale gas turbine combustor. A hybrid Computational Fluid Dynamics / Computational AeroAcoustics (CFD / CAA) approach is applied to individually compute thermoacoustic damping and driving rates for various acoustic amplitude levels at the combustors’ first transversal (T1) eigenfrequency. Harmonically forced CFD simulations with the Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) equations mimic the real combustor’s rotating T1 eigenmode. A slow and monotonous increase of the forcing amplitude over time allows observation of the amplitude-dependent flow field and flame evolution. In accordance with measured OH*-chemiluminescence images, a pulsation amplitude-dependent flame contraction is reproduced in the CFD simulations, where acoustically induced backflow at the combustion chamber inlet is identified as the root-cause of this phenomenon. At several amplitude levels, period-averaged flow fields are then denoted as reference states, which serve as inputs for the CAA part. There, eigenfrequency simulations with linearized flow equations are performed with the Finite Element Method (FEM). The outcomes are damping and driving rates as a response to the amplitude dependency of the mean flow field, which combined give the net thermoacoustic growth rate. It is found that driving due to flame-acoustics interactions only governs a weak amplitude dependency, which agrees with prior, experimentally based studies at the authors’ institute. This disqualifies the perception of heat release saturation as the root-cause for limit-cycle oscillations — at least in this high-frequency thermoacoustic system. Instead, significantly increased dissipation due to the interaction of acoustically induced vorticity perturbations with the mean flow is identified, which may explain the formation of a limit-cycle.

Ramin Heydarlaki ◽  
William Aitchison ◽  
Peter Kostka ◽  
Sina Kheirkhah

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