porosity effect
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
T. N. Abdelhameed

AbstractIn this paper, impacts of magnetic field and porosity on the entropy generation of sodium-alginate (C6H9NaO7) fluid are studied. C6H9NaO7 is taken over a moving and heated vertical wall. Heat transfer is due to free convection. Initially, the problem is formulated in the form of PDEs along with physical conditions and then written in non-dimensional form. Problem is solved via Laplace transform and expression in analytical form is established for temperature and velocity field. The related relations for entropy generation and Bejan number and entropy generation are also examined. Nusselt number and Skin-friction are calculated and plotted in graphs. For numerical computations, a finite difference scheme is used using MATLAB software. The results in tables and graphs are discussed for embedded parameters. It is found that the magnetic field and porosity have strong influence on velocity, entropy generation and Bejan number. For greater Hartman number, entropy generation magnitude is greater compared to the Bejan number, conversely, this variation in Bejan number is more efficient. The porosity effect showed that if the medium is more porous, the entropy generation can decreases 50% when porosity increase from Ka = 1 to Ka = 2, however the Bejan number increases.

2021 ◽  
Jiaqi Zhu ◽  
Yutai Su ◽  
Chen Chuantong ◽  
Kim S. Siow ◽  
Ruitao Tang ◽  

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1827
Konstantinos Tserpes ◽  
Panagiotis Bazios ◽  
Spiros G. Pantelakis ◽  
Maria Pappa ◽  
Nikolaos Michailidis

The difficulty of producing sufficient quantities of nanocrystalline materials for test specimens has led to an effort to explore alternative means for the mechanical characterization of small material volumes. In the present work, a numerical model simulating a nanoindentation test was developed using Abaqus software. In order to implement the model, the principal material properties were used. The numerical nanoindentation results were converted to stress–strain curves through an inverse algorithm in order to obtain the macroscopic mechanical properties. For the validation of the developed model, nanoindentation tests were carried out in accordance with the ISO 14577. The composition of 75% wt. tungsten and 25% wt. copper was investigated by producing two batches of specimens with a coarse-grain microstructure with an average grain size of 150 nm and a nanocrystalline microstructure with a grain diameter of 100 nm, respectively. The porosity of both batches was derived to range between 9% and 10% based on X-ray diffraction analyses. The experimental nanoidentation results in terms of load–displacement curves show a good agreement with the numerical nanoindentation results. The proposed numerical technique combined with the inverse algorithm predicts the material properties of a fully dense, nanocrystalline material with very good accuracy, but it shows an appreciable deviation with the corresponding compression results, leading to the finding that the porosity effect is a crucial parameter which needs to be taken into account in the multiscale numerical methodology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Sergei A. Solovev ◽  
Olga V. Soloveva ◽  
Daniel L. Paluku ◽  
Alexander A. Lamberov

Abstract In this paper, the Discrete Element Method of simulation was used to study the catalytic granule size effect on the efficiency of a bed reactor for the ethylbenzene dehydrogenation reaction. The model constructed for the laboratory experiment was made of catalyst granules of lengths 3, 6 and 9 mm, and diameters 2.8, 3, and 3.2 mm. A detailed evaluation of the catalyst total surface area and porosity effect was conducted owing to the analysis of particles size effect on the packing. Different results were observed for a wide feed gas mixture rate. Calculations performed allowed to deduce dependences of the reaction product concentration, the pressure drops, and the reactor productivity for all the particle sizes investigated.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 2990
Camille Douard ◽  
Laurence Athouël ◽  
David Brown ◽  
Olivier Crosnier ◽  
Guillaume Rebmann ◽  

The purpose of this study is to highlight the influence of some fabrication parameters, such as mass loading and porosity, which are not really elucidated and standardized during the realization of electrodes for supercapacitors, especially when using metal oxides as electrode materials. Electrode calendering, as one stage during the fabrication of electrodes, was carried out step-by-step on manganese dioxide electrodes to study the decreasing porosity effect on the electrochemical performance of a MnO2 symmetric device. One other crucial parameter, the mass loading, which has to be understood and well used for realistic supercapacitors, was investigated concurrently. Gravimetric, areal and volumetric capacitances are highlighted, varying the porosity for low-, medium- and large-mass loading. Low-loading leads to the best specific capacitances but is not credible for realistic supercapacitors, except for microdevices. Down 50% porosities after calendering, capacitances are increased and become stable faster, suggesting a faster wettability of the dense electrodes by the electrolyte, especially for high-mass loading. EIS experiments performed on electrodes without and with calendering lead to a significant decrease of the device’s time response, especially at high loading. A high-mass loading device seems to work as a power battery, whereas electrode calendaring, which allows decreasing the time response, leads to an electrical behavior closer to that expected for a supercapacitor.

Wan Nura'in Nabilah Noranuar ◽  
Ahmad Qushairi Mohamad ◽  
Sharidan Shafie ◽  
Ilyas Khan ◽  
Lim Yeou Jiann ◽  

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