critical temperature tc
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Chih-Kai Yang ◽  
Chi-Hsuan Lee

Abstract FeTe1-xSex is a family of iron-based superconductors with its critical temperature (Tc) dependent on the composition of Se. A well-known Tc is 14.5 K for x = 0.45, which exhibits an s-wave superconducting gap between the topological superconducting surfaces states. Exchange interaction between the electrons has been proposed as the mechanism behind the formation of Cooper pairs for the sample of FeTe0.5Se0.5. In this article we provide further proof that exchange interaction, and hence the associated Tc, depends on the applied pressure on FeTe0.5Se0.5. Using density functional calculations for electrons and phonons and the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory for superconductivity, we found that Tc and superconducting gap for FeTe0.5Se0.5 soars under increasing compression, consistent with the results of experiment.

2021 ◽  
Zhiwen Li ◽  
Xin He ◽  
Changling Zhang ◽  
Sijia Zhang ◽  
Yating Jia ◽  

Abstract Searching for superconductivity with Tc near room temperature is of great interest both for fundamental science & potential applications. Here we report the experimental discovery of superconductivity with maximum critical temperature(Tc) above 210 K in calcium superhydrides, the third type hydride experimentally showing superconductivity above 200K in addition to sulfur hydride & rare earth hydride system. The materials are synthesized at the synergetic conditions of 160~190 GPa and ~2000K using diamond anvil cell combined with in-situ laser heating technique. The superconductivity was studied through in situ high pressure resistance measurements in applied magnetic field for the sample quenched from high temperature while maintained at the synthesized pressure. The upper critical field was estimated to be ~268T while the GL coherent length is ~11 Å. The in situ x ray diffractions with synchrotron suggest that the synthesized calcium hydrides are primarily composed of CaH6 while there also exist other calcium hydrids with different hydrogen.

A.D. Alekhin

A brief review of the results of studies of the effect of gravity in inhomogeneous substance near a critical state of a critical fluid (CF) has been presented in paper, based on the data of light scattering, refractometry, and slow neutron transmission methods.Based on these data, the field-altitude asymmetry of various properties of an inhomogeneous substance has been analyzed, namely order parameter Dr(z), scattered light intensity I(z), density gradient dr(z)/dz of the substance. It had been shown that the field-altitude asymmetries of the scattered light intensity I(z)~dr/dm(h) and the density gradient dr(z)/dz~dr/dh(h) of the substance are diametrically opposite. The different altitudinal asymmetry of these quantities dr/dh(h) and dr/dm(h) is explained in paper by the altitude asymmetry of the derivative of the chemical potential dm/dh, and hence with the altitude asymmetry of the chemical potential Dm(h)>>h in the external field h.To the present time, the physical mechanism of the altitude asymmetry of the gravity effect has not been studied. In this regard the mechanism of the formation of the vertical asymmetry of the internal critical field Dm(h) has proposed in paper to be associated with the kinetic characteristics of the inhomogeneous critical fluid: the diffusion coefficients D (h) and viscosity coefficients h(h), when the system passes from a homogeneous state to an inhomogeneous one under the action of an internal asymmetric fields |DU(z)|= |Dm(z)|>>|h=rcgz/Pc|. For this purpose, a high-pressure cell with a height L, with a critical filling density of the substance is considered in paper.It has been shown that when the system is under critical density filling by substance =rc  the critical level of substance z = 0 with the critical density rc  at the critical temperature Tc is realized above the middle of the sample with an inhomogeneous substance. Based on the literature data of P-V-T-measurements and the gravity effect in benzene and ethane, the values of the altitudinal change in the internal critical field have been found. It has been shown that the value of the critical internal inhomogeneous field in the inhomogeneous critical fluid significantly exceeds the variable of the Earth's gravity |DU(h,Tc)|= |Dm(h,Tc)>>|h|  It has been also shown that the magnitude of this field according to the cubic law depends on the critical temperature Tc of the substance: |Dm(z,Tc1)/|Dm(z,Tc2) » (Tc1/Tc2)3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 42
Ilaria Maccari ◽  
Lara Benfatto ◽  
Claudio Castellani

In superconducting films, the role of intrinsic disorder is typically to compete with superconductivity by fragmenting the global phase coherence and lowering the superfluid density. Nonetheless, when a transverse magnetic field is applied to the system and an Abrikosov vortex lattice form, the presence of disorder can actually strengthen the superconducting state against thermal fluctuations. By means of Monte Carlo simulations on the uniformly frustrated XY model in two dimensions, we show that while for weak pinning the superconducting critical temperature Tc increases with the applied field H, for strong enough pinning, the experimental decreasing dependence between Tc and H is recovered with a resulting more robust vortex lattice.

2021 ◽  
Qihua Xiong ◽  
Andres Granados del Aguila ◽  
Yi Wong ◽  
Xue Liu ◽  
Antonio Fieramosca ◽  

Abstract Condensation of a dilute Bose gas of excitons (coupled electron-hole pairs) in a direct bandgap semiconductor was first theoretically predicted in 19681. This exotic state of matter is expected to exhibit spectacular non-linear properties, such as superradiance and superfluidity. However, direct experimental observation of condensation of optically active excitons in conventional semiconductors has been hindered by their short lifetimes and weak collective excitonic interactions. Here, we have experimentally realized the condensation of short-lived excitons in a direct-bandgap, atomically-thin MoS2 semiconductor. The signature is the anomalous transport of the fast-expanding exciton density, originating from a thermalized dilute gas generated under the laser spot. Below the critical temperature Tc~150 K, the exciton liquid propagates over ultra-long distances (at least 60 micrometers) with record speed in a solid-state system of 1.8*10^7 m/s (~6% the speed of light), fuelled by the unconventionally strong repulsions among excitons. The condensation is controlled by many-body interactions in the gas mixture of excitons (bosons) and free-carriers (fermions) via an electrical backgate. Our results demonstrate electrostatic doping as a simple approach for the investigation of correlated states of matter at high-temperatures, excitonic circuitry and spin-valley Hall devices mediated by exciton superfluids in semiconducting monolayers.

Yu.Ya. Mieshkov

Problem definition. Existing evaluation system of liability to brittle fracture is based on specifying the critical temperature Tc of ductile/brittle transition for specimens with stress concentrator (SC) and uses relative values of impact toughness (KCV, KCU) and widening (ψк). Thus the Tc becomes relative and it is not possible to measure brittleness or embrittlement degree for specimens with SC. Paper purpose. Neutralize the system faults of evaluation system of liability to brittle fracture of constructional alloys with SC. The concept is to change the KCV (KCU) or ψк  parameters by critical strength parameter (ϭ0,2с at Tc). Conclusions. Fracture of the specimen with SC (ϭNF) on YTS (ϭ0,2с) at Tc (or room TR) as embrittlement criterion is proposed instead of relative values of (KCV, KCU) and (ψк). The ϭNF / ϭ0,2 = BrNF ratio is a degree of reliability for specimen with SC (BrNF > 1) or embrittlement measure (BrNF < 1). The BrNF value is a quantitative measure of the fracture resistivity of the specimen with SC or crack. Correlation ratio between Br and BrNF  for each type of SC has been found. It allows to use the calculation of embrittlement liability based on metal strength for test of metals without full scale tests of metal specimens with SC. Keywords: embrittlement; fracture degree; fracture resistivity; critical temperature; critical strength; strengthreliability of the specimen with SC

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 2847
Rémi Dorget ◽  
Quentin Nouailhetas ◽  
Alexandre Colle ◽  
Kévin Berger ◽  
Kimiaki Sudo ◽  

High-Temperature Superconductors (HTS) considerably accelerate the development of superconducting machines for electrical engineering applications such as fully electrical aircraft. This present contribution is an overview of different superconducting materials that can be used as magnetic screens for the inductor of high specific power electrical machines. The impact of the material properties, such as the critical temperature (Tc) and the critical current density (Jc), on the machine performances is evaluated. In addition, the relevance to flux modulation machines of different HTS bulk synthesis methods are addressed.

Jacob Szeftel ◽  
Nicolas Sandeau ◽  
Michel Abou Ghantous ◽  
Muhammad El Saba

By taking advantage of a stability criterion established recently, the critical temperature Tc is reckoned with help of the microscopic parameters, characterising the normal and superconducting electrons, namely the independent-electron band structure and a repulsive two-electron force. The emphasis is laid on the sharp Tc dependence upon electron concentration and inter-electron coupling, which might offer a practical route toward higher Tc values and help to understand why high-Tc compounds exhibit such remarkable properties.

2021 ◽  
S. I. Bondarenko ◽  
A. I. Prokhvatilov ◽  
Roman Puzniak ◽  
Jaroslaw Pietosa ◽  
A. A. Prokhorov ◽  

Abstract Single crystals of FeTe0.65Se0.35, with the onset of critical temperature (Tc) at 14 K, were hydrogenated for 10–90 hours at various temperatures, ranging from 20 to 250 oC. It is shown that tetragonal matrix becomes unstable and crystal symmetry is reduced for the crystals hydrogenated already at 200 oC despite that molecular impurities do not change matrix symmetry, unless the material is not destroyed under hydrogenation at 250 oC. Bulk Tc, takenat the middle of the transition, equal to about 12–13 K for the as-grown FeTe0.65Se0.35, increases by 1–2 K. The critical current density determined in magnetic field range of 0–70 kOe increases 4–30 times as a result of hydrogenation at 200 oC for 10 h. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies confirmed higher value of the bulk Tc for hydrogenated crystals. Thermal diffusion of hydrogen leads to substantial structural changes, causes degeneration of crystal quality, and significantly affects superconducting properties. A strong correlation was observed between the structural changes and changes in the parameters of the superconducting state for the hydrogenated crystals.

2021 ◽  
Yohichi Kohzuki

Combination method of strain-rate cycling tests and application of ultrasonic oscillations was conducted for KCl:Sr2+ (0.035, 0.050, 0.065 mol.% in the melt) single crystals at low temperatures. The measurement of strain-rate sensitivity (λ) of flow stress under the application of ultrasonic oscillatory stress provides useful information on the interaction between a mobile dislocation and impurities (Sr2+ ions) during plastic deformation and the variation of λ with stress decrement (Δτ) due to oscillation has stair-like shape: The first plateau place ranges below the first bending point (τp1) at low stress decrement and the second one extends from the second bending point (τp2) at high stress decrement. The value of λ decreases with the Δτ between the two bending points. The τp1 is considered to represent the effective stress due to impurities when a dislocation begins to break-away from the impurities with the help of thermal activation during plastic deformation. Annealing the impure crystal by heat treatment, τp1 decreases obviously at low temperature and the critical temperature Tc, at which τp1 is zero, also becomes slightly smaller. Furthermore, it was investigated whether a change in the state of a small amount of impurities has an influential factor of the flow parameters (e.g., the activation energy, the density of forest dislocations) from the data analyzed in terms of Δτ vs. λ curve.

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