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2021 ◽  
Jueren Xie

Abstract It is important to complete thermal and high-pressure/high-temperature (HPHT) wells with tubular connections that possess adequate structural integrity and sealing capacity under the severe load conditions typically experienced by these wells throughout their life cycle. Individual premium connection designs are required to be evaluated and qualified through physical tests to broadly adopted industry protocols, such as ISO/PAS 12835: 2013 for thermal wells that experience temperatures from 180°C to 350°C, and ISO 13679:2019 and API RP 5C5:2017 for HPHT wells which experience peak temperatures up to 180°C and pressures greater than 70 MPa. Recognizing the time and capital expenses associated with completing full-scale physical testing of product lines with multiple connection designs of different tubular diameter, weight, and grade, industry is developing a hybrid approach that supplements results from physical qualification tests with numerical/analytical simulation, such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The key challenges associated with analytical evaluation are the lack of evaluation criteria and suitable guidelines for analysis methodologies. This paper provides a review of recent work related to the development of sealability evaluation criteria; and presents guidelines to facilitate performance evaluation of tubular connections in thermal and HPHT wells through advanced FEA. For thermal well applications, this paper presents a methodology for quantitative evaluation of sealability of casing connections, as a supplement to the determination of a biased test population using FEA following ISO/PAS 12835:2013 requirement. For HPHT wells, this paper presents considerations for analyzing various testing loads, such as Test Series A (internal and external pressure cycles), Test Series B (internal pressure with bending), Test Series C (thermal and mechanical cycles), and Limit Load Cases. Analysis examples with generic premium connections are presented to demonstrate the use of the proposed analysis methodologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 137-139
Kornelia Zemke ◽  
Kristoff Svensson ◽  
Ben Laurich ◽  
Johanna Lippmann-Pipke

Abstract. Repositories for high-level radioactive waste in geological formations require knowledge on thermal, mechanical and fluid transport properties of the whole repository system, including the engineered barriers and backfill materials. For about 30 years, crushed salt has been considered the most suitable geotechnical barrier material to backfill cavities and encapsulate radioactive waste in rock salt repository sites (e.g., Czaikowski et al., 2020). Over time, when the surrounding cavity walls converge by the creep of salt, it can become strongly compacted and safely encapsulates radioactive waste from any fluid flow. Hence, crushed salt has been characterized in detail for its physical material properties and its response to environmental controls (stress, temperature and moisture). This characterisation provides a basis for long-term numerical simulations (e.g., Liu et al., 2018), which verify so-called safety cases in radioactive waste disposal. Displacement-controlled oedometric compaction tests mimic the long-term in situ behaviour of crushed salt. The tests show that it can be compacted to a state comprising physical rock properties similar to natural rock salt. In general, compaction is easier with an increase in humidity and temperature (e.g., Stührenberg, 2007; Kröhn, et al., 2017). Triaxial test series address the compactions' response to differing confining pressures and help to identify generalized constitutive equations for crushed salt. Both BGR procedures, the oedometric and the triaxial compaction, are verified by the German accreditation body (DAkkS). Figure 1 illustrates the history of oedometric tests at the BGR laboratory since 1993, which examined crushed salt from various origins and differing temperature conditions. Most tests focused on material from the Asse mine, revealing the compactions' response to the materials' humidity and to brine flow. Moreover, systematic test series with synthetic grain size distributions and bentonite additives provided a basis for barrier material design. More recent tests on bedded salt formations (e.g., Teutschenthal and Sondershausen mines) allow the differentiation from characteristics from domal salt deposits (e.g. Gorleben). The current research continues the history of oedometric and triaxial tests, but has a new focus on late compaction stages with marginal remaining porosities (<5 %). The approach of systematic material characterization under best-controlled conditions essentially benefits from the international research collaboration in the KOMPASS project (Czaikowski et al., 2020). The aim of its current phase two is to synthetically generate, identify and quantify dominant grain-scale deformation processes in response to changes in environmental controls. Subsequently, these laboratory results will be embedded in numerical models on the long-term in situ rheology of crushed salt.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 10400
Weiqiang Guo ◽  
Xin Huang ◽  
Lijun Zhao ◽  
Ya Wei

The cast-in-place concrete base plate is a main member of the China Railway Track System (CRTS) III ballastless track structure that is prone to generating early transverse cracking. Such cracks can dramatically affect the performance and service life of the railway track structure. This study investigated the influence of temperature and moisture boundary conditions on early cracking behavior of the CRTS III base plate by using approaches of both in situ measurements and numerical modelling. In-site measurements of strain and temperature were made in four test series of CRTS III base plates under the same natural environmental condition but cured with different regimes, and a total of 96 measuring positions were monitored for up to 150 days. The results showed that the strain magnitude and distribution in the field base plate, the initial time at cracking, and the observed cracking pattern varied significantly between the different test series. In order to understand the mechanisms that create these transverse cracks and to provide guidelines for the current curing strategy during construction, the characteristics of temperature-induced and moisture-induced stresses were analyzed by using 3D numerical modelling and by considering early-age concrete creep properties, meteorological factors, and the influence from environmental boundary conditions. The calculated results revealed that early-age transverse cracking in CRTS III base plate depends more on drying shrinkage stress than temperature stress. By conducting this study, we expect to provide guidance for reducing or eliminating early cracks of CRTS III concrete base plate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-100
Viktor Schell ◽  
Georg Böttcher ◽  
Leon Budde ◽  
M. Geraldine Zuniga ◽  
Thomas Lenarz ◽  

Abstract The electrode array insertion is a critical point during CI surgery and should be performed as gently as possible to preserve residual hearing. In order to measure occurring forces, an insertion tool with an integrated force sensor and an inertial measurement unit (IM U) is being developed. The weight of the electrode holder and the sensor add an unknown offset to the measured forces, depending on the tool orientation. To address this problem, a software which calculates the orientation-induced error and computes a corrected force was developed. The software was written in C++ using the library Qt 5.12.9. For maximization of the computing frequency, the data acquisition of both sensors and the monitoring was parallelized. An algorithm was developed to calculate the error caused by the electrode holder and sensor. For this purpose both weights were determined in a calibration procedure and merged with the provided IM U data. The evaluation was done in two test series (each n=5) with different initial tool orientations. To this end a stepwise 360° rotation around the horizontal axis was performed, while recording the corrected forces. The developed software allows a computing frequency up to 100 Hz with a latency of 10 ms for the online monitoring of the processed data. The evaluation of the corrected force shows a residual error of 0.347 mN ± 0.325 mN for the first and 0.176 mN ± 1.971 mN for the second test series. With the created algorithm, the impact of the extra weight on the sensor can be almost fully equalized. The highly responsive software offers a new possibility to process insertion forces and provide feedback to surgeons. Determining the influence of the tool orientation on the corrected forces is the subject of future researches.

2021 ◽  
Qiuping Lv ◽  
Darius Lisowski ◽  
Matthew Jasica ◽  
Rui Hu ◽  
Adam Kraus ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 898 ◽  
pp. 9-17
Sandra Jäntsch ◽  
Ulrich Diederichs

With the increase of graffiti since the beginning of the 1970s, the interest in proper removal and high-quality protection systems also have grown. To protect affected objects and buildings from damage caused by graffiti, anti-graffiti systems (AGS) can be used. In practice, it has already been shown that no AGS is suitable for all kind of surfaces. In this study, the effects of permanent anti-graffiti systems on various concrete surfaces are specifically investigated and evaluated with test series under natural weathering (over 3 years). The focus is put on functionality (visual influences) and durability (surface properties of the concrete).

Adrian J Seine ◽  
Elizabeth Ann Baird ◽  
Lydia Chan ◽  
Anne Davis ◽  
Deborah Greig ◽  

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 622
Oliver Weiss ◽  
Pia Minixhofer ◽  
Bernhard Scharf ◽  
Ulrike Pitha

Equations for calculating evapotranspiration in technical soils show great differences regarding their results. Causes are the different climatic conditions and vegetation specifics during their development. Every equation of evapotranspiration only delivers 100% correct results if it is used under the same climatic condition as it was developed in. To determine the evapotranspiration, the loss of weight of different technical soils and plants was measured in a test series on load cells in a climate chamber. The result of these test series is the development of an easy-to-use equation. An equation for calculating evapotranspiration at any temperature is possible while using a polynomial correlation. To determine the evapotranspiration rate (in mm/m² per 24 h), only temperature, vegetation type, and technical soil have to be defined to obtain an output of evapotranspiration in mm/day. Using the well-known equation by Makkink, evapotranspiration in technical soils is 0.12 mm/day, whereas the newly developed equation calculates (1) 2.59–5.58 mm/day for the variant with no vegetation, (2) 3.15–4.00 mm/day for Sedum floriferum, (3) 4.40–4.55 mm/day for Geranium x cantabrigiense. The application of this equation will help to determine the evapotranspiration in chosen technical soils (used in the sector of rainwater management) with or without vegetation.

Ralf Schienbein ◽  
Florian Fern ◽  
René Theska ◽  
Shraddha Supreeti ◽  
Roland Füßl ◽  

AbstractThe majority of nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machines (NPMMs) are based on three independent linear movements in a Cartesian coordinate system. This in combination with the specific nature of sensors and tools limits the addressable part geometries. An enhancement of an NPMM is introduced by the implementation of rotational movements while keeping the precision in the nanometer range. For this purpose, a parameter-based dynamic evaluation system with quantifiable technological parameters has been set up and employed to identify and assess general solution concepts and adequate substructures. Evaluations taken show high potential for three linear movements of the object in combination with two angular movements of the tool. The influence of the additional rotation systems on the existing structure of NPMMs has been investigated further on. Test series on the repeatability of an NPMM enhanced by a chosen combination of a rotary stage and a goniometer setup are realized. As a result of these test series, the necessity of in situ position determination of the tool became very clear. The tool position is measured in situ in relation to a hemispherical reference mirror by three Fabry–Pérot interferometers. FEA optimization has been used to enhance the overall system structure with regard to reproducibility and long-term stability. Results have been experimentally investigated by use of a retroreflector as a tool and the various laser interferometers of the NPMM. The knowledge gained has been formed into general rules for the verification and optimization of design solutions for multiaxial nanopositioning machines.

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