complete boolean algebra
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Wondwosen Zemene Norahun ◽  
Teferi Getachew Alemayehu ◽  
Gezahagne Mulat Addis

In this paper, we introduce the concept of relative fuzzy annihilator ideals in C-algebras and investigate some its properties. We characterize relative fuzzy annihilators in terms of fuzzy points. It is proved that the class of fuzzy ideals of C-algebras forms Heything algebra. We observe that the class of all fuzzy annihilator ideals can be made as a complete Boolean algebra. Moreover, we study the concept of fuzzy annihilator preserving homomorphism. We provide a sufficient condition for a homomorphism to be a fuzzy annihilator preserving.

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 1289-1306
Pengfei He ◽  
Juntao Wang ◽  
Jiang Yang

AbstractIn the paper, we introduce 𝔏-fuzzy state filters in state residuated lattices and investigate their related properties, where 𝔏 is a complete Heyting algebra. Moreover, we study the 𝔏-fuzzy state co-annihilator of an 𝔏-fuzzy set with respect to an 𝔏-fuzzy state filter. Finally, using the 𝔏-fuzzy state co-annihilator, we investigate lattice structures of the set of some types of 𝔏-fuzzy state filters in state residuated lattices. In particular, we prove that: (1) the set FSF[L] of all 𝔏-fuzzy state filters is a complete Heyting algebra; (2) the set SνFSF[L] of all stable state filters relative to an 𝔏-fuzzy set ν is also a complete Heyting algebra; (3) the set IμFSF[L] of all involutory 𝔏-fuzzy state filters relative to an 𝔏-fuzzy state filter μ is a complete Boolean algebra.

Filomat ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (14) ◽  
pp. 4451-4459
Milos Kurilic ◽  
Aleksandar Pavlovic

For the algebraic convergence ?s, which generates the well known sequential topology ?s on a complete Boolean algebra B, we have ?s = ?ls ? ?li, where the convergences ?ls and ?li are defined by ?ls(x) = {lim sup x}? and ?li(x) = {lim inf x+}? (generalizing the convergence of sequences on the Alexandrov cube and its dual). We consider the minimal topology Olsi extending the (unique) sequential topologies O?s (left) and O?li (right) generated by the convergences ?ls and ?li and establish a general hierarchy between all these topologies and the corresponding a priori and a posteriori convergences. In addition, we observe some special classes of algebras and, in particular, show that in (?,2)-distributive algebras we have limOlsi = lim?s = ?s, while the equality Olsi = ?s holds in all Maharam algebras. On the other hand, in some collapsing algebras we have a maximal (possible) diversity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 1750013
V. Venkata Kumar ◽  
M. Sambasiva Rao

Some properties of dual annihilator filters of commutative [Formula: see text]-algebras are studied. It is proved that the class of all dual annihilator filters of a BE-algebra is a complete Boolean algebra. A set of equivalent conditions is derived for every prime filter of a commutative [Formula: see text]-algebra to become a maximal filter.

2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 711-717

AbstractLet $B$ be a complete Boolean algebra. We show that if λ is an infinite cardinal and $B$ is weakly (λω, ω)-distributive, then $B$ is (λ, 2)-distributive. Using a similar argument, we show that if κ is a weakly compact cardinal such that $B$ is weakly (2κ, κ)-distributive and $B$ is (α, 2)-distributive for each α < κ, then $B$ is (κ, 2)-distributive.

Filomat ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (13) ◽  
pp. 3389-3395
Milos Kurilic ◽  
Boris Sobot

The games G2 and G3 are played on a complete Boolean algebra B in ?-many moves. At the beginning White picks a non-zero element p of B and, in the n-th move, White picks a positive pn < p and Black chooses an in ? {0,1}. White wins G2 iff lim inf pin,n = 0 and wins G3 iff W A?[?]? ? n?A pin,n = 0. It is shown that White has a winning strategy in the game G2 iff White has a winning strategy in the cut-and-choose game Gc&c introduced by Jech. Also, White has a winning strategy in the game G3 iff forcing by B produces a subset R of the tree <?2 containing either ??0 or ??1, for each ? ? <?2, and having unsupported intersection with each branch of the tree <?2 belonging to V. On the other hand, if forcing by B produces independent (splitting) reals then White has a winning strategy in the game G3 played on B. It is shown that ? implies the existence of an algebra on which these games are undetermined.

2014 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21 ◽  
D. J. Foulis ◽  
S. Pulmannová

AbstractIn this article, we study the center of a generalized effect algebra (GEA), relate it to the exocenter, and in case the GEA is centrally orthocomplete (a COGEA), relate it to the exocentral cover system. Our main results are that the center of a COGEA is a complete boolean algebra and that a COGEA decomposes uniquely as the direct sum of an effect algebra (EA) that contains the center of the COGEA and a complementary direct summand in which no nonzero direct summand is an EA.

2013 ◽  
Vol 06 (01) ◽  
pp. 1350009

The concept of annihilator ideals is introduced in C-algebras. Some properties of these annihilator ideals are studied and then proved that the class of all annihilator ideals forms a complete Boolean algebra. A set of equivalent conditions are obtained for every ideal of a C-algebra to become an annihilator ideal. Some properties of homomorphic images and inverse images of annihilators ideals of a C-algebra are studied.

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