carrageenan quality
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Yanu Andhi Arto

Carrageenan in the pharmaceutical industry can be used as a stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent, emulsifier, and binder. Alkaline solutions such as KOH have two functions, which help extract polysaccharides to be more perfect and accelerate the elimination of 6-sulfate from the monomer unit to 3,6-anhydro-D-galactose so that it can improve the quality of carrageenan. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of  to determine the effect KOH of differences concentration on yield carrageenan characteristics from the extraction results Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE). The carrageenan quality parameters tested water content, ash content, sulfate content and viscosity. The Eucheuma spinosum originating from the waters of Sumenep, Madura was extracted at the Phytochemical Laboratory of Pharmacy Program, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya using different concentrations of KOH 10%, 15%, and 20% with the Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) method which was then filtered and neutralized with filtration and neutralized with The HCl is then precipitated with ethanol 96%, drying and grinding until to obtain a fine carrageenan is powder. The carrageenan obtained was then calculated the for yield percentage and analyzed for the water content, ash content, sulfate content and viscosity. The concentration of KOH affects % yield where an average increase in yield results along with increasing the concentration of KOH, the highest yield at 20% concentration of KOH is 37.41% ± 1.186 and an analysis of the standard carrageenan quality test is carried out where those that meet the quality requirements are water content, ash content, and sulfate content. As for viscosity, there was no significant difference in the KOH concentrations of 15% and 20%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 763-771
Le Dinh Hung ◽  
Le Thi Hoa

The red alga Kappaphycus striatus was cultivated at Camranh Bay, KhanhHoa, Vietnam. For a 30 day cultivation period, the alga showed the higher growth rate (4.1 - 5.8 % day-1) from October 2014 to April 2015 and in September 2015, while the lower growth rate (2.5 - 3.1 % day-1) was found from May to August 2015. The carrageenan quality was done for a 60-day cultivation period, the carrageenan yield and gel strength showed little variation with the higher values (28.1 - 28.7 % and 855 - 935 g cm-2, respectively) obtained from November 2014 to March 2015 and lower ones (25.1 - 26.7 % and 555 - 758 g cm-2, respectively) from April to September 2015. The data on moisture content of alga (33.5 - 36.8 %), clean anhydrous algal/salt ratio (0.92 - 1.07), and carrageenan yield obtained in this study fulfilled those of standards for carrageenophytes. This study shows that the red alga K. striatus can be grown in the tropical waters of the Camranh Bay during the northeast monsoon and a part of the southwest monsoon as a source of materials for carrageenan production.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 146 ◽  
Sri Redjeki Hesti Mulyaningrum ◽  
Hidayat Suryanto Suwoyo ◽  
Mudian Paena ◽  
Bunga Rante Tampangallo

Kappaphycus alvarezii which is widely cultivated at sea is susceptible to other algae that drift away and attach as epiphyte. This study aims to identify epiphyte on seaweed farming K. alvarezii and its effect on carrageenan quality. The study was conducted on K. alvarezii seaweed farming area in Jeneponto, South Sulawesi. Sample of epiphyte was obtained from four stations. Epiphyte was identified in laboratory based on its morphological characteristics and calculated its density. Carrageenan yield and gel strength of healthy seaweed and those infected one were analyzed in laboratory in triplicates for each sample. Data were statistically analyzed using independent samples t-test analysis. Present study showed that there were 6 epiphytes species on the seaweed farming area, namely: Entheromorpha intestinalis, Ceramium sp., Neosiphonia apiculata, Chaetomorpha crassa, Hypnea sp., and Gracilaria sp. The average of epiphytic density in cultivation area was (24.26±9.64)%. Healthy seaweed and infected one had significantly different carrageenan yield and gel strength (P<0.05). Healthy seaweed had higher carrageenan yield (48.17±1.62)% and gel strength (1130.76±8.42) g cm-² than infected seaweed which had carrageenan yield (42.47±0.23)% and gel strength (958.22±10.85) g cm-².

2018 ◽  
Vol 154 ◽  
pp. 01034 ◽  
Heri Heriyanto ◽  
Indar Kustiningsih ◽  
Denni Kartika Sari

Euchema cottonii is a good source of kappa-carrageenan and can be found cultivated in the Indonesia coastal areas in which one of them is in Banten Province. Carrageenans have many applications and are utilized in human food and pet-food industry. Carrageenans are also utilized in non-food industry such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, printing and textile formulations. Hence, the present study features on the cooking process cooking time and cooking temperature. The effects of these parameters on carrageenan quality such as gel viscosity and gel strength were studied. The process of extraction of carrageenan was conducted with variations temperature: 60, 70, and 80 °C and the variation of time: 1, 2, and 3 hours. Alkaline substance used was KOH with 8% concentration and the ratio of solvent to dry seaweed 8:1. From the present investigation, it was observed that SRC extraction reached the best condition at temperature 70 °C for 2 hours with the value of yield 30.20%, 5.90% moisture content, 18.34% ash content, sulfate content of 6.94%, viscosity of 190 cP, and the gel strength 714.45 g / cm2. The treatment of temperature and extraction time significantly affected the quality of the SRC yield parameter, viscosity and gel strength.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Ismail Failu ◽  
Eddy Supriyono ◽  
Sugeng Hari Suseno

<p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">This study aimed to analyze the quality of <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii </em>seaweed carrageenan cultured using methods basket nets in waters of Baruta, Sangia, Wambulu, District of Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. The study consisted of three treatments in triplicates. Seaweed culture used different cultivation net-basket forms i.e. net-basket box, net-basket lantern, and longline without net-basket (control). Quality of <em>K. alvarezii</em> seaweed obtained in this study varied from each treatments. Daily growth rate in each treatment were not significantly different. Production of seaweed with a net-basket box (201.61 g/m<sup>2</sup>) was higher than the net-basket lanterns (183.22 g/m<sup>2</sup>), but not significantly different from control (196.98 g/m<sup>2</sup>). Carageenan yield value of control (46.74%) was the highest of all treatments. The water content of carrageenan in each treatment was not significantly different and it ranged from 17.20–17.39%. The viscosity of carrageenan in net-basket lantern (179.40 cPs) was the highest of all treatments. Carrageenan gel strength was the best treatment (702.53 g/cm²). As conclusion, using the net-basket lantern  as cultivation method provided quality improvement of carrageenan in <em>K. alvarezii</em> seaweed.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Keywords: <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii</em>, cultivation methods, carrageenan quality</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong><strong></strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"><strong> </strong></p><p class="NoParagraphStyle">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas karagenan rumput laut <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii </em>yang dibudidaya menggunakan metode keranjang jaring di perairan Baruta, Kecamatan Sangia, Wambulu, Kabupaten Buton Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian terdiri atas tiga pelakuan dan tiga ulangan. Pemeliharaan rumput laut dilakukan dengan metode keranjang jaring berbeda yaitu metode keranjang jaring kotak, keranjang jaring lampion, dan longline tanpa menggunakan keranjang jaring (kontrol). Hasil pengamatan kualitas rumput laut <em>K. alvarezii </em>dalam penelitian ini bervariasi dari setiap perlakuan yang diberikan. Laju pertumbuhan harian pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata. Produksi rumput laut dengan metode keranjang jaring kotak (201,61 g/m<sup>2</sup>) lebih tinggi dibandingkan jaring lampion (183,22 g/m<sup>2</sup>), namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (196,98 g/m<sup>2</sup>). Nilai rendemen karagenan kontrol (46,74%) lebih tinggi dari perlakuan lainnya. Kadar air karagenan pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata yaitu berkisar 17,20–17,39%. Viskositas karagenan perlakuan metode keranjang jaring lampion (179,40 cPs) lebih tinggi dibandigkan perlakuan lainnya. Kekuatan gel karagenan perlakuan metode keranjang jaring lampion (702,53 g/cm²) lebih tinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode keranjang jaring lampion memberikan peningkatkan kualitas karagenan rumput laut <em>K. alvarezii </em>yang dibudidayakan.</p><p class="NoParagraphStyle"> </p><p>Kata kunci: <em>Kappaphycus alvarezii</em>, metode budidaya,  kualitas karagenan</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Andi Noor Asikin ◽  
Indrati Kusumaningrum ◽  
Doddy Sutono

Carrageenan is a gelling form of polysaccharide obtained from extraction process of red seaweeds (Rhodophyceae) including Kappaphycus alvarezii. Carrageenan is widely used for pharmacy, cosmetics,  food,  gelling,  and  binding  agent  as  well  as  emulsifier  and  stabi-lizer. The quality of carrageenan is affected by several factors, one of them such as concen-tration of KOH. The objectives of this research were to define the best concentration of KOH for extraction and characterize the functional properties. Functional properties of carrageen-an in this research were sulphate content, acid insoluble ash, gell strength, fiber, and whiteness. The experimental design used for this research was completely ran-domized design with four treatments of KOH concentrations i.e. 1%, 3%, 5%, and 7%.  The study showed that the use of KOH concentarion of 7% resulted the best of carrageenan quality containing 24.36% sulphate, 1.96% acid insoluble ash, 17.80 g/cm2 gell strength, 8.94% fiber and 58.91% whiteness. Keywords: carrageenan, extraction, functional properties, Kalium Hydroxide, Kappaphycus alvarezii

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