bird habitat
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2021 ◽  
Vol 948 (1) ◽  
pp. 012061
A Mardiastuti ◽  
Y A Mulyani ◽  
M D Kusrini

Abstract Fig trees area believed to be important bird habitat in the tropics, including in urban areas. The research objective was to reveal the bird species that visited Ficus benjamina in the low and high urbanization gradients in the tropics. Data were obtained in IPB University Darmaga Campus (low urbanization) and Sentul City (high urbanization) in Bogor (West Java, Indonesia), through direct observations of four trees per site in the morning, midday, late afternoon, and night, totalling 276 observation hours. Total of 29 bird species visited F. benjamina trees (26 species in low urbanization, 12 species in high), mainly insectivores, nectarivores, and frugivores birds. Nine species were common in both sites, i.e., Spotted Dove, Plaintive Cuckoo, Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker, Small Minivet, Common Iora, Sooty-headed Bulbul, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Common Tailorbird, Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker, and Olive-backed Sunbirds. Nocturnal birds (Collared Scops Owl, Large-tailed Nightjar) were present in low urbanization, but absent in high urbanization site, so did kingfishers (White-throated Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher) and some other urbanization-prone species. The high urbanization site was characterized by the presence of Eurasian Tree Sparrow at the fig tree. This study showed that F. benjamina has an important role for diurnal and nocturnal birds, even in the high urbanization site.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 19948-19955
M. Pandian

This paper pertains to the habitats of the Grey Francolin Francolinus pondicerianus with specific reference to populations, habitat type, vegetation, foraging, impact of human dwellings, and probable threats to  populations in 20 villages covering four northern districts of Tamil Nadu, India. A total of 252 individuals were enumerated. During the non-breeding season, birds move in small groups of 2–6. Of four habitats identified, the maximum number of 143 birds was observed foraging in grasslands, while 61 were seen in dry fallow agricultural lands, 37 in dry lakes/canals, and 11 in harvested fields. No significant association was observed between habitat type and bird behaviour. They feed on termites and spilled paddy grains. Males have repeated loud calls and fight with each other. Four species of tall grasses, six of stunted trees and two shrubs were identified to provide bird habitat. Birds preferred to live away from human dwellings, with 193 found 1,000 m away from settlements. The study area continues to be a suitable habitat for Grey Francolin populations, hence this habitat needs protection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Green Choi ◽  
Min Seock Do ◽  
Seok-Jun Son ◽  
Hyung-Kyu Nam

AbstractMany bird species rely on the ecological functions of rice field habitats (e.g., paddy, levee, road, and ditch). However, recent intensive practices are causing rice fields to provide fewer suitable habitats. This study examined bird habitat usage and how it is affected by cultivation methods (e.g., eco-friendly vs conventional fields). Eco-friendly and conventional rice fields in the midwestern region of the Republic of Korea were surveyed from January 2014 to December 2016, and the species presence, number of birds, and locations of observed habitats were recorded. It was found that shorebirds and herons used more eco-friendly rice paddies with lower or no pesticide and/or herbicide use, while waterfowl used paddy habitats more than the other habitats, regardless of the amounts of pesticides and/or herbicides used. Land birds used ditches or roads in conventional rice fields more than those in fields that used pesticides and/or herbicides. Pesticide and/or herbicide use affected bird taxonomic groups differently. Consequently, the use of habitats by different bird taxonomic groups varied depending on the crop cultivation as well as the cultivation methods. These results provided valuable information for managing rice fields, which serve as habitats for birds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 886 (1) ◽  
pp. 012046
Wiwin Maisyaroh ◽  
Luchman Hakim ◽  
Sudarto ◽  
Jati Batoro

Abstract Gumuk is one of the important ecosystems in bird conservation in Jember Regency. Currently, many gumuk ecosystems are being degraded, and very rapid land-use change that threatens the preservation and conservation of birds. This study aims to determine the diversity of birds around the gumuk as an effort to explain the important role of the gumuk as a bird habitat. The research was conducted in January-February 2021 in Ledokombo District, Jember Regency. Bird observation method using Point Count method, observation time is in the morning (06.00-08.00 WIB) and afternoon (15.00-17.00 WIB). The results showed that there were 33 species of birds from 20 families. The families of Campephagidae and Estrildidae show the families with the most species found. The level of diversity shows the moderate category (H'=2.253). Species with the highest abundance were Collocalia linchi (31.264%), and the lowest were Amandava amandava, Dicaeum concolor, Geopelia striata, Passer montanus, and Ardeola speciosa (0.044%). Evenness index (E) shows the condition of stable species distribution with a value of 0.644.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 416
Feri Saputra ◽  
Abdi Fithria ◽  
Badaruddin Badaruddin

This study aims to record the diversity of bird species in various land covers, analyze the vegetation types of bird habitat in various land covers, identify branches of branches / branches used as bird perch in each land cover in the KHDTK ULM area (Forest Areas with Special Purpose, Lambung Mangkurat University) Kalimantan South. Sampling is done using the method of exploration (Incidental Sampling) at the observation location and randomly at the starting point of observation. diversity of bird species obtained from various land cover totaling 30 species, 18 families and 361 individuals. The results of the study of bird species present on the entire land cover are Java chili (Dicaeum trochileum), Peking bondol (Lonchura punculata), stone kite (Hirundo tahitica), gray bentet (Lanius scach), honey sriganti (Cinnyris jugularis). Vegetation diversity around secondary forest land cover found 15 types of vegetation, shrub land cover found 12 types of vegetation, garden land cover found 13 types of vegetation, residential land cover found 12 types of vegetation, dry land forest cover found 20 types of vegetation. Branches / twigs are used as perches to adjust to the activities and types of vegetation where the birds perch on / perch, on average all birds will perch in the perched branch / branches with diameters of 1-5 cm.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendata keragaman jenis burung diberbagai tutupan lahan, menganalisis jenis vegetasi habitat burung diberbagai tutupan lahan, mengidentifikasi kelas tengger dahan/ranting yang dijadikan tempat bertengger burung disetiap tutupan lahan di areal KHDTK ULM (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus Universitas Lambung Mangkurat) Kalimantan Selatan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penjelajahan (Incidental Sampling) pada lokasi pengamatan dan secara acak pada titik awal pengamatan keragaman jenis burung yang didapat dari berbagai tutupan lahan berjumlah 30 jenis, 18 family dan 361 individu. Hasil penelitian jenis burung yang hadir pada seluruh tutupan lahan adalah cabai jawa (Dicaeum trochileum), bondol peking (Lonchura punculata), layang-layang batu (Hirundo tahitica), bentet kelabu (Lanius scach), madu sriganti (Cinnyris jugularis). Keragaman vegetasi di sekitar tutupan lahan hutan sekunder di temukan 15 jenis vegetasi, tutupan lahan semak belukar ditemukan 12 jenis vegetasi, tutupan lahan kebun ditemukan 13 jenis vegetasi, tutupan lahan pemukiman ditemukan 12 jenis vegetasi, tutupan  hutan lahan kering ditemukan 20 jenis vegetasi. Dahan/ranting yang di jadikan tempat bertengger menyesuaikan dengan aktifitas dan jenis vegetasi tempat berpijak/bertengger burung, rata-rata semua burung akan bertengger pada kelas tengger dahan/ranting dengan diameter 1-5 cm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Yingcan Li ◽  
Zhiwen Chen ◽  
Chao Peng ◽  
Guangchuan Huang ◽  
Hongyu Niu ◽  

Abstract Background Understanding how island ecosystems change across habitats is a major challenge in ecological conservation under the conditions of habitat degradation. According to a 2-year investigation on Dong Island of the Paracel Islands, South China Sea, we assessed the roles of different habitats at the species level and community level of birds using topological and network analysis. Results In addition to the thousands of Sula sula (a large-sized arboreal seabird) inhabiting the forests, there were 56 other bird species were recorded, representing 23 families and 12 orders, ranging in habitats of wetlands, forests, shrublands, grasslands, and/or beaches. The bird–habitat network had high nestedness, and bird species showed obvious clustering distribution. Integrated topological and network analysis showed that wetlands had a high contribution to species diversity and network structure, and it was a cluster center of migrant birds. Forests and grasslands were species hub and connector respectively, and forests were also the key habitat for residents. Beaches and shrublands were peripherals. The loss of wetlands and forests will result in a sharp reduction of species richness, and even make the S. sula, and most of the resident birds, become locally extinct. Conclusions These results suggest that the wetland and forest habitats on the focal island are key important for migrant birds and resident birds respectively, and therefore much more attention should be paid to conservation of the focal island ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 211 ◽  
pp. 104100
Rubén Ortega-Álvarez ◽  
Viviana Ruiz-Gutiérrez ◽  
Orin J. Robinson ◽  
Esteban Berrones Benítez ◽  
Israel Medina Mena ◽  

10.1676/20-14 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 132 (3) ◽  
Adam C. Behney

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37
Nilasari Dewi ◽  
Agung Sih Kurnianto

This study aims to analyze the distribution of bird communities and the impact of vegetation on bird habitat preferences in the buffer zone. Research is carried out in agricultural areas in the Buffer zone, Rehabilitation Zone, and on the edge of the plantation. The research location was determined at 37 points: Rajekwesi (4), Sukamade (12), Bandealit (8), Wonoasri (5), Andongrejo (3), Sanenrejo (5). We applied the point count method (r = 17.5 m) in this study, where each point is at least 100-150 meters apart. In the study, 74.6% of records were birds with agricultural specialities and 71.30% of individuals on tree habitats. Birds with specialization in agriculture were found in large numbers related to the protection provided by the TNMB conservation area to bird habitat. Sukamade is the area with the highest number of records. As many as 40.10% were found in tree habitats followed by seedling (16.28%), poles (15.93%), flying over (15.76%), and sapling (11.90%)

2021 ◽  
pp. 109044
Pablo Jose Negret ◽  
Martine Maron ◽  
Richard A. Fuller ◽  
Hugh P. Possingham ◽  
James E.M. Watson ◽  

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