north algeria
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2021 ◽  
pp. 261-272
K. Hachour ◽  
N. Talmat–Chaouchi ◽  
R. Moula

In 2018 and 2019 thirteen species of raptors, with 407 individuals, were found nesting in Great Kabylia in Algeria. During this period, 196 raptor nest sites were located (Falco tinnunculus is not included as it thrives in many biotopes and tolerates anthropization). We noted a decrease in specific richness and abundance of raptors in the region compared to data for 1992. Some raptors were not seen during our study: Gypaetus barbatus, Pandion haliaetus, Falco biarmicus, Circaetus aeruginosus, and Falco eleonorae. We classified nesting diurnal raptors into 3 classes according to their relative abundance: (1) widespread species (10-26 %): F. tinnunculus, Hieraaetus pennatus, and Buteo rufinus cirtensis; (2) common species (5-10 %): Elanus caeruleus, Falco peregrinus, Circaetus gallicus, Falco naumanni, Gyps fulvus, and Milvus migrans; and (3) uncommon species (1-5 %): Neophron percnopterus, Accipiter nisus, Aquila fasciata, and Aquila chrysaeto. With the exception of N. percnopterus, which is classified as an endangered species, the raptors of Great Kabylia are mainly classified in the category of species of least concern (IUCN, 2020). Dataset published through GBIF (Doi: 10.15470/wt5dgi).

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7564
Mounir Alliche ◽  
Redha Rebhi ◽  
Noureddine Kaid ◽  
Younes Menni ◽  
Houari Ameur ◽  

This investigation aims to model and assess the wind potential available in seven specific regions of North Algeria. These regions, i.e., Batna, Guelma, Medea, Meliana, Chlef, Tiaret, and Tlemcen, are known for their traditional agriculture. The wind data are obtained from the National Agency of Meteorology (NAM), and a Weibull distribution is applied. In the first part of this study, the wind potential available in these sites is assessed. Then, different models are used to estimate the wind system’s annual recoverable energy for these regions. We are interested in wind pumping for possible use to meet the needs of irrigation water in rural areas. Four kinds of wind turbines are explored to determine the possibility of wind energy conversion. In addition, the effects of the heights of the pylon holding the turbines are inspected by considering four cases (10, 20, 40, and 60 m). This estimation showed that the annual mean wind velocity varies from 2.48 to 5.60 m/s at a level of 10 m. The yearly values of Weibull parameters (k and c) at the studied sites varied within 1.61–2.43 and 3.32–6.20 m/s, respectively. The average wind power density ranged from 11.48 (at Chlef) to 238.43 W/m2 (at Tiaret), and the monthly wind recoverable potential varied from 16.64 to 138 W/m2.

2021 ◽  
Bara Mouslim

This chapter presents the conservation status and threat of the European goldfinch Carduelis carduelis in Algeria. Many selective pressures run into this passerine, mainly human pressure due to keeping and hatching the birds in captivity. Illegal trading is actively carried out between countries of North Africa (mainly the pathway Morocco – Algeria – Tunisia). This situation is clearly expounding a threatened status of this songbird. A scientific survey was done in north center of Algeria to assess the captivity rate of goldfinch. Systematic sampling was done in several houses of Bouira district. Goldfinch breeder’s age varies between 20 and 40 years. No income and no fixed job are the main reasons for these breeders. Results exposed serious threat of this species in center of Algeria. Management plan and conservation directions have been proposed for this species.

Mohammad Ali Ghorbani ◽  
Ercan Kahya ◽  
Thendiyath Roshni ◽  
Mahsa H. Kashani ◽  
Anurag Malik ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 70
Taleb Hosni Abderrahmane ◽  
Cheriet Fayssal ◽  
Allout Naas ◽  
Abdellaoui Merouane

2021 ◽  
Zerrouki Alia ◽  
Kara Karima ◽  
Redjaimia Lilia ◽  
Rached-Kanouni Malika

"The structure of various stands, defined as the diversity of trees in the stands, can be an indication of overall biodiversity and habitat suitability, be useful in predicting stand growth and provide stand details for forest inventories. In an effort to find sustainable resource management strategies, a study was conducted on the structural and ecological characteristics of stands in Chettaba forest (Algeria). In this study, six diversity indices were used to characterize the horizontal and spatial distribution of individuals in multi-species stands, using four plots, located in the Chettaba forest (East-North Algeria). The results obtained allowed us to note that P2 and P3 present similar average densities (600 feet/ha), the plots P1 and P4 present low average densities (250 feet/ha and 350 feet/ha). The average DBH values vary from 25.65 cm for the P2 stand to 30.61 cm for the P1 stand. The average basal area varied between 33.73 m²/ha (P3) and 18.92 m²/ha (P1). The Shannon and Weaver index reached its maximum in plot 4 with 8 species. The study allowed us to evaluate the floristic diversity of the forest. Moreover, it indicated the need for its integral protection for its dynamics towards a dense forest vegetation."

Salima Charifi Bellabas ◽  
Saadia Benmamar ◽  
Abdellatif Dehni

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