free motion
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2022 ◽  
Pei Zhang ◽  
Yizhao Gao ◽  
Hayden K.H. So ◽  
Edmund Lam

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ramin Zakeri ◽  
Eon Soo Lee

AbstractSince non-scattering transfer of polymer chain in nanochannel is one of the important issue in biology, in this research, the behavior study of a long polymer chain in the nanofluid in two modes of free motion and restricted motion (fixed two ends) under two different forces including constant force (pressure gradient (PG)) and variable force (electroosmotic force (EOF)) has been investigated using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method. Our aim is that displacement of polymer chain carries out with less dispersion. Initially, without the presence of polymer, the results have been validated in a nanochannel by analytical results for both cases (PG, EOF) with an error of less than 10%. Then, assuming 50 beads of polymer chain, the polymer chain motion in free motion and fixed two ends modes has been examined by different spring coefficients between beads and different forces including PG (0.01 DPD unite) and EOF (zeta potential =  − 25 mV, electric field = 250 V/mm, kh parameter = 8). The results show that in free polymer motion-PG mode, by increasing 1.6 times of spring coefficient of the polymer, a 40% reduction in transition of polymer is achieved, which high dispersion of polymer chain is resulted for this mode. In the EOF, the spring coefficient has a slight effect on transferring of polymer and also, EOF moves the polymer chain with extremely low polymer chain scattering. Also, for fixed two ends-PG mode, a 36% reduction in displacement is achieved and in the same way, in EOF almost 39% declining in displacement is resulted by enhancing the spring coefficients. The results have developed to 25 and 100 beads which less dispersion of polymer chain transfer for free polymer chain-EOF is reported again for both circumstances and for restricted polymer chain state in two PG and EOF modes, less differences are reported for two cases. The results show that the EOF has the benefit of low dispersion for free polymer chain transfer, also, almost equal displacement for restricted polymer chain mode is observed for both cases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 51
Zoltán Bálint Gyenes ◽  
Emese Gincsainé Szádeczky-Kardoss

Collision-free motion planning for mobile agents is a challenging task, especially when the robot has to move towards a target position in a dynamic environment. The main aim of this paper is to introduce motion-planning algorithms using the changing uncertainties of the sensor-based data of obstacles. Two main algorithms are presented in this work. The first is based on the well-known velocity obstacle motion-planning method. In this method, collision-free motion must be achieved by the algorithm using a cost-function-based optimisation method. The second algorithm is an extension of the often-used artificial potential field. For this study, it is assumed that some of the obstacle data (e.g. the positions of static obstacles) are already known at the beginning of the algorithm (e.g. from a map of the enviroment), but other information (e.g. the velocity vectors of moving obstacles) must be measured using sensors. The algorithms are tested in simulations and compared in different situations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 185 ◽  
pp. 106151
Lei Ye ◽  
Jieli Duan ◽  
Zhou Yang ◽  
Xiangjun Zou ◽  
Mingyou Chen ◽  

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 636
Sergio De Nicola ◽  
Renato Fedele ◽  
Dušan Jovanovic ◽  
Margarita Man'ko ◽  
Vladimir Man'ko

The tomography of a single quantum particle (i.e., a quantum wave packet) in an accelerated frame is studied. We write the Schrödinger equation in a moving reference frame in which acceleration is uniform in space and an arbitrary function of time. Then, we reduce such a problem to the study of spatiotemporal evolution of the wave packet in an inertial frame in the presence of a homogeneous force field but with an arbitrary time dependence. We demonstrate the existence of a Gaussian wave packet solution, for which the position and momentum uncertainties are unaffected by the uniform force field. This implies that, similar to in the case of a force-free motion, the uncertainty product is unaffected by acceleration. In addition, according to the Ehrenfest theorem, the wave packet centroid moves according to classic Newton's law of a particle experiencing the effects of uniform acceleration. Furthermore, as in free motion, the wave packet exhibits a diffraction spread in the configuration space but not in momentum space. Then, using Radon transform, we determine the quantum tomogram of the Gaussian state evolution in the accelerated frame. Finally, we characterize the wave packet evolution in the accelerated frame in terms of optical and simplectic tomogram evolution in the related tomographic space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 ◽  
pp. 102558
Jinwei Sun ◽  
Sau-Lon James Hu ◽  
Huajun Li

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