motorized transport
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Bruna Rodrigues Guimarães ◽  
Antonio Pasqualetto

The demand-responsive public transport Citybus 2.0 was an innovation not only for Goiânia, but for all of Latin America. Created in 2019, this new way of getting around the city is intended to be a substitute for individual motorized transport, encouraging sustainable urban mobility. In order to analyze this new means of transport in the capital of Goiás, an online questionnaire was applied, which had 217 responses, of which 130 are users and 87 are non-users. The questionnaire had ten questions, two of which were general and eight with the purpose of collecting information on user satisfaction regarding the service provided by the new mode of transport. As for the perception of satisfaction, the items related to the cost and service range had the worst ratings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1379
Anastasios Mouratidis

Municipal authorities in industrialized and in developing countries face unceasingly the issues of congestion, insufficiency of transport means capacity, poor operability of transport systems and a growing demand for reliable and effective urban transport. While the expansion of infrastructure is generally considered as an undesirable option, in specific cases, when short links or ring roads are missing, new infrastructure projects may provide beneficial solutions. The upgrading and renewal of existing networks is always a challenge to the development of a modern city and the welfare of citizens. Central governance and management of transport systems, the establishment of smart and digital infrastructure, advanced surveillance and traffic monitoring, and intra-city energy-harvesting policy are some of the steps to be taken during the transition to a green and sustainable urban future.Municipal authorities have also to consider other options and strategies to create a citizen-friendly setting for mobility: diminish the need for trips (digitalization of services, e-commerce, etc.), shift from private to public transport and transform the urban form to promote non-motorized transport in favor of the natural environment and public health. A citizen-friendly policy based on the anticipation of future needs and technological development seems to be a requisite for European cities searching for a smooth integration of their networks into urban space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Kishore Kumar Neelam

This paper is to enclave, a policy initiation for development of slow charging station infrastructure and E-rickshaw vehicles registration process in India. EV’s (Electric Vehicles) as the new green nonpolluting vehicle for last mile connectivity within the city limits. At the E-rickshaw market a no of models available, but there is no study done for governing method, rules to follow and provision for charging infrastructure.   E-rickshaw are being considered as a priority option towards sustainable development. These vehicles are the smart choice and encouraged as feeder system for last mile connectivity. E-rickshaw mode has been excluded from NMT (Non-motorized Transport) category and included in Motor Vehicles Act (2014) as special purpose battery operated vehicle. The main objective of the paper is to creating a space for building the charging infrastructure with different tariff and to setup governing rules for E-rickshaw operators.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 364-369
Yisel Pinillos-Patiño ◽  
Yaneth Herazo-Beltrán ◽  
Ronald Tocora-Andrade ◽  
José Aramendiz-Mejía ◽  
Yohan Botello-Montero ◽  

  La distancia hacia la escuela es el principal predictor del tipo de transporte que utilicen los escolares durante su desplazamiento a la institución educativa. El objetivo de este estudio es establecer la relación entre el trasporte activo y la distancia desde el hogar al centro educativo en población estudiantil en la región caribe colombiana. El diseño es de corte transversal en 3067 escolares de básica primaria matriculados en los grados de primero a quinto; se aplicó una encuesta a los padres de familia que midió el tipo de transporte hacia el colegio, la distancia entre la casa y la escuela, al tiempo que destina cada niño durante este recorrido, la existencia de vehículos en el hogar. Se consideró transporte activo al colegio, el desplazamiento en bicicleta y caminando. El 51.3% de los escolares usa un transporte activo para desplazarse de la casa al colegio, el 36.5% reside a una distancian mayor a 1,5 km de la escuela. Es mayor la probabilidad de usar transporte pasivo en distancias mayores a 1500 metros [OR=1,55 (IC 95% 1.34-1.8)]; en recorridos mayores de 15 minutos [OR=1.25 (IC 95% 1.1-1.45)]; y cuando en la familia se tiene vehículo [OR=4.04 (IC 95% 3.4-4.7)]. El transporte activo en la etapa escolar se relaciona con la distancia que se recorre para trasladarse del hogar a la escuela diariamente. Estos resultados contribuyen a diseñar intervenciones intersectoriales e interdisciplinares que incrementen los desplazamientos de los niños hacia modos activos. Abstract. Distance to school is the main predictor of the type of transport used by schoolchildren during their trip to the educational institution. The objective of this study was to establish the relationship between active transportation and the distance from home to the educational center in the student population in the Colombian Caribbean region. The design is cross-sectional in 3,067 elementary school students enrolled in grades one through five; a survey was applied to parents that measured the type of transportation to the school, the distance between the house and the school, the time each child spends during this journey, the existence of vehicles in the home. Active transportation to school, cycling, and walking were considered. 51.3% of schoolchildren use active transportation to get from home to school, 36.5% live at a distance greater than 1.5 km from the school. The probability of using motorized transport over distances greater than 1500 meters is greater [OR = 1.55 (95% CI 1.34-1.8)]; in runs longer than 15 minutes [OR = 1.25 (95% CI 1.1-1.45)]; and when the family has a vehicle [OR = 4.04 (95% CI 3.4-4.7)]. Active transportation in the school stage is related to the distance traveled to get from home to school daily. These results contribute to designing intersectoral and interdisciplinary interventions that increase children's movements towards active modes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 11461
Brightnes Risimati ◽  
Trynos Gumbo ◽  
James Chakwizira

Sustainability of transport infrastructure integration begins with involving an all-inclusive transportation chain instead of only focusing on one part of the journey. This is achieved by facilitating spatial integration between diverse transport modalities to allow for a multiplicity of travel opportunities. This paper unpacks the extent of the spatial integration of non-motorized transport and urban public transport infrastructure within the city of Johannesburg in South Africa. Cycling activity datasets derived from Strava Metro and the spatial data of urban public transport infrastructures were collected to demonstrate existing spatial patterns and infrastructure connectivity. Exploratory spatial data analysis and focal statistics analysis were central in the data processing. The findings reveal that cycling activities are separated from urban public transport infrastructure, and the city of Johannesburg’s transport system is characterized by spatially fragmented commuting and cycling operations, with limited to no sharing of infrastructure. Most public transport stations are not easily accessible for non-motorized transport and are characterized by inadequate cycling facilities. In conclusion, the identification of an urban public transportation catchment area becomes essential for developing cities such as Johannesburg. This can be used as tool for planning infrastructural upgrades and forecasting potential public transport ridership while also assessing the impacts of investments in transit planning. There is thus a need to integrate motorized urban public transport and cycling infrastructural developments toward promoting multi-mobility and infrastructure sharing.

E. Pisoni ◽  
P. Christidis ◽  
E. Navajas Cawood

Arjun Rajeevkumar Bhele ◽  
Dr. Sujesh D. Ghodmare

Planners are now trying to provide greener travel solutions to reduce fiscal, social, and environmental issues. This research, therefore, seeks to find significant reasons for urban transport to enhance the use of alternative transportation modes. This report seeks to establish the connection between influential metrics for urban mobility and regular travel trips from different parts of the world. Deployment of excellent non-motorized transport facilities for Walking and cycling is a good way to encourage the use of bicycles, thereby increasing the physical fitness of end-users. Past studies were thoroughly reviewed and found to be applicable for analysis and application in the real world. Anova's regression analysis is distinguished by a more comprehensive interpretation of the findings. At Rajkamal Intersection, Amravati district, Maharashtra the traffic volume counts were carried out. It is the focus of the transport congestion, which leads to a polluted atmosphere due to prolonged duration at the signals. In this research, it can be seen that with the use of Motorized transport the traffic density & air pollution will increase with time, and with the increase in the use of Non-Motorized transport, the traffic density decreases also the air pollution is at a steady pace. The current study shows the necessity, favourable conditions, and economic benefits of non-motorized sustainable traffic, in the Indian condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 3079-3096
Carolina Lima Bazi ◽  
Jussara Socorro Cury Maciel
Ad Hoc ◽  

Este estudo objetiva analisar a efetividade, a segurança e a utilização do modelo de ciclofaixa implantado na Avenida Coronel Teixeira nas proximidades do bairro Ponta Negra em Manaus, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e aplicação de questionário, bem como análise do local a fim de propor possíveis melhorias. Ciclofaixa é parte da pista de rolamento destinada à circulação exclusiva de ciclos, delimitada por sinalização específica para um isolamento físico dos ciclistas com demais veículos. O estudo proposto contou com pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória, assim houve o entendimento das definições sobre o transporte não-motorizado, em especial, ao uso da bicicleta e infraestrutura necessária pare esse meio de transporte. Adicionalmente, foi realizada aplicação de questionário em um comitê ad hoc formado por um grupo que estuda ou atua na área de engenharia de transportes na cidade de Manaus As ciclofaixas em Manaus ainda estão em fase de implementação, o estudo em questão está sendo feito em um trecho já concluído. O sistema foi implantado à direita da via e é compartilhado com os demais veículos, separado por sinalização específica. O resultado da pesquisa mostra como a criação de espaços cicloviários surge da necessidade de usuários de bicicleta e para o incentivo à utilização desse modal.

Urban Climate ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 100887
Mohammad Reza Monazzam ◽  
Elham Karimi ◽  
Hossein Shahbazi ◽  
Hossein Shahidzadeh

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