direct and indirect methods
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2022 ◽  
Ekaterina Savel'eva

The monograph presents an extensive study of new forms of labor organization in the context of the development of technical, technological, financial, economic and socio-cultural factors. The distinctive features of digital labor platforms, their classification, as well as the strategies of key players in the global and Russian-speaking distance labor markets are given. Based on the analysis of current international analytical reviews, foreign and domestic scientific publications, current legislation and court decisions, the author gives approaches and methods of regulatory regulation of platform labor. The author does not ignore such controversial issues as: direct and indirect methods of state influence on the activities of digital labor platforms, problems of social responsibility, as well as prospects for the development of platform cooperativism in the world and Russia as an alternative to labor platforms focused on the global level. It is of interest to researchers, government authorities, teachers of higher educational institutions, graduate students and students studying these problems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Adarsh Kumar Pandey ◽  
Reji Kumar R. ◽  
M. Samykano

2022 ◽  
pp. 547-567
Karthikeyan C.

Cyberbullying malice is more a socio-psychological issue in developing countries like India. The kinds of virtual offences indirectly through cyberbullying and the toll on the various segments of society are concentrated to bring attention to the increasing maladaptive consequences of the virtual offences. The chapter concentrates on the direct and indirect methods of consistent evolution in the methods of virtually offensive practices against children, adolescents, school students, college students, and women in general. The chapter highlights the methods of cyberbullying happening across developing countries like India. It also describes the catalytic factors leading to virtual offences committed online and their nature, evolution, impact, and intensity on the victims' psyche across developing countries like India.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-38
Laeli Rachmawati

Background: This study aims to describe how the implementation of sex education for adolescents in youth center Griya Muda PKBI Kota Semarang and analysis of Islamic counseling guidance on sex education for adolescents in Youth Center Griya Muda PKBI Kota Semarang. Method:  This study is a descriptive qualitative study that aims to find out sex education for adolescents conducted by the Youth Center Griya Muda PKBI Semarang City in providing correct and accurate information to minimize premarital sex behavior, as well as efforts to prevent the transmission of HIV / AIDS for adolescents. The data collection techniques used in this study are with observations, interviews, and documentation. Results: The implementation of sex education conducted by Griya Muda Youth Center includes education and counseling services using direct and indirect methods. Judging from the analysis of Islamic counseling guidance, the objectives, methods and functions of activities carried out are close to the implementation of Islamic counseling guidance. However, youth center Griya Muda has not implemented the entire existence of Islamic counseling guidance completely.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Marta Derhaliuk ◽  
Olha Popelo ◽  
Svitlana Tulchynska ◽  
Oksana Lashuk ◽  
Semen Khanin

The study is devoted to the development of the organizational and economic mechanism for activating the innovation process of regional economic systems using a system approach. The organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation of regional innovation systems means an organic set of the innovation components that provide the innovation process, as well as a set of functions, forms, methods and levers of regulation to activate it to ensure sustainable development of regional economic systems. The general components of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation are singled out, which include: economic, social, informational, international, financial and managerial components. As well as specific components of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation, which include: scientists, enterprises and organizations, the innovation infrastructure, consumers of innovative products. The levers of influence of the organizational and economic mechanism, which are the levers of direct and indirect state and regional influence, are considered in detail. Direct and indirect methods of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation, as well as functions of the organizational and economic mechanism are detailed, namely: planning, motivation, stimulation, organization, control. The visualization of the organizational and economic mechanism is developed. Successive stages of the implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation are offered. In accordance with the methodology of the system approach, a recurrent ratio of the organizational and economic mechanism of the innovation process activation is developed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 322-329
В.П. Клименко ◽  
Е.А. Лущай ◽  
А.С. Абдурашитова

Полиплоидные формы обращают на себя внимание своими положительными свойствами, одним из которых является увеличение по сравнению с диплоидными сортами размеров хозяйственно ценных органов. Значительное количество работ по полиплоидии растений в последнее время обусловлено развитием аналитических методов, таких как современные способы приготовления цитогенетических препаратов, цифровая микроскопия, проточная цитометрия, ПЦР-анализ. В настоящее время для получения полиплоидных форм растений используют системы культуры ткани. Успех индукции полиплоидии зависит от различных факторов: состава питательной среды, антимитотического агента, типа эксплантов, времени воздействия и концентрации веществ. В программах создания полиплоидных форм растений проводят исследования с использованием прямого подсчета хромосом, проточной цитометрии, ПЦР-анализа, а также косвенных методов изучения морфологических особенностей объектов. Методы изучения структуры эпидермиса листа являются простыми, быстрыми, неразрушающими и не требующими дорогих реагентов или оборудования. В качестве морфологических индикаторов плоидности обычно используют параметры устьиц (частота устьиц, размеры замыкающих клеток и количество хлоропластов в устьицах). Предлагаются простые протоколы прямого и косвенного методов анализа плоидности винограда. Наиболее успешными работами в области изучения плоидности растений можно считать исследования комплексные. Косвенные методы анализа следует использовать для массового скрининга исходной выборки, прямые методы - для точного изучения генома отобранных растений. Изучение морфологических особенностей эпидермиса листьев может быть использовано в селекционных программах создания виноградных полиплоидов. Исследование дает рациональное обоснование дальнейшей работы по анализу цитогенетических и морфологических особенностей полиплоидных растений винограда. Polyploid forms attract attention for their positive properties, one of which is an increase in the size of economically valuable organs compared to diploid varieties. A significant number of works on plant polyploidy in recent years is due to the development of analytical methods, such as modern methods for the preparation of microslides, digital microscopy, flow cytometry, PCR- analysis. Tissue culture systems are currently used to obtain polyploid forms of plants. The success of polyploidy induction depends on various factors, such as composition of the nutrient medium, antimitotic agent, type of explants, time of exposure, and concentration of substances. In programs for creating polyploid forms of plants, the research is carried out using direct chromosome counting, flow cytometry, PCR-analysis, as well as indirect methods for studying morphological characteristics of objects. Methods for study the structure of leaf epidermis are simple, fast, non-destructive and not requiring expensive reagents or equipment. Stomatal parameters (stomatal density, guard cell size, and the number of chloroplasts in stoma) are commonly used as morphological indicators of ploidy. Simple protocols of direct and indirect methods of ploidy analysis for grapes are proposed. Complex research can be considered as the most successful in the field of plant ploidy studies. Indirect methods of analysis should be used for mass screening of the initial sample, direct methods - for precise study of the genome of selected plants. The study of morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis can be used in breeding programs for the creation of grape polyploids. The research provides a rational basis for further work on the analysis of cytogenetic and morphological features of polyploid grape plants.

A. O. Okpe ◽  
F. A. Nkaa

Plant transformation is now an important biotechnological tool in plant biology and a practical tool for transgenic plant development. There are many verified methods for stable introduction of novel genes into the nuclear genomes of diverse plant species. As a result, gene transfer and regeneration of transgenic plants are no longer the factors limiting the development and application of practical transformation systems for many plant species. However, the desire for higher transformation efficiency has stimulated work on not only improving various existing methods but also in inventing novel methods. Different methods of transferring the gene into plant cells have been developed and continuous efforts have been made to increase its efficiency. Both direct and indirect methods of gene transfer have their own merits and demerits. Efforts have been made continuously to eliminate drawbacks and to develop an easy and eco-friendly method to transfer foreign genes. Many methods of genetic transformation have been proposed and tried in the laboratories, but most of them result to transient expressions. However, transformation work based on particle bombardment with DNA coated micro projectiles and Agrobacterium mediated transformation have proved to be promising in producing stable transgenic plants from a range of plant species.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. e0259760
Noah James Langenfeld ◽  
Lauren Elizabeth Payne ◽  
Bruce Bugbee

Urea is a byproduct of the urea cycle in metabolism and is excreted through urine and sweat. Ammonia, which is toxic at low levels, is converted to the safe storage form of urea, which represents the largest efflux of nitrogen from many organisms. Urea is an important nitrogen source in agriculture, is added to many industrial products, and is a large component in wastewater. The enzyme urease hydrolyzes urea to ammonia and bicarbonate. This reaction is microbially mediated in soils, hydroponic solutions, and wastewater recycling and is catalyzed in vivo in plants using native urease, making measurement of urea environmentally important. Both direct and indirect methods to measure urea exist. This protocol uses diacetyl monoxime to directly determine the concentration of urea in solution. The protocol provides repeatable results and stable reagents with good color stability and simple measurement techniques for use in any lab with a spectrophotometer. The reaction between diacetyl monoxime and urea in the presence of sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, thiosemicarbazide, and ferric chloride produces a chromophore with a peak absorbance at 520 nm and a linear relationship between concentration and absorbance from 0.4 to 5.0 mM urea in this protocol. The lack of detectable interferences makes this protocol suitable for the determination of millimolar levels of urea in wastewater streams and hydroponic solutions.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3772
Muriel Józó ◽  
Róbert Várdai ◽  
Nóra Hegyesi ◽  
János Móczó ◽  
Béla Pukánszky

Polycaprolactone (PCL)/halloysite composites were prepared to compare the effect of homogenization technology on the structure and properties of the composites. Halloysite content changed from 0 to 10 vol% in six steps and homogeneity was characterized by various direct and indirect methods. The results showed that the extent of aggregation depends on technology and on halloysite content; the size and number of aggregates increase with increasing halloysite content. Melt mixing results in more homogeneous composites than the simple compression of the component powders or homogenization in solution and film casting. Homogeneity and the extent of aggregation determines all properties, including functionality. The mechanical properties of the polymer deteriorate with increasing aggregation; even stiffness depends on homogeneity. Strength and deformability decreases drastically as the number and size of aggregates increase. Not only dispersed structure, but also the physical state and crystalline structure of the polymer influence homogeneity and properties. The presence of the filler affects the preparation of electrospun fiber scaffolds as well. A part of the filler is excluded from the fibers while another part forms aggregates that complicates fiber spinning and deteriorates properties. The results indicate that spinning is easier and the quality of the fibers is better if a material homogenized previously by melt mixing is used for the production of the fibers.

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