annular region
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2112 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
Chong Song ◽  
Yong Huang ◽  
Yangdong Yan ◽  
Dongsen Cui ◽  
Gang Wang ◽  

Abstract An improved Offner imaging spectrometer was proposed based on the optical system characteristics of Offner imaging spectrometer, which can ensure perfect imaging quality in a wider annular region. The operating wavelength of the improved Offner imaging spectrometer ranges from 900nm to 1700nm, and the magnification is 1. Improved Offner imaging spectrometer can be obtained by changing the meniscus lens position and further optimizing the design. The results indicate that the improved Offner imaging spectrometer can effectively improve compactness and lightweight, and reduce the difficulty of optical adjustment, which is conducive to the stability of practical application.

2021 ◽  
Zeguan Dong ◽  
Zhen Li ◽  
Zhang Jianghui ◽  
Yan He ◽  
Wei Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Pawel Caputa ◽  
Shouvik Datta ◽  
Yunfeng Jiang ◽  
Per Kraus

Abstract The $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ deformation can be formulated as a dynamical change of coordinates. We establish and generalize this relation to curved spaces by coupling the undeformed theory to 2d gravity. For curved space the dynamical change of coordinates is supplemented by a dynamical Weyl transformation. We also sharpen the holographic correspondence to cutoff AdS3 in multiple ways. First, we show that the action of the annular region between the cutoff surface and the boundary of AdS3 is given precisely by the $$ T\overline{T} $$ T T ¯ operator integrated over either the cutoff surface or the asymptotic boundary. Then we derive dynamical coordinate and Weyl transformations directly from the bulk. Finally, we reproduce the flow equation for the deformed stress tensor from the cutoff geometry.

2021 ◽  
Dylan R. Harp ◽  
Vitaly Zlotnik ◽  
Charles J. Abolt ◽  
Brent D. Newman ◽  
Adam L. Atchley ◽  

Abstract. The pathways and timing of drainage from inundated ice-wedge polygon centers in a warming climate have important implications for carbon flushing, advective heat transport, and transitions from carbon dioxide to methane dominated emissions. This research provides intuition on this process by presenting the first in-depth analysis of drainage from a single polygon based on fundamental hydrogeological principles. We use a recently developed analytical solution to provide a baseline for the effects of polygon aspect ratios (radius to thawed depth) and hydraulic conductivity anisotropy (horizontal to vertical hydraulic conductivity) on drainage pathways and temporal depletion of ponded water heights of inundated ice-wedge polygon centers. By varying the polygon aspect ratio, we evaluate the effect of polygon size (width), inter-annual increases in active layer thickness, and seasonal increases in thaw depth on drainage. One of the primary insights from the model is that most inundated ice-wedge polygon drainage occurs along an annular region of the polygon center near the rims. This implies that inundated polygons are most intensely flushed by drainage in an annular region along their horizontal periphery, with implications for transport of nutrients (such as dissolved organic carbon) and advection of heat towards ice wedge tops. The model indicates that polygons with large aspect ratios and high anisotropy will have the most distributed drainage. Polygons with large aspect ratio and low anisotropy will have their drainage most focused near the their periphery and will drain most slowly. Polygons with small aspect ratio and high anisotropy will drain most quickly. Our results, based on idealized scenarios, provide a baseline for further research considering geometric and hydraulic complexities of ice-wedge polygons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Shui’er Han ◽  
David Alais ◽  
Hamish MacDougall ◽  
Frans A. J. Verstraten

Abstract Short-term deprivation (2.5 h) of an eye has been shown to boost its relative ocular dominance in young adults. Here, we show that a much shorter deprivation period (3–6 min) produces a similar paradoxical boost that is retinotopic and reduces spatial inhibition on neighbouring, non-deprived areas. Partial deprivation was conducted in the left hemifield, central vision or in an annular region, later assessed with a binocular rivalry tracking procedure. Post-deprivation, dominance of the deprived eye increased when rivalling images were within the deprived retinotopic region, but not within neighbouring, non-deprived areas where dominance was dependent on the correspondence between the orientation content of the stimuli presented in the deprived and that of the stimuli presented in non-deprived areas. Together, these results accord with other deprivation studies showing V1 activity changes and reduced GABAergic inhibition.

Zeguan Dong ◽  
Jianghui Zhang ◽  
Zhen Li ◽  
Yan He ◽  
David J. Kukulka ◽  

Abstract Single-phase and flow condensation experiments were performed using refrigerant R410A in the outer annular region of horizontal enhanced tube with different enhanced surfaces at a saturation temperature of 45°C in the range of mass flux 44.43–102.23kg/(m2s). The vapor quality ranges from 0.8 to 0.2. The outer diameters of the tubes are all 19.05mm, but the inner diameters are slightly different due to different surface structures. The surface structures of the three enhanced tubes are fins(EHT1 tube), toothed structures (EHT2 tube) and fine cavities(EHT3 tube) of different sizes and densities. Among them, the EHT3 tube has internal threads. Wilson diagram method was used to determine the enhancement ratio of the water side heat transfer coefficient of EHT3 tube. It was found that the pressure drop increased with the increase of mass flux, while the heat transfer coefficient showed different trends, and the smooth tube was always the lowest of the four tubes. A comprehensive evaluation factor α combining heat transfer enhancement factor (EF) and pressure drop penalty factor (PF) was defined, in which EHT2 tube (1.38–1.75) was the largest, with strong heat transfer capacity and small pressure drop, so the condensing heat transfer capacity of EHT2 tube was the best.

Heat Transfer ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 3943-3957 ◽  
Lipika Panigrahi ◽  
Jayaprakash Panda ◽  
Devendra Kumar ◽  
Sudhansu S. Sahoo

2020 ◽  
Dylan R. Harp ◽  
Vitaly Zlotnik ◽  
Charles J. Abolt ◽  
Brent D. Newman ◽  
Adam L. Atchley ◽  

Abstract. The pathways and timing of drainage from inundated ice-wedge polygon centers in a warming climate have important implications for carbon flushing, advective heat transport, and transitions from carbon dioxide to methane dominated emissions. This research helps to understand this process by providing the first in-depth analysis of drainage from a single polygon based on fundamental hydrogeological principles. We use a recently developed analytical solution to evaluate the effects of polygon aspect ratios (radius to thawed depth) and hydraulic conductivity anisotropy (horizontal to vertical hydraulic conductivity) on drainage pathways and temporal depletion of ponded water heights of inundated ice-wedge polygon centers. By varying the polygon aspect ratio, we evaluate the effect of polygon size (width), inter-annual increases in active layer thickness, and seasonal increases in thaw depth on drainage. One of the primary insights from the model is that most inundated ice-wedge polygon drainage occurs along an annular region of the polygon center near the rims. This implies that inundated polygons are most intensely flushed by drainage in an annular region along their horizontal periphery, with implications for transport of nutrients (such as dissolved organic carbon) and advection of heat towards ice wedge tops. The model indicates that polygons with large aspect ratios and high anisotropy will have the most distributed drainage. Polygons with large aspect ratio and low anisotropy will have their drainage most focused near the their periphery and will drain most slowly. Polygons with small aspect ratio and high anisotropy will drain most quickly.

Abuzar Abid Siddiqui ◽  
Ali J Chamkha

We examine the thermo-magnetohydrodynamic effects on nanofluid flow in a porous circular annular region bounded by two rotating cylinders in the presence of a constant radial magnetic field but variable thermal conductivity. The nanofluid consists of a sample liquid (water/ engine oil) along with suspended copper nanoparticles. This physical problem is formulated and analytical solutions for the governing equations are obtained by using the homotopy analysis method in the form of the physical variables such as, the pressure, fluid speed, temperature, shear stress, heat transfer, and the concentration of nanoparticles. The obtained results are compared with the existing results for the clear fluid and are found in excellent agreement. The effects of the field parameters on these physical variables are studied. It is found that the fluid speed (pressure) increases (decreases) with the Forchheirmer coefficient, porosity, applied magnetic field intensity, and the angular speed of the outer cylinder, but it decreases with the angular speed of the inner cylinder for both liquids. The reverse flow exists if the inner and outer cylinders are rotating in the opposite directions for both the liquids. Furthermore, the thermal transfer rate in the engine oil is lower than that in water. If the annulus region is squeezed, then the fluid speed decays while the pressure rises. The temperature and the thermal transfer rate decay if we march from the inner cylinder to the outer one. The porosity and the angular speed of the outer cylinder enhance the viscous dissipation and shear stress.

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