intensity of emotion
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Children ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 1108
Koviljka Barisnikov ◽  
Marine Thomasson ◽  
Jennyfer Stutzmann ◽  
Fleur Lejeune

This study assessed two components of face emotion processing: emotion recognition and sensitivity to intensity of emotion expressions and their relation in children age 4 to 12 (N = 216). Results indicated a slower development in the accurate decoding of low intensity expressions compared to high intensity. Between age 4 and 12, children discriminated high intensity expressions better than low ones. The intensity of expression had a stronger impact on overall face expression recognition. High intensity happiness was better recognized than low intensity up to age 11, while children 4 to 12 had difficulties discriminating between high and low intensity sadness. Our results suggest that sensitivity to low intensity expressions acts as a complementary mediator between age and emotion expression recognition, while this was not the case for the recognition of high intensity expressions. These results could help in the development of specific interventions for populations presenting socio-cognitive and emotion difficulties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e736
Olufisayo Ekundayo ◽  
Serestina Viriri

Facial Expression Recognition (FER) has gained considerable attention in affective computing due to its vast area of applications. Diverse approaches and methods have been considered for a robust FER in the field, but only a few works considered the intensity of emotion embedded in the expression. Even the available studies on expression intensity estimation successfully assigned a nominal/regression value or classified emotion in a range of intervals. Most of the available works on facial expression intensity estimation successfully present only the emotion intensity estimation. At the same time, others proposed methods that predict emotion and its intensity in different channels. These multiclass approaches and extensions do not conform to man heuristic manner of recognising emotion and its intensity estimation. This work presents a Multilabel Convolution Neural Network (ML-CNN)-based model, which could simultaneously recognise emotion and provide ordinal metrics as the intensity estimation of the emotion. The proposed ML-CNN is enhanced with the aggregation of Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE) loss and Island Loss (IL) functions to minimise intraclass and interclass variations. Also, ML-CNN model is pre-trained with Visual Geometric Group (VGG-16) to control overfitting. In the experiments conducted on Binghampton University 3D Facial Expression (BU-3DFE) and Cohn Kanade extension (CK+) datasets, we evaluate ML-CNN’s performance based on accuracy and loss. We also carried out a comparative study of our model with some popularly used multilabel algorithms using standard multilabel metrics. ML-CNN model simultaneously predicts emotion and intensity estimation using ordinal metrics. The model also shows appreciable and superior performance over four standard multilabel algorithms: Chain Classifier (CC), distinct Random K label set (RAKEL), Multilabel K Nearest Neighbour (MLKNN) and Multilabel ARAM (MLARAM).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmadintya Anggit Hanggraito

Jancuk is a swear word and has become part of the cultural communication of arek in East Java, Indonesia. This research tries to analyze the perception and meaning of jancuk from Indonesian society. This research is a descriptive research through a qualitative approach. 121 representative respondents were obtained through purposive sampling. Then, the data will be triangulated to draw conclusions and recommendations. The results showed that the period of education and growth became the jancuk word’s absorption phase. The results of the analysis explain that Jancuk is not perceived negatively. Its depends on the intensity of emotion in communication. However, Jancuk is still perceived as a word that violates politeness in the communication process. Then, the main meaning of jancuk consists of: humiliation, annoyance, disappointment, surprise, and a symbol of intimacy or humor. Based on this research, the perception of words in a particular culture can be seen as an expression that has various meanings. It is expected that this research will provide the reason for the public that jancuk can be an important contributor to the process of enriching social cross-cultural communication materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zelin Tong ◽  
Mengjie Yi ◽  
Wenting Feng ◽  
Yinghao Yu ◽  
Diyi Liu ◽  

Both happy and sad facial expressions of recipients are frequently used in charity advertisements. However, the relative effectiveness of these two types of facial expressions has been found paradoxical in the past. In this study, we examine when happy facial expression can more effectively increase donation intentions of consumers and when vice versa. Specially, we propose that eye contact between a donor and a potential recipient may moderate the relative effectiveness of happy and sad facial expressions, and further explain the interaction effect from the perspective of emotional intensity. Results from two experiments suggest that, when donor-recipient eye contact is present, consumers tend to have stronger emotional intensity, and, in turn, show higher donation intentions when the recipient is with a happy rather than sad facial expression. In contrast, when the eye contact is absent, consumers may show stronger emotional intensity and donation intentions toward the charity advertisement with a recipient showing sad rather than happy expression.

Heather Thompson-Brenner ◽  
Melanie Smith ◽  
Gayle Brooks ◽  
Rebecca Berman ◽  
Angela Kaloudis ◽  

The session in this chapter looks at how suppression of thoughts and emotions can be counterproductive. Suppression or attempted avoidance may control things somewhat in the short term but rarely works in the long term, and it increases intensity of emotion when a similar situation is encountered in the future. Subtle behavioral avoidance, cognitive avoidance, and safety signals are introduced, and clients are asked to provide their own examples. Habitual avoidance of emotion creates negative messages about our capabilities and robs us of the chance to learn that the emotion is tolerable and will pass on its own without our efforts to avoid or escape. In this countering avoidant behavior session, clients are taught how to do the opposite of avoidance by developing a willingness to lean into emotions, or approach them, and thereby learn new lessons about emotion, situations, and themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (S-1) ◽  
pp. 123-127
Shubha N

The basis of Naalaayira Divya Prabhantham is about a human who becomes one with god in his/her physical form and obtaining wisdom to attain Divine Ecstasy. The doctrines of personification or ‘Avataar’ is the Central theme of Vaisnavism and Vaishnava Literature.  These prabhantha paazurangal, one of the parts and parcel of it. Among the 12 Aalwars, Aandaaal is the only female Aalwaar.  The Bhakthi or Devotion of Aandaal is a woman of the universe who woos the supereme God- Krishna/Kannan with heart and soul and unites with Him is called the highest intensity of emotion in Love.  In this aspect an ordinary woman, who is elevated to the celestial status that how she reaches the level of a deity and what are the crucial stages she endures is the focal point at this research article.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 1897 ◽  
Dhwani Mehta ◽  
Mohammad Faridul Haque Siddiqui ◽  
Ahmad Y. Javaid

Over the past two decades, automatic facial emotion recognition has received enormous attention. This is due to the increase in the need for behavioral biometric systems and human–machine interaction where the facial emotion recognition and the intensity of emotion play vital roles. The existing works usually do not encode the intensity of the observed facial emotion and even less involve modeling the multi-class facial behavior data jointly. Our work involves recognizing the emotion along with the respective intensities of those emotions. The algorithms used in this comparative study are Gabor filters, a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) for feature extraction. For classification, we have used Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (kNN). This attains emotion recognition and intensity estimation of each recognized emotion. This is a comparative study of classifiers used for facial emotion recognition along with the intensity estimation of those emotions for databases. The results verified that the comparative study could be further used in real-time behavioral facial emotion and intensity of emotion recognition.

2019 ◽  
pp. 10-19
Galina Ya. Verbitskaya ◽  

A work of art induces the recipient towards cognition and creativity by means of experience of cathartic emotion and the pain of convulsion. Art is a guide for life creativity which helps people make a metaphysical effort for overcoming despair. As the result of the conducted research a model has been developed of the emergence, development and realization of cathartic emotion. All the elements of the model are inwardly interconnected and mutually connected and are in the condition of a dialogue between the polarities of manifestations, the intensity of emotion, in a cause-and-effect relationship, in the connection of the invariant with the variant parts. The content and realization of the levels of experiencing cathartic emotion are disclosed in the dialogue of polar opposite fundamental principles of existence: fear vs. joy, compassion vs. pleasure, death vs. revival. This is what comprises the content and semantic signifi cation of catharsis. Art is not exhausted by cathartic impact in the sense of purifi cation, the most important thing is in the emergence of the insurmountable desire for creative activity. In other words, it is the reception of a work of art, the effort and artistry, the disclosure of the best in oneself, the generation of the creative gift, the emergence of the necessity for creative activity. On the essential level catharsis presents the outcome of the confl ict, the resolution of the contradiction by means of the author’s creative insight and the admission of the audience into the highest level of understanding and sensation of the confl icts of life. It is particularly an aesthetic attitude towards the world created by perception of art. The artistic experience creates the possibility of resolving the eternal contradictions-antinomies of life as an infi nite process of search for solutions of insoluble problems and an alternate perception of life and its meaning.

Jon Towlson

For many, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) is not so much a movie as a religious experience. On its release in 1977, CE3K virtually redefined the science-fiction film, shifting it away from spaceships, laser guns, and bug-eyed monsters into a modified form of science fiction that John Wyndham once called ‘logical fantasy’. What would it be like if extra-terrestrials made contact with people on Earth? How would it feel? Like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Steven Spielberg's primary inspiration, CE3K is concerned with mankind's evolution towards the stars, towards a state of transcendence. But Spielberg's vision hinges not so much on cool scientific intellect being the key to our next stage of evolution, as on the necessary development of emotional intelligence. To that end, we must regain our childlike curiosity for what lies beyond the skies, we must recover our capacity to experience wonder. Intensity of emotion is inherent to the film's meaning, and the aim of this book is to explore this in detail. Along the way, the book delves into the film's production history, explores Spielberg's remarkable cinematic realization of the film (including a comparison study of the three different release versions), and considers in detail how CE3K fits into the Spielberg oeuvre.

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