adsorbed oxygen
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Никита Александрович Клычков ◽  
Вячеслав Владимирович Симаков ◽  
Илья Владимирович Синёв ◽  
Дмитрий Александрович Тимошенко

С помощью золь-гель технологии синтезированы наноструктурированные газочувствительные пленки диоксида олова. Исследовано влияние температуры на проводимость сенсора в атмосфере очищенного воздуха, на величину отклика сенсора при воздействии паров изопропанола различной концентрации. На температурной зависимости проводимости плёнки диоксида олова в атмосфере чистого воздуха наблюдается локальный минимум. Уменьшение проводимости с ростом температуры в диапазоне 300...350С может быть связано с диссоциацией молекулярной формы адсорбированного кислорода. При температурах выше 350 °С проводимость возрастает из-за десорбции атомарной формы адсорбированного кислорода с поверхности газочувствительного слоя диоксида олова. Обнаружено, что наибольший отклик к газовым пробам достигается при рабочей температуре сенсора порядка 350°С. Предполагается, что это обусловлено наличием на поверхности атомарной формы хемосорбированного кислорода. Проведен анализ концентрационных и температурных зависимостей времени отклика сенсора при воздействии паров изопропанола. Время отклика сенсора монотонно уменьшается с повышением содержания примеси в газовых пробах, по-видимому, из-за увеличения скорости адсорбции частиц примеси из газовой фазы на поверхность газочувствительного слоя. Установлено, что зависимость времени отклика от рабочей температуры имеет аррениусовский вид, что может быть связано с термоактивированными адсорбционно-десорбционными и гетерогенными химическими процессами на поверхности активного слоя сенсора. Nanostructured gas-sensitive tin dioxide films have been synthesized by sol-gel technology. A conductivity vs temperature dependence of a gas sensor into atmosphere of synthetic air has been investigated. A response vs temperature dependence of a gas sensor into atmosphere of isopropanol vapors with various concentrations has been investigated. Local minimum on the temperature dependence of the tin dioxide film conductivity in clean air atmosphere were observed. A decrease in conductivity with increase temperature in the range of 300...350 °C can be associated with a dissociation molecular form of the adsorbed oxygen. At temperatures above 350 °C, conductivity increases because of desorption of the atomic form of the adsorbed oxygen on the surface of gas-sensitive tin dioxide film. The greatest response value is achieved at a sensor temperature equal to 350 °C. It is proposed that the reason is a domination of the atomic form of the chemisorbed oxygen on the surface. The analysis of response time vs concentration and response time vs temperature of gas sensor has been carried out. Sensor response time decreases monotonically with increase admixture substance in gas-probes, apparently because of increase in adsorption rate admixture particles on the surface of gas-sensitive film. It was found that the dependence of the response time on the operating temperature has an Arrhenius form. This may be associated with thermally activated adsorption-desorption processes and heterogeneous chemical reactions on the surface of sensor active layer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2079 (1) ◽  
pp. 012009
Nini Wen ◽  
Jianghao Cheng ◽  
Yaxin Su ◽  
Mingtao Hu ◽  
Wenyi Deng ◽  

Abstract To investigate the effect of impregnation sequence on SCR-C3H6 performance, Al-PILC based catalysts with different impregnation sequences between Cu and Fe were prepared. Activity result showed that impregnation sequence influenced the SCR-C3H6 performance, where, the NO conversion followed the order from high to low: Cu-Fe/Al-PILC>FeCu/Al-PILC>CuFe/Al-PILC. XRD results indicated that the dispersion of the active phase was related to the impregnation sequence. The specific surface area was not the crucial factor affecting the activity. UV-Vis demonstrated that isolated Cu2+ and Fe3+ contributed to activity rather than CuO and Fe2O3 particles, and more isolated Cu2+ and Fe3+ existed on Cu-Fe/Al-PILC. H2-TPR and XPS results revealed that superior reduction ability and more surface adsorbed oxygen led to the excellent SCR-C3H6 performance for Cu-Fe/Al-PILC catalyst.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (5) ◽  
Wanxin Lv ◽  
Yuzhou Hao ◽  
Aojie Li ◽  
Xiaoliang Zhong

2021 ◽  
Na Li ◽  
Zedong Chen ◽  
Liming Hou ◽  
Kunling Jiao ◽  
Wenfei WU

Abstract In accordance with the cerium-lanthanum ratio of fluorocerium ores in the mineralogy of the Baiyun Ebo process, pure substances such as Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, La(NO3)3·6H2O were used to synthesize (Ce,La)CO3F grains to simulate bastnaesite minerals by hydrothermal method, and used as NH3-SCR denitrification catalysts. After being roasted at a series of different temperatures, the catalyst surface produced a well-crystallised Ce7O12 species as the active component for denitrification. The activity results showed that the synthetic (Ce,La)CO3F was roasted at 500°C, and the NOx conversion was 27% at 200°C. The NH3-SCR catalytic activity of the synthesised (Ce,La)CO3F was improved by loaded transition metal Mn. The best catalyst was found to be produced by impregnating (Ce,La)CO3F with 1 mol/L manganese nitrate solution, with a NOx conversion of 80% at 250°C. The physicochemical properties were analysed using XRD, BET, H2-TPR, NH3-TPD and XPS. The loading of Mn resulted in the appearance of numerous well-dispersed MnOx species on the catalyst surface, the dispersion of Ce7O12 species was also greatly enhanced, and the reduction in grain size indicated that Mnn+ entered into the (Ce,La)CO3F lattice causing lattice shrinkage. The number of acidic sites on the catalyst surface and the redox capacity were enhanced. The amount of Ce3+ in the catalyst was also enhanced by the introduction of Mnn+, but the proportion of adsorbed oxygen decreased, which indicated that the introduction of Mnn+ was detrimental to the increase in the proportion of adsorbed oxygen. The reaction mechanisms of the (Ce,La)CO3F and Mn/(Ce,La)CO3F catalysts were investigated by in-situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), to provide theoretical guidance for the specific reaction pathways of bastnaesite in the NH3-SCR reaction. The results showed that catalysts followed both the E-R and L-H mechanisms throughout the reaction process. When loaded with Mn, the main reactive species in the L-H mechanism were the NH4+(ad) species on the Brønsted acidic site and the O-Ce3+-O-NO, O-Mn3+-O-NO species. The main reactive species for the E-R mechanism were NH3/NH4+(ad) species on the Brønsted/Lewis acidic sites and NO. The NH4+ (ad) species on the Brønsted acidic sites act as the main reactive NH3(g) adsorbing species, bonded to the Ce4+ in the carrier (Ce,La)CO3F to participate in the acid cycle reaction. The introduction of Mnn+ increases the number of Brønsted acidic sites on the catalyst surface, and acts as an adsorption site for NO, to react with NO to generate more monodentate nitrate species, to participate in the redox cycle reactions. The above results indicated that Mnn+ and (Ce,La)CO3F have a good mutual promotion effect, which makes the loaded catalyst have excellent performance, which provides a theoretical basis for the high value utilization of bastnaesite.

2021 ◽  
pp. 149713
Linghe Song ◽  
Juxia Xiong ◽  
Hairong Cheng ◽  
Jiahui Lu ◽  
Peng Liu ◽  

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