general council
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 51-61
Enrico Morini

Two Councils dealt with the birth and rebirth of the Moscow Patriarchate: the general Council of Constantinople of 1593 and the local Council of Moscow in 1917. In the course of the discussions two speakers based their arguments in favor of the Russian Patriarchate on the authority of canons: they were the Patriarch of Alexandria Meletius Pigas and the archimandrite, later bishop and martyr, Hilarion Troitsky. Despite the common recourse to the most ancient and authoritative canonical sources, the perspectives of the two speakers appear different. Meletius Pigas refers to the structure of the universal Church, that is to the number and order of the Patriarchal Sees, and he adapts all the legislation he quotes to this end. On the other hand, Hilarion Troitsky considers exclusively the particular Church and rather sees in those same canons the primary intent of safeguarding the ecclesiastical autonomy of local jurisdictions and, above all, the need for a Primacy in them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-273
Christian D. Washburn

Abstract In the sixteenth century, St. Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621) in his Disputationes de controversiis Christianae fidei adversus huius temporis haereticos defended the authority of the conciliar magisterium. Bellarmine, like other sixteenth-century Thomists, held that there were conditions under which God necessarily protects a general council from teaching error, but he did not deny that councils can and have erred. This article explains Bellarmine’s classification of the different types of councils. It also examines the conditions under which he believes that God necessarily protects a council from teaching error. It then discusses Bellarmine’s teaching on what kinds of councils can err and under what conditions a council can do so. Finally, the article will discuss his historical examination of various alleged conciliar errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 109-136
Philippe Denis

Abstract On the basis of documentary evidence, this paper examines the position of the Missionaries of Africa, also known as White Fathers, in political and ethnic matters during the buildup to the genocide in Rwanda, the genocide itself, and the postgenocide period. It argues that the Missionaries of Africa responded to the genocide in different ways. Some, especially those who returned to Rwanda after 1994, recognised the errors done by the church and tried to restart their ministry on a new foundation. However, many, particularly in Belgium, the country from where half of them originated, adopted a more defensive attitude. They subscribed, explicitly or not, to the double genocide theory according to which the crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front equalled or even surpassed those of the Rwandan authorities and the militias during the genocide. On the whole, the General Council of the congregation in Rome reacted to the Rwandan situation in a nonpartisan manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1 (245)) ◽  
pp. 77-100
Witold Filipczak

Protestants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Years 1777-1786: Between the Union of Sielec and Conflicts (Introduction to the Topic) This article examines the eighteenth century attempts to stimulate cooperation amog Protestants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Such endeavors were undertaken in the years 1775-1776 in Great Poland, while in 1777 the Union of Sielec between Protestants of Little Poland and Mazowsze was concluded. The union was intended to bring together Protestant congregations as religious entities without interfering in particular doctrinal and religious differences among them. In 1780, Protestants representing all parts of the Commonwealth met at a general council in Węgrów. Unfortunately, the existing differences among the groups prevailed and led to conflict. In effect, the followers of the Sielec Union failed to find a conciliatory platform with the Great Poland Protestants, who were backed by the Russian Ambassador Otto von Stackelberg. In 1782, the General Council of Węgrów was dissolved, which led to the collapse of the Sielec Union. The latter section of the article examines the political prosecution of Protestants, who were attacked by the Permanent Council and the Parliament of 1784. Stackelberg’s interference, as well as the attitude of the Polish king Stanislaus Augustus towards Protestants, have been also presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-154
Muhlis Fathurrahman ◽  
Ramaditia Dwiyansaputra

Arabic is one of the international languages according to the United Nations (UN) which was adopted by General Council resolution 3190 (XXVIII) as the official language and working language of the General Council and Main Committees on 18 December 1973. Arabic can be found in the holy book Al - Qur'an. For a Muslim, it is obligatory to learn and master Arabic in order to read and understand the contents of the Al-Qur'an. job applicant from Indonesia is also have to learn Arabic. The Hijaiiyah letter has the same role as the alphabet, which is to compose every word and sentence. Humans have a natural intelligence to be able to recognize each Hijaiiyah letter based on the special characteristics or patterns contained in each letter. However, natural intelligence has deficiencies such as inconsistencies in assessing the similarity of each handwritten Hijaiiyah letter from different people. Therefore this research will develop a system for identifying or recognizing Hijaiiyah handwritten patterns using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) method with 4 orientation angles and Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Data was collected using the Autodesk Sketchbook application so that can reduce the noise. The purpose of this research is to know the level of accuracy and precision of the classification of the Hijaiiyah letter pattern. In this research, the amount of data used was 1500 images of Hijaiiyah letters. The highest accuracy is 45.1111% with a precision 45.1111%.


LABURPENA: Auzitegi Gorenaren 3. Salak BJKNk izendapen diskrezionalen gainean egindako kontrolak kritika ugari eragin ditu XXI. mende honetako bi hamarkadetan, kaltetuen eta doktrina-sektore batzuen partetik. Baina, azkenaldian, aipatutako Salako magistratuen artean ere gertatzen dira desadostasunak. Ikuspuntu horretatik, pentsa liteke hemen aipatutako epaia enegarren desadostasuna dela, horrelako ebazpen bat ebazten duten magistratuen (oraingoan Seigarren Sekziokoak) arteko beste bat. Baina bada zerbait garrantzitsuagoa eta larriagoa. Larriena ez da ebazpena gehiengo estuz eman izana (3-2), baizik eta zer argudio erabili duen gehiengo txiki horrek ebazpena justifikatzeko; izan ere, inoiz ez dira hain baxu erori. ABSTRACT: The review of discretional appointments made by the General Council of the Judiciary operated by the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court has been generating for the last decades of this XXI Century hefty criticism from those directly concerned and from certain doctrinal sectors. But, in recent times, disagreements among the same judges of the aforementioned Chamber are occuring rather often. From that point of view, one might think that the judgment here discussed just shows an umpteenth disagreement among the judges (this time of the sixth section) who solved an appeal of this kind. But there is something else more important and particularly serious. And it is not the tight decision three to two of the ruling but the unusual argumentation (it had never before sank any lower) used by the narrow majority in order to justify it. RESUMEN: El control de la Sala 3.ª del TS sobre los nombramientos discrecionales efectuados por el CGPJ viene suscitando, en las dos décadas de este siglo XXI, cuantiosas críticas provenientes de los afectados y de ciertos sectores doctrinales. Pero, en los últimos tiempos, los desacuerdos menudean entre los propios magistrados de la Sala mencionada. Desde ese punto de vista, se podría pensar que la sentencia aquí comentada sólo mostraría un enésimo desencuentro entre los magistrados (esta vez, de la Sección Sexta) que resuelven un recurso de esa naturaleza. Pero hay algo más importante y de particular gravedad. No es el apretado 3 a 2 de la resolución sino la insólita argumentación (nunca había caído tan bajo) con la que tan exigua mayoría ha pretendido justificarla.

Significance The General Council rejected another organisation previously shortlisted as meeting the requirements for becoming a party: Free Mexico (ML), co-founded by former President Felipe Calderon (2006-12). Impacts The PES may obtain some seats through party lists, but as it will struggle to obtain 3% of the vote it is likely to be short-lived. Corruption investigations will weigh on support for the Institutional Revolutionary Party and the PAN. Voting intention polls suggest Morena will win most of the 15 gubernatorial races that will take place. If the INE’s ML decision is not overruled, the PAN will probably contest the 2024 national elections without a rival on the centre-right.

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