regulatory fit theory
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Karthika R. ◽  
Jegatha Deborah L.

Predicting learners' affective states through the internet has great impact on their learning experiences. Hence, it is important for an intelligent tutoring system (ITS) to consider the learners' affective state in their learning models. This research work focuses on finding learners' frustration levels during learning. Motivating the learners appropriately can enhance their learning experiences. Therefore, the authors also bring in a strategy to respond to learners' affective states in order to motivate them. This work uses Behavioral theory for goal generation, and frustration index is calculated. Based on the frustration level of the learner, motivational messages are displayed to the learners using Regulatory fit theory. The authors evaluated the model using t-test by collecting learners' data from MoodleCloud. The results of the evaluation demonstrate that 80% of the learners' performance significantly increases statistically as an impact of motivational messages provided in response to the learners' frustration.

Minyoung Cho

Abstract Higgins’s (2000) regulatory fit theory proposes that a fit between one’s regulatory state and strategic means for reaching a goal increases motivational strength and engagement. This study investigates how regulatory fit affects the L2 acquisition of lexical stress in an authentic learning context. Ninety EFL students were assigned to either gain frame or loss frame conditions. They engaged in speech practice in which they mimicked a model speech in English to win a chance to enter a prize raffle. The reward system was framed differently in the two framing conditions, with the intention of eliciting the participants’ use of eager or vigilant strategies, thus creating fit and nonfit conditions. Acquisition of lexical stress was assessed using pre- and posttest scores. Multiple regression analysis showed no regulatory fit effects and no loss frame effects but did show a significant beneficial effect of the gain frame on the acquisition of lexical stress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 1165-1185
Yessica-Ileana Giraldo-Romero ◽  
Carmen Pérez-de-los-Cobos-Agüero ◽  
Francisco Muñoz-Leiva ◽  
Elena Higueras-Castillo ◽  
Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas

Search engine marketing accounts for a high percentage of investment in platforms such as Google. Several studies have confirmed that users have a negative bias towards advertisements, so we apply social psychology theories via the elaboration probability model in this analysis. In this research, we modify the types of ads shown on Google’s results pages using the regulatory focus and fit and message framing theory to study attentional and behavioral responses with eye-tracking technology and cognitive responses from self-report measures. The results confirm a negative bias towards ads and a preference for organic results. Although promotion-framed ads seem to be more persuasive than neutral and prevention-framed ads, it was not possible to prove compliance with regulatory fit in this field through survey-based studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ulf Diefenbach ◽  
Benedikt Schnellbächer ◽  
Sven Heidenreich

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine whether and how the usage of regulatory fit in cost reduction announcements affects employees’ willingness to engage in the cost reduction program (CRP). Design/methodology/approach Based on the regulatory fit theory, a scenario-based experiment was conducted (n = 517) to investigate the effect of promotion- or prevention-oriented framing of the CRP on the acceptance and the motivation to actively contribute to the CRP using multiple ANOVAs. Findings The study results point out that the framing of the cost announcement messages should use feelings or emotions and ensure gains for promotion-focused employees to decrease the negative effects of regulatory nonfit. However, in the case of prevention-focused employees, facts and reasons should be used in combination with an assertion of nonlosses in the announcement message to prevent regulatory nonfit. Research limitations/implications This research deepens the understanding on the decision-influencing role of managerial cost announcements on employee motivation and the impact of different regulatory orientations. By this, the authors enhance the current understanding of how employees can effectively be integrated into CRPs and expand previous research on how regulatory fit theory can be used by organizations dealing with negative events. Practical implications The study findings offer several opportunities and implications for managers engaged in corporate communication. More specifically, the study findings provide helpful guidelines for organizations to align their cost reduction announcement with the regulatory focus of their employees to reach regulatory fit and thus enhance employee willingness to participate in the CRP. Originality/value Despite the increasing attention of regulatory focus and regulatory fit theory and to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first attempt to search for combined effects of emotions and facts versus potential gains and ensuring nonlosses, which both were shown to influence outcomes predicted by regulatory fit.

E. Tory Higgins ◽  
Federica Pinelli

Regulatory focus theory distinguishes between two different value concerns: promotion concerns with advancement and growth, and prevention concerns with safety and security. Since its publication more than 20 years ago, regulatory focus theory has generated a substantial amount of research and it has been applied to numerous organizational contexts. We identified four main domains: decision making, messaging, people management (e.g., leadership, organizational development, wellness and employees’ productivity), and entrepreneurship. We selected significant findings in those domains based on individuals, teams, and organizations being motivated by promotion or prevention goals and on the consequences of the match between regulatory focus goal orientation and the manner in which the goal is pursued, as conceptualized by regulatory fit theory. We also highlighted whether the research was concerned with the individual or with a broader group within the organization (including the organization itself). We conclude by suggesting future avenues for research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 491-515 ◽  
Dongwon Choi ◽  
Minyoung Cheong ◽  
Jihye Lee

Purpose While the Ohio State leadership approach had been forgotten for several decades, scholars in the field of leadership have begun revisiting the validity and the role of leader consideration and initiating structure. Building on self-expansion theory, this study suggest the effects of leader consideration and initiating structure on employee task performance. Also, integrating self-expansion theory and regulatory fit theory, the purpose of this paper is to propose and examine the moderating role of employee regulatory focus on the relationship between the Ohio State leadership behaviors and employee task performance, which was mediated by emloyees’ creative behavior as well as citizenship behavior. Design/methodology/approach To test the hypothesized model of this study, cross-sectional data were collected using questionnaires. Pairs of survey packages, which included group-member surveys and a group-leader survey, were handed out to employees in organizations. The authors collected data from 47 groups and 143 group members in 25 private companies in the Republic of Korea, including from financial, technology, manufacturing, and research and development organizations. Findings The results showed that leader consideration exerts significant effects on employee task performance. Also, the authors found the moderating role of employee regulatory promotion focus on the relationship between leader consideration/initiating structure and employee task performance, which were mediated by creative behavior and citizenship behavior. Originality/value This study contributes to the advancement of the Ohio State leadership approach by integrating self-expansion theory and regulatory fit theory to investigate the distinct mechanisms and boundary conditions of its leadership process. The current study also contributes to the literature on extra-role behavior that the Ohio State leadership behavioral dimensions can be considered as one of the antecedents of employees’ creative and citizenship behavior.

Information ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 347
Leila Sadat Rezai ◽  
Jessie Chin ◽  
Reicelis Casares-Li ◽  
Fan He ◽  
Rebecca Bassett-Gunter ◽  

Background: Many behaviour-change technologies have been designed to help people with a sedentary lifestyle to become more physically active. However, challenges exist in designing systems that work effectively. One of the key challenges is that many of those technologies do not account for differences in individuals’ psychological characteristics. To address that problem, tailoring the communication between a system and its users has been proposed and examined. Although in the research related to public health education, message tailoring has been studied extensively as a technique to communicate health information and to educate people, its use in the design of behaviour-change technologies has not been adequately investigated. Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the impact of message tailoring, when tailoring was grounded in Higgins’ Regulatory Fit Theory, and messages were constructed to promote physical activity. Method: An email intervention was designed and developed that sent participants daily health messages for 14 consecutive days. There were three categories of messages: reminders, promotion-, and prevention-messages. The effect of the messages on behaviour was compared between those who received messages that fitted their self-regulatory orientation, versus those who received non-fitted messages. Results: Participants who received promotion- or prevention-messages walked for longer periods of time, compared to those who received reminders in the control group. When comparing the first two groups, promotion-message-recipients on average walked more than those who received prevention-messages. In other words, promotion messages acted more persuasively than prevention-messages and reminders. Contrary to our hypothesis, those individuals who received messages that fitted their self-regulatory orientation did not walk more than those who received non-fitted messages. Conclusions: The efficacy of Higgins’ Regulatory Fit Theory in the design of tailored health messages was examined. This study did not find support for the use of that theory in guiding the design of persuasive health messages that promote physical activity. Therefore, more research is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of tailoring strategies.

Anja Van den Broeck ◽  
Joseph A. Carpini ◽  
James Diefendorff

Work motivation is a crucial, yet complex resource for employees and organizations. Scholars have investigated motivation at work through many theoretical lenses that are often examined in isolation from one another. This chapter seeks to bridge these various perspectives, first by providing a review of dominant theoretical lenses and second by presenting an integrative framework. The historical review includes a consideration of reinforcement theory, Maslow’s need hierarchy, valence–instrumentality–expectancy theory, the theory of planned behavior, goal-setting theory, self-regulation theories, achievement goal theory, regulatory fit theory, and self-determination theory. Together, these theories identify key mechanisms through which work motivation directs and regulates behavior, as well as antecedents and consequences of motivation. The integrative motivation framework distills insights from the various motivational theories, providing a heuristic to understand what (goal choice: characteristics and content), how (goal striving: macro- and microprocesses), where, and when (antecedents: personal and contextual) employees will be motivated to work.

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