crystalline crust
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 111-126
I. K. Pashkevich ◽  
O. M. Rusakov

The transregional Kherson—Smolensk suture has been established to be located between large meridional faults of the crystalline crust of the Ukrainian Shield (USh) in a strip of 50—70 km width and separates two microplates of different composition of the Precambrian basement. It is traced by subcrustal mantle heterogeneity in the lithosphere and a change in the relief of the main geodynamic boundary. The suture controls the USh large multiphase magmatic massifs and manifestation of the basic mafic magmatism in the Dniepr-Donets Depressin (DDD), which age decreases from south to north from the Early Proterozoic in the shield to the Devonian in the depression. On both sides of it, the crystalline crust differs in a set of parameters including a zone of low velocities in the area of the Novokonstantinovsky ore field of the USh to the east of the Kherson—Smolensk suture, where from DSS data its maximum thickness is 10—15 km in the upper crust. It appears to bea source of abiogenic hydrogen manifestations recorded by mining operations on this field. The Kherson—Smolensk suture, being a transregional mantle feature, unites the existing hydrocarbon manifestation in the USh with the promising hydrocarbon areas of the DDD. The inhomogeneities of the crystalline crust and the uppermost mantle give strong evidences to classify reasonably the transregional tectonic suture Kherson—Smolensk as a powerful mantle long-lived magmatic and fluid-conducting channel. Ores hows and modern degassing of methane are related to it, with methane beingmain greenhouse gas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1203
Polina Mikhailova ◽  
Boris Burakov ◽  
Nikolai Eremin ◽  
Alexei Averin ◽  
Andrey Shiryaev

The paper consists of two main parts: a microscopic and spectroscopic investigation of the single crystal of 17-year-old 238Pu-doped Eu-monazite, and a theoretical calculation of the properties of several structural types of orthophosphates. It is shown that actinide-doped monazite is prone to the formation of mechanically weak, poorly crystalline crust, presumably consisting of rhabdophane. Its formation is likely promoted by the formation of peroxides and, potentially, acidic compounds, due to the radiolysis of atmospheric moisture. The calculations of mixing the enthalpies and Gibbs energies of binary solid solutions of Pu and rare earth element (REE) phosphates that were performed for the principal structural types—monazite, xenotime, rhabdophane—show that, in the case of light REEs, the plutonium admixture is preferentially redistributed into the rhabdophane. This process strongly affects the behavior of actinides, leached from a monazite-based waste form. The applications of these results for the development of actinide waste forms are discussed. The current data on the behavior of real actinide-doped monazite suggest that this type of ceramic waste form is not very resistant, even in relatively short time periods.

Geosciences ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 449
Larry D. Brown ◽  
Doyeon Kim

Crustal seismic reflection profiling has revealed the presence of extensive, coherent reflections with anomalously high amplitudes in the crystalline crust at a number of locations around the world. In areas of active tectonic activity, these seismic “bright spots” have often been interpreted as fluid magma at depth. The focus in this report is high-amplitude reflections that have been identified or inferred to mark interfaces between solid mafic intrusions and felsic to intermediate country rock. These “frozen sills” most commonly appear as thin, subhorizontal sheets at middle to upper crustal depths, several of which can be traced for tens to hundreds of kilometers. Their frequency among seismic profiles suggest that they may be more common than widely realized. These intrusions constrain crustal rheology at the time of their emplacement, represent a significant mode of transfer of mantle material and heat into the crust, and some may constitute fingerprints of distant mantle plumes. These sills may have played important roles in overlying basin evolution and ore deposition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 224 (2) ◽  
pp. 843-857
A K Doran ◽  
G Laske

SUMMARY We present models of crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Hawaiian Swell and surrounding region. The models were derived from ambient-noise intermediate-period Rayleigh-wave phase velocities and from seafloor compliance that were estimated from continuous seismic and pressure recordings collected during the Hawaiian Plume-Lithosphere Undersea Mantle Experiment (PLUME). We jointly inverted these data at the locations of over 50 ocean-bottom instruments, after accounting for variations in local bathymetry and sediment properties. Our results suggest that the crystalline crust is up to 15 km thick beneath the swell and up to 23 km thick closer to the islands. Anomalously thick crust extends towards the older seamounts, downstream of Hawaii. In a second region, anomalies immediately to the south of Hawaii may be associated with the leading edge of the shallow Hawaiian magma conduit. In a third region, thickened crust to the immediate west of Hawaii may be related to Cretaceous seamounts. Low seismic velocities identified in the uppermost mantle to the northeast of Hawaii may be linked to the Molokai fracture zone and may be manifest of complex non-vertical pathways of melt through the upper lithosphere. Velocity anomalies decrease in amplitude towards the surface, suggesting that melt becomes focused into conduits at depths between 20 and 40 km that escape the resolution capabilities of our data set.

2020 ◽  
Ángela María Gómez-García ◽  
Eline Le Breton ◽  
Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth ◽  
Gaspar Monsalve ◽  
Denis Anikiev

Abstract. Remnants of the Caribbean Large Igneous Plateau (CLIP) are found as thicker than normal oceanic crust in the Caribbean Sea, that formed during rapid pulses of magmatic activity at ~ 91–88 Ma and ~ 76 Ma. Strong geochemical evidence supports the hypothesis that the CLIP formed due to melting of the plume head of the Galápagos hotspot, which interacted with the Farallon (Proto-Caribbean) plate in the east Pacific. Considering the plate tectonics theory, it is expected that the lithospheric portion of the plume-related material migrated within the Proto-Caribbean plate, in a north–north-eastward direction, developing the present-day Caribbean plate. In this research, we used 3D lithospheric-scale, data-integrative models of the current Caribbean plate setting to reveal, for the first time, the presence of positive density anomalies in the uppermost lithospheric mantle. These models are based on the integration of up-to-date geophysical datasets, from the Earth’s surface down to 200 km depth, which are validated using high-resolution free-air gravity measurements. Based on the gravity residuals (modelled minus observed gravity), we derive density heterogeneities both in the crystalline crust and the uppermost oceanic mantle (

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 (3) ◽  
pp. 1879-1887
Zigen Wei ◽  
Risheng Chu ◽  
Ling Chen ◽  
Shanshan Wu ◽  
Hui Jiang ◽  

SUMMARY The Sichuan Basin, located to the east of the Tibetan Plateau, experienced successive marine and continental depositions since the Sinian. Structures of the sedimentary cover and crystalline crust, for example, thickness and Vp/Vs ratio, are of great significance to study the basin's properties and evolution, which have not been investigated simultaneously. In this paper, we extended the traditional single-layer H–k stacking method of receiver functions to a multilayer H–k stacking approach and applied it to invert for thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of the sedimentary cover and crystalline crust beneath 14 seismic stations in the Sichuan Basin. The observed thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of the sedimentary cover range from 4.2 to 7.5 km and from 1.86 to 2.55, respectively, suggesting unconsolidated sediments containing water or other fluids. Two-layer sedimentary cover was observed beneath eight stations, probably corresponding to the sediment in the Phanerozoic and Precambrian. The observed thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of the crystalline crust range from 33.4 to 41.8 km and from 1.61 to 1.78, respectively, suggesting typical cratonic crust in the Sichuan Basin. Theoretical analyses of H–k stacking were further performed for different types of sedimentary basins, and the results suggest that the multilayer H–k stacking is more effective to study basin's structure with a thick sedimentary layer and thin subsediment crust.

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 (3) ◽  
pp. 1758-1768
Ben Chichester ◽  
Catherine Rychert ◽  
Nicholas Harmon ◽  
Robert Allen ◽  
Jenny Collier ◽  

SUMMARY Broad-band ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) deployments present an opportunity to investigate the seafloor sediment thickness, which is important for constraining sediment deposition, and is also useful for subsequent seismological analyses. The Volatile Recycling in the Lesser Antilles (VoiLA) project deployed 34 OBSs over the island arc, fore- and backarc of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone for 15 months from 2016 to 2017. Using the amplitudes and delay times of P-to-S (Ps) scattered waves from the conversion of teleseismic earthquake Pwaves at the crust–sediment boundary and pre-existing relationships developed for Cascadia, we estimate sediment thickness beneath each OBS. The delay times of the Ps phases vary from 0.20 ± 0.06 to 3.55 ± 0.70 s, generally increasing from north to south. Using a single-sediment and single-crystalline crust earth model in each case, we satisfactorily model the observations of eight OBSs. At these stations we find sediment thicknesses range from 0.43 ± 0.45 to 5.49 ± 3.23 km. To match the observations of nine other OBSs, layered sediment and variable thickness crust is required in the earth model to account for wave interference effects on the observed arrivals. We perform an inversion with a two-layer sediment and a single-layer crystalline crust in these locations finding overall sediment thicknesses of 1.75 km (confidence region: 1.45–2.02 km) to 7.93 km (confidence region: 6.32–11.05 km), generally thinner than the initial estimates based on the pre-existing relationships. We find agreement between our modelled velocity structure and the velocity structure determined from the VoiLA active-source seismic refraction experiment at the three common locations. Using the Ps values and estimates from the VoiLA refraction experiment, we provide an adjusted relationship between delay time and sediment equations for the Lesser Antilles. Our new relationship is ${{H}} = {{1.42}}{{\rm d}}{{{t}}^{ {1.44}}}$ , where H is sediment thickness in kilometres and dt is mean observed Ps delay time in seconds, which may be of use in other subduction zone settings with thick seafloor sediments.

Geosciences ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 271
Jennifer N. Gifford ◽  
Shawn J. Malone ◽  
Paul A. Mueller

The accretion of the Wyoming, Hearne, and Superior Provinces to form the Archean core of western Laurentia occurred rapidly in the Paleoproterozoic. Missing from Hoffman’s (1988) original rapid aggregation model was the Medicine Hat block (MHB). The MHB is a structurally distinct, complex block of Precambrian crystalline crust located between the Archean Wyoming Craton and the Archean Hearne Province and overlain by an extensive Phanerozoic cover. It is distinguished on the basis of geophysical evidence and limited geochemical data from crustal xenoliths and drill core. New U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf data from zircons reveal protolith crystallization ages from 2.50 to 3.28 Ga, magmatism/metamorphism at 1.76 to 1.81 Ga, and εHfT values from −23.3 to 8.5 in the Archean and Proterozoic rocks of the MHB. These data suggest that the MHB played a pivotal role in the complex assembly of western Laurentia in the Paleoproterozoic as a conjugate or extension to the Montana Metasedimentary Terrane (MMT) of the northwestern Wyoming Province. This MMT–MHB connection likely existed in the Mesoarchean, but it was broken sometime during the earliest Paleoproterozoic with the formation and closure of a small ocean basin. Closure of the ocean led to formation of the Little Belt arc along the southern margin of the MHB beginning at approximately 1.9 Ga. The MHB and MMT re-joined at this time as they amalgamated into the supercontinent Laurentia during the Great Falls orogeny (1.7–1.9 Ga), which formed the Great Falls tectonic zone (GFTZ). The GFTZ developed in the same timeframe as the better-known Trans-Hudson orogen to the east that marks the merger of the Wyoming, Hearne, and Superior Provinces, which along with the MHB, formed the Archean core of western Laurentia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 221 (3) ◽  
pp. 2155-2169
Alexey Shulgin ◽  
Jan Inge Faleide ◽  
Rolf Mjelde ◽  
Asbjørn Breivik ◽  
Ritske Huismans

SUMMARY The crustal architecture of the Barents Sea is still enigmatic due to complex evolution during the Timanian and Caledonian orogeny events, further complicated by several rifting episodes. In this study we present the new results on the crustal structure of the Caledonian–Timanian transition zone in the western Barents. We extend the work of Aarseth et al. (2017), by utilizing the seismic tomography approach to model Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs ratio, combined with the reprocessed seismic reflection line, and further complemented with gravity modelling. Based on our models we document in 3-D the position of the Caledonian nappes in the western Barents Sea. We find that the Caledonian domain is characterized by high crustal reflectivity, caused by strong deformation and/or emplacement of mafic intrusions within the crystalline crust. The Timanian domain shows semi-transparent crust with little internal reflectivity, suggesting less deformation. We find, that the eastern branch of the earlier proposed Caledonian suture, cannot be associated with the Caledonian event, but can rather be a relict from the Timanian terrane assemblance, marking one of the crustal microblocks. This crustal block may have an E–W striking southern boundary, along which the Caledonian nappes were offset. A high-velocity/density crustal body, adjacent to the Caledonian–Timanian contact zone, is interpreted as a zone of metamorphosed rocks based on the comparison with global compilations. The orientation of this body correlates with regional gravity maxima zone. Two scenarios for the origin of the body are proposed: mafic emplacement during the Timanian assembly, or massive mafic intrusions associated with the Devonian extension.

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