us imperialism
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Joshua Simon

Abstract This article offers a new interpretation of the Cuban intellectual José Martí's international political thought. It argues that Martí's analysis of early US imperialism and call for Spanish American unity are best understood as an immanent critique of the “unionist paradigm,” a tradition of international political thought that originated in the American independence movements. Martí recognized the impediments that racism had placed in the way of both US and Spanish American efforts to stabilize the hemisphere's republics by uniting them under regional institutions. He argued that, in his own time, Anglo-Saxon supremacism had deprived US-led Pan-Americanism of all legitimacy, causing a crisis of international political order in the Americas. In the context of this crisis, he developed a revised, antiracist unionism that, he argued, would free Spanish America's republics from imperial aggression and interstate conflicts, making the region a global model of stable and inclusive self-rule.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 84
Francis Mary Guimarães Nogueira ◽  
Bruna da Silva Alves

A morte de Chávez, em 2013, impactou na continuidade e manutenção do projeto societário bolivariano. Prenunciou-se, desde então, um novo contexto político-econômico, no qual o atual presidente Nicolás Maduro vem enfrentando ataques estratégicos do imperialismo estadunidense. Diante desse cenário, este artigo, de cunho bibliográfico e documental, pretende observar o impacto e os desdobramentos de algumas ações da chamada “guerra econômica” no acesso à educação básica da Venezuela. Para isso, na primeira seção, apresenta-se brevemente a trajetória histórica e legal de implementação e avanço do sistema educativo bolivariano, com recorte para o programa nacional denominado de Misiones Educativas Bolivarianas, que alavancou os índices de acesso à educação durante os governos Chávez. Em seguida, aborda-se, sumariamente, a conjuntura venezuelana no período pós-Chávez, com o intuito de entender como os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos, referentes ao acesso e permanência na educação básica, foram impactados a partir da penetração e interferência norte-americana na estrutura político-social e econômica venezuelana. Apesar de o governo de Nicolás Maduro ter buscado medidas de enfrentamento aos ataques norte-americanos para atenuar as consequências do embargo econômico, a educação básica já apresenta sinais de que tem sido afetada, vertiginosamente, em um curto período de tempo.Palavras-chave: Educação básica. Acesso e permanência. “Guerra econômica” na Venezuela.Elementary education in Venezuela post-Chavez era: access and stay in the context of the so-called “economic war” (2014-2018)ABSTRACTChávez’s death, in 2013, impacted on the continuity and maintenance of the Bolivarian society project.  Since then, a new political-economic context was predicted, in which the current president Nicolás Maduro has been facing strategic attacks from the US imperialism. In the face of this scenario, this article, which is a bibliographic and documentary one, intends to observe the impact and the developments of some actions of the so-called “economic war” in the access to elementary education in Venezuela. In order to that, in the first section, we are going to briefly focus on the legal and historical trajectory of the implementation and the advance of the Bolivarian education system, with emphasis on the national program called Misiones Educativas Bolivarianas, which rose the rates of the access to education during Chávez’s presidency. Next, we are going to approach, succinctly, the Venezuelan context in the post-Chávez era, with the objective of understanding how the qualitative and quantitative aspects, referring to the access and stay in elementary education, were impacted as of the North American entry and interference in the Venezuelan economic and social-political structure. Besides Nicolás Maduro’s presidency searched for confrontation measures to the North American attacks to mitigate the consequences of the economic sanctions, the elementary education already presents signs that has been affected, vertiginously, in a short period of time.Keywords: Elementary education. Access and stay. “Economic war” in Venezuela.Educación básica en Venezuela después-Chavéz: acceso y permanencia en el contexto de la llamada "guerra económica" (2014-2018)RESUMENLa muerte de Chávez, en 2013, impactó la continuidad y el mantenimiento del proyecto corporativo bolivariano. Desde entonces, se ha anunciado un nuevo contexto político-económico, en el que el actual presidente Nicolás Maduro, ha estado enfrentando ataques estratégicos del imperialismo estadounidense. Por el escenario, este artículo, de naturaleza bibliográfica y documental, pretende observar el impacto y los desarrollos de algunas acciones de la llamada "guerra económica" en el acceso a la educación básica en Venezuela. Con esto propósito, en la primera sección, se presenta brevemente la trayectoria histórica y legal de la implementación y el avance del sistema educativo bolivariano, con un enfoque en el programa nacional llamado Misiones Educativas Bolivarianas, que tuvo apalancados los índices de acceso de la educación durante los gobiernos de Chávez. En seguida, se abordará brevemente la situación venezolana en el período posterior a Chávez, con objetivo de comprender cómo los aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos, relacionados con el acceso y la permanencia en la educación básica, se vieron afectados por la penetración e interferencia norteamericana en la estructura político-social y económica venezolana. A pesar de que el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro buscó medidas para combatir los ataques norteamericanos para ablandar las consecuencias del embargo económico, la educación básica ya muestra signos de que ha sido afectada, dramáticamente, en un corto período de tiempo.Palabras clave: Educación básica. Acceso y permanencia. "Guerra económica" en Venezuela.

А.М. Kulumzhanova ◽  

This work outlines the history and dialectical patterns of political and social changes in the form of the revolutionary liberation struggle of people in Latin America, as well as their opposition against US imperialism. The doctrine of imperialist ideology in the form of a disguised aggression of the interventionist nature of the US political course in Latin America is described in detail, an analysis is made of the growing role in world politics of those countries of the continent where progressive, democratic changes are taking place, as well as of countries whose ruling circles refuse the US orientation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 253-308
B. V. Olguín

Chapter 5 focuses on how the War on Terror’s permutations of Latina/o war literature, theater, television, film, and popular music present methodological and political challenges to conventional understandings of Latina/o relationships to power as inherently oppositional to capitalism and US imperialism. These relatively new genres include Latina/o War on Terror combat action memoir and related oral histories; wounded warrior narratives; protofascist Special Forces Über-warrior memoir and biographical profiles; Conscientious Objector testimonio, ideologically ambivalent wartime theater, and pacifist performance art; military command memoirs by junior and senior officers; as well as Latina/o spy memoir, biography, and historical fiction. Despite the authors’ profound differences in cultural heritage, experiences, and aesthetic capacities, their cultural productions cohere around intersecting, and diverging, violence-based theories of knowledge and being that extend through, but also far beyond warfare and wartime contexts. They also demonstrate the stark right-wing turn in a large segment of contemporary Latina/o life writing, which accentuates the wide range of ideological trajectories identified in earlier chapters.

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