matrix spectrum
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 1624
Leonid Litinskii ◽  
Boris Kryzhanovsky

In the present paper, we examine Ising systems on d-dimensional hypercube lattices and solve an inverse problem where we have to determine interaction constants of an Ising connection matrix when we know a spectrum of its eigenvalues. In addition, we define restrictions allowing a random number sequence to be a connection matrix spectrum. We use the previously obtained analytical expressions for the eigenvalues of Ising connection matrices accounting for an arbitrary long-range interaction and supposing periodic boundary conditions.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 4059
Tao Li ◽  
Quan Qiu ◽  
Chunjiang Zhao

This paper presents the communication strategy for second-order multi-agent systems with nonlinear dynamics. To address the problem of the scarcity of communication channel resources and get rid of using continuous signals among the followers in lead-follower multi-agent systems, a novel event-triggered communication mechanism is proposed in this paper. To avoid employing the centralized information that depends on the Laplacian matrix spectrum, a network protocol with updated coupling gains is proposed, as well as an event-triggered strategy with updated thresholds. To eliminate the ill effects of inter-node communicating noise, relative positions are employed by the protocol instead of absolute positions. By a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, it is rigorously proven that the leader-following consensus of MASs is achieved without Zeno behavior, under the control of the proposed protocol with an event-triggered mechanism communication. The effectiveness of the proposed protocol is verified through numerical examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Jean Michel Maillet ◽  
Giuliano Niccoli

We describe the extension, beyond fundamental representations of the Yang-Baxter algebra, of our new construction of separation of variables bases for quantum integrable lattice models. The key idea underlying our approach is to use the commuting conserved charges of the quantum integrable models to generate bases in which their spectral problem is separated, i.e. in which the wave functions are factorized in terms of specific solutions of a functional equation. For the so-called “non-fundamental” models we construct two different types of SoV bases. The first is given from the fundamental quantum Lax operator having isomorphic auxiliary and quantum spaces and that can be obtained by fusion of the original quantum Lax operator. The construction essentially follows the one we used previously for fundamental models and allows us to derive the simplicity and diagonalizability of the transfer matrix spectrum. Then, starting from the original quantum Lax operator and using the full tower of the fused transfer matrices, we introduce a second type of SoV bases for which the proof of the separation of the transfer matrix spectrum is naturally derived. We show that, under some special choice, this second type of SoV bases coincides with the one associated to Sklyanin’s approach. Moreover, we derive the finite difference type (quantum spectral curve) functional equation and the set of its solutions defining the complete transfer matrix spectrum. This is explicitly implemented for the integrable quantum models associated to the higher spin representations of the general quasi-periodic Y(gl_{2})Y(gl2) Yang-Baxter algebra. Our SoV approach also leads to the construction of a QQ-operator in terms of the fused transfer matrices. Finally, we show that the QQ-operator family can be equivalently used as the family of commuting conserved charges enabling to construct our SoV bases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (24) ◽  
pp. 2050143
Chen-Te Ma ◽  
Hongfei Shu

We study the integrability from the spectral form factor in the Chern–Simons formulation. The effective action in the higher spin sector was not derived so far. Therefore, we begin from the SL(3) Chern–Simons higher spin theory. Then the dimensional reduction in this Chern–Simons theory gives the SL(3) reparametrization invariant Schwarzian theory, which is the boundary theory of an interacting theory between the spin-2 and spin-3 fields at the infrared or massless limit. We show that the Lorentzian SL(3) Schwarzian theory is dual to the integrable model, SL(3) open Toda chain theory. Finally, we demonstrate the application of open Toda chain theory from the SL(2) case. The numerical result shows that the spectral form factor loses the dip-ramp-plateau behavior, consistent with integrability. The spectrum is not a Gaussian random matrix spectrum. We also give an exact solution of the spectral form factor for the SL(3) theory. This solution provides a similar form to the SL(2) case for [Formula: see text]. Hence the SL(3) theory should also do not have a Gaussian random matrix spectrum.

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 4007 ◽  
Le ◽  
Zhou ◽  
Zhao ◽  

A microgrid (MG) is one of the most efficient ways to cope with the grid-connection of a large number of small-sized distributed energy resources. This paper presents a consensus-based fully distributed economic dispatch (ED) strategy for MGs, with the aim of tackling the difficulties of existing algorithms in modeling network power loss and providing global information. The external power grid to which the MG connects is treated as a special power source called a virtual generator, and participates in the economic dispatch process. Taking the incremental cost of a power generator as the consensus variable, a distributed ED model was formulated based on consensus protocol and a sub-gradient-based optimization method for solving this model has been proposed. The convergence of the distributed ED system was investigated by utilizing matrix spectrum radius analysis theory. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy was verified by carrying out simulation under normal operation of the MG, both with and without the consideration of network power loss. Moreover, simulation results under several scenarios, including exchanged power order variation and distributed generation plug and play, are provided to demonstrate the robustness of the distributed ED strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Jean Michel Maillet ◽  
Giuliano Niccoli

We apply our new approach of quantum Separation of Variables (SoV) to the complete characterization of the transfer matrix spectrum of quantum integrable lattice models associated to \bm{gl_n}𝐠𝐥𝐧-invariant \bm{R}𝐑-matrices in the fundamental representations. We consider lattices with \bm{N}𝐍-sites and general quasi-periodic boundary conditions associated to an arbitrary twist matrix \bm{K}𝐊 having simple spectrum (but not necessarily diagonalizable). In our approach the SoV basis is constructed in an universal manner starting from the direct use of the conserved charges of the models, e.g. from the commuting family of transfer matrices. Using the integrable structure of the models, incarnated in the hierarchy of transfer matrices fusion relations, we prove that our SoV basis indeed separates the spectrum of the corresponding transfer matrices. Moreover, the combined use of the fusion rules, of the known analytic properties of the transfer matrices and of the SoV basis allows us to obtain the complete characterization of the transfer matrix spectrum and to prove its simplicity. Any transfer matrix eigenvalue is completely characterized as a solution of a so-called quantum spectral curve equation that we obtain as a difference functional equation of order \bm{n}𝐧. Namely, any eigenvalue satisfies this equation and any solution of this equation having prescribed properties that we give leads to an eigenvalue. We construct the associated eigenvector, unique up to normalization, of the transfer matrices by computing its decomposition on the SoV basis that is of a factorized form written in terms of the powers of the corresponding eigenvalues. Finally, if the twist matrix \bm{K}𝐊 is diagonalizable with simple spectrum we prove that the transfer matrix is also diagonalizable with simple spectrum. In that case, we give a construction of the Baxter \bm{Q}𝐐-operator and show that it satisfies a \bm{T}𝐓-\bm{Q}𝐐 equation of order \bm{n}𝐧, the quantum spectral curve equation, involving the hierarchy of the fused transfer matrices.

Mathematics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 106 ◽  
Ioannis Dassios ◽  
Andrew Keane ◽  
Paul Cuffe

Calculating nodal voltages and branch current flows in a meshed network is fundamental to electrical engineering. This work demonstrates how such calculations can be performed using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix which describes the connectivity of the electrical network. These insights should permit the functioning of electrical networks to be understood in the context of spectral analysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 771-786 ◽  
Małgorzata Lucińska ◽  
Sławomir T. Wierzchoń

Abstract The paper presents a novel spectral algorithm EVSA (eigenvector structure analysis), which uses eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix in order to discover clusters. Based on matrix perturbation theory and properties of graph spectra we show that the adjacency matrix can be more suitable for partitioning than other Laplacian matrices. The main problem concerning the use of the adjacency matrix is the selection of the appropriate eigenvectors. We thus propose an approach based on analysis of the adjacency matrix spectrum and eigenvector pairwise correlations. Formulated rules and heuristics allow choosing the right eigenvectors representing clusters, i.e., automatically establishing the number of groups. The algorithm requires only one parameter-the number of nearest neighbors. Unlike many other spectral methods, our solution does not need an additional clustering algorithm for final partitioning. We evaluate the proposed approach using real-world datasets of different sizes. Its performance is competitive to other both standard and new solutions, which require the number of clusters to be given as an input parameter.

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