transport control
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Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Geovanny Gordillo ◽  
Mario Morales-Hernández ◽  
Pilar García-Navarro

Water quality control and the control of contaminant spill in water in particular are becoming a primary need today. Gradient descent sensitivity methods based on the adjoint formulation have proved to be encouraging techniques in this context for river and channel flows. Taking into account that most channels and rivers include junctions with other branches, the objective of this study is to explore the adjoint technique on a channel network to reconstruct the upstream boundary condition of the convection-reaction equation. For this purpose, the one-dimensional shallow water equations and the transport equation for a reactive solute are considered. The control is formulated through the gradient-descent technique supplied with a first-order iterative process. Both the physical and the adjoint equations are supplied with suitable internal boundary conditions at the junction and are numerically solved using a finite volume upwind scheme. The results reveal that the adjoint technique is capable of reconstructing the inlet solute concentration boundary condition in an acceptable number of iterations for both steady state and transient configurations using a downstream measurement location. It was also observed that the reconstruction of the boundary condition tends to be less effective the further away the measurement station is from the target.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
Rahmah Elfithri

This study was carried out to develop a whole ecosystem-based erosion and sediment transport control management system of UKM Campus Watershed which is a sub-basin of Langat River Basin catchment. This is done through the development of an Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) model for the UKM campus watershed that includes localised technology, information and communication system, as well as awareness and community participation for the greening and rehabilitation of UKM Campus. The management system was developed to give a strong participatory element and to ensure that the model will be placed into a user friendly context to make data input and model operation simple for stakeholders with limited resources and training in the use of the models. The application of hydromulching (bioengineering technology) is adopted as part of the ESC study by using the local components to recover most landslides occurred in UKM Campus. It is also as an option where the post-landslide restoration works involving conventional civil designs are costly and sometimes not practical at remote sites. Therefore (due to cost constraints), the remoteness of the sites and low risk to lives and property, bioengineering was the option taken for erosion control, slope stabilization and vegetation establishment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 166-174
С.А. Селиверстов ◽  
Я.А. Селиверстов ◽  
А.Г. Котенко ◽  
О.Ю. Лукомская ◽  
Н.В. Шаталова ◽  

Развитие технологий проектирования интеллектуальных систем, использующих алгоритмы схожие с мыслительной обработкой мозга, стимулируют поиски новых подходов для создания искусственного интеллекта человеческого уровня. Для выполнения столь сложных задач используются когнитивные архитектуры, представляя собой следующий уровень развития разнородных процессов интеллектуализации. В данной статье под практической призмой интеллектуализации транспортных систем исследуется процесс развития современных когнитивных архитектур. Предметом исследования является разработка структурной схемы когнитивной транспортной системы. Для выполнения этой задачи исследуются новые парадигмы когнитивного управления, расширяющие подходы к вычислительному интеллекту. Уточняется понятие когнитивной архитектуры. Исследуются современные работы в области каталогизации когнитивных архитектур. Выявляются критерии оценки когнитивных архитектур. Подробно рассматриваются и анализируются когнитивные архитектуры 4D / RCS, ALLIANCE, LIDA, использующиеся в современных системах управления беспилотным транспортом и роботами. Выявляются положительные обобщенные факторы, направленные на эффективность когнитивной архитектуры. Разрабатывается структурная схема когнитивной транспортной системы, основные подсистемы которой включают когнитивное управление транспортом, когнитивные транспортные коммуникации, когнитивные транспортные средства. Описывается структура слоев. Отмечаются преимущества, в том числе бионинспирированность, модульность, объектно-ориентированность, параллелизм, возможность использования интеллектуальных методов обучения. The development of technologies for the design of intelligent systems using algorithms similar to mental processing of the brain stimulates the search for new approaches to create artificial intelligence at the human level. To perform such complex tasks, cognitive architectures are used, representing the next level of development of heterogeneous intellectualization processes. In this article, under the practical prism of intellectualization of transport systems, the process of development of modern cognitive architectures is investigated. The subject of the research is the development of a structural diagram of the cognitive transport system. To accomplish this task, new paradigms of cognitive control are being investigated, expanding approaches to computational intelligence. The concept of cognitive architecture is clarified. Examines current work in the field of cataloging cognitive architectures. Criteria for assessing cognitive architectures are identified. Cognitive architectures 4D / RCS, ALLIANCE, LIDA, used in modern control systems for unmanned vehicles and robots, are considered and analyzed in detail. We identify positive generalized factors aimed at the effectiveness of cognitive architecture. A structural diagram of the cognitive transport system is being developed, the main subsystems of which include cognitive transport control, cognitive transport communications, and cognitive vehicles. The structure of the layers is described. The advantages are noted, including bioninspiration, modularity, object-orientation, parallelism, the possibility of using intelligent teaching methods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-11
Evgeniy Anikeev

Various methods of collecting data on passenger traffic, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. It is shown that in order to improve the quality of transport services, it is necessary to regularly collect and refine data on passenger traffic. The goals and methods of obtaining information about passenger traffic in the system of municipal passenger transport are indicated. All currently existing methods are divided into three categories: data collection using technical means, data collection with the help of censors and volunteers, and interpretation of fare payments. All the methods presented in the article were compared in terms of labor intensity, costs and accuracy of the results obtained. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are considered. The general structure of an automated system for collecting data on passenger traffic is presented. The necessity of creating a centralized system for collecting and processing data associated with all passenger transport control systems has been substantiated. The tasks solved by this system at all levels of transport services for passengers are shown. Each of the tasks is assigned to one of three service levels: pre-transport, transport and post-transport. It is shown that only solving problems at all levels can ensure high-quality operation of the municipal passenger transport system.

Jana Schadow ◽  
Normen Wiegand ◽  
Carmen Bruder

Control center operations are highly demanding in terms of the collaboration required for monitoring and decision making in teams. In a joint effort led by the DLR, several institutions investigated psychological requirements among teams in control centers. This involved holding workshops and shadowing the work of experts for operative processes in control rooms of several industry partners (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Flughafen Hamburg GmbH, Hamburger Hochbahn AG). An initial control room resource management (CRRM) training was developed and tested with a group of operators from the Galileo Control Center (GCC). The refined version of the 2-day CRRM training was developed for groups of 10-12 participants and was validated in seven training sessions with a total of 79 operators from the subway control center of the Hamburger Hochbahn AG. In conclusion, the CRRM training provides a successful approach to improve teamwork in control rooms.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1024
Jaebum Park ◽  
Michael J. McShane

Nanoscale coatings are attractive for managing the biological/material interface as well as for transport control in medical device applications. Construction of biologically derived and mimicking polyelectrolyte multilayers (BioPEMs) and their chemically crosslinked derivatives was evaluated at the nanometer scale and the glucose mass transfer properties were characterized in a physiological environment. Glucose diffusivity through all the BioPEMs was found to be three to four orders of magnitude lower than that of bare substrate. In contrast, permeation rates (dC/dt) were significantly higher than when compared to films comprising the same number of bilayers of synthetic materials—poly(acrylic acid)/poly(allylamine hydrochloride). Crosslinked BioPEMs exhibited decreased diffusivity of glucose up to 51% compared to native BioPEMs. These findings provide fundamental insight into the transport properties of BioPEM coatings that may be useful in maximizing biomimetic properties while also controlling permeation of small molecules in applications such as sensors, filtration, and drug delivery systems.

APL Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 070701
Roman Anufriev ◽  
Jeremie Maire ◽  
Masahiro Nomura

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