vegetation establishment
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2022 ◽  
pp. 154-175
Aleksandar Baumgertel ◽  
Sara Lukić ◽  
Milica Caković ◽  
Radovan Savić ◽  
Atila Bezdan ◽  

Wind erosion is a widespread phenomenon causing serious soil degradation. It is estimated that about 28% of the global land area suffers from this process. Global climate changes are expected to accelerate land degradation and significantly affect the intensity of wind erosion. Shelterbelts are linear multi-row planting strips of vegetation (trees or shrubs) established for numerous environmental purposes. Shelterbelts are a specific type of agroforestry system which could reduce soil degradation (soil erosion). Shelterbelts mitigate greenhouse gas through trees storing carbon (C) in their above- and below-ground biomass, wherefore they are highlighted as one of the potential ways to mitigate climate change. The purpose of this chapter is to present wind erosion as a land degradation problem, especially in line with climate changes and the present concept of vegetation establishment in the form of shelterbelts for long-term multi-functional provision of ecosystem services, in particular carbon sequestration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
Rahmah Elfithri

This study was carried out to develop a whole ecosystem-based erosion and sediment transport control management system of UKM Campus Watershed which is a sub-basin of Langat River Basin catchment. This is done through the development of an Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) model for the UKM campus watershed that includes localised technology, information and communication system, as well as awareness and community participation for the greening and rehabilitation of UKM Campus. The management system was developed to give a strong participatory element and to ensure that the model will be placed into a user friendly context to make data input and model operation simple for stakeholders with limited resources and training in the use of the models. The application of hydromulching (bioengineering technology) is adopted as part of the ESC study by using the local components to recover most landslides occurred in UKM Campus. It is also as an option where the post-landslide restoration works involving conventional civil designs are costly and sometimes not practical at remote sites. Therefore (due to cost constraints), the remoteness of the sites and low risk to lives and property, bioengineering was the option taken for erosion control, slope stabilization and vegetation establishment.

2021 ◽  
Nuria Basdediós ◽  
Zhilin Zhong ◽  
Yanhong Wu ◽  
Wolfgang Wilcke

Abstract Aims The retreat of glaciers is exposing new terrains to primary plant succession around the globe. To improve the understanding of vegetation development along a glacier retreat chronosequence, we (i) evaluated a possible link between base metal (Ca, Mg, K, Na) supply and vegetation establishment, (ii) determined the rates of the establishment of soil and plant base metal stocks, and (iii) estimated the size of the main base metal fluxes. Methods We determined base metal stocks in the soil organic layer, the mineral topsoil (0–10 cm), and in leaves/needles, trunk, bark, branches and roots of the dominating shrub and tree species and estimated fluxes of atmospheric deposition, plant uptake and leaching losses along the 127-yr Hailuogou chronosequence. Results Total ecosystem Ca and Mg stocks decreased along the chronosequence, while those of K and Na were unrelated with ecosystem age. Fortyfour and 30% of the initial stocks of Ca and Mg, respectively, were leached during the first 47 years, at rates of 130 ± 10.6 g m−2 year−1 Ca and 35 ± 3.1 g m−2 year−1 Mg. The organic layer accumulated at a mean rate of 288 g m−2 year−1 providing a bioavailable base metal stock, which was especially important for K cycling. Conclusions We suggest that the initial high Ca bioavailability because of a moderately alkaline soil pH and carbonate depletion in 47 years, together with the dissolution of easily-weatherable silicates providing enough Mg and K to the pioneer vegetation, contributed to the establishment of the mature forest in ca. 80 years.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3288
Caibian Huang ◽  
Fanjiang Zeng ◽  
Bo Zhang ◽  
Jie Xue ◽  
Shaomin Zhang

Irrigation is the main strategy deployed to improve vegetation establishment, but the effects of increasing water availability on N use strategies in desert shrub species have received little attention. Pot experiments with drought-tolerant shrub Calligonum caput-medusae supplied with water at five field capacities in the range of 30–85% were conducted using local soil at the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert. We examined the changes in plant biomass, soil N status, and plant N traits, and addressed the relationships between them in four- and seven-month-old saplings and mature shrubs after 28 months. Results showed that the growth of C. caput-medusae was highly responsive to increased soil moisture supply, and strongly depleted the soil available inorganic N pools from 16.7 mg kg−1 to an average of 1.9 mg kg−1, although the total soil N pool increased in all treatments. Enhancement of biomass production by increasing water supply was closely linked to increasing total plant N pool, N use efficiency (NUE), N resorption efficiency (NRE), and proficiency (NRP) in four-month saplings, but that to total plant N pool, NRE, and NRP after 28 months. The well-watered plants had lower N concentrations in senesced branches compared to their counterparts experiencing the two lowest water inputs. The mature shrubs had higher NRE and NRP than saplings and the world mean levels, suggesting a higher N conservation. Structural equation models showed that NRE was largely controlled by senesced branch N concentrations, and indirectly affected by water supply, whereas NRP was mainly determined by water supply. Our results indicated that increasing water availability increased the total N uptake and N resorption from old branches to satisfy the N requirement of C. caput-medusae. The findings lay important groundwork for vegetation establishment in desert ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Ho Choi ◽  
Heung‐Tae Kim ◽  
Bo Eun Nam ◽  
Yeon Jae Bae ◽  
Jae Geun Kim

Marleena Hagner ◽  
Marja Uusitalo ◽  
Hanna Ruhanen ◽  
Juha Heiskanen ◽  
Rainer Peltola ◽  

AbstractIn the northern boreal zone, revegetation and landscaping of closed mine tailings are challenging due to the high concentrations of potentially toxic elements; the use of nutrient-poor, glacigenic cover material (till); cool temperatures; and short growing period. Recycled waste materials such as biochar (BC) and composted sewage sludge (CSS) have been suggested to improve soil forming process and revegetation success as well as decrease metal bioavailability in closed mine tailing areas. We conducted two field experiments in old iron mine tailings at Rautuvaara, northern Finland, where the native mine soil or transported cover till soil had not supported plant growth since the mining ended in 1989. The impacts of CSS and spruce (Picea abies)–derived BC application to till soil on the survival and growth of selected plant species (Pinus sylvestris, Salix myrsinifolia, and grass mixture containing Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, and Trifolium repens) were investigated during two growing seasons. In addition, the potential of BC to reduce bioaccumulation of metals in plants was studied. We found that (1) organic amendment like CSS markedly enhanced the plant growth and is therefore needed for vegetation establishment in tailing sites that contained only transported till cover, and (2) BC application to till soil-CSS mixture further facilitated the success of grass mixtures resulting in 71–250% higher plant biomass. On the other hand, (3) no effects on P. sylvestris or S. myrsinifolia were recorded during the first growing seasons, and (4) accumulation of metals in cover plants was negligible and BC application to till further decreased the accumulation of Al, Cr, and Fe in the plant tissues. Graphical abstract

Plant Ecology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Bianca M. Wentzell ◽  
Emile D. DeVito ◽  
Daniela J. Shebitz

Shad D Mills ◽  
Martha Mamo ◽  
Sabrina J Ruis ◽  
Humberto Blanco‐Canqui ◽  
Walter H. Schacht ◽  

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