basic salary
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-144
Akbar Nur Ramadhan ◽  
Aning Tyas Permata Dewi ◽  
Ichsan Prasetyo Wardhani ◽  
Maghfiroh Nurul Wulan ◽  
Muhamad Hermansyah

PT XYZ is a factory engaged in the instant cement or mortarindustry located in Semarang Regency, Central Java, which has beenestablished since 2013. The company is managed by a presidentdirector who supervises 36 contract employees. The compensationsystem used by PT XYZ is to pay a basic salary of Rp. 11,515/hourobtained from the UMR of Semarang Regency divided by 200working hours. The compensation system applies to all positions atPT XYZ except for director and the factors that affect the amount ofbasic salary received depend on the number of hours worked eachmonth. The amount of the director's salary has its own rulesaccording to the agreement of the commissioner. Determination ofcompensation applied in the company is not ideal because it is onlydetermined by working hours without considering other factors.Thus, this study aims to evaluate the compensation system at PTXYZ based on a salary survey, salary mapping, and Eckenrodesystem in order to provide a better description of the compensationsystem for PT XYZ in order to assist the company in improving itsperformance. This study found ten compensable factors thatmatched the work of PT XYZ, which were obtained using the haymethod. The calculation results of the adhered and overlappingmethods are used to classify employee salaries into five grades.

L. I. Kovalyev ◽  
I. L. Kovalyev ◽  
M. N. Kostomakhin

The initial data for calculating the basic salary are: the labour intensity of carrying out maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment in animal husbandry, as well as hourly tariff rates for workers in workshops and areas for the repair of agricultural machinery and tools, which are accepted directly in farms and repair and maintenance organizations independently, but not lower than the tariff rate has been established for budget organizations. The purpose of the work was to calculate the basic salary of personnel according to the tariff categories used in the Republic of Belarus, and to consider the key provisions of the methodology for determining the total costs of technical service of machinery and equipment in animal husbandry. The most important provisions of the methodology for calculating the basic salary of personnel of repair and maintenance departments and organizations operating in the livestock subcomplex of the Agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus have been presented. The main points of the methodology for calculating the total costs of maintenance and repair for machines and equipment of livestock farms and complexes have been given in relation to the conditions and their own features of accounting and planning of repair and maintenance work in domestic animal husbandry. An example of practical calculation of costs for carrying out various types of maintenance and repair of a widely used domestic milking machine has been considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
Timothy Rey Laheba ◽  
The Jin Ai

In this era of industry 4.0, the role of technology is getting bigger and broader in the industry. This technology has changed some of the old habits and paradigms in the relationship between companies and job seekers. One of the changes currently occurring is that job seekers can find information related to a company through an online collaborative company review which can be found easily on the employment website. This study aims to determine what information job seekers consider essential from an online collaborative review of a company. Data from the 203 millennial generations in Indonesia were collected. The study results found that the most sought-after variable from an online collaborative company review was Basic salary exposition, followed by Job description. The following variable is Work-life balance or working condition, followed by the Company profile variable, Benefits and incentives, Positive things about a company, and negative things about a company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 52-81

This article is devoted to the problem of confrontation between researchers about the dress of Ukrainian prosecutors and whether prosecutors should have class ranks (special ranks, equated to military ranks and providing bonuses to salaries). This confrontation has lasted for more than 10 years. Ukrainian MPs have proposed legislative amendments to solve this problem, but the approaches of the proposals are in opposition to each other. According to the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Prosecutor’s Office’ of 19 September 2019, the Ukrainian Parliament, at the ninth convocation, completely abolished the class ranks and military-like dress of prosecutors. At the same time, a Draft Law on their restoration is being considered by the current session of the same parliament, and the initiators call their abolishment a ‘premature mistake’. Regardless of the consequences of the consideration of this Draft Law, this issue may not be resolved in the near future in Ukraine, as it is an integral part of the worldview and culture of the pro-Western or Eurasian vector of the prosecutor’s office. The aim of the present piece of legal scholarship is to provide a report that is as informative as possible on the consistency between class ranks, prosecutor’s dress, and the principles of justice, the functions of the prosecutor, and his/her role in the justice system in comparison with the approaches of other states. Moreover, it is important to advise the legislative initiatives, and the voice of parliamentarians since this issue has gained traction in the professional environment and in society. The author analysed the issue of prosecutor’s dress and class ranks in relation to various aspects – constitutional functions and roles of prosecutors, procedural law, comparative law, international law, incentive, as well as psychological, value-philosophical, cultural, and deontological aspects, etc. The prosecutor’s dress code of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states has been clarified; it was found that only prosecutors from Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia have the military dress; in other countries, prosecutors wore a robe or business suit. Periods of transformation of the prosecutor’s office had taken place in all the post-Soviet republics as a part of their European integration processes – Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, as well as Georgia and Moldova, abandoned the military dress of prosecutors as associate members of the EU. The remuneration system of prosecutors in Poland and Germany is analysed in detail, where seniority, experience, qualifications, and position are taken into account in the ‘rates’ (Poland) or ‘R levels’ (Germany) of the basic salary of prosecutors. ‘Rates’ and ‘R levels’ are important only for calculating wages and are not analogous to class ranks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 313
Jana Javorčíková ◽  
Katarína Vanderková ◽  
Lenka Ližbetinová ◽  
Silvia Lorincová ◽  
Miloš Hitka

Teaching is a specific type of profession with a specific mission. In this study, the motivation level of primary school teachers in Slovakia in the period from 2015 to 2020 was analyzed. A total of 1189 Slovak teachers with a stratified selection were addressed. Cronbach’s Alpha, Tukey’s HSD (honest significant difference), and ANOVA were used to analyze the data obtained. The research results confirm that Slovak teachers are motivated most by relationship and financial factors. Other important motivation factors are atmosphere in the workplace, a good work team, a supervisor’s approach, a fair appraisal system, and a basic salary. The research also confirms that, over the duration of the study, there was a significant change in the average level of motivation factors; however, there was no change in their relative proportion and structure. In relation to gender, significant diachronic differences were confirmed. Research results prove that Slovak teachers have stable requirements in terms of motivation. This study’s findings will further help school management create effective motivation programs for primary school teachers. Regarding the fact that no similar research has been conducted in Slovakia in a long time, the research results presented here are original and unique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Syed Abdul Hamid ◽  
Afroza Begum ◽  
Syed M Ahsan ◽  
Sushil Ranjan Howlader ◽  
Azhar Uddin ◽  

Abstract This study surveys 622 Bangladeshi civil servants of all administrative jurisdictions and elicits their preference for health insurance schemes. The latter vary in the amount of sum assured as well as in terms of premium sharing rules with the government. The paper also explores the financial burden that the premium subsidy may impose on the exchequer and the state’s fiscal capacity to shoulder it. We discover a very high willingness to join the scheme. Though all three premium-sharing options posit flat rates common for all employment ranks, respondents appear to prefer premiums proportional to their basic salary.

Fidlizan Muhammad

Zakah of income is a form of zakah which is legislated as mandatory for working individuals.The money received from the employers and fulfilled the conditions of zakahwhich are the rate (nisab) and period (haul) qualify individuals to perform zakah of income.  Employees who work for the government receive several forms of income which make up the monthly gross salary. Among them are the monthly basic salary, monthly fixed allowances, overdue salary and bonuses. Therefore this study aims to identify the level of knowledge among government servants in calculating the payable zakah of income based on the sources of income that formulate the monthly salary.  This study applies the quantitative study with descriptive analysis on the dataobtained using the instrument of questionnaire. As many as 772 respondents involved in this study by focusing on two sections namely the knowledge pertaining to the concept of income zakahand items of income sources. There are four items of sources studied which are the salary, monthly fixed allowances, overdue salary and bonus. Finding of analysis indicates that the level of knowledge among respondents related to the concept of zakah is significantly high. Itemized analysis reveals that respondents’ knowledge in the calculation of payable income zakah for the item of overdue salary is moderate, while for the bonus is low.   Implication of the analysis shows that the calculation of payable income zakah needs a continous effort from the authority. This is to ensure indviduals to carry out their responsiblity of the Islamic pillar more obediently in the future.

Cwenga Mayekiso ◽  
Emeka E. Obioha

This paper articulates the patterns and feel of graduate underemployment in Mthatha, a South African town in the Eastern Cape Province. Foregrounded on Peter Blua’s Social Exchange Theory, this study adopted a quantitative approach. A sample of 60 respondents was drawn from underemployed graduate population through a combination of stratified and random sampling techniques. Data collected from survey (questionnaire) were analysed with appropriate tools in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The study found that majority of underemployed graduates are between 21 and 25 years of age, married, hold bachelor’s degrees in Social Sciences. Gender, qualification type and level of qualification have no significant influence on determining underemployed graduates’ choice of occupation as single and combined variables or factors. While only very few (5%) of the underemployed graduates are never happy at work, femaleness, older graduates, Africans, higher qualification, higher basic salary and longer years of underemployment best predict happiness at work, although not at significant level, except for basic salary. A majority of graduates (73.3%) do sometimes consider leaving their current jobs, even when there are no alternatives. This is influenced by maleness, older graduates, being Whites, higher qualification, lower basic salary and lower years of underemployment. Lack of networking was found to be the most important factor in graduate underemployment, followed by lack of experience and gender not being significant. This study recommends policy intervention by state, where there is legislation that provides for entry level jobs that may not require previous experience. Also, there should be another legislation that protects the underemployed through salary regulation and incentivising of employers that engage workers in such capacity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-58
Andrew Pendola

This study explores ways in which salary can be structured to reduce leadership shortages by investigating how comparative wage dispersion and position alter the relationship of salary to principal turnover. Using a seventeen-year longitudinal dataset covering over sixteen thousand principals in Texas, discrete-time hazard models demonstrate that principals are highly sensitive to salary comparisons over and above basic salary. Higher comparative position is associated with significantly reduced turnover risk, while wider dispersion is associated with a significantly increased turnover risk. Interactions demonstrate that dispersion and position act in tandem to create conditions where principals have particularly high turnover risk. These results have implications for strategies to address turnover through district salary structures, as well as broader notions of how wage tournaments operate in the principal labor market.

L. I. Kovalev ◽  
I. L. Kovalev

The most important provisions of the methodology for calculating the basic wages of personnel of repair and maintenance departments and organizations operating in the livestock subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex are presented. The main points of the methodology for calculating the total costs of maintenance and repairs for machines and equipment of livestock farms and complexes are given in relation to the conditions and peculiarities of accounting and planning of repair and maintenance work in livestock raising. An example of practical calculation of costs for various types of maintenance and repair of a widely used domestic milking installation is considered.

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