cultural meanings
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2022 ◽  
pp. 60-81
Femi Emmanuel Oni ◽  
Lloyd Baiyegunhi

Food is more than nutrition; it has veritable socio-cultural meanings, and it encapsulates all manner of associations. This chapter reviews several experiences of migrants that are relevant, using different approaches, creating a link between food, identity, and memory of migrants as well as looking at the sequential movement of food and its interactions by reviewing extant literatures in the global and African contexts. Migration and migrants are evident across the borders of countries around the universe. It was revealed that migrants are encumbered with different experiences-accepting and repelling in the course of migration, as it is glaring that there is a conglomerate between food, memory, and identity.

2022 ◽  
pp. 269-288
Carol-Ann Lane

Interpretations of the cultural meanings made by each of the boys in the study, based on their individual unique experiences engaging with video games, can provide readers with insights into how to approach adolescent aged boys' literacy development through game-based pedagogy. In this chapter the author describes how these four boys developed their multimodal ways of learning by engaging with visual perspectives of video games. The methodological approach documented what boys are saying, as much as possible, which is currently understudied in the literature surrounding boys and their video gaming practices. This chapter addresses some boys' out-of-school video gaming practices for meaning-making and gaining cultural knowledge. Studying the ways in which boys make meanings through multimodal ways of learning can offer insights into strategies for cyber culture that can potentially reinvent traditional literacy pedagogical boundaries and establish new ways and practices for building knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135-144
Elena Evgenievn Tikhomirova ◽  

The author of the article focuses on the analysis of specific methods and techniques for identifying the universal and unique cultural meanings of biblical parables in the study of the disciplines of the humanities cycle in a pedagogical university. The purpose of the article is to develop techniques for working with parables for practical classes in the cultural cycle at the Pedagogical University. Research methodology and methods. The work is based on the use of the methodology of the sociocultural and activity-based approach to the psychological development of the individual, as well as systemic and holistic approaches to education. When decoding the meanings of parables as texts of culture, it is proposed to use axiological, semiotic, cognitive and systemic approaches. The systemic culturological approach allows you to create conditions for the development of aesthetic taste, artistic thinking. Research results. As the scientific literature and the practice of teaching culturological disciplines at the Pedagogical University show, working with parables teaches us to personally and emotionally perceive the text of culture, to adequately assess the relationship in the system man-man and man-world, to recode the content from one semiotic system to another. Through the interpretation of the text, the individual creative abilities of students are developed, a steady interest in modern art practices is formed. Interpretation of the categories of culture, embodied in human and natural images of the transcendental, time, space, make it possible to essentially comprehend the texts of culture containing the plots of biblical parables. Conclusion. The consistent identification of the specifics of the study of parables in the context of the spiritual quest of a certain historical period contributes to the emergence of interest and the formation of a respectful attitude towards the cultural heritage, the values of world culture. Cultural practices of working with cultural texts contribute to an adequate understanding of the place of national culture in the world artistic process and its creative enhancement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-106
Anna Niiranen

In this article, I discuss the private dress collection of Brita Kekkonen (1927–2013), a diplomatic wife, who was a very well-known figure in Finland during the period of the Cold War. Brita Kekkonen was also a very talented dressmaker and a very fashionable figure in diplomatic circles. Some eighty outfits made by Brita Kekkonen have survived to this day, in addition to her voluminous pattern collection, containing more than 1,000 patterns from several decades. The aim of my new postdoctoral research project is to identify Brita Kekkonen’s dresses and examine their use, politico-cultural meanings and design in the context of the Cold War, diplomatic etiquette and Kekkonen’s own personal history.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-128
Lengkong Sanggar Ginaris ◽  
Widya Nayati

Penelitian ini membahas arti khusus yang terdapat pada permakaman Belanda Peneleh di Kota Surabaya. Permakaman Belanda Peneleh dipilih sebagai objek penelitian karena permakaman tersebut memiliki makam dan prasasti lama dengan berbagai bentuk dan usia yang relatif utuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui arti khusus yang terdapat pada permakaman Belanda Peneleh. Berdasarkan arti khusus yang terdapat pada makam Belanda Peneleh dapat dipahami cara kita menjaga, melindungi dan mengembangkannya. Data tentang nilai penting diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan lapangan dan studi pustaka, baik tentang kompleks makam maupun yang berkaitan dengan kota Surabaya kuno serta tentang perkembangan agama di Surabaya. Data dianalisis lalu diintepretasi untuk mengetahui arti khusus dari permakaman Belanda Peneleh. Data nisan yang bisa dibaca dianalisis tentang bahannya, kondisi kerusakan, isi inskripsi yang ada, serta hiasan yang digunakan. Data tersebut dikorelasikan dengan data sejarah yang diperoleh dari kajian pustaka. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa permakaman Belanda Peneleh memiliki arti khusus sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, agama, dan kebudayaan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembelajaran untuk masyarakat. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, diharapkan bahwa permakaman Belanda Peneleh dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan pendidikan yang dapat diakses semua kalangan dan memberi pemahaman mengenai sejarah, masyarakat, dan budaya orang-orang Belanda di Indonesia, serta relevansinya pada masa sekarang.This study discusses the significance of the Peneleh Dutch Cemetery in Surabaya. The Peneleh Dutch Cemetery was chosen as the object of research due to the feature of old tombs and inscriptions, in various shapes and ages, that are relatively complete. The purpose of this study was to determine the special meaning of the Peneleh Dutch Cemetery. The significance of the Peneleh Dutch Cemetery may enlighten on the means to protect and develop it. Data on the importance of value were obtained from field observations and literature studies, both about the tomb complex and those related to the ancient city of Surabaya as well as about the development of religion in Surabaya. The data were analyzed and then interpreted to find out the special meaning of the Peneleh Dutch Cemetery. The legible data of the headstones were analyzed with regard to the material, the condition of damage, the content of the inscriptions, and the decorations. The data were compared to historical data extracted from literature reviews. Analysis results suggest the Peneleh Dutch Cemetery has special historical, scientific, religious, and cultural meanings that can be used as learning materials for the community. It is hoped that the Dutch Cemetery can be used for educational purposes that can be accessed by all groups and provide an understanding of the history, society and culture of the Dutch people in Indonesia and their relevance today.

Arts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
António Figueiredo Marques

Parasomnia (2019), a site-specific participatory performance by Patrícia Portela (PT/BE), addresses sleep in its biological and cultural meanings while retrieving its historicity. Sleep is one of the last resistance gestures against capitalised lives, opening a gap for social change through the aesthetic dimension as an extension of arts in politics. Parasomnia raises awareness for empathy and unproductiveness by inviting spectators to take a massage and eating delicacies. Bodily senses are therefore a way to activate potentials and becomings. Often understood as weaknesses and vulnerabilities, the actions elicited—contemplating, caring, and resting—bring up a strength and a capacity to arouse the imagination and fabulation as political acts. It is also argued that dimensions such as fantasmatic, cyclicity, and subjectivity are key social outputs of Parasomnia. Allowing for a pause in a continuous stream of goals, of connectivity and consumption, and without commodification purposes, sleep may return us to a sense of our own interiority made of several layers: like a fall into the sleep that enables alterity to emerge inside the self.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-165
Izadora Silva Pimenta

PT. O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os Julgamentos (Martin e White, 2005) presentes no discurso midiático a respeito de um caso de racismo sofrido pelo jogador Daniel Alves em 2014, à época, no Barcelona. A análise foi feita a partir do fragmento de um corpus coletado em minha pesquisa de mestrado (Pimenta, 2019), compilado com a plataforma Sketch Engine a partir de 65 artigos de hard news sobre o tema, publicados de forma online no Brasil, totalizando 21.387 formas, 1.014 sentenças e 25.127 palavras. Para os trechos analisados neste artigo, considera-se apenas os trechos das notícias nos quais a voz do repórter está sendo utilizada em primeiro plano. A análise é realizada a partir da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (Halliday e Matthiessen, 2014) e do Sistema de Avaliatividade (Martin e White, 2005), a partir dos quais a linguagem é visualizada como um sistema sociossemiótico, ou seja, entende-se que a comunicação se dá por um sistema, sendo ele repleto de significados de cunhos sociais e culturais. O trabalho também se baseia na hipótese de que as hard news nunca são neutras (White, 2003) e, portanto, passíveis da presença de significados avaliativos ao longo do texto. Para compreender o contexto no qual as notícias estão sendo relatadas, há ainda uma compreensão inicial sobre alguns preceitos das relações raciais no Brasil e no futebol. Os resultados mostram que a linguagem utilizada pelo discurso midiático opera como fator de reforço para padrões de representação sobre o racismo no futebol e seus aspectos presentes na sociedade brasileira. Uma vez em que o racismo é base para as formas de desigualdade e violência dessa sociedade (Almeida, 2019), é possível observar que a presença deste na estrutura se mostra visível na linguagem em uso. Os dados obtidos nesta pesquisa oferecem, ainda, um desenho para uma metodologia de análise de aspectos sociológicos do esporte e do racismo como ideologia vigente por meio da linguagem intrínseca. *** EN. This article analyzes the judgments (Martin and White, 2005) developed in the media coverage of a case of racial discrimination experienced by Brazilian Daniel Alves in 2014, at the time playing for the FC Barcelona. The analysis is based on a segment of a corpus compiled as part of a master's research (Pimenta, 2019) using the platform Sketch Engine. The corpus is composed of 65 hard news articles published online in Brazilian media, which break down into 21,387 forms, 1,014 sentences and 25,127 words. The analysis focuses exclusively on extracts in which the journalist’s position is made clear. Research methodology is based on systemic-functional linguistics (Halliday and Matthiessen, 2014) and appraisal theory (Martin and White, 2005), which consider language as a socio-semiotic system loaded with social and cultural meanings, through which communication occurs. The research is based on the hypothesis that hard news is never neutral (White, 2003). On the contrary, hard news articles include an evaluative dimension throughout the reports. Understanding some of the precepts of race relations in Brazil and in soccer is central to better understant the context in which the news is reported. Results of the analysis show that the language produced by media coverage reinforces standards of race representation in soccer, which is part of the larger racial discrimination dynamics that characterize contemporary Brazilian society. The language used by the media indeed illustrates how racial discrimination is a root cause of inequality and violence in Brazilian society today (Almeida, 2019). Based on the data collected, a methodological model of analysis was developed through language and its intrinsic features, allowing to reveal specific sociological aspects of sports and racial discrimination, which still today remains a dominant ideology. *** FR. Cet article analyse les jugements (Martin et White, 2005) présents dans le discours médiatique autour d’un cas de racisme subi par le Brésilien Daniel Alves en 2014, à l’époque joueur du FC Barcelone. L'analyse se penche sur une partie d’un corpus plus large compilé dans le cadre d’une recherche de master (Pimenta, 2019) à l’aide de la plateforme Sketch Engine. Ce corpus de 65 articles de hard news sur le sujet, publiés en ligne dans des médias brésiliens, est constitué de 21 387 formes, 1 014 phrases et 25 127 mots. L’analyse porte uniquement sur les extraits où la voix du journaliste apparait au premier plan. L’apport méthodologique repose sur la linguistique systémique-fonctionnelle (Halliday et Matthiessen, 2014) et sur la théorie de l’évaluation (Martin et White, 2005), où le langage est perçu comme un système socio-sémiotique chargé de significations de natures sociale et culturelle, au travers duquel se réalise la communication. Notre étude part de l'hypothèse que les hard news ne sont jamais neutres (White, 2003). Bien au contraire, elles sont sujettes à la présence de significations évaluatives tout au long du texte. Ainsi, pour appréhender le contexte dans lequel sont rapportées les informations d’actualité, il importe également de comprendre certains préceptes des relations raciales au Brésil et dans le football. Les résultats montrent que le langage produit par le discours médiatique renforce les standards de représentation du racisme dans le football et les aspects de ce racisme qui caractérisent la société brésilienne. En effet, le langage des médias illustre bien le fait que le racisme est à la base des formes d'inégalité et de violence de cette société (Almeida, 2019). A partir des données recueillies, nous avons pu construire un modèle méthodologique d'analyse, par le biais du langage et des traits qui lui sont intrinsèques, capable de révéler certains aspects sociologiques du sport et du racisme, qui s’avèrent constituer l'idéologie dominante. ***

2021 ◽  
pp. 203-227
Donal Carbaugh ◽  
Eean Grimshaw

This chapter presents to readers the spoken words of Blackfeet people who have discussed their homeland, its landscape, and all that it entails. In the process, the chapter seeks to help readers hear in those words in a Blackfeet way of speaking about their land, to introduce some of the cultural meanings of Blackfeet in that way of speaking about it, and to offer an understanding of this way as a communal touchstone which is anchored in the discourse Blackfeet participants produce as they speak about their homeland.

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