environmental air
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Autism ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 136236132110682
Cindy Pham ◽  
Christos Symeonides ◽  
Martin O’Hely ◽  
Peter D Sly ◽  
Luke D Knibbs ◽  

Mounting evidence finds that early life environmental factors increased the probability of autism spectrum disorder. We estimated prospective associations between early life environmental factors and autism spectrum disorder symptoms in children at the age of 2 years in a population-derived birth cohort, the Barwon Infant Study. Autism spectrum disorder symptoms at the age of 2 years strongly predicted autism spectrum disorder diagnosis by the age of 4 years (area under curve = 0.93; 95% CI (0.82, 1.00)). After adjusting for child’s sex and age at the time of behavioural assessment, markers of socioeconomic disadvantage, such as lower household income and lone parental status; maternal health factors, including younger maternal age, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, higher gestational weight gain and prenatal maternal stress; prenatal alcohol; environmental air pollutant exposures, including particulate matter < 2.5 µm at birth, child secondhand tobacco smoke exposure at 12 months, dampness/mould and home heating with oil, kerosene or diesel heaters at 2 years postnatal. Lower socioeconomic indexes for area, later birth order, higher maternal prenatal depression, and maternal smoking frequency had a dose-response relationship with autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Future studies on environmental factors and autism spectrum disorder should consider the reasons for the socioeconomic disparity and the combined impact of multiple environmental factors through common mechanistic pathways. Lay abstract Mounting evidence indicates the contribution of early life environmental factors in autism spectrum disorder. We aim to report the prospective associations between early life environmental factors and autism spectrum disorder symptoms in children at the age of 2 years in a population-derived birth cohort, the Barwon Infant Study. Autism spectrum disorder symptoms at the age of 2 years strongly predicted autism spectrum disorder diagnosis by the age of 4 years (area under curve = 0.93; 95% CI (0.82, 1.00)). After adjusting for child’s sex and age at the time of behavioural assessment, markers of socioeconomic disadvantage, such as lower household income and lone parental status; maternal health factors, including younger maternal age, maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index, higher gestational weight gain and prenatal maternal stress; maternal lifestyle factors, such as prenatal alcohol and environmental air pollutant exposures, including particulate matter < 2.5 μm at birth, child secondhand tobacco smoke at 12 months, dampness/mould and home heating with oil, kerosene or diesel heaters at 2 years postnatal. Lower socioeconomic indexes for area, later birth order, higher maternal prenatal depression and maternal smoking frequency had a dose-response relationship with autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Future studies on environmental factors and autism spectrum disorder should consider the reasons for the socioeconomic disparity and the combined impact of multiple environmental factors through common mechanistic pathways.

Land ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Salvador García-Ayllón ◽  
Phaedon Kyriakidis

The impact of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 on urban pollution in our cities is a proven fact, although its mechanisms are not known in great detail. The change in urban mobility patterns due to the restrictions imposed on the population during lockdown is a phenomenon that can be parameterized and studied from the perspective of spatial analysis. This study proposes an analysis of the guiding parameters of these changes from the perspective of spatial analysis. To do so, the case study of the city of Cartagena, a medium-sized city in Spain, has been analyzed throughout the period of mobility restrictions due to COVID-19. By means of a geostatistical analysis, changes in urban mobility patterns and the modal distribution of transport have been correlated with the evolution of environmental air quality indicators in the city. The results show that despite the positive effect of the pandemic in its beginnings on the environmental impact of urban mobility, the changes generated in the behavior patterns of current mobility users favor the most polluting modes of travel in cities.

Jurnal Wasian ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Iskandar Siregar ◽  
Riki Ramdhani ◽  
Evayusvita Rustam ◽  
Dede Sudrajat ◽  

Utilization of seeds storage results in decreased plant productivity. The increase can be used by treating seeds before planting through the technique of invigoration. This purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of invigoration methods using polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) and ultrafine bubbles (UFB) to improve viability and vigor of sengon seeds (Falcataria moluccana). Seed agieng using 96 % ethanol was carried out to obtain the diversity of seedlot viability as the materials for testing the effectiveness of invigoration treatments. A complete random design was used to test the effectiveness of 5 invigoration treatments, i.e., seed without invigoration treatment, soaking in PEG 6000 -0.8 Mpa, soaking in PEG 6000 -1.2 Mpa, soaking in UFB water injected by environmental air, and soaking in UFB water injected by oxygen 99 %, with soaking time is 24 hours for each treatment. Seed agieng resulted three classes of seed viability, i.e. 62 % (initial seed), 83 % (seed agieng for 30 minutes) and 57 % (seed agieng for 60 minutes). In the condition of seed germination before treatment (DBA) 57 % and DBA 62%, invigoration treatments were significantly affected on seed germination capacity, but not significantly different in DBA 83 %. The soaking treatment of UFB injected by oxigen 99 % was able to improve the germination parameters (germination capacity, germination rate, and vigor index) on the sengon seeds with DBA 57 %. For seeds with DBA 62 %, the soaking treatment in UFB injected by environmental air was provided the best germination capacity, T50, and vigor index. The treatment of UFB injected by oxygen 99 % was more effective to improve the seed with very low viability and vigor (DBA 57 %). In general, improving of seed viability and vigor is more effective by using UFB than PEG 6000.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-66
Adam B. Sokol ◽  
Casey J. Wall ◽  
Dennis L. Hartmann ◽  
Peter N. Blossey

Abstract Satellite observations of tropical maritime convection indicate an afternoon maximum in anvil cloud fraction that cannot be explained by the diurnal cycle of deep convection peaking at night. We use idealized cloud-resolving model simulations of single anvil cloud evolution pathways, initialized at different times of the day, to show that tropical anvil clouds formed during the day are more widespread and longer lasting than those formed at night. This diurnal difference is caused by shortwave radiative heating, which lofts and spreads anvil clouds via a mesoscale circulation that is largely absent at night, when a different, longwave-driven circulation dominates. The nighttime circulation entrains dry environmental air that erodes cloud top and shortens anvil lifetime. Increased ice nucleation in more turbulent nighttime conditions supported by the longwave cloud top cooling and cloud base heating dipole cannot overcompensate for the effect of diurnal shortwave radiative heating. Radiative-convective equilibrium simulations with a realistic diurnal cycle of insolation confirm the crucial role of shortwave heating in lofting and sustaining anvil clouds. The shortwave-driven mesoscale ascent leads to daytime anvils with larger ice crystal size, number concentration, and water content at cloud top than their nighttime counterparts.

Oksana Zaporozhchenko ◽  
Kateryna Anikanova

The ecological tendencies of forming of architecture of interiors of modern eco-air terminals for determination of leading principles of design and methods of forming of eco-interiors of this type of structures are elucidated.  It is determined that ecological construction, eco-modernization and eco-reconstruction are important components of the success of modern airports.  The modern eco-terminal is transformed into a sophisticated architectural object that reduces the environmental footprint.  It is determined that the modern ecological environment of airport interiors is created with the help of non-standard planning solutions, organic bionic forms and eco materials.  This environment is developed taking into account innovative technologies based on the synthesis of elements that determine its character: the basic design (its environmental characteristics), the symbolism of the form, the quality of natural light, the harmonious use of color and decoration, as well as natural materials, objects of phyto- and aqua-design, as living material that benefits the health of passengers, creating a comfortable microclimate and a good combination with nature.

2021 ◽  
M. A. L. S. K. Manchanayaka ◽  
J. P. D. Wijesekara ◽  
Chan-Yun Yang ◽  
C. Premachandra ◽  
M. F. M. Firdhous ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 ◽  
pp. 105253
Jenny P. Nguyen ◽  
Ryan D. Huff ◽  
Quynh T. Cao ◽  
Nicholas Tiessen ◽  
Christopher Carlsten ◽  

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6891
Alicja Kolasa-Więcek ◽  
Dariusz Suszanowicz ◽  
Agnieszka A. Pilarska ◽  
Krzysztof Pilarski

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between key sources of air pollutant emissions (sources of energy production, factories which are particularly harmful to the environment, the fleets of cars, environmental protection expenditure) and the main environmental air pollution (SO2, NOx, CO and PM) in Poland. Models based on MLP neural networks were used as predictive models. Global sensitivity analysis was used to demonstrate the significant impact of individual network input variables on the output variable. To verify the effectiveness of the models created, the actual data were compared with the data obtained through modelling. Projected courses of changes in the variables under study correspond with the real data, which confirms that the proposed models generalize acquired knowledge well. The high MLP network quality parameters of 0.99–0.85 indicate that the network generalizes the acquired knowledge accurately. The sensitivity analysis for NOx, CO and PM pollutants indicates the significance of all input variables. For SO2, it showed significance for four of the six variables analysed. The predictions made by the neural models are not very different from the experimental values.

2021 ◽  
Katerina S. Cheliotis ◽  
Christopher P. Jewell ◽  
Carla Solórzano ◽  
Britta Urban ◽  
Andrea M. Collins ◽  

AbstractStreptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is the most common identified bacterial cause of pneumonia, and the leading infectious cause of death in children under five years of age worldwide. Pneumococcal disease follows a seasonal pattern with increased incidence during winter. Pneumonia burden is also associated with poor air quality. Nasopharyngeal carriage of the bacterium is a pre-requisite of invasive disease.We aimed to determine if susceptibility to nasopharyngeal pneumococcal carriage varied by season, and which environmental factors might explain such variation. We also evaluated the influence of sex on susceptibility of carriage. We collated data from five studies in which human volunteers underwent intranasal pneumococcal challenge. Generalised linear mixed effects models were used to identify factors associated with altered risk of carriage acquisition, specifically climate and air-quality data.During 2011-2017, 374 healthy adults were challenged with type 6B pneumococcus. Odds of carriage were significantly lower in males (OR, 0.61; 95% CI, 0.40-0.92; p = 0.02), and higher with cooler temperatures (OR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.63-0.99; p = 0.04). Likelihood of carriage also associated with lower concentrations of local fine particulate matter concentrations (PM2.5) and increased local rainfall.In contrast to epidemiologic series, experimental challenge allowed us to test propensity to acquisition during controlled exposures; immunologic explanations for sex and climatic differences should be sought.

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