large living
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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Georges Maxime LAMY LAMY

Background In Africa, the Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. species is extremely important culturally, ecologically and socio-economically. This importance has led to its over-exploitation leading to an in situ rarity of its individuals. As a consequence, a conservation alert is increasingly reported across the continent due to the risk of extinction of this multipurpose plant. Unfortunately, indicators of regeneration and conservation guidelines for this species have been not developped yet. The objective was to evaluate the habitat, population distribution, dendrometric characteristics and structure of the plant which are indicators of regeneration in Cameroon.    Methodology A floristic inventory as well as the vegetation transect method was used in the villages Def, Karna Manga and Karna Petel located in Adamawa, Cameroon. Results A total of 109 individuals of the plant were counted with a density of 3.5 individuals per hectare. No plant individuals regenerated in human-controlled habitats (bush fields and home gardens). Population distribution, companion species (Bombax costatum, Piliostigma thonningii and Terminalia macroptera) more recurrent, species of the family Caesalpiniaceae in majority, dendrometric characteristics with a significant difference (P ˂ 0.05) between sites, horizontal and vertical structures although all significant at Karna Manga, showed site-specific patterns. Conclusion The regeneration indicators (habitat, population distribution, structure and dendrometric characteristics: crown diameter, diameter at breast height, height of the first large living branch and tree height) showed that conservation in situ requires accounting for local, site-specific conditions. For the continuation, the less expensive domestication techniques specific to the plant are recommended. 

Daniel Yohanes ◽  
Priscilla Epifania

A third place functions as a meeting platform for people outside their daily routine in homes, working places, and can enhance the life quality of urban society, especially during the increasingly individualist era due to the growth of technology. Penjaringan District has one of the busiest nodes in Jakarta City, and consists of housing (first place) and offices (second place) with relatively large and equal percentage, and with the positions which allows permeability. The design site which is located between Pluit and Penjaringan Subdistricts, is chosen based on the performed district investigation. Nearby facilities have the potential to be improved, such as Putra Putri Park, Penjaringan Busway Station, and Pluit Junction Mall.  A skywalk is introduced to connect the facilites by acting as a platform to bring mobility from and to Penjaringan Busway Station to vitalize Pluit Junction Mall and Putra Putri Park which in their existing condition did not function as intended. The designed third place which is connected with the skywalk becomes one with the formed connectivity. Music is the chosen theme for the third place as a binder of the people with their differing backgrounds. The proxemics approach and the Pattern Language method are used to shape the spaces to encourage social interaction. The vision is to make the third place to be “a large living room” for Penjaringan District. The third place which provides a freedom of expression and encourages visitors to bring and play music instruments is hoped to act as an interaction and activity platform for both the locals and outsiders. Keywords: freedom of expression; living room; music; skywalk; third place AbstrakThird place berperan sebagai wadah berkumpulnya warga di luar keseharian mereka tinggal dan bekerja, dan dapat meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat perkotaan, terutama di dalam era yang semakin individualis sebagai akibat dari perkembangan teknologi. Kawasan Penjaringan memiliki salah satu noda teramai di Kota Jakarta, dan terdiri dari perumahan (tempat pertama) dan perkantoran (tempat kedua) dengan presentase yang relatif besar dan seimbang, dengan posisi yang memungkinkan adanya permeabilitas di antara keduanya. Tapak perancangan yang terletak di perbatasan Kelurahan Pluit dan Kelurahan Penjaringan, terpilih berdasarkan investigasi kawasan yang dilakukan. Beberapa  fasilitas terdekat memiliki potensi peningkatan kualitas, diantaranya Taman Putra Putri, Halte Transjakarta Penjaringan, dan Mal Pluit Junction. Sebuah skywalk dihadirkan untuk mengkoneksikan fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut dengan menjadi wadah yang membawa pergerakan dari dan menuju ke Halte Transjakarta Penjaringan untuk menghidupkan Mal Pluit Junction serta Taman Putra Putri yang pada kondisi eksisting tidak berfungsi secara maksimal. Tempat ketiga yang dirancang terhubung dengan skywalk ini dan menjadi sebuah kesatuan bagi konektivitas yang terbentuk. Musik merupakan tema terpilih sebagai pengikat orang-orang yang beragam latar belakangnya. Teori proksemik dan metode Bahasa Pola digunakan untuk menciptakan keruangan yang mendorong terjadinya interaksi sosial. Visi proyek ini adalah untuk menjadikan tempat ketiga ini “sebuah ruang tamu besar” bagi Kawasan Penjaringan. Tempat ketiga yang memberikan kebebasan ekspresi dan mengundang pengunjung untuk membawa dan memainkan instrumen musik ini diharapkan dapat berperan sebagai wadah interaksi dan kegiatan bagi warga lokal ataupun pengunjung dari luar kawasan. 

2020 ◽  
Bin Yang ◽  
Alfred Millett-Sikking ◽  
Merlin Lange ◽  
Ahmet Can Solak ◽  
Hirofumi Kobayashi ◽  

Light-sheet microscopy has become the preferred method for long-term imaging of large living samples because of its low photo-invasiveness and good optical sectioning capabilities. Unfortunately, refraction and scattering often pose obstacles to light-sheet propagation and limit imaging depth. This is typically addressed by imaging multiple complementary views to obtain high and uniform image quality throughout the sample. However, multi-view imaging often requires complex multi-objective configurations that complicate sample mounting, or sample rotation that decreases imaging speed. Recent developments in single-objective light-sheet microscopy have shown that it is possible to achieve high spatio-temporal resolution with a single objective for both illumination and detection. Here we describe a single-objective light-sheet microscope that achieves: (i) high-resolution and large field-of-view imaging via a custom remote focusing objective; (ii) simpler design and ergonomics by remote placement of coverslips; (iii) fast volumetric imaging by means of light-sheet stabilised stage scanning – a novel scanning modality that extends the imaging volume without compromising imaging speed nor quality; (iv) multi-view imaging by means of dual orthogonal light-sheet illumination. Finally, we demonstrate the speed, field of view and resolution of our novel instrument by imaging zebrafish tail development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Mohammad A. Qurban ◽  
Periyadan K. Krishnakumar ◽  
Thadickal V. Joydas ◽  
Karuppasamy P. Manikandan ◽  
T. T. M. Ashraf ◽  

Abstract This paper reports a deep-water coral framework (a single colonial bush or a larger bioconstruction of coral covering the sea bottom), formed entirely by the scleractinian coral Eguchipsammia fistula (Alcock, 1902) (Dendrophylliidae), in the northern Red Sea waters of Saudi Arabia at a depth of about 640 m. The framework consists of mostly live corals with a total area of about 10 m2 and the length of the individual coral branches range from 12 to 30 cm. Although E. fistula is ubiquitous, this discovery is the second record of a framework formed by this species and the first discovery of a large living reef in the Red Sea. The results of the genetic study indicate the potential existence of a genetic variation of E. fistula in the Red Sea. This discovery implies that the Red Sea has favorable habitats for framework-forming DWC species and highlights the need for conducting more systematic surveys for understanding their distribution, abundance, and ecology.

2019 ◽  
Gregory J. Barord ◽  
Rebecca L. Swanson ◽  
Peter D. Ward

AbstractThe nautiloid lineage extends back nearly 500 million years but today, is represented by only two living genera, Nautilus and Allonautilus. Behavioral observations of these living nautiluses have improved our understanding of how nautiloids, and ammonoids, behaved and interacted in their environment. These behaviors may also help to inform conservation practices. Here, we describe feeding and mating behaviors in wild nautiluses not reported from any other population. In Palau, Nautilus belauensis was observed actively preying on a large, living crab (Chaceon sp.) and performing courtship-like behaviors prior to mating. These behaviors occurred across multiple nights and from different nautiluses, suggesting that the behaviors are characteristic of at least a subset of the population, if not the entire population. Perhaps the behaviors exhibited by the Palauan nautiluses are an outlier and simply a localized characteristic of a far-removed population. Or, perhaps these apparent abnormal behaviors of Palauan nautiluses are what all nautiluses across the Indo-Pacific should be exhibiting. If the latter explanation is correct, we can start to address the potential causes of the behavioral differences, such as population size, habitat type, and prey availability. In either case, this apparent behavioral plasticity may have also been a reason that the nautiloid lineage has been able to survive throughout millions of years of environmental changes. Today, these behavioral observations could prove to be a valuable conservation tool to protect species and environments, especially in the deep-sea ecosystem the nautiluses inhabit.

The Condor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (1) ◽  
Martjan Lammertink ◽  
Juan Manuel Fernández ◽  
Kristina L Cockle

Abstract Woodpeckers (Picidae) are broadly associated with forests but vary in sensitivity to habitat alteration, with some species restricted to mature and old-growth forests, usually because of their foraging or nesting requirements. Roosting sites have rarely been considered a critical resource for woodpecker conservation because nearly all woodpecker species roost year-round in excavated cavities similar to their nest sites. A possible exception is the globally vulnerable Helmeted Woodpecker (Celeus galeatus) of the Atlantic Forest of South America. To determine whether roosting ecology may explain their association with mature forest, we radio-tracked 12 Helmeted Woodpeckers in old-growth and selectively logged forests in Argentina, monitored roost cavities, and provided 9 roost boxes. Unlike other woodpeckers, Helmeted Woodpeckers roosted year-round in decay-formed cavities (n = 21), with perching space above the entrance, in the living trunks of large trees. Adults usually roosted alone, but after nesting (in excavated cavities), each adult roosted with one juvenile in a shared, decay-formed cavity for up to 67 days, implying that cavities need enough space for 2 birds. We did not observe use of roost boxes. Helmeted Woodpeckers travelled up to 1,482 m between nests and roosts, reused roost cavities over multiple years (sometimes changing ownership), and interacted aggressively with other cavity-nesting birds at roost cavities, indicating that suitable cavities are a scarce resource. Because logging is likely to have a strong negative impact on the availability of this resource, we urge managers in the Atlantic Forest region to retain large living trees with decay-formed cavities and to allow more selectively logged areas to become old growth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-76
Yosepin Sri Ningsih

One of the areas that has special strength in terms of textile craft is NTT (East Nusa Tenggara) province, which is known for its unique weaving. The peculiarities of NTT woven make several fields such as tourism and political policy subsequently have an influence on the existence of NTT woven. These influences include changes in the function of weaving from adati to economical products, which then have an impact on material changes and methods of using weaving. The material used today is more modern by using threads that can be purchased in the market from imports from other places, while the used of weaving in ritual way has now been cut into ready-made clothes with a more modern form that sometimes produced leftover materials. Departing from these conditions, researchers develop fashion products as revitalization of NTT woven in order to fulfill the consumer needs. The NTT woven that chosen in this case is Sumba woven, because the patterns found in Sumba woven have a higher level of complexity than other NTT woven such as large living forms that are different from woven from other islands with more geometric nuances. The shape and composition of the large patterns and forms associated with myths and living things have been an obstacle for designers in creating cloth from these materials.By using the descriptive qualitative method, minimalism pattern, which is popularized, by Rei Kawakubo and the market research approach then researchers create a fashion concept by optimizing the use of cloth. Hence, researchers can produce fashion product without leaving a weaving parts that has no potential to be processed into other products as well as answering the needs of the market whose has a high appreciation of the weaving process.

2018 ◽  
Yoan Paillet ◽  
Nicolas Debaive ◽  
Frédéric Archaux ◽  
Eugénie Cateau ◽  
Olivier Gilg ◽  

AbstractManaging forests to preserve biodiversity requires a good knowledge not only of the factors driving its dynamics but also of the structural elements that actually support biodiversity. Tree-related microhabitats (cavities, cracks, conks of fungi) are tree-borne features that are reputed to support specific biodiversity for at least a part of species’ life cycles. While several studies have analysed the drivers of microhabitats number and occurrence at the tree scale, they remain limited to a few tree species located in relatively narrow biogeographical ranges. We used a nationwide database of forest reserves where microhabitats were inventoried on more than 22,000 trees. We analysed the effect of tree diameter and living status (alive or dead) on microhabitat number and occurrence per tree, taking into account biogeoclimatic variables and tree genus.We confirmed that larger trees and dead trees bore more microhabitats than their smaller or living counterparts did; we extended these results to a wider range of tree genera and ecological conditions. Contrary to expectations, the total number of microhabitat types per tree barely varied with tree genus – though we did find slightly higher accumulation levels for broadleaves than for conifers – nor did it vary with elevation or soil pH. We observed the same results for the occurrence of individual microhabitat types. However, accumulation levels with diameter and occurrence on dead trees were higher for microhabitats linked with wood decay processes (e.g. dead branches or woodpecker feeding holes) than for other, epixylic, microhabitats such as epiphytes (ivy, mosses and lichens).Promoting large living and dead trees of several tree species may be an interesting, and nearly universal, way to favour microhabitats and enhance the substrates needed to support specific biodiversity. In addition, a better understanding of microhabitat drivers and dynamics at the tree scale may help to better define their role as biodiversity indicators for large-scale monitoring.

I. Randolph Daniel Jr. ◽  
Michael Wisenbaker

This book presents the results of archaeological excavations conducted at Harney Flats, one of the archaeological sites found as part of the I-75 Highway Salvage Program, administered by the Florida Division of Historical Resources and funded by the Florida Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration. The interstate right-of-way traversed a portion of Harney Flats, a large inland basin near Tampa Bay. Excavations there spanned several months during1981 and 1982 uncovering a Paleoindian/Early Archaic component characterized by Suwannee and Bolen points. Fieldwork focused on opening large contiguous areas while mapping diagnostic artifacts in situ. Two significant outcomes resulted suggesting Paleoindian adaptations in Florida were different than elsewhere in the East. First, excavations recovered the largest Paleoindian/Early Archaic stone tool assemblage in Florida, and one of the largest in the Southeast. A technological organization approach was utilized in the lithic analysis allowing archaeologists to understand the role of the lithic assemblage from a settlement system perspective. Second, the large block excavations provided a unique opportunity to study internal site structure. Intrasite patterning in the form of several relatively discrete artifact clusters, as identified in northern Paleoindian sites and interpreted as the remains of one or more family living areas, were absent at Harney Flats. Instead, broad-scale patterning was identified, including a large living area separated from special activity areas. Another contrast with northern Paleoindian sites is the absent of “exotic” cherts suggesting group mobility was less extensive than northern groups. Harney Flats will remain a benchmark in Southeastern Paleoindian studies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 452-469
Erlinda Erlinda ◽  
Indra Indra ◽  
Rahmaddiansyah Rahmaddiansyah

Abstrak-Kesejahteraan pekerja merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang sering muncul disebabkan Perbedaan persepsi antara pekerja, pengusaha dan pemerintah dalam menentukan tingkat pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi. Upah pekerja yang kecil  dibandingkan dengan kebutuhan hidup yang besar menyebabkan keinginan pekerja untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraannya.Diantara banyak permasalahan seputar pekerja/buruh, tetapi permasalahan mengenai kesejahteraan merupakan masalah yang sangat sensitif yang selalu dibicarakan karena menyangkut dengan kelangsungan hidup seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga tenaga kerja panen di perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit di PTP. Nusantara 1 kebun Cot Girek Kabupaten Aceh Utara berdasarkan indicator Garis Kemiskinan (GK), kriteria rumah tangga miskin berdasarkan standar BPS dan Kesejahteraan berdasarkan Bappenas. Sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah rumah tangga tenaga kerja panen kelapa sawit di PTPN.1 Kebun Cot Girek. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Data yang diperoleh dilapangan di analisa dengan menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif yang dipaparkan secara deskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa jika ditinjau dari Garis Kemiskinan (GK) rumah tangga tenaga kerja panen kelapa sawit di PTP. Nusantara 1 kebun Cot Girek tergolong kategori tidak miskin, dengan persentase pada masing-masing afdeling yaitu pada afdeling 1 sebanyak 79%, pada afdeling 5 sebanyak 35% dan pada afdeling 6 sebanyak 80%. Kriteria rumah tangga miskin berdasarkan BPS menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata rumah tangga tenaga kerja panen di PTP. Nusantara 1 kebun Cot Girek tergolong kedalam rumah tangga sejahtera, karena tidak terdapat rumah tangga yang mempunyai 9 variabel yang termasuk kedalam criteria rumah tangga miskin. Kesejahteraan berdasarkan criteria Bappenas menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tenaga kerja panen kelapa sawit PTP. Nusantara 1 kebun Cot Girek tergolong sejahtera, karena rata-rata rumah tangga sudah mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Non makanan dengan demikian rumah tangga tenaga kerja panen sudah cukup mampu untuk memunuhi kebutuhan akan makanan.Kata kuci: Tenaga Kerja Panen, Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga, Indikator Tingkat Kesejahteraan, Kelapa sawitAbstrac-Welfare of workers is one of the problems that often arise because to differences in perception between workers, employers and governments in determining the level of economic needs . Wages were small compared to the needs of a large living causes the desire of workers to improve their welfare. Among the many issues surrounding the workers / laborers , but the problem of welfare is a very sensitive issue that is always discussed because it involves the person's survival . This study aims to determine the level of welfare harvest workers household in the palm oil plantation companies in PTP . Nusantara 1 Cot Girek gardens District North Aceh based indicators Poverty Line ( PL), the criteria of poor households based on standard BPS and Welfare by Bappenas. The target in this study is the household labor in harvesting oil palm PTPN.1 Cot Girek Gardens. The method used in this research is survey method. The data obtained in the field were analyzed using qualitative analysis methods are presented descriptively. Theresult showed that if the terms of the Poverty Line (PL) harvesting labor household in PTP . Nusantara 1 Cot Girek garden classified as category are not poor , with the percentage of each section is the section 1 as much as 79 % , in section 5 as much as 35 % and in section 6 as much as 83 %.  The criteria of poor households by BPS shows that the average harvest labor household in PTP. Nusantara 1 Cot Girek garden classified into non-poor households / prosperous , because there are households with 9 variables are included in the criteria of poor households . The welfare of  Bappenas criteria showed that the average harvest labor household in PTP. Nusantara 1 Cot Girek garden relatively prosperous , because the average household has been able to meet the needs of non- food,  thus harvest labor household is capable enough to meet the need for food . key words : Harvest Labor, Welfare of Household, Indicator of The Level of Welfare, Palm Oil

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