delayed feedback controller
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2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Jianping Shi ◽  
Liyuan Ruan

Abstract In this paper, we study the reasonability of linearized approximation and Hopf bifurcation control for a fractional-order delay Bhalekar–Gejji (BG) chaotic system. Since the current study on Hopf bifurcation for fractional-order delay systems is carried out on the basis of analyses for stability of equilibrium of its linearized approximation system, it is necessary to verify the reasonability of linearized approximation. Through Laplace transformation, we first illustrate the equivalence of stability of equilibrium for a fractional-order delay Bhalekar–Gejji chaotic system and its linearized approximation system under an appropriate prior assumption. This semianalytically verifies the reasonability of linearized approximation from the viewpoint of stability. Then we theoretically explore the relationship between the time delay and Hopf bifurcation of such a system. By introducing the delayed feedback controller into the proposed system, the influence of the feedback gain changes on Hopf bifurcation is also investigated. The obtained results indicate that the stability domain can be effectively controlled by the proposed delayed feedback controller. Moreover, numerical simulations are made to verify the validity of the theoretical results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
Changjin Xu ◽  
Chaouki Aouiti ◽  
Maoxin Liao ◽  
Peiluan Li ◽  
Zixin Liu

Abstract In this paper, we propose a new fractional-order financial model which is a generalized version of the financial model reported in the previous publications. By applying a suitable time-delayed feedback controller, we have control for the chaotic behavior of the fractional-order financial model. We investigate the stability and the existence of a Hopf bifurcation of the fractional-order financial model. A new sufficient condition that guarantees the stability and the existence of a Hopf bifurcation for a fractional-order delayed financial model is presented by regarding the delay as bifurcation parameter. The investigation shows that the delay and the fractional order have an important effect on the stability and Hopf bifurcation of involved model. Some simulations justifying the validity of the derived analytical results are given. The obtained results of this article are innovative and are of great significance in handling the financial issues.

Illés Vörös ◽  
Dénes Takács

Abstract The aim of this study is to highlight nonlinear behaviors and periodic orbits of the single-track vehicle model with a delayed feedback controller. Two widely used tire models, namely a linear tire characteristic and Pacejka’s Magic Formula are considered. Linearly stable domains of parameters such as the vehicle speed and the control gains are determined. Periodic solutions originating from Hopf bifurcation points are followed using numerical continuation and the results obtained with the two different tire models are compared. It is shown that neglecting the saturation of the tire lateral forces at total sliding might change the sense of certain Hopf bifurcations from subcritical to supercritical. The results are verified by numerical simulations. The resulting bifurcation diagrams aim to quantify the degree of robustness of these controllers with regards to the initial conditions at various parameter ranges in order to assure stable and safe operation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 1950150 ◽  
Chengdai Huang ◽  
Huan Li ◽  
Tongxing Li ◽  
Shijun Chen

This paper explores the bifurcation control of a fractional predator–prey system with an active extended delayed feedback controller. Delay-induced bifurcations criteria for such an uncontrolled system are firstly derived by selecting time delay as a bifurcation parameter. Then, an extended delayed feedback controller is cleverly devised to control Hopf bifurcation for the proposed system. It means that the bifurcation dynamics can be efficaciously controlled for a given system with the adjustment of the fractional order, feedback gain and extended feedback delay provided that the remnant parameters are fixed. The obtained results significantly extend the preceding studies concerning bifurcation control of delayed fractional-order systems. To verify the correctness of the established theory, some numerical results are presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
Shuning Deng ◽  
Jinchen Ji ◽  
Shan Yin ◽  
Guilin Wen

Abstract The centrifugal governor system plays an indispensable role in maintaining the near-constant speed of engines. Although different arrangements have been developed, the governor systems are still applied in many machines for its simple mechanical structure. Therefore, the large-amplitude vibrations of the governor system which can lead to the function failure of the system should be attenuated to guarantee reliable operation. This paper adopts a time-delay control strategy to suppress the undesirable large-amplitude motions in the centrifugal governor system, which can be regarded as the practical application of the delayed feedback controller in this system. The stability region of the trivial equilibrium of the controlled system is determined by investigating the characteristic equation and generic Hopf bifurcations. It is found that the dynamic behavior of multistability can be induced by the Bautin bifurcation, arising on the stability boundary of the trivial equilibrium with a constant delay. More specifically, a coexistence of two desirable stable motions, i.e., an equilibrium or a small-amplitude periodic motion, can be observed in the controlled centrifugal governor system without changing the physical parameters. This is a new feature of the motion control in the centrifugal governor systems, which has not yet been reported in the existing studies. Finally, the results of theoretical analyses are verified by numerical simulations.

Informatica ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-249 ◽  
Raimondas Čiegis ◽  
Olga Suboč ◽  
Remigijus Čiegis

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