coupled channels
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Natsumi Ikeno ◽  
Raquel Molina ◽  
Eulogio Oset

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 04004
Glòria Montaña

We have developed a self-consistent theoretical approach to study the modification of the properties of heavy mesons in hot mesonic matter which takes into account chiral and heavy-quark spin-flavor symmetries. The heavylight meson-meson unitarized scattering amplitudes in coupled channels incorporate thermal corrections by using the imaginary-time formalism, as well as the dressing of the heavy mesons with the self-energies. We report our results for the ground-state thermal spectral functions and the implications for the excited mesonic states generated dynamically in the heavy-light molecular model. We have applied these to the calculation of meson Euclidean correlators and transport coefficients for D mesons and summarize here our findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (10) ◽  
pp. 100-105
Nagham H. Hayef ◽  
Khalid S. Jassim

A systematic study on the surface characteristic of the nucleus-nucleus potential for some heavy-ion. The nuclear potential has been described by using Woods-Saxon (WS), the single-channel (SC) and the coupled-channels (CC) calculations, which were between the relative motion of the colliding nuclei and their intrinsic motions, were conducted to study its influence on calculation, the ratio of the quasi-elastic to the Rutherford cross sections and probe the surface diffuseness method was used to find the best fitted value of the diffuseness parameters in comparison with the experimental data. We find that the best fitted value of the diffuseness parameter which obtained through a coupled-channel calculation with inert target and excited projectile forIn the current work, the single-channel (SC) and the coupled-channels (CC) calculations, which were between the relative motion of the colliding nuclei and their intrinsic motions, were conducted to study its influence on calculation, the ratio of the quasi-elastic to the Rutherford cross sections and probe the surface diffuseness find that the best fitted value of the diffuseness parameter which obtained through a coupled-channel calculation with excited target and projectile excited also inert projectile-excited target for the 16O+208Pb andexcited projectile and inert target for the 16O+63Cu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (9) ◽  
Pablo G. Ortega ◽  
Jorge Segovia ◽  
Francisco Fernández

Yoshiharu Hirabayashi ◽  
Shigeo Ohkubo

Abstract We show the existence of the α+α * cluster structure at the highly excited energy around Ex =20 MeV in 8Be for the first time in the coupled channels calculations. An extended double folding model derived using a realistic precise cluster wave function with a well-developed N+3N cluster structure for the first excited state of 4He was employed. The calculation reproduces the experimental phase shifts in α+α scattering up to Ec.m. =21 MeV well. The result shows that the well-developed core-excited α+α * structure appears as resonances for L=0 and 2 near the α+α * threshold which correspond to the experimental states at Ex =20.20MeV and Ex =22.24MeV in 8Be.

2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (9) ◽  
pp. 094201
A. Hemmdan ◽  
Fatma O. M. Al Mahmody ◽  
M. A. Hassanain

Kazuyuki Ogata ◽  
Yohei Chiba ◽  
Yukinori Sakuragi

Abstract The correspondence between the isoscalar monopole (IS0) transition strengths and α inelastic cross sections, the B(IS0)-(α,α′) correspondence, is investigated for 24Mg(α,α′) at 130 and 386 MeV. We adopt a microscopic coupled-channel reaction framework to link structural inputs, diagonal and transition densities, for 24Mg obtained with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics to the (α,α′) cross sections. We aim at clarifying how the B(IS0)-(α,α′) correspondence is affected by the nuclear distortion, the in-medium modification to the nucleon-nucleon effective interaction in the scattering process, and the coupled-channels effect. It is found that these effects are significant and the explanation of the B(IS0)-(α,α′) correspondence in the plane wave limit with the long-wavelength approximation, which is often used, makes no sense. Nevertheless, the B(IS0)-(α,α′) correspondence tends to remain because of a strong constraint on the transition densities between the ground state and the 0+ excited states. The correspondence is found to hold at 386 MeV with an error of about 20%–30%, while it is seriously stained at 130 MeV mainly by the strong nuclear distortion. It is also found that when a 0+ state that has a different structure from a simple α cluster state is considered, the B(IS0)-(α,α′) correspondence becomes less valid. For a quantitative discussion on the α clustering in 0+ excited states of nuclei, a microscopic description of both the structure and reaction parts will be necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (9) ◽  
A. Nasri ◽  
M. Dupuis ◽  
G. Blanchon ◽  
H. F. Arellano ◽  
P. Tamagno

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