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Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7256
Michal Vopalensky ◽  
Petr Koudelka ◽  
Jan Sleichrt ◽  
Ivana Kumpova ◽  
Matej Borovinsek ◽  

Observation of dynamic testing by means of X-ray computed tomography (CT) and in-situ loading devices has proven its importance in material analysis already, yielding detailed 3D information on the internal structure of the object of interest and its changes during the experiment. However, the acquisition of the tomographic projections is, in general, a time-consuming task. The standard method for such experiments is the time-lapse CT, where the loading is suspended for the CT scan. On the other hand, modern X-ray tubes and detectors allow for shorter exposure times with an acceptable image quality. Consequently, the experiment can be designed in a way so that the mechanical test is running continuously, as well as the rotational platform, and the radiographic projections are taken one after another in a fast, free-running mode. Performing this so-called on-the-fly CT, the time for the experiment can be reduced substantially, compared to the time-lapse CT. In this paper, the advanced pore morphology (APM) foam elements were used as the test objects for in-situ X-ray microtomography experiments, during which series of CT scans were acquired, each with the duration of 12 s. The contrast-to-noise ratio and the full-width-half-maximum parameters are used for the quality assessment of the resultant 3D models. A comparison to the 3D models obtained by time-lapse CT is provided.

Margarita Ishmuratova ◽  
Andrey Matveev ◽  
Saltanat Tleukenova ◽  
Assel Zhumina ◽  

The expansion of the existing range of tree crops for the greening of settlements is of practical and environmental importance. In the Zhezkazgan industrial region it is necessary to select plants that are resistant to heat, drought, low temperatures and atmospheric pollution, which limits the species composition. In present article studies are conducted to assess the water content in the leaves of Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. during the vegetation season under growing using traditional furrow watering and drip irrigation. The assessment of leaf water content showed maximum parameters in May, a decrease in June and July, and repeated increase in August of 2020–2021. Minimum indicators of water-holding capacity are noted in May, maximum — in June. Leaves of plants grown on drip irrigation had parameters of water-holding capacity 1.3–3.9 % higher than under the traditional irrigation method, which indicates a better moisture supply. In general, the water content of apricot leaves was above 50 %, which shows sufficient water supply. The results showed the resistance of Armeniaca vulgaris plants to heat and drought, so, this species is recommended for use in green construction of the Zhezkazgan industrial region.

2021 ◽  
Patrick Ginot ◽  
Jérôme Chappellaz ◽  
Carlo Barbante ◽  
Margit Schwikowski ◽  
Anne-Catherine Ohlmann

<p>With global change and its amplified impact at high altitudes or in certain regions of the world, mountain glaciers are particularly sensitive to warming. These same glaciers, which have been studied for several decades, have made it possible to reconstruct, through the study of ice cores, unique information on the evolution of the climate or the environment on a regional and global scale since they are located closer to the main regions and sources of aerosol emissions. Unfortunately, these archives are in the process of being altered and are disappearing. It is in this context that the international project ICE MEMORY was initiated in 2015. ICE MEMORY is built on four pillars : 1) Identify, select glacier and extract several complete ice cores, at least two, from sites that have already demonstrated their high scientific potential before they are altered, 2) Analyse one of the cores in order to extract the maximum parameters of information using all currently available technologies and make this data available to the scientific community of today and tomorrow, 3) Store the remaining cores in a naturally adapted site such as the French-Italien Concordia station in Antarctica so that they can be preserved and donated to future generations of scientists, and 4) to set up a sustainable governance system based on an accredited international organization in charge of managing these ice and data archives in the future.</p><p>This presentation will highlight all the operations, analyses and organization already achieved as well as the future vision and development of ICE MEMORY.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3368-3379
Haider Abbas ◽  
Muhammad Zafar Khan ◽  
Farida Begum ◽  
Nani Raut ◽  
Smriti Gurung

Abstract Appropriate irrigation water quality is essential for maintaining soil properties. This study investigates numerous physicochemical properties of irrigation water in three Himalayan valleys in northern Pakistan, receiving water from different sources. A total of 36 samples (3 replicates from four points at each site) were randomly collected and analyzed following standard laboratory techniques. The results revealed that most of the physicochemical parameters were within the permissible limits as specified by FAO, USEPA, and WWF for agriculture water. However, the total dissolved solids, potassium, mercury, nickel, and cadmium were found beyond the recommended ranges. Analysis of variance indicated that the mean values of various constituents differed significantly across the sources. Among the water sources, the mix of spring and glacial meltwater was found to contain maximum parameters within the permissible limits. The study recommends further investigating the implications of the existing water quality parameters on crop productivity and human health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (7) ◽  
pp. 4-11
Ol'ga Sil'chenko ◽  
Marina Siluyanova ◽  
Petr Hopin

The work purpose consists in the development of the procedure for density and strength definition through the method of hydro-static weighing in relation to titanium carbonitride-based coatings. The development object – quasi-crystals based titanium carbonitride clad with nickel. Novelty and urgency of this work are based on the creation of polymeric antifriction materials intended for operation in the mode of hydro-dynamic friction. Frictionless and slider bearings with anti-friction coatings are the most efficient structures allowing the considerable increase of capacity and reliability of friction unit operation in machinery. There are presented microstructure photos of coatings obtained with the method of gas-dynamic sputtering. As a result of the technology developed it is defined that at the base a coating has the VN20 coarse-grain which has maximum parameters of static strength (bending, tearing and adhesion strength) at the expense of its structure and coarse grain. As we move forward from the layer adjoining the base to the operation one of the coating we observe the decrease of structure grain (from 100 to 15 mkm) and a gradual change of the composition, micro-hardness increase. As a result a carrying layer of KNTP35 coating has maximum parameters of long strength at the expense of a fine-grain structure and composition. It is characterized with increased resistance to thermal blow, tacking, spalling and higher impact elasticity and wear-resistance. In the paper there is offered a method of hydro-static weighing for the determination of density and porosity regarding coatings. According to the optimum technological mode are made samples and their porosity and density are investigated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 571
Sembrika Nimaevna IVANOVA

A typology of territories by the accessibility of social services based on the assessment of social capacity is presented. Methods of comparative analysis, as well as economic and statistical methods, are used. A methodology is developed to assess social capacity, using open statistical indicators. Territories of national, subnational, regional, and local levels are identified. The developed methodological tools for assessing the social capacity of territories allow developing a typology of territories at the regional and local levels by the accessibility of social services. The method of assessing social capacity allows assessing the infrastructure development of the territory for developing strategies for the spatial development of territories. The methodology for assessing social capacity is based on the calculation of total indices of accessibility of social services. The indicators of social development of the reference territory with the maximum values are used as the maximum parameters for calculating the social capacity of territories. The differentiation of social development indicators of reference territories by countries, due to differences in standards for providing social services, is revealed.

2020 ◽  
С.А. Кшникаткин ◽  
Н.А. Карпов

Представлены результаты исследований влияния бактериальных препаратов и ком­плексных удобрений с микроэлементами в хелатной форме на формирование параметров фотосинтеза, симбиотической активности и продуктивности клевера паннонского сорта АНИК. Установлено, что инокуляция семян биопрепаратами ассоциативной группы и комплексными удобрениями с микроэлементами в хелатной форме активизировали ростовые, формообразовательные процессы, симбиотическую и фотосинтетическую деятельность растений клевера паннонского. Количество и масса активных клубеньков по отношению к контролю увеличилась соответственно на 29,2-167,6 млн. шт./га и 77,7-564,1 кг/га. Максимальные параметры симбиоза агроценоза клевера паннонского (активных клубеньков 221,8 млн. шт./га с массой 893,7 кг/га) сформировались при инокуляции семян клевера биопрепаратом Гумариз совместно с кремнийсодержащим препаратом НаноКремний. Площадь листьев агроценозов клевера паннонского первого года использования в среднем за два года по вариантам опыта составила 37,6-53,6 тыс. м2/га в сравнении с контролем увеличилась в 1,3-1,9 раза. Наибольшие показатели листовой поверхности клевера 53,6 тыс. м2/га отмечены при комплексной обработке семян Гумаризом совместно с препаратом НаноКремний, контроль – 28,7 тыс. м2/га. В среднем за два года сбор сухого вещества клевера паннонского первого года пользования по вариантам опыта составил 7,29-12,48 т/га, кормовых единиц – 5,25-9,05 т/га, переваримого протеина – 0,8-1,39 т/га, обменной энергии – 58,69-100,47 ГДж. Наибольшая продуктивность клевера паннонского получена при инокуляции семян биопрепаратом Гумариз совместно с препаратом НаноКремний: сухого вещества – 12,48 т/га, кормовых единиц – 9,05 т/га, переваримого протеина – 1,39 т/га; урожайность семян клевера составила 786,8 кг/га, что в 2,2 раза превышает показатели контроля; рентабельность при возделывании на семена – 187,3 %, на кормовые цели – 149,6 %, коэффициент энергетической эффективности – 2,24 и 1,89 ед. The results of studies of the effect of bacterial and complex fertilizers with microelements in chelated form on the formation of the parameters of photosynthesis, symbiotic activity, and productivity of Hungarian clover of the ANIK variety are presented. It was found that inoculation of seeds with biologics of the associative group and complex fertilizers with microelements in chelated form activated growth, morphogenesis, the symbiotic and photosynthetic activity of Pannonian clover plants. The number and weight of active nodules in relation to the control increased by 29.2-167.6 million units/ha and 77.7-564.1 kg/ha, respectively. The maximum parameters of the symbiosis of agrocenosis of Hungarian clover (active nodules - 221.8 million pcs/ha with a mass of 893.7 kg/ha) were formed during the inoculation of clover seeds with the biological fertilizer Gumariz together with the silicon-containing preparation NanoKremny. The leaf area of Hungarian clover agrocoenoses of the first year of use amounted on average to 37.6-53.6 thousand m2/ha for two years according to the experimental variants. In comparison with the control, it increased by 1.3-1.9 times. The highest indices of the clover leaf surface (53.6 thousand m2/ha) were observed during the integrated treatment of seeds with Gumariz together with NanoKremny, in the control - 28.7 thousand m2/ha. On average, over two years, the collection of dry matter of Hungarian clover of the first year of use according to the experimental variants amounted to 7.29-12.48 t/ha, of feed units - 5.25-9.05 t/ha, of digestible protein - 0.8 -1.39 t/ha, of exchange energy - 58.69-100.47 GJ. The highest productivity of Hungarian clover was obtained by inoculating seeds with the Gumariz biological product together with the NanoKremny preparation: dry matter - 12.48 t/ha, feed units - 9.05 t/ha, digestible protein - 1.39 t/ha; the yield of clover seeds was 786.8 kg/ha, which was 2.2 times higher than the control indicators; profitability when cultivating for seeds - 187.3 %, for fodder purposes - 149.6 %, energy efficiency coefficient - 2.24 and 1.89 units.

2019 ◽  
Chia-En Wong ◽  
Cheng-Che Lee ◽  
Kuen-Jer Tsai

AbstractTo overcome the diffraction limit and resolve target structures in greater detail, far-field super-resolution techniques such as stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) have been developed, and different STORM algorithms have been developed to deal with the various problems that arise. In particular, the effect of local structure is an important issue. For objects with closely correlated distributions, simple Gaussian-based localization algorithms often used in STORM imaging misinterpret overlapping point spread functions (PSFs) as one and this limits the ability of super-resolution imaging to resolve nanoscale local structures and leading to inaccurate length measurements. In the present study, we proposed a novel, structure-based, super-resolution image analysis method: structure-based analysis (SBA), which combines a structural function and a super-resolution localization algorithm. Using SBA, we estimated the size of fluorescent beads, inclusion proteins, and subtle synaptic structures in both wide-field and STORM images. The results showed that SBA has comparable and often superior performance to commonly used full-width-at-half-maximum parameters. We also demonstrated that SBA provides size estimations that corroborate previously published electron microscopy data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 437-443 ◽  
Nicola Giovanelli ◽  
Stefano Scaini ◽  
Veronique Billat ◽  
Stefano Lazzer

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