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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Rafael Melendreras Ruiz ◽  
Ma Teresa Marín Torres ◽  
Paloma Sánchez Allegue

In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) scanning has become the main tool for recording, documenting, and preserving cultural heritage in the long term. It has become the “document” most in demand today by historians, curators, and art restorers to carry out their work based on a “digital twin,” that is, a totally reliable and accurate model of the object in question. Thanks to 3D scanning, we can preserve reliable models in digital format of the real state of our heritage, some of which are currently destroyed. The first step is to digitize our heritage with the highest possible quality and precision. To do this, it will be necessary to identify the most appropriate technique. In this article, we will show some of the main digitization techniques currently used in sculpture heritage and the workflows associated with them to obtain high-quality models. Finally, a complete comparative analysis will be made to show their main advantages and disadvantages.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-170
Henderite Loisa Ohee ◽  
Yokelin Tokoro

Abstract   Lake Sentani is located in Jayapura, Papua. Sentani people live in 26 villages along the coast and small islands around the lake. One of those islands is Yoboy Village, where a Onomi Niphi Reading House has been operating to provide library for elementary and senior high schools. The reading house is becoming center for various programs from various parties. Lake Sentani education program for students in Onomi Niphi Reading House was conducted to increase their knowledge of characteristics and fish species of Lake Sentani, as well as to develop digital education package and distributed to students in Yoboi Village and other students through social media. The program was conducted in Onomi Niphi Reading House, Jayapura at June 26 and July 3, 2021 through seminar and answer-question methods. Pretest was conducted before the class started and posttest applied after the class. Evaluation of the program was based on tests result and categorized to be distinguished, excellent, moderate, and poor. The test results showed the improvement of students’ knowledge on Lake Sentani. The documentation of the lake knowledge in digital format was distributed to the students and through social media. This will help the students to be aware of the improtance of conserving Lake Sentani.   Abstrak   Danau Sentani terletak di Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua. Danau ini ditempati oleh penduduk asli Sentani di 26 kampung yang menyebar di pulau-pulau dan tepian danau. Salah satunya adalah Kampung adat Yoboy, dimana terdapat Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi yang menyediakan perpustakaan bagi pelajar. Pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani diberikan kepada siswa Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi di kampung ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang karakteristik dan jenis-jenis ikan Danau Sentani, membuat media pembelajaran digital (video) nya serta menyebar luaskannya ke pelajar di rumah baca ini dan melalui berbagai media sosial. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Baca Onomi-Niphi, Kampung Adat Yoboy, Kabupaten Jayapura, tanggal 26 Juni dan 3 Juli 2021 dalam bentuk ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pre test diberikan sebelum pembelajaran dan post test diberikan setelah pembelajaran. Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran ditentukan berdasarkan hasil-hasil test yang dikelompokkan menjadi kategori sangat baik, baik, cukup dan kurang. Hasil pre test dan post test pada pembelajaran tentang Danau Sentani menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan anak-anak meningkat setelah pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani. Dokumentasi materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk digital dan penyebar luasannya diharapkan dapat mempertahankan pengetahuan anak tentang Danau Sentani.  Pengetahuan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepedulian anak terhadap Danau Sentani.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sanna Villarreal ◽  
Matti Linnavuo ◽  
Raimo Sepponen ◽  
Outi Vuori ◽  
Mario Bonato ◽  

Objective: Traditionally, asymmetric spatial processing (i.e., hemispatial neglect) has been assessed with paper-and-pencil tasks, but growing evidence indicates that computer-based methods are a more sensitive assessment modality. It is not known, however, whether simply converting well-established paper-and-pencil methods into a digital format is the best option. The aim of the present study was to compare sensitivity in detecting contralesional omissions of two different computer-based methods: a “digitally converted” cancellation task was compared with a computer-based Visual and Auditory dual-tasking approach, which has already proved to be very sensitive.Methods: Participants included 40 patients with chronic unilateral stroke in either the right hemisphere (RH patients, N = 20) or the left hemisphere (LH patients, N = 20) and 20 age-matched healthy controls. The cancellation task was implemented on a very large format (173 cm × 277 cm) or in a smaller (A4) paper-and-pencil version. The computer-based dual-tasks were implemented on a 15′′ monitor and required the detection of unilateral and bilateral briefly presented lateralized targets.Results: Neither version of the cancellation task was able to show spatial bias in RH patients. In contrast, in the Visual dual-task RH patients missed significantly more left-sided targets than controls in both unilateral and bilateral trials. They also missed significantly more left-sided than right-sided targets only in the bilateral trials of the Auditory dual-task.Conclusion: The dual-task setting outperforms the cancellation task approach even when the latter is implemented on a (large) screen. Attentionally demanding methods are useful for revealing mild forms of contralesional visuospatial deficits.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7

Digital library system is an application of information technology that keep, obtain and disseminate the scientific information in digital format. In a simple analogy, it is a place to keep the digital library collections. Currently, Campus IPDN Jakarta Library does not yet have a digital library system due to the lack of attention from the leadership, limited budget, and lack of human resources who manage the library. The constraints faced by the Campus IPDN Jakarta Library have led to a decline in lending services, reference services, information retrieval services, and Internet services. To overcome it, a digital library system is needed in Campus IPDN Jakarta Library environment. This requires the adequate facilities and infrastructure, human resources who master technology, and an adequate budget. ABSTRAKSistem perpustakaan digital adalah penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai sarana untuk menyimpan, mendapatkan dan menyebarluaskan informasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam format digital. Atau secara sederhana dapat dianalogikan sebagai tempat menyimpan koleksi perpustakaan yang sudah dalam bentuk digital. Saat ini, Perpustakaan IPDN Kampus Jakarta belum memiliki sistem perpustakaan digital dikarenakan kurangnya perhatian Pimpinan, terbatasnya anggaran, dan kurangnya Sumber Daya Manusia yang mengelola perpustakaan. Kendala yang dihadapi Perpustakaan IPDN Kampus Jakarta ini menyebabkan menurunnya layanan peminjaman, layanan referensi, layanan Penelusuran Informasi, dan layanan Internet. Untuk mengatasi ini, diperlukan sistem perpustakaan digital di lingkungan Perpustakan Kampus Jakarta. Hal ini memerlukan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, sumber daya manusia yang menguasai teknologi, dan anggaran yang mencukupi.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2757-2766
Andi Febri Herawati ◽  
Alfitriani Siregar ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Anita Ade Rahma ◽  
Avid Leonardo Sari ◽  

The rapid development of technology has increased the demand for information technology-based learning media, which is becoming increasingly necessary. E-Learning, also known as information technology-based learning media, is changing how education is delivered from a traditional to a digital format. At this time, the world is being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which is causing restrictions on activities and gatherings and causing difficulties in lectures. Electronic learning, the most widely used learning medium by all groups, is seen as a solution to keep the learning going in higher education, from primary to post-secondary levels of education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of E-Learning as a learning medium in the Indonesian language education department of universities following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis to implement Indonesian language education learning by taking samples from lecturers who teach Indonesian courses at the Manado State Islamic Institute and Manado State Christian Institute. According to the study's findings, using information technology as a medium of learning in Indonesian language education courses through e-learning is beneficial, particularly in light of the country's ban on face-to-face instruction. Then, the university should continue to develop e-learning to improve the ease and quality of the teaching and learning process, increase student learning effectiveness, and broaden its reach.

2022 ◽  
pp. 352-368
Cahyo Trianggoro ◽  
Abdurrakhman Prasetyadi

In recent decades, libraries, archives, and museums have created digital collections that comprise millions of objects to provide long-term access to them. One of the core preservation activities deals with the evaluation of appropriate formats used for encoding digital content. The development of science has entered the 4th paradigm, where data has become much more intensive than in the previous period. This situation raises new challenges in managing research data, especially related to data preservation in digital format, which allows research data to be utilized for the long term. The development of science in the 4th paradigm allows researchers to collaborate with and reuse research datasets produced by a research group. To take advantage of each other's data, there is a principle that must be understood together, namely the FAIR principle, an acronym for findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.

2022 ◽  
pp. 489-511

This chapter analyzes aspects of a digital strategy aimed at developing a sustainable civilization. The chapter begins by examining the arrangement and configuration of a green state. Specifically, core values and critical subsystems of this configuration are considered. Next, the chapter suggests a digital format for computerizing a wise civilization. The chapter then presents sustainable society indices for Norway, the US, Russia, China, and India. After this, the Geoinformatic Management System (GMS) of 8D Civilization is introduced. It is followed by a discussion of some of the existential dangers that face civilization. The chapter concludes by discussing the GMS 8D Civilization architecture for the world, continents, countries, and enterprises.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald ◽  
Lorraine Mary Carter

In this chapter, the journey of how the Cardiac Care on the Web online program came to be will be described, along with how the guiding principles framing the program development and delivery, as applied more than 20 years ago, still hold relevance today. Furthermore, how the program's micro-credential status has been sustained and has paved the way for micro-certifications at Laurentian University today will be discussed. Finally, this case study offers the authors the chance to review past and present literature and to reflect on next steps for Cardiac Care on the Web given the present emergence of micro-credentials in digital format.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Izar Sinde-González ◽  
Josselyn Paola Gómez-López ◽  
Stalin Alejandro Tapia-Navarro ◽  
Erika Murgueitio ◽  
César Falconí ◽  

Geospatial technologies are presented as an alternative for the monitoring and control of crops, as demonstrated through the analysis of spectral responses (SR) of each species. In this study, it was intended to determine the effects of the application of nanonutrients (Zn and Mn) in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitate L.) by analyzing the relationship between the vegetation indices (VI) NDVI, GNDVI, NGRDI, RVI, GVI, CCI RARSa and the content of chlorophyll (CC), from two trials established in the field and in the greenhouse, together with the calculation of dry biomass production in the field through the use of digital models and its further validation. The results indicated that for greenhouse experiments no significant differences were found between the VIs in the implemented treatments, rather for their phenological states. Whereas in the field assays it was evidenced that there were significant differences between the VIs for the treatments, as well as for the phenological states. The SR issued in the field allowed the evaluation of the behavior of the crop due to the application of nanonutrients, which did not occur in the greenhouse, in the same way. The SR also enabled the spectral characterization of the crop in its phenological states in the two trials. All this information was stored in a digital format, which allowed the creation of a spectral library which was published on a web server. The validation of the dry biomass allowed, by statistical analysis, the efficiency of the method used for its estimation to be confirmed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 140-149
Betal M. Bizhoev ◽  

The article is devoted to identifying the effects of digitalization of the public procurement system. The dominant tendency in the development of the procurement system is determined. A review of the individual elements of the public procurement system, which act as objects of digitalization, is carried out. The specific effects of the implementation of digital technologies are analyzed, contributing to the reduction of unfair, opportunistic behavior of customers, and as a result – a decrease in appeals, an increase in the level of transparency, and the availability of procurement. A comparative legal analysis of procurement legislation is carried out. The statistics of appeals to the antimonopoly service is considered. The conclusion about the reduction of transaction costs when transferring public procurement to digital format is substantiated. A conclusion is made about the digital transformation of the public procurement system, which consists in reducing the costs of their distribution and increasing the efficiency of using budget funds.

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